# Perform QTL mapping using the Likelihood Ratio Statistic (LRS).
# Allow a set of fixed covariates which will comprise the null model.
# The genotypes must be a multi-state probability array.
# This was originally created to perform mapping in the DO mice with 8
# founders.
# I calculate the LRS by taking the ratio of the residual variances
# multiplied by the number of samples. This is equivalent to computing the
# more complicated formulas.
# It produces the same values as:
# ll1 = logLik(lm(y ~ fixed))
# ll2 = logLik(lm(y ~ fixed + probs))
# LRS = -2 * (ll1 - ll2)
# Tested this code with several phenotypes by comparing it to the code above.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# July 1, 2011
# Arguments: pheno: numerical matrix with phenotypes to map. These should be
# transformed as needed (ie RankZ) and may not contain NA values.
# Samples in rows and phenotypes in columns. May also be a
# vector with samples names in names.
# probs: 3D numerical array with the genotype probabilities of the
# founders for each sample at each SNP. num.samples x
# num.states x num.SNPs. Each row of the matrix at each SNP
# (ie each sample) must sum to 1.
# snps: data.frame with SNP IDs, chromosomes & bp locations in
# columnds 1,2 & 3 respectively.
# covar: binary matrix with 0/1 containing fixed covariates.
# Returns: list with 2 elements:
# 1. SNPs & LRS for the genotype at each SNP.
# 2. 3D array of coefficients for the full model at each SNP.
qtl.LRS = function(pheno, probs, snps, addcovar = NULL) {
if(!is.matrix(pheno)) {
pheno = as.matrix(pheno)
} # if(!is.matrix(pheno))
# Number of samples.
n = nrow(pheno)
# Number of SNPs.
m = dim(probs)[3]
# Number of phenotypes.
ph = ncol(pheno)
num.covar = 0
null.var = NULL
if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
# Number of covariates.
num.covar = ncol(addcovar)
# Create the covariates matrix.
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n), addcovar, probs[,,1]))
# Get the residual variance for the null model with just the fixed
# covariates.
null.var = 1.0 / diag(crossprod(qr.resid(qr(addcovar[,1:(num.covar + 1)]), pheno)))
} else {
# Create the covariates matrix.
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n), probs[,,1]))
# Get the residual variance for the null model with just the fixed
# covariates.
null.var = 1.0 / diag(crossprod(qr.resid(qr(addcovar[,1]), pheno)))
} # else
# Calculate the residual variances of the full model at each SNP.
lrs = matrix(0, m, ph, dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[3]], colnames(pheno)))
coef = array(0, c(m, ncol(addcovar), ph), dimnames = list(snps[,1],
colnames(addcovar), colnames(pheno)))
# Find the SNPs with low MAF.
maf = apply(apply(probs, 2, colSums), 1, min)
run.pseudo = which(maf < 0.5)
run.qr = which(maf >= 0.5)
# First run the SNPs where we can use the QR decomposition.
# The range of columns that contain the genotypes.
rng = (ncol(addcovar) - dim(probs)[2] + 1):ncol(addcovar)
for(s in run.qr) {
addcovar[,rng] = probs[,,s]
qrx = qr(addcovar)
lrs[s,] = colSums(qr.resid(qrx, pheno)^2)
coef[s,,] = qr.coef(qrx, pheno)
} # for(s)
# Then run the SNPs where one of the allele frequencies is too low and
# we need to use the pseudo-inverse to solve the regression.
for(s in run.pseudo) {
addcovar[,rng] = probs[,,s]
beta = pseudoinverse(t(addcovar) %*% addcovar) %*% t(addcovar) %*% pheno
lrs[s,] = colSums((pheno - addcovar %*% beta)^2)
coef[s,,] = beta
} # for(s)
lrs = -n * log(lrs * matrix(null.var, nrow(lrs), ncol(lrs), byrow = TRUE))
p = pchisq(q = lrs, df = dim(probs)[[2]] - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
return(list(lrs = cbind(snps, lrs = lrs, lod = lrs / (2 * log(10)), p = p,
neg.log10.p = -log(p, 10)), coef = coef))
} # qtl.LRS()
# Run permutations on the phenotypes to assess statistical significance of
# the QTL peaks. Run all phenotypes together. Be careful with this script.
# You must be able to permute the phenotypes and the fixed covariates
# together for all phenotypes.
# Arguments: pheno: numerical matrix with phenotypes to map. These should be
# transformed as needed (ie RankZ) and may not contain NA values.
# Samples in rows and phenotypes in columns. May also be a
# vector with sample names.
# probs: 3D numerical array with the genotype probabilities of the
# founders for each sample at each SNP. num.samples x
# num.states x num.SNPs. Each row of the matrix at each SNP
# (ie each sample) must sum to 1.
# snps: data.frame with SNP IDs, chromosomes & bp locations in
# columnds 1,2 & 3 respectively.
# covar: binary matrix with 0/1 containing fixed covariates.
# nperm: integer, number of permutations to run.
# return.val: character string containing either "lrs" or "p",
# indicating the type of return statistic.
permutations.qtl.LRS = function(pheno, probs, snps, addcovar, nperm = 1000,
return.val = c("lod", "p")) {
return.val = match.arg(return.val)
if(!is.matrix(pheno)) {
pheno = as.matrix(pheno)
} # if(!is.matrix(pheno))
# Number of samples.
n = nrow(pheno)
# Number of SNPs.
m = dim(probs)[3]
# Number of phenotypes.
ph = ncol(pheno)
# Create the covariates matrix.
null.var = NULL
if(missing(addcovar)) {
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n)))
null.var = 1.0 / diag(crossprod(qr.resid(qr(addcovar[,1]), pheno)))
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n), probs[,,1]))
num.addcovar = 1
} else {
addcovar = as.matrix(addcovar)
num.addcovar = ncol(addcovar)
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n), addcovar))
null.var = 1.0 / diag(crossprod(qr.resid(qr(addcovar[,1:(num.addcovar+1)]),
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(addcovar, probs[,,1]))
} # else
# Save the maximum LRS from each permutation.
max.lrs = matrix(0, nperm, ph, dimnames = list(1:nperm, colnames(pheno)))
lrs = matrix(0, m, ph, dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[3]], colnames(pheno)))
# Get the sex of the samples.
sex.col = grep("sex", colnames(addcovar), ignore.case = TRUE)
sex = as.numeric(factor(addcovar[,sex.col])) - 1
females = which(sex == 0)
males = which(sex == 1)
# The range of columns that contain the genotypes.
rng = (ncol(addcovar) - dim(probs)[2] + 1):ncol(addcovar)
# Decide when to use QR or the pseudoinverse.
rnk = rep(0, m)
for(s in 1:m) {
addcovar[,rng] = probs[,,s]
rnk[s] = rank.condition(addcovar)$rank
} # for(s)
run.pseudo = which(rnk < ncol(addcovar))
run.qr = which(rnk == ncol(addcovar))
for(p in 1:nperm) {
print(paste(p, "of", nperm))
# Permute the phenotypes and fixed covariates.
new.order = rep(0, nrow(pheno))
new.order[females] = sample(females)
new.order[males] = sample(males)
pheno = as.matrix(pheno[new.order,,drop = FALSE])
addcovar = addcovar[new.order,,drop = FALSE]
# First run the SNPs where we can use the QR decomposition.
# The range of columns that contain the genotypes.
for(s in run.qr) {
addcovar[,rng] = probs[,,s]
lrs[s,] = colSums(qr.resid(qr(addcovar), pheno)^2)
} # for(s)
# Then run the SNPs where one of the allele frequencies is too low and
# we need to use the pseudo-inverse to solve the regression.
for(s in run.pseudo) {
addcovar[,rng] = probs[,,s]
beta = pseudoinverse(t(addcovar) %*% addcovar) %*% t(addcovar) %*% pheno
lrs[s,] = colSums((pheno - addcovar %*% beta)^2)
} # for(s)
# Note that we get the minimum residual variance to obtain the
# minimum LRS.
max.lrs[p,] = apply(lrs[,,drop = FALSE], 2, min)
} # for(p)
max.lrs = -n * log(max.lrs * matrix(null.var, nrow(max.lrs),
ncol(max.lrs), byrow = TRUE))
if(return.val == "p") {
max.lrs = pchisq(q = max.lrs, df = dim(probs)[[2]] - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
} # else
} # permutations.qtl.LRS()
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