
Defines functions plot.ggm_compare_ppc print_ggm_compare_ppc ggm_compare_ppc

Documented in ggm_compare_ppc plot.ggm_compare_ppc

#' @title GGM Compare: Posterior Predictive Check
#' @description
#' Compare GGMs with a posterior predicitve check \insertCite{gelman1996posterior}{BGGM}.
#' This method was introduced in \insertCite{williams2020comparing;textual}{BGGM}. Currently,
#' there is a \code{global} (the entire GGM) and a \code{nodewise} test. The default
#' is to compare GGMs with respect to the posterior predictive distribution of Kullback
#' Leibler divergence and the sum of squared errors. It is also possible to compare the
#' GGMs with a user defined test-statistic.
#' @name ggm_compare_ppc
#' @param ... At least two matrices (or data frames) of dimensions \emph{n} (observations) by  \emph{p} (variables).
#' @param test Which test should be performed (defaults to \code{"global"}) ? The options include
#'             \code{global} and \code{nodewise}.
#' @param iter Number of replicated datasets used to construct the predictivie distribution
#'            (defaults to 5000).
#' @param FUN An optional function for comparing GGMs that returns a number. See \strong{Details}.
#' @param custom_obs Number corresponding to the observed score for comparing the GGMs. This is
#'                   required if a function is provided in \code{FUN}. See \strong{Details}.
#' @param loss Logical. If a function is provided, is the measure a "loss function"
#'             (i.e., a large score is bad thing). This determines how the \emph{p}-value
#'             is computed. See \strong{Details}.
#' @param progress Logical. Should a progress bar be included (defaults to \code{TRUE}) ?
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @details
#' The \code{FUN} argument allows for a user defined test-statisic (the measure used to compare the GGMs).
#' The function must include only two agruments, each of which corresponds to a dataset. For example,
#' \code{f <- function(Yg1, Yg2)}, where each Y is dataset of dimensions \emph{n} by \emph{p}. The
#' groups are then compare within the function, returning a single number. An example is provided below.
#' Further, when using a custom function care must be taken when specifying the argument \code{loss}.
#' We recommended to visualize the results with \code{plot} to ensure the \emph{p}-value was computed
#' in the right direction.
#' @note
#' \strong{Interpretation}:
#' The primary test-statistic is symmetric KL-divergence that is termed Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD).
#' This is in essence a likelihood ratio that provides the "distance" between two multivariate normal
#' distributions. The basic idea is to (1) compute the posterior predictive distribution, assuming group equality
#' (the null model). This provides the error that we would expect to see under the null model; (2) compute
#' JSD for the observed groups; and (3) compare the observed JSD to the posterior predictive distribution,
#' from which a posterior predictive \emph{p}-value is computed.
#' For the \code{global} check, the sum of squared error is also provided.
#' This is computed from the partial correlation matrices and it is analagous
#' to the strength test in \insertCite{van2017comparing;textual}{BGGM}. The \code{nodewise}
#' test compares the posterior predictive distribution for each node. This is based on the correspondence
#' between the inverse covariance matrix and multiple regresssion \insertCite{kwan2014regression,Stephens1998}{BGGM}.
#' If the null model is \code{not} rejected, note that this does \code{not} provide evidence for equality!
#' Further, if the null model is rejected, this means that the assumption of group equality is not tenable--the
#' groups are different.
#' \strong{Alternative Methods}:
#' There are several methods in \strong{BGGM} for comparing groups. See
#' \code{\link{ggm_compare_estimate}} (posterior differences for the
#' partial correlations), \code{\link{ggm_compare_explore}} (exploratory hypothesis testing),
#' and \code{\link{ggm_compare_confirm}} (confirmatory hypothesis testing).
#' @return The returned object of class \code{ggm_compare_ppc} contains a lot of information that
#'         is used for printing and plotting the results. For users of \strong{BGGM}, the following
#'         are the useful objects:
#' \code{test = "global"}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ppp_jsd} posterior predictive \emph{p}-values (JSD).
#' \item \code{ppp_sse} posterior predictive \emph{p}-values (SSE).
#' \item \code{predictive_jsd} list containing the posterior predictive distributions (JSD).
#' \item \code{predictive_sse} list containing the posterior predictive distributions (SSE).
#' \item \code{obs_jsd} list containing the observed error (JSD).
#' \item \code{obs_sse} list containing the observed error (SSE).
#' \code{test = "nodewise"}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ppp_jsd} posterior predictive \emph{p}-values (JSD).
#' \item \code{predictive_jsd} list containing the posterior predictive distributions (JSD).
#' \item \code{obs_jsd} list containing the observed error (JSD).
#' }
#' \code{FUN = f()}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ppp_custom} posterior predictive \emph{p}-values (custom).
#' \item \code{predictive_custom} posterior predictive distributions (custom).
#' \item \code{obs_custom} observed error (custom).
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # note: iter = 250 for demonstrative purposes
#' # data
#' Y <- bfi
#' #############################
#' ######### global ############
#' #############################
#' # males
#' Ym <- subset(Y, gender == 1,
#'              select = - c(gender, education))
#' # females
#' Yf <- subset(Y, gender == 2,
#'              select = - c(gender, education))
#' global_test <- ggm_compare_ppc(Ym, Yf,
#'                                iter = 250)
#' global_test
#' #############################
#' ###### custom function ######
#' #############################
#' # example 1
#' # maximum difference van Borkulo et al. (2017)
#' f <- function(Yg1, Yg2){
#' # remove NA
#' x <- na.omit(Yg1)
#' y <- na.omit(Yg2)
#' # nodes
#' p <- ncol(Yg1)
#' # identity matrix
#' I_p <- diag(p)
#' # partial correlations
#' pcor_1 <- -(cov2cor(solve(cor(x))) - I_p)
#' pcor_2 <- -(cov2cor(solve(cor(y))) - I_p)
#' # max difference
#' max(abs((pcor_1[upper.tri(I_p)] - pcor_2[upper.tri(I_p)])))
#' }
#' # observed difference
#' obs <- f(Ym, Yf)
#' global_max <- ggm_compare_ppc(Ym, Yf,
#'                               iter = 250,
#'                               FUN = f,
#'                               custom_obs = obs,
#'                               progress = FALSE)
#' global_max
#' # example 2
#' # Hamming distance (squared error for adjacency)
#' f <- function(Yg1, Yg2){
#' # remove NA
#' x <- na.omit(Yg1)
#' y <- na.omit(Yg2)
#' # nodes
#' p <- ncol(x)
#' # identity matrix
#' I_p <- diag(p)
#' fit1 <-  estimate(x, analytic = TRUE)
#' fit2 <-  estimate(y, analytic = TRUE)
#' sel1 <- select(fit1)
#' sel2 <- select(fit2)
#' sum((sel1$adj[upper.tri(I_p)] - sel2$adj[upper.tri(I_p)])^2)
#' # observed difference
#' obs <- f(Ym, Yf)
#' global_hd <- ggm_compare_ppc(Ym, Yf,
#'                             iter = 250,
#'                             FUN = f,
#'                             custom_obs  = obs,
#'                             progress = FALSE)
#' global_hd
#' #############################
#' ########  nodewise ##########
#' #############################
#' nodewise <- ggm_compare_ppc(Ym, Yf, iter = 250,
#'                            test = "nodewise")
#' nodewise
#' }
#' @export
ggm_compare_ppc <- function(...,
                            test = "global",
                            iter = 5000,
                            FUN = NULL,
                            custom_obs = NULL,
                            loss = TRUE,
                            progress = TRUE

  # data information
  info <- Y_combine(...)

  # number of groups
  groups <- length(info$dat)

  if (groups < 2) {

    stop("must have (at least) two groups")


  n_total <- sum(info$dat_info$n)

  Y_G <- scale(do.call(rbind, info$dat), scale = T)

  # inverse scatter matrix
  S_G <- solve(t(Y_G) %*% Y_G)

  # M_0 posterior (group equality)
  post <- rWishart(iter, n_total - 1, S_G)

  p <- info$dat_info$p[1]


      custom <- FALSE

      if (test == "global") {

      # jsd = symmetric KLD
      predictive_jsd <- list()

      # strength = sum of squares
      predictive_ss <- list()

      # observed error
      obs_jsd <- list()
      obs_ss <- list()
      nms <- list()

      for (i in 1:nrow(info$pairwise)) {

        message(paste0("BGGM: Predictive Check ", "(Contrast ", i ,")"))

        n1 <- info$dat_info$n[info$pairwise[i, 1]]

        n2 <- info$dat_info$n[info$pairwise[i, 2]]

        pp_check <- .Call(
          PACKAGE = "BGGM",
          Theta = post,
          n1 = n1,
          n2 = n2,
          p = p,
          BF_cut = 3,
          dens = 1,
          ppc_ss = TRUE,
          ppc_cors = FALSE,
          ppc_hd = FALSE

        predictive_jsd[[i]] <- pp_check$kl
        predictive_ss[[i]]  <- pp_check$ss

        # data set 2
        y1 <- info$dat[info$pairwise[i, 1]][[1]]

        # data set 2
        y2 <- info$dat[info$pairwise[i, 2]][[1]]

        # observed jsd
        obs_jsd[[i]]  <-
          0.5 *  KL(unbiased_cov(y1), unbiased_cov(y2)) +
          0.5 *  KL(unbiased_cov(y2), unbiased_cov(y1))

        # observed sum of squared error
        obs_ss[[i]] <- sum((cov2cor(solve(cor(y1))) - cov2cor(solve(cor(y2)))) ^ 2) * 0.5

        # names
        nms[[i]] <-
                info$pairwise[i, ],
                sep = "",
                collapse = " vs ")


      message("BGGM: Finished")

      # results jsd
      results_jsd <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, predictive_jsd)

      # results ss
      results_ss <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, predictive_ss)

      # posterior predictive p-value
      ppp_jsd    <-   sapply(1:nrow(info$pairwise), function(x)
                             mean(na.omit(results_jsd[, x])  > obs_jsd[[x]]))

      ppp_ss    <-   sapply(1:nrow(info$pairwise), function(x)
                            mean(na.omit(results_ss[, x])  > obs_ss[[x]]))

      returned_object <- list(
        ppp_jsd = ppp_jsd,
        ppp_sse = ppp_ss,
        obs_jsd = obs_jsd,
        obs_sse  = obs_ss,
        info = info,
        names = nms,
        iter = iter,
        test = test,
        call = match.call(),
        predictive_jsd = predictive_jsd,
        predictive_sse = predictive_ss,
        custom = custom

  } else if (test == "nodewise") {

    predictive_jsd <- list()

    obs_jsd <- list()

    nms <- list()

    for (i in 1:nrow(info$pairwise)) {

      message(paste0("BGGM: Predictive Check ", "(Contrast ", i ,")"))

      n1 <- info$dat_info$n[info$pairwise[i, 1]]

      n2 <- info$dat_info$n[info$pairwise[i, 2]]

      pp_check <-  .Call(
          PACKAGE = "BGGM",
          Theta = post,
          n1 = n1,
          n2 = n2,
          p = p

        predictive_jsd[[i]] <- pp_check$kl


    message("BGGM: Finished")

    for (i in 1:nrow(info$pairwise)) {

        y1 <- info$dat[info$pairwise[i, 1]][[1]]

        y2 <- info$dat[info$pairwise[i, 2]][[1]]

        obs <- lapply(1:p, function(x) node_jsd_help(x, y1, y2))

        nms[[i]] <-
                info$pairwise[i, ],
                sep = "",
                collapse = " vs ")

        obs_jsd[[i]] <- obs


      pvalue <- list()

      for (i in 1:nrow(info$pairwise)) {

        obs_i <- obs_jsd[[i]]

        ppc_i <- predictive_jsd[[i]]

        pvalues <-
          sapply(1:info$dat_info$p[1], function(x)
            mean(ppc_i[, x]  >  obs_i[x]))

        pvalue[[i]] <-  pvalues


      returned_object <-  list(
        ppp_jsd = pvalue,
        obs_jsd = obs_jsd,
        predictive_jsd = predictive_jsd,
        info = info,
        names = nms,
        iter = iter,
        test = test,
        call = match.call(),
        custom = custom


      } else {

        custom <- TRUE

        if(groups > 2){

          stop("only two groups allowed for custom functions")

        # check for mice
        if(!requireNamespace("mvnfast", quietly = TRUE)) {

          stop("Please install the '", "mvnfast", "' package.")



          stop("observed test-statistic is required when using a customing function.")


        # group one
        n1 <- info$dat_info$n[1]

        # group two
        n2 <- info$dat_info$n[2]

        # progress bar
          pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = iter, style = 3)
        # predictive check
        pp_check <- sapply(1:iter, function(x){

          # correlation matrix
          cors <- cov2cor(solve(post[,,x]))

          # Yrep1
          Yrep1 <- mvnfast::rmvn(n1, rep(0, p), cors)

          # Yrep2
          Yrep2 <-  mvnfast::rmvn(n2, rep(0, p), cors)

          # custom ppc
          ppc <- FUN(Yrep1, Yrep2)

          # update progress bar
            utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)




       ppp <- mean(pp_check > custom_obs)

     } else {

       ppp <- mean(pp_check < custom_obs)

      nms <-  paste("Yg",
              info$pairwise[1, ],
              sep = "",
              collapse = " vs ")

        returned_object <-  list(
          ppp_custom = ppp,
          predictive_custom = pp_check,
          info = info,
          names = nms,
          iter = iter,
          test = test,
          call = match.call(),
          custom = custom,
          custom_obs = custom_obs


    class(returned_object) <-  c("BGGM",


print_ggm_compare_ppc <- function(x, ...){

  cat("BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models \n")
  cat("--- \n")
  if(x$test == "nodewise"){
    cat("Test: Nodewise Predictive Check \n")
  } else{
    cat("Test: Global Predictive Check \n")
  p <- x$info$dat_info$p[1]
  cat("Posterior Samples:", x$iter, "\n")
  groups <- length(x$info$dat)
  for (i in 1:groups) {
    cat("  Group",
        paste(i, ":", sep = "") ,

  cat("Nodes: ", p, "\n")
  cat("Relations:", .5 * (p * (p-1)), "\n")
  cat("--- \n")
  cat("Call: \n")
  cat("--- \n")
  if(x$test == "global"){

      cat("Symmetric KL divergence (JSD): \n \n")
      results <- data.frame(
        contrast = do.call(rbind, x$names),
        JSD.obs =  round(do.call(rbind, x$obs_jsd), 3),
        p_value = round(x$ppp_jsd, 3)
      print(results, row.names = F)
      cat("--- \n \n")
      cat("Sum of Squared Error: \n \n")
      results <- data.frame(
        contrast = do.call(rbind, x$names),
        SSE.obs =  round(do.call(rbind, x$obs_sse), 3),
        p.value = round(x$ppp_sse, 3)
      print(results, row.names = F)
      cat("--- \n")
      cat("JSD is Jensen-Shannon divergence \n")

    } else {

      cat("Custom: \n \n")

      results <- data.frame(
        contrast = do.call(rbind, list(x$names)),
        custom.obs =  round(x$custom_obs, 3) ,
        p.value =  round(x$ppp_custom, 3)
      print(results, row.names = F)
      cat("--- \n")
  } else {

    cat("Symmetric KL divergence (JSD): \n \n")

    results <- list()

    for (i in 1:length(x$obs_jsd)) {
      results[[i]] <-
          Node = 1:p ,
          JSD.obs = round(do.call(rbind, x$obs_jsd[[i]]), 3),
          p_value = unlist(x$ppp_jsd[[i]])
      names(results)[[i]] <- x$names[[i]]

    for(i in 1:length(x$obs_jsd)){
      cat(do.call(rbind, x$names)[[i]], "\n")
      print(results[[i]],  row.names = F)
      cat("--- \n\n")

    cat("JSD is Jensen-Shannon divergence \n")


#' @title Plot \code{ggm_compare_ppc} Objects
#' @description Plot the predictive check with \code{\link[ggridges]{ggridges}}
#' @param x An object of class \code{ggm_compare_ppc}
#' @param critical Numeric. The 'significance' level
#'                 (defaults to \code{0.05}).
#' @param col_noncritical Character string. Fill color for the non-critical region
#'                        (defaults to \code{"#84e184A0"}).
#' @param col_critical  Character string. Fill color for the critical region
#'                     (defaults to \code{"red"}).
#' @param point_size Numeric. The point size for the observed score
#'                   (defaults to \code{2}).
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return An object (or list of objects) of class \code{ggplot}.
#' @importFrom ggridges stat_density_ridges
#' @note
#' See
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggridges/vignettes/introduction.html}{ggridges} for
#' many examples.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggm_compare_ppc}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- bfi
#' #############################
#' ######### global ############
#' #############################
#' # males
#' Ym <- subset(Y, gender == 1,
#'              select = - c(gender, education))
#' # females
#' Yf <- subset(Y, gender == 2,
#'              select = - c(gender, education))
#' global_test <- ggm_compare_ppc(Ym, Yf,
#'                                iter = 250,
#'                                progress = FALSE)
#' plot(global_test)
#' }
#' @export
plot.ggm_compare_ppc <- function(x,
                                 critical = 0.05,
                                 col_noncritical = "#84e184A0",
                                 col_critical = "red",
                                 point_size = 2, ...){

  if(x$test == "global"){

    if(isFALSE( x$custom)) {

      # number of contrasts
      k <- length(x$ppp_jsd)

      jsd <- unlist(x$predictive_jsd)

      sse <- unlist(x$predictive_sse)

      dat_jsd <- data.frame(ppc = jsd,
                            contrast = rep(gsub(
                              x = x$names,
                              pattern =  "_",
                              replacement = ""
                            each = x$iter))

      dat_obs_jsd <- data.frame(
        contrast =  gsub(
          x = x$names,
          pattern =  "_",
          replacement = ""
        ppc = unlist(x$obs_jsd)

      dat_sse <- data.frame(ppc = sse,
                            contrast = rep(gsub(
                              x = x$names,
                              pattern =  "_",
                              replacement = ""
                            each = x$iter))

      dat_obs_sse <- data.frame(
        contrast =  gsub(
          x = x$names,
          pattern =  "_",
          replacement = ""
        ppc = unlist(x$obs_sse)

      plot_jsd <- ggplot(dat_jsd, aes(
        x = ppc,
        y = contrast,
        fill = factor(..quantile..)
      )) +
          geom = "density_ridges_gradient",
          calc_ecdf = TRUE,
          alpha = 0.5,
          quantiles = c(0.025, 1 - (critical))
        ) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c(col_noncritical,
                                     col_critical)) +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        xlab("Predictive Check") +
        ylab("Contrast") +
          inherit.aes = F,
          data = dat_obs_jsd,
          aes(x = ppc,
              y = contrast),
          size = point_size
        ) +
        scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(levels(dat_obs_jsd$contrast))) +
        ggtitle("Symmetric KL-Divergence")

      plot_sse <- ggplot(dat_sse, aes(
        x = ppc,
        y = contrast,
        fill = factor(..quantile..)
      )) +
          geom = "density_ridges_gradient",
          calc_ecdf = TRUE,
          alpha = 0.5,
          quantiles = c(0.025, 1 - (critical))
        ) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c(col_noncritical,
                                     col_critical)) +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        xlab("Predictive Check") +
        ylab("Contrast") +
          inherit.aes = F,
          data = dat_obs_sse,
          aes(x = ppc,
              y = contrast),
          size = point_size
        ) +
        scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(levels(dat_obs_sse$contrast))) +
        ggtitle("Sum of Squared Error")

      list(plot_sse = plot_sse, plot_jsd = plot_jsd)

    } else {

      k <- length(x$ppp_custom)

      custom <- unlist(x$predictive_custom)

      dat_custom <- data.frame(ppc = custom,
                               contrast = rep(gsub(
                                 x = x$names,
                                 pattern =  "_",
                                 replacement = ""
                               each = x$iter))

      dat_obs_custom <- data.frame(
        contrast = gsub(
          x = x$names,
          pattern =  "_",
          replacement = ""
        ppc = unlist(x$custom_obs)

      plot_custom <- ggplot(dat_custom, aes(
        x = ppc,
        y = contrast,
        fill = factor(..quantile..)
      )) +
          geom = "density_ridges_gradient",
          calc_ecdf = TRUE,
          alpha = 0.5,
          quantiles = c(0.025, 1 - (critical))
        ) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c(col_noncritical,
                                     col_critical)) +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        xlab("Predictive Check") +
        ylab("Contrast") +
          inherit.aes = F,
          data = dat_obs_custom,
          aes(x = ppc,
              y = contrast),
          size = point_size
        ) +
        scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(levels(dat_obs_custom$contrast))) +

      list(plot_custom = plot_custom)

    }  # end of global

  } else {

    plt <- list()

    k <- length(x$names)

    for(i in 1:k){

      dat_obs <- data.frame(ppc = unlist(x$obs_jsd[[i]]),
                            node = 1:x$info$dat_info$p[1])

      test <- reshape::melt(x$predictive_jsd[[i]])

      test$node <- factor(test$X2,
                          levels = rev(1:x$info$dat_info$p[1]),
                          labels = rev(1:x$info$dat_info$p[1]))

      dat_obs$node <- factor(dat_obs$node,
                             levels = rev(1:x$info$dat_info$p[1]),
                             labels = rev(1:x$info$dat_info$p[1]))

        test$value <- log(test$value)
      check_inf <- which(is.infinite(test$value))

      test$value[check_inf] <- NA

      test <- na.omit(test)

      plt[[i]] <- ggplot(test, aes(x = value,
                                   y = node,
                                   fill = factor(..quantile..))) +
        stat_density_ridges(geom = "density_ridges_gradient",
                            rel_min_height = 0.01,
                            calc_ecdf = TRUE,
                            quantiles = c(0.025, 1 - (critical))) +
        scale_fill_manual( values = c(col_noncritical,
                                      col_critical)) +
        geom_point(data = dat_obs,
                   inherit.aes = F,
                   aes(x = log(ppc),
                       y = node),
                   size = point_size) +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        xlab("Predictive Check") +
        ylab("Node") +
        ggtitle(gsub(x = x$names[[i]],
                     pattern =  "_",
                     replacement = ""),
                subtitle = "Symmteric KL-Divergence (log scale)")

donaldRwilliams/BGGM documentation built on April 17, 2024, 5:52 p.m.