
Defines functions convert2dataset RatingsArraysFromRatingsTables FrocDataDescriptor Df2RJafrocDataset

Documented in Df2RJafrocDataset

#' Convert ratings arrays to an RJafroc dataset
#' @description Converts ratings arrays, ROC or FROC, \emph{but not LROC}, to an
#'   \pkg{RJafroc} dataset, thereby allowing the user to leverage the file I/O,
#'   plotting and analyses capabilities of \pkg{RJafroc}.
#' @param NL Non-lesion localizations array (or FP array for ROC data).
#' @param LL Lesion localizations array (or TP array for ROC data).
#' @param InputIsCountsTable If \code{TRUE}, the \code{NL} and \code{LL} arrays
#'   are rating-counts tables, with common lengths equal to the number of
#'   ratings \code{R}, if \code{FALSE}, the default, these are arrays of lengths
#'   \code{K1}, the number of non-diseased cases, and \code{K2}, the number of
#'   diseased cases, respectively.
#' @param ... Other elements of \pkg{RJafroc} dataset that may, depending on the
#'   context, need to be specified. \code{perCase} \strong{must} be specified if
#'   an FROC dataset is to be returned. It is a \code{K2}-length array
#'   specifying the numbers of lesions in each diseased case in the dataset.
#' @return A dataset with the structure described in
#'   \code{\link{RJafroc-package}}.
#' @details The function "senses" the data type (ROC or FROC) from the the
#'   absence or presence of \code{perCase}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ROC data can be \code{NL[1:K1]} and \code{LL[1:K2]} or \code{NL[1:I,1:J,1:K1]}
#'    and \code{LL[1:I,1:J,1:K2]}.}
#' \item{FROC data can be \code{NL[1:K1,1:maxNL]} and \code{LL[1:K2, 1:maxLL]} or
#'    \code{NL[1:I,1:J,1:K1,1:maxNL]} and  \code{LL[1:I,1:J,1:K2,1:maxLL]}.}
#' }
#'   Here \code{maxNL/maxLL} = maximum numbers of NLs/LLs, per case, over entire
#'   dataset. Equal weights are assigned to every lesion (FROC data).
#'   Consecutive characters/integers starting with "1" are assigned to
#'   \code{IDs}, \code{modalityID} and \code{readerID}.
#' @examples
#' ## Input as ratings arrays
#' set.seed(1);NL <- rnorm(5);LL <- rnorm(7)*1.5 + 2
#' dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(NL, LL)
#' ## Input as counts tables
#' K1t <- c(30, 19, 8, 2, 1)
#' K2t <- c(5,  6, 5, 12, 22)
#' dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(K1t, K2t, InputIsCountsTable = TRUE)
#' @export
Df2RJafrocDataset <- function(NL, LL, InputIsCountsTable = FALSE, ...)  {
  inputList <- list(...)
  if (length(inputList) == 0) {
    type <- "ROC" 
    if (InputIsCountsTable == TRUE) {
      ret <- RatingsArraysFromRatingsTables(NL,LL)
      NL <- ret$NL # sic; ret is not a dataset object
      LL <- ret$LL # do:
  else if (names(inputList) == "perCase") type <- "FROC" else stop("unknown data type")
  if (is.vector(NL)) {
    I <- 1
    J <- 1
    K1 <- length(NL)
    K2 <- length(LL)
    NL1 <- array(UNINITIALIZED,dim=c(I,J,K1+K2,1))
    NL1[,,1:K1,1] <- NL
    NL <- NL1
    dim(LL) <- c(1,1,K2,1)
    if (type == "ROC") perCase <- rep(1, K2) else 
      perCase <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)$perCase
    if (type == "ROC") IDs <- as.matrix(perCase, c(K2, 1)) else 
      IDs <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)$IDs
    if (type == "ROC") weights <- IDs else 
      weights <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)$weights
    modalityID <- "1"
    readerID <- "1"
    fileName <- "NA"
    name <- NA
    design <- "FCTRL"
    truthTableStr <- NA
    return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                           perCase, IDs, weights,
                           fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                           modalityID, readerID))
  if (is.array(NL)) {
    nLdim <- dim(NL)
    lLdim <- dim(LL)
    if (length(nLdim) != length(lLdim)) stop("array dimensions must have same lengths")
  if  (length(nLdim) == 2) {
    if (type == "ROC") {
      I <- 1
      J <- nLdim[1]
      K1 <- nLdim[2]
      K2 <- lLdim[2]
      NL1 <- array(dim=c(I,J,K1+K2,1))
      NL1[1:I,1:J,1:K1,1] <- NL[1:J,1:K1];NL1[1:I,1:J,(K1+1):(K1+K2),1] <- UNINITIALIZED
      NL <- NL1
      dim(LL) <- c(I,J,K2,1)
    } else {
      I <- 1
      J <- 1
      K1 <- nLdim[1]
      K2 <- lLdim[1]
      K1 <- K1 - K2
      dim(NL) <- c(I,J,K1+K2,nLdim[2])
      dim(LL) <- c(I,J,K2,lLdim[2])
    if (type == "ROC") perCase <- rep(1, K2) else 
      perCase <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)$perCase
    if (type == "ROC") IDs <- as.matrix(perCase, c(K2, 1)) else 
      IDs <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)$IDs
    if (type == "ROC") weights <- IDs else 
      weights <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)$weights
    for (k in 1:K2){
      IDs[k, 1:perCase[k]] <- seq(1:perCase[k])
      weights[k, 1:perCase[k]] <- rep(1/perCase[k], perCase[k])
    modalityID <- as.character(seq(1:I))
    readerID <- as.character(seq(1:J))
    fileName <- "NA"
    name <- NA
    design <- "FCTRL"
    truthTableStr <- NA
    return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                           perCase, IDs, weights,
                           fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                           modalityID, readerID))
  if  (length(nLdim) == 3) {
    if (type == "ROC") {
      I <- nLdim[1]
      J <- nLdim[2]
      K1 <- nLdim[3]
      K2 <- lLdim[3]
      NL1 <- array(dim=c(I,J,K1+K2,1))
      NL1[1:I,1:J,1:K1,1] <- NL[1:I,1:J,1:K1];NL1[1:I,1:J,(K1+1):(K1+K2),1] <- UNINITIALIZED
      NL <- NL1
      dim(LL) <- c(I,J,K2,1)
    } else {
      I <- 1
      J <- nLdim[1]
      K1 <- nLdim[2]
      K2 <- lLdim[2]
      dim(NL) <- c(I,J,K1+K2,nLdim[3])
      dim(LL) <- c(I,J,K2,lLdim[3])
    if (type == "ROC") {
      perCase <- rep(1, K2)
      IDs <- as.matrix(perCase, c(K2, 1))
      weights <- IDs
    } else {
      temp1 <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)
      perCase <- temp1$perCase
      IDs <- temp1$IDs
      weights <- temp1$weights
    modalityID <- as.character(seq(1:I))
    readerID <- as.character(seq(1:J))
    fileName <- "NA"
    name <- NA
    design <- "FCTRL"
    truthTableStr <- NA
    return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                           perCase, IDs, weights,
                           fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                           modalityID, readerID))
  if (length(nLdim) == 4) {
    I <- nLdim[1]
    J <- nLdim[2]
    K1 <- nLdim[3]
    K2 <- lLdim[3]
    if (type == "ROC") {
      perCase <- rep(1, K2)
      IDs <- as.matrix(perCase, c(K2, 1))
      weights <- IDs
    } else {
      temp1 <- FrocDataDescriptor(inputList)
      perCase <- temp1$perCase
      IDs <- temp1$IDs
      weights <- temp1$weights
    modalityID <- as.character(seq(1:I))
    readerID <- as.character(seq(1:J))
    fileName <- "NA"
    name <- NA
    design <- "FCTRL"
    truthTableStr <- NA
    return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                           perCase, IDs, weights,
                           fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                           modalityID, readerID))
  stop("could not figure out data type")

FrocDataDescriptor <- function(inputList) {
  K2 <- length(inputList$perCase)
  perCase <- inputList$perCase
  IDs <- array(UNINITIALIZED, dim = c(K2, max(perCase)))
  weights <- IDs
  for (k in 1:K2){
    IDs[k, 1:perCase[k]] <- seq(1:perCase[k])
    weights[k, 1:perCase[k]] <- rep(1/perCase[k], perCase[k])
  return(list (
    perCase = perCase,
    IDs = IDs,
    weights = weights))

# K1 and K2 are as in book chapter 5
RatingsArraysFromRatingsTables <- function( K1, K2 ) {
  R <- length(K1)
  if (length(K2) != R) stop("Length of two ratings arrays are unequal")
  tab <- data.frame(value=seq(1:R), freq=K1)
  NL <- rep(tab$value, tab$freq)
  tab <- data.frame(value=seq(1:R), freq=K2)
  LL <- rep(tab$value, tab$freq)
  return( list(
    NL = NL,
    LL = LL
  ) )

convert2dataset <- function(NL, LL, LL_IL, 
                            perCase, IDs, weights,
                            fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                            modalityID, readerID) {
  ratings <- list(NL = NL,
                  LL = LL,
                  LL_IL = LL_IL)
  lesions <- list(perCase = perCase,
                  IDs = IDs,
                  weights = weights)
  descriptions <- list(
    fileName = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(fileName)),
    type = type,
    name = name,
    truthTableStr = truthTableStr,
    design = design,
    modalityID = modalityID,
    readerID = readerID)
  dataset <- list(ratings = ratings, 
                  lesions = lesions, 
                  descriptions = descriptions)
dpc10ster/rjafroc-master documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 1:07 p.m.