
Defines functions splitWhiteSpaces ReadLrc ReadOrDbmMrmc ReadImrmc

#' @importFrom utils read.delim

ReadImrmc <- function(fileName, sequentialNames) 
  fileExt <- file_ext(fileName)
  if (fileExt != "imrmc") {
    stop("The extension of iMRMC file name must be *.imrmc")
  fileLines <- str_trim(readLines(fileName))
  lineNum <- 1
  for (n in 1:4) {
    lineTxt <- unlist(strsplit(fileLines[lineNum], split = ":", fixed = TRUE))
    while (!(lineTxt[1] %in% c("N0", "N1", "NR", "NM"))) {
      lineNum <- lineNum + 1
      lineTxt <- unlist(strsplit(fileLines[lineNum], split = ":", fixed = TRUE))
    if (lineTxt[1] == "N0") {
      K1 <- as.numeric(lineTxt[2])
    } else if (lineTxt[1] == "N1") {
      K2 <- as.numeric(lineTxt[2])
    } else if (lineTxt[1] == "NM") {
      I <- as.numeric(lineTxt[2])
    } else if (lineTxt[1] == "NR") {
      J <- as.numeric(lineTxt[2])
    lineNum <- lineNum + 1
  K <- K1 + K2
  while (fileLines[lineNum] != "BEGIN DATA:") lineNum <- lineNum + 1
  lineNum <- lineNum + 1
  while (fileLines[lineNum] == "") lineNum <- lineNum + 1
  dataTable <- NULL
  while (length(lineTxt <- unlist(strsplit(fileLines[lineNum], split = ",", fixed = TRUE))) == 4) {
    dataTable <- rbind(dataTable, lineTxt)
    lineNum <- lineNum + 1
  caseId <- unique(as.numeric(dataTable[, 2]))
  if (any(is.na(caseId))) {
    errMsg <- "Case IDs must be integers."
  if (any(is.na(as.numeric(dataTable[, 4])))) {
    errMsg <- "Ratings must be numeric."
  if (length(caseId) != K) {
    errMsg <- "The number of cases in the dataset is different from the number in the study description."
  TruthTable <- dataTable[as.numeric(dataTable[, 1]) == -1, ]
  if (any(!(caseId %in% as.numeric(TruthTable[, 2])))) {
    errMsg <- sprintf("Case %d cannot be found in rows recording truth states.", caseId[!(caseId %in% as.numeric(TruthTable[, 2]))])
  if (any(!(as.numeric(TruthTable[, 4]) %in% c(0, 1)))) {
    errMsg <- "Cases' truth states must be 0 or 1."
  normalCases <- unique(as.numeric(TruthTable[as.numeric(TruthTable[, 4]) == 0, 2]))
  abnormalCases <- unique(as.numeric(TruthTable[as.numeric(TruthTable[, 4]) == 1, 2]))
  fpTable <- dataTable[(as.numeric(dataTable[, 2]) %in% normalCases) & as.numeric(dataTable[, 1]) != -1, ]
  tpTable <- dataTable[(as.numeric(dataTable[, 2]) %in% abnormalCases) & as.numeric(dataTable[, 1]) != -1, ]
  # start code fix issue T1-RRRC for ROC data #73 
  # to fix problem with reader "10" being ordered after "1" instead of after "9"
  # readerID <- as.character(sort(unique(c(fpTable[, 1], tpTable[, 1]))))
  readerID <- as.character(sort(as.integer(unique(c(fpTable[, 1], tpTable[, 1])))))
  # end code fix issue T1-RRRC for ROC data #73 
  if (J != length(readerID)) {
    errMsg <- "The number of readers in the dataset is different from the number in the study description."
  modalityID <- as.character(sort(unique(c(fpTable[, 3], tpTable[, 3]))))
  if (I != length(modalityID)) {
    errMsg <- "The number of treatments in the dataset is different from the number in the study description."
  NL <- array(UNINITIALIZED, dim = c(I, J, K, 1))
  LL <- array(UNINITIALIZED, dim = c(I, J, K2, 1))
  for (i in 1:I) {
    for (j in 1:J) {
      for (k1 in 1:K1) {
        caseIndx <- which((fpTable[, 1] == readerID[j]) & (fpTable[, 3] == modalityID[i]) & (as.numeric(fpTable[, 2]) == normalCases[k1]))
        NL[i, j, k1, 1] <- as.numeric(fpTable[caseIndx, 4])
      for (k2 in 1:K2) {
        caseIndx <- which((tpTable[, 1] == readerID[j]) & (tpTable[, 3] == modalityID[i]) & (as.numeric(tpTable[, 2]) == abnormalCases[k2]))
        LL[i, j, k2, 1] <- as.numeric(tpTable[caseIndx, 4])
  perCase <- rep(1, K2)
  IDs <- array(1, dim = c(K2, 1))
  weights <- IDs
  type <- "ROC"
  modalityNames <- modalityID
  readerNames <- readerID
  if (sequentialNames){
    modalityID <- 1:I
    readerID <- 1:J
  names(modalityID) <- modalityNames
  names(readerID) <- readerNames
  fileName <- "NA"
  name <- NA
  # start code fix issue T1-RRRC for ROC data #73 
  # need to manually add the truthTableStr array
  truthTableStr <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 2)) 
  truthTableStr[1:I, 1:J, 1:K1, 1] <- 1
  truthTableStr[1:I, 1:J, (K1+1):K, 2] <- 1
  # end code fix issue T1-RRRC for ROC data #73 
  design <- "FCTRL"
  return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                         perCase, IDs, weights,
                         fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                         modalityID, readerID))

ReadOrDbmMrmc <- function(fileName, delimiter, sequentialNames) {
  dataTableFrame <- read.delim(fileName, sep = delimiter)
  dataTable <- NULL
  for (n in 1:5) {
    dataTable <- cbind(dataTable, as.character(dataTableFrame[, n]))
  caseId <- unique(as.numeric(dataTable[, 3]))
  if (any(is.na(caseId))) {
    errMsg <- "Case IDs must be integers."
  if (any(is.na(as.numeric(dataTable[, 5])))) {
    errMsg <- "Ratings must be integers."
  if (any(!(as.numeric(dataTable[, 4]) %in% c(0, 1)))) {
    errMsg <- "Cases' truth states must be 0 or 1."
  normalCases <- unique(as.numeric(dataTable[as.numeric(dataTable[, 4]) == 0, 3]))
  abnormalCases <- unique(as.numeric(dataTable[as.numeric(dataTable[, 4]) == 1, 3]))
  K1 <- length(normalCases)
  K2 <- length(abnormalCases)
  K <- K1 + K2
  fpTable <- dataTable[(as.numeric(dataTable[, 3]) %in% normalCases), ]
  tpTable <- dataTable[(as.numeric(dataTable[, 3]) %in% abnormalCases), ]
  readerID <- as.character(sort(unique(c(fpTable[, 1], tpTable[, 1]))))
  J <- length(readerID)
  modalityID <- as.character(sort(unique(c(fpTable[, 2], tpTable[, 2]))))
  I <- length(modalityID)
  NL <- array(UNINITIALIZED, dim = c(I, J, K, 1))
  LL <- array(UNINITIALIZED, dim = c(I, J, K2, 1))
  for (i in 1:I) {
    for (j in 1:J) {
      for (k1 in 1:K1) {
        caseIndx <- which((fpTable[, 1] == readerID[j]) & (fpTable[, 2] == modalityID[i]) & (as.numeric(fpTable[, 3]) == normalCases[k1]))
        NL[i, j, k1, 1] <- as.numeric(fpTable[caseIndx, 5])
      for (k2 in 1:K2) {
        caseIndx <- which((tpTable[, 1] == readerID[j]) & (tpTable[, 2] == modalityID[i]) & (as.numeric(tpTable[, 3]) == abnormalCases[k2]))
        LL[i, j, k2, 1] <- as.numeric(tpTable[caseIndx, 5])
  perCase <- rep(1, K2)
  IDs <- array(1, dim = c(K2, 1))
  weights <- IDs
  maxNL <- 1
  type <- "ROC"
  modalityNames <- modalityID
  readerNames <- readerID
  if (sequentialNames){
    modalityID <- 1:I
    readerID <- 1:J
  names(modalityID) <- modalityNames
  names(readerID) <- readerNames
  fileName <- "NA"
  name <- NA
  truthTableStr <- NA
  design <- "FCTRL" # default when using old read function
  return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                         perCase, IDs, weights,
                         fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                         modalityID, readerID))

ReadLrc <- function(fileName, sequentialNames) 
  fileExt <- file_ext(fileName)
  if (fileExt != "lrc") {
    stop("The extension of LRC file name must be *.lrc")
  whiteSpaces <- c("", " ", "\t")
  fileLines <- readLines(fileName)
  fileLines <- str_trim(fileLines)
  lineNum <- 2
  J <- 1
  readerID <- fileLines[lineNum]
  lineNum <- 3
  modalityID <- unlist(strsplit(fileLines[lineNum], split = "\""))
  iRmv <- NULL
  ifRmv <- FALSE
  for (i in 1:length(modalityID)) {
    modalityChar <- unlist(strsplit(modalityID[i], split = ""))
    if (all(modalityChar %in% whiteSpaces)) {
      iRmv <- c(iRmv, i)
      ifRmv <- TRUE
  if (ifRmv) {
    modalityID <- modalityID[-iRmv]
  I <- length(modalityID)
  lineNum <- 4
  largeOrSmall <- splitWhiteSpaces(fileLines[lineNum])
  if (length(largeOrSmall) != I) {
    stop("The numbers of elements in the third and fourth lines does not match.")
  lineNum <- 5
  NL <- NA
  LL <- NA
  while (TRUE) {
    K1 <- NA
    K1Temp <- 0
    NLSnglR <- NULL
    while (fileLines[lineNum] != "*") {
      K1Temp <- K1Temp + 1
      ratings <- splitWhiteSpaces(fileLines[lineNum])
      if (length(ratings) < I) {
        errMsg <- sprintf("The number of ratings in line %d is less than the number of maodalities.", lineNum)
      NLSnglR <- rbind(NLSnglR, ratings[1:I])
      lineNum <- lineNum + 1
    if (is.na(K1)) {
      K1 <- K1Temp
    } else if (K1 != K1Temp) {
      errMsg <- sprintf("The number of non-diseased cases for reader %d does not match that for previous readers.", J)
    NLTemp <- array(dim = c(I, J, K1, 1))
    if (is.null(dim(NL))) {
      NLTemp[, , , 1] <- as.numeric(t(NLSnglR))
      NL <- NLTemp
    } else {
      NLTemp[, 1:(J - 1), , ] <- NL
      NLTemp[, J, , 1] <- as.numeric(t(NLSnglR))
      NL <- NLTemp
    K2 <- NA
    K2Temp <- 0
    LLSnglR <- NULL
    lineNum <- lineNum + 1
    while (fileLines[lineNum] != "*") {
      K2Temp <- K2Temp + 1
      ratings <- splitWhiteSpaces(fileLines[lineNum])
      if (length(ratings) < I) {
        errMsg <- sprintf("The number of ratings in line %d is less than the number of maodalities.", lineNum)
      LLSnglR <- rbind(LLSnglR, ratings[1:I])
      lineNum <- lineNum + 1
    if (is.na(K2)) {
      K2 <- K2Temp
    } else if (K2 != K2Temp) {
      errMsg <- sprintf("The number of diseased cases for reader %d does not match that for previous readers.", J)
    LLTemp <- array(dim = c(I, J, K2, 1))
    if (is.null(dim(LL))) {
      LLTemp[, , , 1] <- as.numeric(t(LLSnglR))
      LL <- LLTemp
    } else {
      LLTemp[, 1:(J - 1), , ] <- LL
      LLTemp[, J, , 1] <- as.numeric(t(LLSnglR))
      LL <- LLTemp
    lineNum <- lineNum + 1
    if (fileLines[lineNum] != "#") {
      J <- J + 1
      readerID <- c(readerID, fileLines[lineNum])
      lineNum <- lineNum + 1
    } else {
  maxRating <- max(NL, LL)
  for (i in 1:I) {
    if (toupper(largeOrSmall[i]) %in% c("S", "SMALL")) {
      NL[i, , , ] <- maxRating + 1 - NL[i, , , ]
      LL[i, , , ] <- maxRating + 1 - LL[i, , , ]
    } else if (!toupper(largeOrSmall[i]) %in% c("L", "LARGE")) {
      stop("The confidence indicater in line 4 must be \"L\", \"LARGE\", \"S\", or \"SMALL\".")
  K <- K1 + K2
  NLTemp <- array(UNINITIALIZED, dim = c(I, J, K, 1))
  NLTemp[, , 1:K1, ] <- NL
  NL <- NLTemp
  perCase <- rep(1, K2)
  IDs <- array(1, dim = c(K2, 1))
  weights <- IDs
  maxNL <- 1
  type <- "ROC"
  modalityNames <- modalityID
  readerNames <- readerID
  if (sequentialNames){
    modalityID <- 1:I
    readerID <- 1:J
  names(modalityID) <- modalityNames
  names(readerID) <- readerNames
  fileName <- "NA"
  name <- NA
  truthTableStr <- NA
  design <- "FCTRL"
  return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL = NA, 
                         perCase, IDs, weights,
                         fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                         modalityID, readerID))

splitWhiteSpaces <- function(string) 
  whiteSpaces <- c("", " ", "\t")
  string <- unlist(strsplit(string, split = " |\t"))
  string <- string[!string %in% whiteSpaces]
dpc10ster/rjafroc-master documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 1:07 p.m.