scanone = function(pheno, pheno.col = 1, probs = NULL, K = NULL, addcovar = NULL,
intcovar = NULL, snps = NULL, model = c("additive", "full")) {
model = match.arg(model)
if(is.null(rownames(pheno))) {
stop("rownames(pheno) is null. The sample IDs must be in rownames(pheno).")
} # if(is.null(rownames(pheno)))
if(is.null(addcovar)) {
stop(paste("You must map using \\'sex\\' as an additive covariate. Also,",
"we require sex to map on the X chromosome. We even require sex if",
"you are only mapping with one sex."))
} # if(missing(addcovar))
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
if(length(sex.col) == 0) {
stop(paste("addcovar must contain a column called \\'sex\\'. Please add",
"a sex column with sex coded as either F & M or 0 for females and 1 for males."))
} # if(length(sex.col) == 0)
if(is.null(rownames(addcovar))) {
stop("rownames(addcovar) is null. The sample IDs must be in rownames(addcovar).")
} # if(is.null(rownames(addcovar)))
if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
if(is.null(rownames(intcovar))) {
stop("rownames(intcovar) is null. The sample IDs must be in rownames(intcovar).")
} # if(is.null(rownames(intcovar)))
} # if(!is.null(intcovar))
snps[,2] = as.character(snps[,2]) =
# Convert phenotype names to phenotype column numbers.
if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
pheno.col = match(pheno.col, colnames(pheno))
} # if(is.character(pheno.col))
# Get the intersection of all of the sample IDs from pheno, probs, K,
# addcovar and intcovar.
tmp = synch.sample.IDs(pheno = pheno, probs = probs, K = K, addcovar = addcovar,
intcovar = intcovar)
pheno = tmp$pheno
probs = tmp$probs
K = tmp$K
addcovar = tmp$addcovar
intcovar = tmp$intcovar
print(paste("Mapping with", nrow(pheno),"samples."))
if(any(dim(probs) == 0)) {
stop(paste("There are no matching samples in the data. Please",
"verify that the sample IDs in rownames(pheno) match the sample",
"IDs in rownames(probs), rownames(addcovar) and rownames(K)."))
} # if(any(dim(probs) == 0))
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
probs = probs[,,match(snps[,1], dimnames(probs)[[3]])]
print(paste("Mapping with", nrow(snps), "markers."))
if(any(dim(probs) == 0)) {
stop(paste("There are no matching markers in snps and probs. Please",
"verify that the marker IDs in snps[,1] match the marker",
"IDs in dimnames(probs)[[3]]."))
} # if(any(dim(probs) == 0))
if(sum(rownames(pheno) %in% rownames(addcovar)) == 0) {
stop(paste("rownames(pheno) does not contain any sample IDs in",
"common with rownames(addcovar). Please make sure that the",
"rownames in pheno and addcovar match."))
} # if(sum(rownames(pheno) %in% rownames(addcovar)) == 0)
addcovar = as.matrix(addcovar)
# Match sample IDs in interactive covariates.
if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
intcovar = as.matrix(intcovar)
intcovar = intcovar[rownames(intcovar) %in% rownames(pheno),,drop = FALSE]
intcovar = intcovar[match(rownames(pheno), rownames(intcovar)),,drop = FALSE]
if(is.null(colnames(intcovar))) {
colnames(intcovar) = paste("intcovar", 1:ncol(intcovar), sep = ".")
} # if(is.null(colnames(intcovar)))
} # if(!is.null(intcovar))
if(!is.null(K)) {
# LOCO method.
if(is.list(K)) {
for(c in 1:length(K)) {
K[[c]] = K[[c]][rownames(K[[c]]) %in% rownames(pheno),
colnames(K[[c]]) %in% rownames(pheno)]
K[[c]] = K[[c]][match(rownames(pheno), rownames(K[[c]])),
match(rownames(pheno), colnames(K[[c]]))]
} # for(c)
} else {
K = K[rownames(K) %in% rownames(pheno), colnames(K) %in% rownames(pheno)]
K = K[match(rownames(pheno), rownames(K)), match(rownames(pheno), colnames(K))]
} # else
} # if(!is.null(K))
retval = NULL
if(is.null(K)) {
retval = scanone.noK(pheno, pheno.col, probs, addcovar, intcovar, snps, model)
} else if(is.list(K)) {
retval = scanone.LOCO(pheno, pheno.col, probs, K, addcovar, intcovar, snps, model)
} else {
retval = scanone.K(pheno, pheno.col, probs, K, addcovar, intcovar, snps, model)
} # else
if(length(retval) == 1) {
retval = retval[[1]]
} # if(length(retval) == 1)
} # scanone()
# Help functions for scanone().
synch.sample.IDs = function(pheno = NULL, probs = NULL, K = NULL, addcovar = NULL,
intcovar = NULL) {
samples = NULL
# pheno
if(!is.null(pheno)) {
samples = rownames(pheno)
} # if(!is.null(pheno))
# probs
if(!is.null(probs)) {
if(is.null(samples)) {
samples = rownames(probs)
} else {
samples = intersect(samples, rownames(probs))
} # else
} # if(!is.null(probs))
# K
if(!is.null(K)) {
if(is.null(samples)) {
if(is.list(K)) {
samples = rownames(K[[1]])
} else {
samples = rownames(K)
} # else
} else {
if(is.list(K)) {
samples = intersect(samples, rownames(K[[1]]))
} else {
samples = intersect(samples, rownames(K))
} # else
} # else
} # if(!is.null(probs))
# addcovar
if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
if(is.null(samples)) {
samples = rownames(addcovar)
} else {
samples = intersect(samples, rownames(addcovar))
} # else
} # if(!is.null(probs))
# intcovar
if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
if(is.null(samples)) {
samples = rownames(intcovar)
} else {
samples = intersect(samples, rownames(intcovar))
} # else
} # if(!is.null(probs))
if(length(samples) == 0) {
warning(paste("There were no samples in common among the variables",
"passed in. Please make sure that there are rownames in",
"common between all variables."))
} # if(length(samples) == 0)
# Now subset all of the variables and return them in a list.
retval = NULL
if(!is.null(pheno)) {
pheno = pheno[samples,,drop = FALSE]
retval = list(pheno = pheno)
} # if(!is.null(pheno))
if(!is.null(probs)) {
probs = probs[samples,,,drop = FALSE]
if(is.null(retval)) {
retval = list(probs = probs)
} else {
retval[[length(retval) + 1]] = probs
names(retval)[length(retval)] = "probs"
} # else
} # if(!is.null(probs))
if(!is.null(K)) {
if(is.list(K)) {
for(i in 1:length(K)) {
K[[i]] = K[[i]][samples, samples]
} # for(i)
} else {
K = K[samples, samples]
} # else
if(is.null(retval)) {
retval = list(K = K)
} else {
retval[[length(retval) + 1]] = K
names(retval)[length(retval)] = "K"
} # else
} # if(!is.null(K))
if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
addcovar = addcovar[samples,,drop = FALSE]
if(is.null(retval)) {
retval = list(addcovar = addcovar)
} else {
retval[[length(retval) + 1]] = addcovar
names(retval)[length(retval)] = "addcovar"
} # else
} # if(!is.null(addcovar))
if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
intcovar = intcovar[samples,,drop = FALSE]
if(is.null(retval)) {
retval = list(intcovar = intcovar)
} else {
retval[[length(retval) + 1]] = intcovar
names(retval)[length(retval)] = "intcovar"
} # else
} # if(!is.null(intcovar))
} # synch.sample.IDs()
scanone.noK = function(pheno, pheno.col, probs, addcovar, intcovar, snps, model) { =
xchr = which(snps[,2] %in% "X")
# We require sex to be in addcovar.
if(length(xchr) > 0) {
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
if(length(sex.col) == 0) {
stop(paste("You must map using \\'sex\\' as an additive covariate. Also,",
"we require sex to map on the X chromosome. We even require sex if",
"you are only mapping with one sex."))
} # if(length(sex.col) == 0)
addcovar[,sex.col] = as.numeric(factor(addcovar[,sex.col])) - 1
} # if(length(xchr) > 0)
# Make the results list.
retval = as.list(1:length(pheno.col))
names(retval) = colnames(pheno)[pheno.col]
index = 1
for(i in pheno.col) {
p = pheno[,i]
names(p) = rownames(pheno)
keep = which(! & !is.nan(p) & !is.infinite(p))
# Autosomes
auto.qtl = NULL
if(! {
auto = which(snps[,2] %in%
# With covariates.
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums( == 0 &
rowSums(is.nan(addcovar)) == 0 &
rowSums(is.infinite(addcovar)) == 0))
if(is.null(intcovar)) {
# Additive covariates only.
auto.qtl = fast.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = probs[keep,,auto],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[auto,])
} else {
auto.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = probs[keep,,auto],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[auto,])
} # else
auto.qtl = list(lod = list(A = auto.qtl$lod),
coef = list(A = auto.qtl$coef))
} # if(!
# X chromosome.
if(length(xchr) > 0) {
# Get the sex from addcovar. We forced it to be 0 or 1 above.
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
females = which(addcovar[,sex.col] == 0)
males = which(addcovar[,sex.col] == 1)
mfprobs = NULL
if(length(females) > 0 & length(males) > 0) {
# Take the male and female probabilities and place them into
# one big array.
if(model == "additive") {
mfprobs = array(0, c(dim(probs)[1], 2 * dim(probs)[2], length(xchr)),
dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], paste(rep(c("F", "M"),
each = dim(probs)[2]), dimnames(probs)[[2]], sep = "."),
for(j in females) {
mfprobs[j,1:dim(probs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
for(j in males) {
mfprobs[j,(dim(probs)[2] + 1):dim(mfprobs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
} else if(model == "full") {
tmp = matrix(unlist(strsplit(dimnames(probs)[[2]], split = "")),
nrow = 2)
homo = dimnames(probs)[[2]][which(tmp[1,] == tmp[2,])]
mfprobs = array(0, c(dim(probs)[1], dim(probs)[2] + length(homo),
dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], c(paste(rep("F",
each = dim(probs)[2]), dimnames(probs)[[2]], sep = "."),
paste("M", homo, sep = ".")), dimnames(probs)[[3]][xchr]))
for(j in females) {
mfprobs[j,1:dim(probs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
for(j in males) {
mfprobs[j,(dim(probs)[2] + 1):dim(mfprobs)[2],] = probs[j,homo,xchr]
} # for(j)
} # else if(model == "full")
# If we have both males and females, then we need to remove one
# column from the males.
mfprobs = mfprobs[,-grep("M.A", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]]),]
} else if(length(females) > 0) {
mfprobs = probs[,,xchr]
dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]] = paste("F", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]], sep = ".")
} else if(length(males) > 0) {
mfprobs = probs[,,xchr]
dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]] = paste("M", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]], sep = ".")
} # else if(length(males) > 0)
# With covariates.
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums( == 0))
if(is.null(intcovar)) {
# Additive covariates only.
x.qtl = fast.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = mfprobs[keep,,],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,-1,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[xchr,])
} else {
# Additive & interactive covariates.
x.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = mfprobs[keep,,],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE], snps = snps[xchr,])
} # else
if(!is.null(auto.qtl)) {
auto.qtl$lod = list(A = auto.qtl$lod$A, X = x.qtl$lod)
auto.qtl$coef = list(A = auto.qtl$coef$A, X = x.qtl$coef)
} else {
auto.qtl = x.qtl
} # else
} # if(length(xchr) > 0)
retval[[index]] = auto.qtl
class(retval[[index]]) = c("doqtl", class(retval[[index]]))
attr(retval[[index]], "model") = "additive"
index = index + 1
} # for(i)
if(length(retval) == 1) {
retval = retval[[1]]
} # if(length(retval) == 1)
} # scanone.noK()
scanone.K = function(pheno, pheno.col = 1, probs, K, addcovar, intcovar, snps, model) { =
xchr = which(snps[,2] %in% "X")
# We require sex to be in addcovar.
sex = NULL
if(length(xchr) > 0) {
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
if(length(sex.col) == 0) {
stop(paste("You must map using \\'sex\\' as an additive covariate. Also,",
"we require sex to map on the X chromosome. We even require sex if",
"you are only mapping with one sex."))
} # if(length(sex.col) == 0)
addcovar[,sex.col] = as.numeric(factor(addcovar[,sex.col])) - 1
} # if(length(xchr) > 0)
# Make the results list.
retval = as.list(1:length(pheno.col))
names(retval) = colnames(pheno)[pheno.col]
index = 1
for(i in pheno.col) {
p = pheno[,i]
names(p) = rownames(pheno)
keep = which(! & !is.nan(p) & !is.infinite(p))
# Autosomes
auto.qtl = NULL
if(! {
auto = which(snps[,2] %in%
# With covariates.
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums( == 0 &
rowSums(is.nan(addcovar)) == 0 &
rowSums(is.infinite(addcovar)) == 0))
if(is.null(intcovar)) {
# Additive covariates only.
auto.qtl = fast.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = probs[keep,,auto],
K = K[keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[auto,])
} else {
auto.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = probs[keep,,auto],
K = K[keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE], snps = snps[auto,])
} # else
auto.qtl = list(lod = list(A = auto.qtl$lod),
coef = list(A = auto.qtl$coef))
} # if(!
# X chromosome.
if(length(xchr) > 0) {
# Get the sex from addcovar. We forced it to be 0 or 1 above.
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
females = which(addcovar[,sex.col] == 0)
males = which(addcovar[,sex.col] == 1)
mfprobs = NULL
if(length(females) > 0 & length(males) > 0) {
# Take the male and female probabilities and place them into
# one big array.
if(model == "additive") {
mfprobs = array(0, c(dim(probs)[1], 2 * dim(probs)[2], length(xchr)),
dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], paste(rep(c("F", "M"),
each = dim(probs)[2]), dimnames(probs)[[2]], sep = "."),
for(j in females) {
mfprobs[j,1:dim(probs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
for(j in males) {
mfprobs[j,(dim(probs)[2] + 1):dim(mfprobs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
} else if(model == "full") {
tmp = matrix(unlist(strsplit(dimnames(probs)[[2]], split = "")),
nrow = 2)
homo = dimnames(probs)[[2]][which(tmp[1,] == tmp[2,])]
mfprobs = array(0, c(dim(probs)[1], dim(probs)[2] + length(homo),
dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], c(paste(rep("F",
each = dim(probs)[2]), dimnames(probs)[[2]], sep = "."),
paste("M", homo, sep = ".")), dimnames(probs)[[3]][xchr]))
for(j in females) {
mfprobs[j,1:dim(probs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
for(j in males) {
mfprobs[j,(dim(probs)[2] + 1):dim(mfprobs)[2],] = probs[j,homo,xchr]
} # for(j)
} # else if(model == "full")
# If we have both males and females, then we need to remove one
# column from the males.
mfprobs = mfprobs[,-grep("M.A", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]]),]
} else if(length(females) > 0) {
mfprobs = probs[,,xchr]
dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]] = paste("F", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]], sep = ".")
} else if(length(males) > 0) {
mfprobs = probs[,,xchr]
dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]] = paste("M", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]], sep = ".")
} # else if(length(males) > 0)
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums( == 0))
if(is.null(intcovar)) {
# Additive covariates only.
x.qtl = fast.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = mfprobs[keep,,],
K = K[keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[xchr,])
} else {
# Additive & interactive covariates.
x.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = mfprobs[keep,,],
K = K[keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE], snps = snps[xchr,])
} # else
if(!is.null(auto.qtl)) {
auto.qtl$lod = list(A = auto.qtl$lod$A, X = x.qtl$lod)
auto.qtl$coef = list(A = auto.qtl$coef$A, X = x.qtl$coef)
} else {
auto.qtl = x.qtl
} # else
} # if(length(xchr) > 0)
retval[[index]] = auto.qtl
class(retval[[index]]) = c("doqtl", class(retval[[index]]))
attr(retval[[index]], "model") = "additive"
index = index + 1
} # for(i)
if(length(retval) == 1) {
retval = retval[[1]]
} # if(length(retval) == 1)
} # scanone.K()
scanone.LOCO = function(pheno, pheno.col = 1, probs, K, addcovar, intcovar, snps, model) { =
xchr = which(snps[,2] %in% "X")
# We require sex to be in addcovar.
sex = NULL
if(length(xchr) > 0) {
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
if(length(sex.col) == 0) {
stop(paste("You must map using \\'sex\\' as an additive covariate. Also,",
"we require sex to map on the X chromosome. We even require sex if",
"you are only mapping with one sex."))
} # if(length(sex.col) == 0)
addcovar[,sex.col] = as.numeric(factor(addcovar[,sex.col])) - 1
} # if(length(xchr) > 0)
# Make the results list.
retval = as.list(1:length(pheno.col))
names(retval) = colnames(pheno)[pheno.col]
index = 1
for(i in pheno.col) {
p = pheno[,i]
names(p) = rownames(pheno)
keep = which(! & !is.nan(p) & !is.infinite(p))
# Autosomes
auto.qtl = NULL
if(! {
keep = intersect(keep, which(rowSums( == 0 &
rowSums(is.nan(addcovar)) == 0 &
rowSums(is.infinite(addcovar)) == 0))
if(is.null(intcovar)) {
# Additive covariates only.
snprng = which(snps[,2] == 1)
auto.qtl = fast.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = probs[keep,,snprng],
K = K[[1]][keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[snprng,])
for(c in {
snprng = which(snps[,2] == c)
tmp = fast.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep, drop = FALSE], probs = probs[keep,,snprng],
K = K[[c]][keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[snprng,])
auto.qtl$lod = rbind(auto.qtl$lod, tmp$lod)
auto.qtl$coef = rbind(auto.qtl$coef, tmp$coef)
} # for(c)
} else {
# Additive and interactive covariates.
snprng = which(snps[,2] == 1)
auto.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep, drop = FALSE],
probs = probs[keep,,snprng], K = K[[1]][keep,keep],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE], snps = snps[snprng,])
for(c in {
snprng = which(snps[,2] == c)
tmp = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep, drop = FALSE],
probs = probs[keep,,snprng], K = K[[c]][keep,keep],
addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE], snps = snps[snprng,])
auto.qtl$lod = rbind(auto.qtl$lod, tmp$lod)
auto.qtl$coef = rbind(auto.qtl$coef, tmp$coef)
} # for(c)
} # else
auto.qtl = list(lod = list(A = auto.qtl$lod),
coef = list(A = auto.qtl$coef))
} # if(!
# X chromosome.
if(length(xchr) > 0) {
# Get the sex from addcovar. We forced it to be 0 or 1 above.
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), = TRUE)
females = which(addcovar[,sex.col] == 0)
males = which(addcovar[,sex.col] == 1)
mfprobs = NULL
if(length(females) > 0 & length(males) > 0) {
# Take the male and female probabilities and place them into
# one big array.
if(model == "additive") {
mfprobs = array(0, c(nrow(probs), 2 * ncol(probs), length(xchr)),
dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], paste(rep(c("F", "M"),
each = ncol(probs)), dimnames(probs)[[2]], sep = "."),
for(j in females) {
mfprobs[j,1:dim(probs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
for(j in males) {
mfprobs[j,(dim(probs)[2] + 1):dim(mfprobs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
} else if(model == "full") {
tmp = matrix(unlist(strsplit(dimnames(probs)[[2]], split = "")),
nrow = 2)
homo = dimnames(probs)[[2]][which(tmp[1,] == tmp[2,])]
mfprobs = array(0, c(dim(probs)[1], dim(probs)[2] + length(homo),
dimnames = list(dimnames(probs)[[1]], c(paste(rep("F",
each = dim(probs)[2]), dimnames(probs)[[2]], sep = "."),
paste("M", homo, sep = ".")), dimnames(probs)[[3]][xchr]))
for(j in females) {
mfprobs[j,1:dim(probs)[2],] = probs[j,,xchr]
} # for(j)
for(j in males) {
mfprobs[j,(dim(probs)[2] + 1):dim(mfprobs)[2],] = probs[j,homo,xchr]
} # for(j)
} # else if(model == "full")
# If we have both males and females, then we need to remove one
# column from the males.
mfprobs = mfprobs[,-grep("M.A", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]]),]
} else if(length(females) > 0) {
mfprobs = probs[,,xchr]
dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]] = paste("F", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]], sep = ".")
} else if(length(males) > 0) {
mfprobs = probs[,,xchr]
dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]] = paste("M", dimnames(mfprobs)[[2]], sep = ".")
} # else if(length(males) > 0)
x.qtl = NULL
if(is.null(intcovar)) {
# Additive covariates only.
x.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = mfprobs[keep,,],
K = K[["X"]][keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
snps = snps[xchr,])
} else {
# Additive & interactive covariates.
x.qtl = qtl.qtlrel(pheno = p[keep], probs = mfprobs[keep,,],
K = K[["X"]][keep,keep], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
intcovar = intcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE], snps = snps[xchr,])
} # else
if(!is.null(auto.qtl)) {
auto.qtl$lod = list(A = auto.qtl$lod$A, X = x.qtl$lod)
auto.qtl$coef = list(A = auto.qtl$coef$A, X = x.qtl$coef)
} else {
auto.qtl = x.qtl
} # else
} # if(length(xchr) > 0)
retval[[index]] = auto.qtl
class(retval[[index]]) = c("doqtl", class(retval[[index]]))
attr(retval[[index]], "model") = "additive"
index = index + 1
} # for(i)
if(length(retval) == 1) {
retval = retval[[1]]
} # if(length(retval) == 1)
} # scanone.LOCO()
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