# Impute the Sanger genotypes onto the DO genomes using the haplotype
# probabilities.
# Daniel Gatti
# dan.gatti@jax.org
# Feb. 18, 2016
# Arguments:
# gr: GRanges object that contains the genomic range in which to impute SNPs.
# For now, this must be a single, continuous range.
# probs: 3D numeric array containing the haplotype probabilities. samples x
# 8 founders x markers. All dimensions must be contain dimnames.
# markers: data.frame containing at least 3 columns that include the marker
# ID, chr and postion of each marker. nrow must be the same as
# dim(probs)[3] and markers[,1] must equal dimnames(probs)[[3]].
# vcf.file: String containing the full path to the Sanger SNP VCF file.
# hq: Boolean indicating whether to use only high quality SNPs. Default = TRUE.
# cross: Character string that is the cross type. One of "DO", "CC", "DOF1",
# "HS", "HSrat", "other")
impute.genotypes = function(gr, probs, markers, vcf.file, hq = TRUE,
cross = c("DO", "CC", "DOF1", "HS", "HSrat", "other")) {
if(dim(probs)[3] != nrow(markers)) {
print(paste0("The dim(probs)[3] (", dim(probs)[3], "must equal nrow(markers) (",
nrow(markers), ")."))
} # if(dimnames(probs)[3] != nrow(markers))
if(any(dimnames(probs)[[3]] != markers[,1])) {
print(paste0("The dimnames(probs)[[3]] must equal nrow(markers)."))
} # if(any(dimnames(probs)[[3]] != markers[,1]))
# Synch up the marker locations.
probs = probs[,,dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% markers[,1]]
markers = markers[markers[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
stopifnot(markers[,1] == dimnames(probs)[[3]])
# Some of the MUGA series markers occur at the same position.
# Keep only unique ones.
unique.markers = which(!duplicated(markers[,3]))
markers = markers[unique.markers,]
probs = probs[,,unique.markers]
# Check the GRanges ranges to see if they're in bp or Mb. We need to change
# them to bp for scan VCF to work.
if(max(start(gr), end(gr)) < 200) {
gr = GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(gr), ranges = IRanges(
start = start(gr) * 1e6, end = end(gr) * 1e6))
} # if(max(start(gr), end(gr)) < 200)
# Put the markers on a bp scale.
if(max(markers[,3]) < 300) {
markers[,3] = markers[,3] * 1e6
} # if(max(markers[,3] < 300)
# Get the VCF header information.
hdr = scanVcfHeader(vcf.file)
# Get the founder samples to extract.
samples = NULL
if(cross == "DO" | cross == "CC") {
samples = c("A_J", "129S1_SvImJ", "NOD_ShiLtJ", "NZO_HlLtJ", "CAST_EiJ",
"PWK_PhJ", "WSB_EiJ")
} else {
stop("Crosses other than the CC or DO have not bee implemented yet.")
} # else
# Create a VCF parameters.
param = ScanVcfParam(samples = samples, fixed = c("ALT", "FILTER", "QUAL"),
geno = c("GT", "FI"), which = gr)
sanger = readVcf(file = vcf.file, genome = "mm10", param = param)
snps = NULL
if(nrow(sanger) > 0) {
# Keep only high quality SNPs if requested.
if(hq) {
sanger = sanger[rowRanges(sanger)$FILTER == "PASS",]
} # if(hq)
mat = genotypeToSnpMatrix(sanger)
mat = matrix(as.numeric(mat$genotypes), nrow = nrow(mat$genotypes),
ncol = ncol(mat$genotypes), dimnames = dimnames(mat$genotypes))
# Add C57BL/6J to the SNP matrix.
if(cross == "DO" | cross == "CC") {
mat = rbind(mat[1,,drop = FALSE], C57BL_6J = rep(1, ncol(mat)), mat[2:7,])
} # if(cross = "DO" | cross == "CC")
pos = start(sanger)
# Keep only polymorphic SNPs.
keep = which(colSums(mat == 1) < nrow(mat))
mat = mat[,keep]
pos = pos[keep]
# Keep only bimorphic SNPs.
x = sapply(apply(mat, 2, unique), length)
keep = which(x == 2)
mat = mat[,keep]
pos = pos[keep]
# Convert SNPs to 0s and 1s.
mat = (mat != 1) * 1
# Impute the SNPs.
wh = which(as.character(markers[,2]) == as.character(seqnames(gr)))
markers = markers[wh,]
probs = probs[,,markers[,1]]
wh = which(markers[,3] >= start(gr) & markers[,3] <= end(gr))
wh = unique(c(max(1, wh[1] - 1), wh, min(wh[length(wh)] + 1, nrow(markers))))
markers = markers[wh,]
probs = probs[,,markers[,1]]
# Make breakpoints between markers and get the unique SDPs between each
# pair of markers.
brks = cut(pos, markers[,3])
pos = paste(markers[1,2], pos, sep = "_")
pos = split(pos, brks)
nr = nrow(mat)
brks2 = rep(brks, each = 8)
mat = split(mat, brks2)
rm(brks, brks2)
mat = lapply(mat, matrix, nrow = nr)
mat = lapply(mat, t)
locs = sapply(mat, nrow)
snps = matrix(0, nrow = sum(locs), ncol = nrow(probs), dimnames =
list(1:sum(locs), rownames(probs)))
locs = c(0, cumsum(locs))
mat.gt.0 = which(sapply(mat, length) > 0)
for(i in mat.gt.0[1:(length(mat.gt.0)-1)]) {
# The range of rows in snps to populate.
rng = (locs[i] + 1):locs[i+1]
# We sum the probs at the two surrounding markers,
# but we DON'T divide by 2 because we want homozygotes
# to be 0 or 2 and hets to be 1.
pr = probs[,,i] + probs[,,(i+1)]
snps[rng,] = round(tcrossprod(mat[[i]], pr))
rownames(snps)[rng] = pos[[i]]
} # for(i)
i = mat.gt.0[length(mat.gt.0)]
rng = (locs[i] + 1):locs[i+1]
pr = 2 * probs[,,i]
snps[rng,] = round(tcrossprod(mat[[i]], pr))
rownames(snps)[rng] = pos[[i]]
stopifnot(range(snps) == c(0,2))
} # if(nrow(sanger) > 0)
} # impute.genotypes()
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