API for dosreislab/mcmc3r
Tools to work with MCMCtree

Global functions
.CalcCholesky Source code
.CalcEigen Source code
.CalcZ Source code
.CalcZwithA Source code
.addCorrMat Source code
.alnPopDat Source code
.ancrec Source code
.availNames Source code
.checkArr Source code
.checkCTL Source code
.checkCoords Source code
.checkCorrMat Source code
.checkData Source code
.checkFiles Source code
.checkInArgs Source code
.checkInSimPop Source code
.checkMat Source code
.checkMethod Source code
.checkOptArg Source code
.checkProcSym Source code
.checkRtraitCont Source code
.checkTree Source code
.coords2D.arr2mat Source code
.coords2D.mat2arr Source code
.coords3D.arr2mat Source code
.coords3D.mat2arr Source code
.gauss.quad.beta Source code
.genArr Source code
.genMat Source code
.get.node.y Source code
.get.segment.coo Source code
.hasAges Source code
.hasSpaces Source code
.logL.boot Source code
.matchNames Source code
.notNames Source code
.outFile Source code
.scalePopVar Source code
.simMorphData Source code
.simNoise Source code
.stepping.stones.beta Source code
.tin Source code
.writeCTL Source code
.writeTree Source code
A Man page
C Man page
C.PS Man page
C.arr.unal Man page
C.mat.unal Man page
R.sh Man page
V Man page
V.PS.nov1 Man page
V.arr.unal Man page
V.mat.unal Man page
array2matrix Man page Source code
bayes.factors Man page Source code
block.boot Man page Source code
calibrations Man page
carnivores Man page
carnivores19x29.raw Man page
ctlMCMCtree Man page Source code
dB Man page Source code
dBD Man page Source code
dL Man page Source code
dU Man page Source code
gauss.quad Man page Source code
gauss.quad.boot Man page Source code
hominids Man page
lmk_imp Man page Source code
logL.boot Man page
make.beta Man page Source code
make.bfctlf Man page Source code
make.ends Source code
matrix2array Man page Source code
mcmc.sum Man page Source code
mcmc2anc Man page Source code
mcmc2densitree Man page Source code
microcebus Man page
pL Man page
proc2MCMCtree Man page Source code
qL Man page
sim.R Man page
sim.morpho Man page Source code
sim.pop Man page Source code
sim.tree Man page
stepping.stones Man page Source code
stepping.stones.boot Man page Source code
treeMCMCtree Man page Source code
ts.array Source code
var.foxes Man page
vulpes21x29.raw Man page
write.morpho Man page Source code
dosreislab/mcmc3r documentation built on July 21, 2024, 3:23 a.m.