# Plot the variant alleles.
# Arguments: variants: data.frame, with ID, CHROM, POS, REF and ALT in the first
# five columns and the numeric allele calls for the strains in
# the remaining columns. Variants in rows.
# col: character vector, with three colors for missing, ALT and REF
# alleles.
snp.plot = function(variants, col = c("black", "grey50", "white"), cluster = TRUE,
ref, highlight, pattern.snps, mgi, qtl) {
old.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
type = attr(variants, "type")
# Verify that the reference strain is in the list of strains that we have.
if(!missing(ref)) {
if(!ref %in% colnames(variants)) {
stop(paste("The reference strain (", ref,
") is not in the colnames of variants."), sep = "")
} # if(!ref %in% colnames(variants))
} # if(!missing(ref))
# If there are quality values, strip them out.
variants = strip.quality.columns(variants)
# Cluster the strains, if needed.
if(cluster) {
variants = cluster.strains(variants)
} # if(cluster)
# Separate the header from the variants.
hdr = variants[,1:5]
variants = as.matrix(variants[,-1:-5])
# If we have a reference strain, change the matrix to reflect this.
if(!missing(ref)) {
variants = matrix(as.numeric(variants != variants[,ref]), nrow(variants),
ncol(variants), dimnames = dimnames(variants))
} # if(!missing(ref))
# Convert variant positions to Mb, if needed.
if(type == "snp" | type == "indel") {
if(max(hdr$POS, na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
hdr$POS = hdr$POS * 1e-6
} # if(max(hdr$POS) > 200)
} else if(type == "sv") {
if(max(hdr$START, na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
hdr$START = hdr$START * 1e-6
} # if(max(hdr$START) > 200)
if(max(hdr$END, na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
hdr$END = hdr$END * 1e-6
} # if(max(hdr$END) > 200)
} # else if(type == "sv")
# If we have a QTL data.frame, convert the positions to Mb, if needed.
if(!missing(qtl)) {
if(ncol(qtl) != 3) {
stop(paste("The QTL data.frame must contain three columns with chr,",
"position and score."))
} # if(ncol(qtl) != 3)
if(max(qtl[,2], na.rm = TRUE)> 200) {
qtl[,2] = qtl[,2] * 1e-6
} # if(max(qtl[,2])> 200)
} # if(!missing(qtl))
# Flip the SNPs so that they plot with the first column at the top.
variants = variants[,ncol(variants):1]
# Make NA = -1 for plotting.
variants[is.na(variants)] = -1
# If we have pattern SNPs and genes, then look for their intersection
# and recored which genes to color orange.
genes.to.mark = NULL
if(!missing(pattern.snps) && !missing(mgi)) {
# Create an MGI GenomicRanges object.
genes.to.mark = rep(FALSE, nrow(mgi))
mgi.gr = GRanges(seqnames = mgi$seqid, ranges =
IRanges(start = mgi$start, end = mgi$stop), mcol =
data.frame(ID = mgi$ID, Name = mgi$Name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if(type =="snp" | type == "indel") {
# Note the SNP/Indel postions must be in bp coordinates for the GRanges obejct.
var.gr = GRanges(seqnames = pattern.snps$CHROM, ranges =
IRanges(start = pattern.snps$POS, end = pattern.snps$POS),
mcols = data.frame(pattern.snps[,-1:-5]))
if(max(pattern.snps$POS, na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
pattern.snps$POS = pattern.snps$POS * 1e-6
} # if(max(pattern.snps$POS) > 200)
} else {
# Note the SV postions must be in bp coordinates for the GRanges obejct.
var.gr = GRanges(seqnames = pattern.snps$CHROM, ranges =
IRanges(start = pattern.snps$START, end = pattern.snps$END),
mcols = data.frame(pattern.snps[,-1:-5]))
if(max(pattern.snps$START, na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
pattern.snps$START = pattern.snps$START * 1e-6
} # if(max(pattern.snps$START) > 200)
if(max(pattern.snps$END, na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
pattern.snps$END = pattern.snps$END * 1e-6
} # if(max(pattern.snps$END) > 200)
} # else
ol = subsetByOverlaps(mgi.gr, var.gr)
genes.to.mark = mcols(ol)$mcol.Name
} # if(!missing(pattern.snps) && !missing(mgi))
# Plot the SNPs.
# Make a two panel plot if MGI genes are provided.
rplt = 0.15
lplt = 0.95
if(!missing(mgi)) {
if(!missing(qtl)) {
if(!missing(pattern.snps)) {
layout(matrix(1:3, nrow = 3), heights = c(0.3, 0.1, 0.6))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.05, 0.75))
} else {
layout(matrix(1:3, nrow = 3), heights = c(0.3, 0.1, 0.6))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.01, 0.75))
} # else
} else {
if(!missing(pattern.snps)) {
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 2), heights = c(0.3, 0.7))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.07, 0.88))
} else {
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 2), heights = c(0.3, 0.7))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.01, 0.75))
} # else
} # else
} else {
if(!missing(qtl)) {
if(!missing(pattern.snps)) {
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 2), heights = c(0.9, 0.1))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.05, 0.88))
} else {
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 2), heights = c(0.9, 0.1))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.01, 0.88))
} # else
} else {
if(!missing(pattern.snps)) {
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.05, 0.88))
} else {
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.05, 0.88))
} # else
} # else
} # else
x = NULL
if(type == "snp" | type == "indel") {
x = hdr$POS
} else if(type == "sv") {
x = hdr$START
} # else if(type == "sv")
image(x, 1:ncol(variants), variants, breaks = c(-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5),
col = col, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
par(las = 1)
saved.xlim = par("usr")[1:2]
mtext(text = paste("Chr", hdr[1, grep("CHR", colnames(hdr))], "(Mb)"),
side = 3, line = 2)
abline(h = 1:ncol(variants) - 0.5, col = "grey80")
# par(cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5)
# abline(v = axis(3, padj = 0.4), lty = 2)
axis(3, padj = 0.4)
usr = par("usr")
# Plot the strain names.
par(las = 2)
mtext(text = colnames(variants), side = 2, line = 0.2, at = 1:ncol(variants))
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], lwd = 2)
# If the user has given strains to highlight, draw a transparent green
# box over them.
if(!missing(highlight)) {
hcols = match(highlight, colnames(variants))
if(any(is.na(hcols))) {
stop(paste("All of the highlight strains are not in the SNP matrix.",
paste(highlight[is.na(hcols)], collapse = ",")))
} # if(any(is.na(hcols)))
for(i in 1:length(hcols)) {
rect(usr[1], hcols[i] - 0.5, usr[2], hcols[i] + 0.5,
col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.1))
} # for(i)
} # if(!missing(highlight))
# If the user provided pattern SNPs, plot them below the SNP tile plot.
if(!missing(pattern.snps)) {
par(xpd = NA)
if(type == "snp" | type == "indel") {
if(max(pattern.snps$POS) > 200) {
pattern.snps$POS = pattern.snps$POS * 1e-6
} # if(max(pattern.snps$POS) > 200)
} else {
if(max(pattern.snps$START) > 200) {
pattern.snps$START = pattern.snps$START * 1e-6
} # if(max(pattern.snps$START) > 200)
if(max(pattern.snps$END) > 200) {
pattern.snps$END = pattern.snps$END * 1e-6
} # if(max(pattern.snps$END) > 200)
} # else
coord = par(c("usr", "fin", "plt"))
ex = (coord$usr[4] - coord$usr[3]) / (coord$plt[4] - coord$plt[3])
top = coord$usr[3]
bottom = coord$usr[3] - ex * coord$plt[3]
x = NULL
if(type == "snp" | type == "indel") {
x = matrix(rep(pattern.snps$POS, each = 2), nrow = 2)
} else {
x = matrix(rep(rowMeans(cbind(pattern.snps$START, pattern.snps$END)), each = 2), nrow = 2)
} # else
x = rbind(x, rep(NA, ncol(x)))
y = rbind(rep(top, ncol(x)), rep(bottom, ncol(x)), rep(NA, ncol(x)))
lines(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), col = rgb(1, 0.6, 0))
par(xpd = NA)
text(coord$usr[1], (top + bottom) * 0.5, "SNP Pattern ", adj = 1)
par(xpd = FALSE)
} # if(!missing(pattern.snps))
# If the user has given us QTL values, plot them below the SNPs.
if(!missing(qtl)) {
if(type == "snp" | type == "indel") {
qtl = qtl[qtl[,1] == hdr$CHROM[1] & qtl[,2] >= hdr$POS[1] - 3 &
qtl[,2] <= hdr$POS[nrow(hdr)] + 3,]
xout = seq(hdr$POS[1], hdr$POS[nrow(hdr)], length.out = 1000)
} else {
qtl = qtl[qtl[,1] == hdr$CHROM[1] & qtl[,2] >= hdr$START[1] - 3 &
qtl[,2] <= hdr$END[nrow(hdr)] + 3,]
xout = seq(hdr$START[1], hdr$START[nrow(hdr)], length.out = 1000)
} # else
val = approx(qtl[,2], qtl[,3], xout = xout)
val$y[is.na(val$y)] = min(val$y, na.rm = TRUE)
br = quantile(val$y, 0:100/100)
cl = colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0,0,0), rgb(1,0,0)))(length(br) - 1)
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.1, 0.9))
image(1:length(val$x), 1, as.matrix(val$y), breaks = br, col = cl,
ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
mtext(text = "QTL", side = 2, line = 0.2)
# Plot the SNP locations where mapping occured.
# par(xpd = NA)
# coord = par(c("usr", "fin", "plt"))
# ex = (coord$usr[4] - coord$usr[3]) / (coord$plt[4] - coord$plt[3])
# top = coord$usr[4] + ex * (1.0 - coord$plt[4])
# bottom = coord$usr[4]
# x = qtl[qtl[,2] >= hdr$POS[1] & qtl[,2] <= hdr$POS[nrow(hdr)],2]
# x = matrix(rep(x, each = 2), nrow = 2)
# x = rbind(x, rep(NA, ncol(x)))
# y = rbind(rep(bottom, ncol(x)), rep(top, ncol(x)), rep(NA, ncol(x)))
# lines(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), lwd = 3, lend = 2)
# text(coord$usr[1], (top + bottom) * 0.5, "Mapped ", adj = 1)
# par(xpd = FALSE)
} # if(!missing(qtl))
# Draw MGI features, if requested (by including mgi).
if(!missing(mgi) && nrow(mgi) > 0) {
gene.cols = rep(rgb(0.4, 0.4, 0.9), nrow(mgi))
if(!missing(genes.to.mark)) {
gene.cols[mgi$Name %in% genes.to.mark] = rgb(1, 0.6, 0)
} # if(!missing(genes.to.mark))
par(plt = c(rplt, lplt, 0.15, 1.0), las = 1)
# , cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5
gene.plot(mgi, col = gene.cols, xlim = saved.xlim, xaxs = "i")
} # if(!missing(mgi))
} # snp.plot()
# High level function to allow plotting of variant alleles, genes, variant pattern
# and QTL in one command.
# Arguments: var.file: character, location of variant file.
# mgi.file: character, location of variantfile.
# chr: character or numeric, the Chr to plot on.
# start: numeric, the bp or Mb location to start plotting.
# end: numeric, the bp or Mb location to stop plotting.
# strains: character vector, the strains to plot. Default = CC founders.
# ref: character, one of the strains above that should be the
# references strain for SNP plotting. Default = C57BL/6J
# pattern: character vector, the strains to use in marking the SNP
# pattern.
# qtl: data.frame with three columns containing chr, position and
# mapping statistic in that order.
# Returns: data.frame with SNPs that match that allele effect pattern
variant.plot = function(var.file = "ftp://ftp.jax.org/SNPtools/variants/cc.snps.NCBI38.txt.gz",
mgi.file = "ftp://ftp.jax.org/SNPtools/genes/MGI.20130703.sorted.txt.gz",
chr, start, end, type = c("snp", "indel", "sv"), strains =
c("A/J", "C57BL/6J", "129S1/SvImJ", "CAST/EiJ", "NOD/ShiLtJ",
"NZO/HlLtJ", "PWK/PhJ", "WSB/EiJ"), ref = "C57BL/6J", pattern, qtl)
print("Checking arguments...")
if(missing(chr)) {
stop(paste("The chr argument is NULL. Please enter the chromosome and",
"start and end locations that you would like to plot."))
} # if(missing(chr))
if(missing(start)) {
stop(paste("The start argument is NULL. Please enter the chromosome and",
"start and end locations that you would like to plot."))
} # if(missing(start))
if(missing(end)) {
stop(paste("The end argument is NULL. Please enter the chromosome and",
"start and end locations that you would like to plot."))
} # if(missing(end))
if(!missing(ref)) {
if(!ref %in% strains) {
stop(paste("The refrence strain (", ref, ")is not in the strains.",
"Please select a reference strain from the strains you are plotting."))
} # if(!ref %in% strains)
} # if(!missing(ref))
if(!missing(qtl)) {
if(ncol(qtl) != 3) {
stop(paste("The QTL data.frame must contain three columns with chr,",
"position and mapping statistic, in that order."))
} # if(ncol(qtl) != 3)
} # if(!missing(qtl))
type = match.arg(type)
print("Retrieving Variants...")
variants = get.variants(file = var.file, chr = chr, start = start,
end = end, type = type, strains = strains, polymorphic = FALSE)
print(paste(nrow(variants), "Variants in region."))
nvariants = convert.variants.to.numeric(variants)
cat.variants = NULL
if(!missing(pattern)) {
print("Getting SNPs that match the pattern...")
pattern.snps = get.pattern.variants(nvariants, pattern)
print(paste(nrow(pattern.snps), "variants fit the pattern."))
print("Categorizing pattern variants...")
cat.variants = categorize.variants(pattern.snps, mgi.file)
if(!is.null(cat.variants)) {
"genes have variants that fit the pattern",
"between the 3'UTR and the 5'UTR (including introns)."))
} else {
print("No variants match the pattern.")
} # else
} # if(!missing(pattern))
print("Getting genes in region...")
mgi = get.mgi.features(mgi.file, chr = chr, start = start, end = end,
source = "MGI", type = "gene")
print(paste(nrow(mgi), "genes in region."))
print("Drawing plot...")
snp.plot(variants = nvariants, ref = ref, pattern.snps = pattern.snps,
mgi = mgi, qtl = qtl)
if(!missing(cat.variants)) {
} # if(!missing(cat.variants))
} # variant.plot()
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