# Given a smoothed probability *.Rdata file, read it in and determine the
# founder allele breakpoints by splitting the change location in half.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org.
# Dec. 4, 2012
# Arguments: filenames: character vector with *.genotype.probs.Rdata filenames.
# By default, the function looks for
# *.genotype.probs.Rdata files in the current directory.
# snps: data.frame containing SNO ID, chr, Mb and cM
# for each marker in columns 1:4, respectively.
write.founder.genomes = function(filenames = dir(path = ".",
pattern = "genotype.probs.Rdata"), snps) {
if(length(filenames) > 0) {
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(prsmth)[[1]],]
for(i in 1:length(filenames)) {
load(filenames[i]) # this loads prsmth.
prsmth = prsmth[snps[,1],]
# Get the maximum genotype at each SNP.
max.geno = colnames(prsmth)[apply(prsmth, 1, which.max)]
# Split the genotypes up by chromosome.
max.geno = split(max.geno, snps[,2])
max.geno = max.geno[c(1, 12:19, 2:11, 20)]
# For each chromosome, make breakpoint lists for each strand.
strand1 = rep(NA, 3)
strand2 = rep(NA, 3)
for(c in 1:length(max.geno)) {
# Split up the two letter genotypes codes.
max.geno[[c]] = strsplit(max.geno[[c]], split = "")
max.geno[[c]] = matrix(unlist(max.geno[[c]]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
max.geno[[c]] = cbind(snps[snps[,2] == names(max.geno)[c], 2:3],
max.geno[[c]][,3] = as.character(max.geno[[c]][,3])
max.geno[[c]][,4] = as.character(max.geno[[c]][,4])
# Try to minimize recombinations.
for(j in 2:nrow(max.geno[[c]])) {
if(max.geno[[c]][j-1,3] == max.geno[[c]][j,4] |
max.geno[[c]][j,3] == max.geno[[c]][j-1,4]) {
swap = max.geno[[c]][j,3]
max.geno[[c]][j,3] = max.geno[[c]][j,4]
max.geno[[c]][j,4] = swap
} # if(max.geno[[c]][j-1,3] == max.geno[[c]][j,4] | ...
} # for(j)
# Get breakpoints on each strand.
b1 = which(max.geno[[c]][-1,3] != max.geno[[c]][-nrow(max.geno[[c]]),3])
b2 = which(max.geno[[c]][-1,4] != max.geno[[c]][-nrow(max.geno[[c]]),4])
# Strand 1
s1 = matrix(0, length(b1) + 1, 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("Chr",
"End", "1")))
s1[1,2:3] = c(1e-6, max.geno[[c]][1,3])
s1[,1] = max.geno[[c]][1,1]
s1[-1,2] = 0.5 * (max.geno[[c]][b1,2] + max.geno[[c]][b1+1,2])
s1[,3] = c(max.geno[[c]][b1,3], max.geno[[c]][nrow(max.geno[[c]]),3])
s1[,2] = format(round(as.numeric(s1[,2]) * 1e6), digits = 6)
# Strand 2
s2 = matrix(0, length(b2) + 1, 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("Chr",
"End", "2")))
s2[1,2:3] = c(1e-6, max.geno[[c]][1,4])
s2[,1] = max.geno[[c]][1,1]
s2[-1,2] = 0.5 * (max.geno[[c]][b2,2] + max.geno[[c]][b2+1,2])
s2[,3] = c(max.geno[[c]][b2,4], max.geno[[c]][nrow(max.geno[[c]]),4])
s2[,2] = format(round(as.numeric(s2[,2]) * 1e6), digits = 6)
strand1 = rbind(strand1, s1)
strand2 = rbind(strand2, s2)
} # for(c)
strand1 = strand1[-1,]
strand2 = strand2[-1,]
sampleID = sub("\\.genotype\\.probs\\.Rdata", "", filenames[i])
write.csv(strand1, paste(sampleID, ".founder.blocks.A.csv", sep = ""),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
write.csv(strand2, paste(sampleID, ".founder.blocks.B.csv", sep = ""),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
} # for(i)
} # if(length(filenames) > 0)
} # write.founder.genomes()
write.founder.genomes.from.haps = function(probs, snps) {
probs = probs[,,dimnames(probs)[[3]] %in% snps[,1]]
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
chrs = unique(snps[,2])
chrlen = get.chr.lengths()
for(i in 1:nrow(probs)) {
print(paste0("Processing sample ", rownames(probs)[i], ". ", i, " of ",
nrow(probs), "."))
# Round the probs to 0, 1 or 2 (although 3 creeps in sometimes...).
pr = t(round(2 * probs[i,,]))
# Fix loci with more than 2 haplotype probs by keeping the top 2.
if(any(abs(rowSums(pr) - 2.0) > 1e-8)) {
wh = which(abs(rowSums(pr) - 2.0) > 1e-8)
for(j in wh) {
tmp = sort(probs[i,,j])
tmp = tmp[cumsum(tmp) > 0.49]
pr[j,] = 0
if(length(tmp) == 2) {
pr[j,names(tmp)] = 1
} else if(length(tmp) > 2) {
tmp = tmp[2:3]
pr[j,names(tmp)] = 1
} else {
pr[j,names(tmp)] = 2
} # else
} # for(j)
} # if(any(abs(rowSums(pr) - 2.0) > 1e-8))
stopifnot(all(abs(rowSums(pr) - 2.0) < 1e-8))
outfile1 = paste(make.names(rownames(probs)[i]),
".founder.blocks.A.csv", sep = "")
outfile2 = paste(make.names(rownames(probs)[i]),
".founder.blocks.B.csv", sep = "")
outfile1 = file(outfile1, "w")
outfile2 = file(outfile2, "w")
writeLines(text = "Chr,End,1", con = outfile1, sep = "\n")
writeLines(text = "Chr,End,2", con = outfile2, sep = "\n")
for(chr in chrs) {
# Get the SNP range for the current chromosome.
rng = which(snps[,2] == chr)
curr.pr = pr[rng,]
curr.snps = snps[rng,]
curr.snps[,3] = curr.snps[,3] * 1e6
# Take the difference between each row.
curr.diff = diff(rbind(0, curr.pr))
rownames(curr.diff) = rownames(curr.snps)
keep = which(rowSums(curr.diff != 0) > 0)
curr.diff = curr.diff[keep,]
curr.snps = curr.snps[keep,]
row = 1
# Write out the start genotype.
# > 0 is the start of a block, < 0 is the end of a block.
next.gt = which(curr.diff[row,] > 0)[1]
writeLines(text = paste(chr, 1, names(next.gt), sep = ","),
con = outfile1, sep = "\n")
curr.diff[row, next.gt] = curr.diff[row, next.gt] - 1
row = row + 1
while(row < nrow(curr.diff)) {
last.gt = next.gt
next.gt = which(curr.diff[row,] > 0)[1]
writeLines(text = paste(chr, curr.snps[row,3], names(next.gt), sep = ","),
con = outfile1, sep = "\n")
curr.diff[row, last.gt] = curr.diff[row, last.gt] + 1
curr.diff[row, next.gt] = curr.diff[row, next.gt] - 1
keep = which(rowSums(curr.diff != 0) > 0)
curr.diff = curr.diff[keep,]
curr.snps = curr.snps[keep,]
row = min(which(curr.diff[row:nrow(curr.diff),next.gt] < 0)) + row - 1
stopifnot(nrow(curr.diff) == nrow(curr.snps))
} # while(row < nrow(curr.diff))
# Handle the last line.
if(!is.infinite(row)) {
next.gt = which(curr.diff[row,] > 0)[1]
last.gt = which(curr.diff[row,] < 0)[1]
writeLines(text = paste(chr, curr.snps[row,3], names(next.gt), sep = ","),
con = outfile1, sep = "\n")
curr.diff[row, last.gt] = curr.diff[row, last.gt] + 1
curr.diff[row, next.gt] = curr.diff[row, next.gt] - 1
keep = which(rowSums(curr.diff != 0) > 0)
curr.diff = curr.diff[keep,,drop = FALSE]
curr.snps = curr.snps[keep,,drop = FALSE]
} # if(!is.infinite(row))
# Write out strand 2.
row = 1
next.gt = which(curr.diff[row,] > 0)[1]
writeLines(text = paste(chr, 1, names(next.gt), sep = ","),
con = outfile2, sep = "\n")
if(nrow(curr.diff) > 1) {
for(row in 2:nrow(curr.diff)) {
next.gt = which(curr.diff[row,] > 0)
writeLines(text = paste(chr, curr.snps[row,3], names(next.gt), sep = ","),
con = outfile2, sep = "\n")
} # for(row)
} # if(nrow(curr.diff) > 1)
} # for(chr)
} # for(i)
} # write.founder.genomes.from.haps()
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