
yROC_R <- function(zeta, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr, lesID) {
  maxLL <-  max(lesID)
  x <-  0
  for (L in 1:length(lesID)){
    x = x + lesDistr[L] * (1 - nu * pnorm(mu - zeta))^L
  TPF <- 1 - exp(-lambda*pnorm(-zeta)) * x 
  return (TPF)

contextStr <- "Cpp vs R: yROC for dataset11."
test_that(contextStr, {
  mu <- 2
  nu <- 0.9
  lambda <- 1
  zeta <- seq(from = -3, to = max(mu)+5, by = 0.2)
  ds <- dataset11
  lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(ds)$Freq
  lesID <- UtilLesDistr(ds)$lesID
  for (i in 1:length(zeta)) {
    ret1 <- yROC_cpp  (zeta[i], mu = mu, lambda = lambda, nu = nu, lesDistr = lesDistr)
    ret2 <- yROC_R(zeta[i], mu = mu, lambda = lambda, nu = nu, lesDistr = lesDistr, lesID = lesID)
    testthat::expect_equal(ret1, ret2)

contextStr <- "Cpp vs R: RSM_wLLF_R for dataset11."
test_that(contextStr, {
  mu <- 2
  nu <- 0.9
  zeta <- seq(from = -3, to = max(mu)+5, by = 0.2)
  ds <- dataset06 # fail Magnus; dataset11 # fail Dobbins
  LD <- UtilLesDistr(ds)
  Freq <- LD$Freq
  lesID <- LD$lesID
  W <- UtilLesWghtsDS(ds)
  for (i in 1:length(zeta)) {
    ret1 <- RSM_wLLF_cpp  (zeta[i], mu = mu, nu = nu, f_L = Freq, W = W)
    ret2 <- RSM_wLLF_R(zeta[i], mu = mu, nu = nu, lesDistr = Freq, relWeights = 0)
    testthat::expect_equal(ret1, ret2)

contextStr <- "Cpp vs R: UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM: testing weights code with max 4 lesions per case; also compare to PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics."
test_that(contextStr, {
  mu <- 2
  lambda <- 1
  nu <- 0.9
  zeta1 <- -3
  lesDistr <-  c(0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1) 
  relWeights <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1)
  # see RJafrocFrocBook, search for rsm-other-predictions-wafroc-curve 1/7/22
  fn <- paste0(test_path(), "/goodValues361/RSMformulae/weights-4-lesions", ".rds")
  if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    warning(paste0("File not found - generating new ",fn))
    ret <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu = mu, 
                                 lambda = lambda, 
                                 nu = nu, 
                                 zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                 lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                 relWeights =  relWeights) # this uses Cpp code
    saveRDS(ret, file = fn)
  ret <- readRDS(fn)
  ret1 <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM_R(mu = mu, 
                               lambda = lambda, 
                               nu = nu, 
                               zeta1 = zeta1, 
                               lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                               relWeights =  relWeights)
  expect_equal(ret1, ret)

  ret1 <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM_R(mu = mu, 
                                  lambda = lambda, 
                                  nu = nu, 
                                  zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                  lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                  relWeights =  relWeights)$aucwAFROC
  ret2 <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu = mu, 
                                          lambda = lambda, 
                                          nu = nu, 
                                          zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                          lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                          relWeights = relWeights)$aucwAFROC

  expect_equal(ret1, ret2)
  ret1 <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu = mu, 
                                  lambda = lambda, 
                                  nu = nu, 
                                  zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                  lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                  relWeights =  relWeights)$aucwAFROC
  expect_equal(ret1, ret2)

contextStr <- "Cpp vs R: testing weights code with max 4 lesions per case, random values."
test_that(contextStr, {
  mu <- 2
  nu <- 0.9
  lambda <- 1
  zeta1 <- -3
  maxLL <- 4
  lesDistr <-  runif(maxLL); lesDistr <- lesDistr/sum(lesDistr) 
  relWeights <- runif(maxLL); relWeights <- relWeights/sum(relWeights) 
  # see RJafrocFrocBook, search for rsm-pred-wafroc-curve 1/7/22
  fn <- paste0(test_path(), "/goodValues361/RSMformulae/weights-4-lesions-random", ".rds")
  if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    warning(paste0("File not found - generating new ",fn))
    ret <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu = mu, 
                                 lambda = lambda, 
                                 nu = nu, 
                                 zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                 lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                 relWeights =  relWeights) # this uses Cpp code
    saveRDS(ret, file = fn)
  ret <- readRDS(fn)
  ret1 <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM_R(mu = mu, 
                                lambda = lambda, 
                                nu = nu, 
                                zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                relWeights =  relWeights)
  expect_equal(ret1, ret)

contextStr <- "Cpp vs R: testing weights code with max 10 lesions per case, random values."
test_that(contextStr, {
  mu <- 2
  nu <- 0.9
  lambda <- 1
  zeta1 <- -3
  maxLL <- 10
  lesDistr <-  runif(maxLL); lesDistr <- lesDistr/sum(lesDistr) 
  relWeights <- runif(maxLL); relWeights <- relWeights/sum(relWeights) 
  # see RJafrocFrocBook, search for rsm-pred-wafroc-curve 1/7/22
  fn <- paste0(test_path(), "/goodValues361/RSMformulae/weights-10-lesions-random", ".rds")
  if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    warning(paste0("File not found - generating new ",fn))
    ret <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu = mu, 
                                 lambda = lambda, 
                                 nu = nu, 
                                 zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                 lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                 relWeights =  relWeights) # this uses Cpp code
    saveRDS(ret, file = fn)
  ret <- readRDS(fn)
  ret1 <- UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM_R(mu = mu, 
                                lambda = lambda, 
                                nu = nu, 
                                zeta1 = zeta1, 
                                lesDistr = lesDistr, 
                                relWeights =  relWeights)
  expect_equal(ret1, ret)

contextStr <- "R vs Maple: RSMformulae1 - implementations of RSM using Maple generated code"
test_that(contextStr, {
  z <- c(1.000000e+00, 2.330652e+02, 4.290645e-03, 3.829884e+01, 2.611045e-02, 1.379995e+01, 7.246402e-02, 6.737877e+00,
         1.484147e-01, 3.831936e+00, 2.609647e-01, 2.366126e+00, 4.226318e-01, 1.524567e+00, 6.559239e-01)
  mu <- 2;lambda <- 1;nu <- 0.4555825;lesDistr <- 1

  fn <- paste0(test_path(), "/goodValues361/RSMformulae/RSM_pdfD1", ".rds")
  if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    warning(paste0("File not found - generating new ",fn))
    ret <-   RSM_pdfD(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr)
    saveRDS(ret, file = fn)
  ret <- readRDS(fn)
  expect_equal(RSM_pdfD(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr), ret)


contextStr <- "R vs Maple: RSMformulae2 - implementations of RSM using Maple generated code"
test_that(contextStr, {
  z <- c(1.000000e+00, 2.330652e+02, 4.290645e-03, 3.829884e+01, 2.611045e-02, 1.379995e+01, 7.246402e-02, 6.737877e+00,
         1.484147e-01, 3.831936e+00, 2.609647e-01, 2.366126e+00, 4.226318e-01, 1.524567e+00, 6.559239e-01)
  mu <- 2;lambda <- 1;nu <- 0.4555825;lesDistr <- c(0.1,0.9)

  fn <- paste0(test_path(), "/goodValues361/RSMformulae/RSM_pdfD2", ".rds")
  if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    warning(paste0("File not found - generating new ",fn))
    ret <-   RSM_pdfD(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr)
    saveRDS(ret, file = fn)
  ret <- readRDS(fn)
  expect_equal(RSM_pdfD(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr), ret)

contextStr <- "R vs Maple: RSMformulae3 - implementations of RSM using Maple generated code"
test_that(contextStr, {
  z <- c(1.000000e+00, 2.330652e+02, 4.290645e-03, 3.829884e+01, 2.611045e-02, 1.379995e+01, 7.246402e-02, 6.737877e+00,
         1.484147e-01, 3.831936e+00, 2.609647e-01, 2.366126e+00, 4.226318e-01, 1.524567e+00, 6.559239e-01)
  lambda <- 1
  fn <- paste0(test_path(), "/goodValues361/RSMformulae/RSM_pdfN", ".rds")
  if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    warning(paste0("File not found - generating new ",fn))
    ret <-   RSM_pdfN(z, lambda)
    saveRDS(ret, file = fn)
  ret <- readRDS(fn)
  expect_equal(RSM_pdfN(z, lambda), ret)
dpc10ster/rjafroc-master documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 1:07 p.m.