
Defines functions row_index col_index .sum .cmean .rmean .csum .rsum .innerproduct_Matrix Frobsmlr .leftadd .addSplr .multiply .rightmult .leftmult as.character.splrMatrix splr_sparse_plus_constant as.matrix.splrMatrix splr_to_sparse

Documented in as.character.splrMatrix splr_sparse_plus_constant splr_to_sparse

#' @title Sparse Plus Low-Rank Matrices
#' @description An "S4" class for efficient computation with sparse plus
#' low-rank matrices. Stores sparse plus low-rank matrices
#' (e.g. from matrix factorization or centering graphs)
#' of the form \code{x + a \%*\% t(b)} for faster
#' computation.
#' @slot x a sparse matrix
#' @slot a a low-rank factor or a matrix
#' @slot b optional. a low-rank factor for \code{a \%*\% t(b)}. if \code{b} is not provided, a will be factorized using
#' \code{\link[irlba]{irlba}} provided \code{factorize = TRUE}
#' @param x as in "Matrix"
#' @param a as in "Matrix"
#' @param b as in "Matrix"
#' @param ... as in "Matrix"
#' @return splrMatrix object
#' @seealso Methods are documented in \link{splrMatrix_method}.
#'  Other relevant methods are \link{splr_sparse_plus_constant} and 
#' @rdname splr_constructor
#' @import Matrix
#' @import methods
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
  slots = c(x = "sparseMatrix", a = "Matrix", b = "Matrix"),
  contains = "sparseMatrix")

#' @rdname splr_constructor
#' @param rank rank of the matrix to be factorized.
#' @param dimnames optional - the list of names for the matrix
#' @return splrMatrix object
#' @export
  name = "splr",
  def = function(x, a = NULL, b = NULL, rank = NULL,
  dimnames = list(NULL, NULL), ...) {

  # x+ab'
  # x is mxn
  # and is an mxr and b is a rxm matrix
  dx <- dim(x)

  if (is.null(b)) {
    if (is.null(rank)) {
      stop("please provide an already factorized low-rank matrix (or specify the rank parameter)")
    da <- dim(a)
    if (da[1] != dx[1] || da[2] != dx[2]) {
      stop('b is not provided and a is not the same dimension as x')

    temp <- irlba::irlba(a, rank)

    #take the truncated svd
    newA <- as.matrix(temp$u[, 1:rank]) %*% diag(temp$d)[1:rank, 1:rank]
    newB <- as.matrix(temp$v[, 1:rank])
    new("splrMatrix", x = x, a = as(newA,"Matrix"), b = as(newB,'Matrix'), Dim = dim(x), Dimnames = dimnames)

  } else { #b is not null
    a <- as(a,'Matrix')
    b <- as(b,'Matrix')
    da = dim(a)
    db = dim(b)
    if(da[1]!= dx[1]) {
      stop("number of rows of x not equal to number of rows of a")
    if(db[1]!= dx[2]) {
      stop("number of columns of x not equal to number of rows of b\nhint: b needs to be nxr when a is mxr and x is mxn")
    if(da[2]!= db[2]) {
      stop("number of columns of a not equal to number of columns of b")

    new("splrMatrix", x = x, a = a, b = b, Dim = dim(x), Dimnames = dimnames)

#' @rdname splr_constructor
#' @export
  f = "splr",
  signature = signature(x = "Matrix", a = "Matrix", b = "Matrix"),
  definition = function(x, a, b, ...){
    new("splrMatrix", x = x, a = a, b = b, Dim = dim(x), Dimnames = list(NULL, NULL))

#' Convert splr "Matrix" to Sparse
#' @param data splrMatrix
#' @return sparse Matrix equal to x + a %*% t(b)
#' See \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
splr_to_sparse <- function(data){
    data@x + Matrix(data@a, sparse = TRUE) %*% Matrix(t(data@b), sparse = TRUE)

as.matrix.splrMatrix <- function(from,...)  {


#' Add a constant to a splrMatrix object
#' @param x sparse Matrix object
#' @param a scalar
#' @return new splrMatrix object x + a
#' @export
splr_sparse_plus_constant <- function(x, a){
  d <- dim(x)
  splr(x = x, a = rep(a, d[1]), b = rep(1, d[2]), Dim = dim(x), Dimnames = list(NULL, NULL))

setAs('splrMatrix','dMatrix', function(from) {
  as(from@x + from@a %*% t(from@b),'Matrix')

#' splr "Matrix" as character
#' @param x splrMatrix
#' @return character output of splr matrix
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
as.character.splrMatrix <- function(x, ...) {
  paste0("Sparse\n", as.character(x@x, ...), "\n",
    "Left factor\n", as.character(x@a, ...), "\n",
    "Right factor\n", as.character(x@b, ...))

# setMethod("as.character", "splrMatrix", as.character.splrMatrix)

setAs("splrMatrix", "character", function(from) as.character.splrMatrix(from))

setAs("splrMatrix", "matrix", function(from) as.matrix.splrMatrix(from))

#' @title "SPLR" Methods
#' @description Methods for the splrMatrix class. Most behave like
#' Matrix methods though things like output show the
#' decomposition. Use as.matrix to see the computed
#' dense matrix.
#' @param x As in "Matrix"
#' @param ... As in "Matrix"
#' @param object As in "Matrix"
#' @param e1 As in "Matrix"
#' @param y As in "Matrix"
#' @param e2 As in "Matrix"
#' @param type As in "Matrix"
#' @param na.rm As in "Matrix"
#' @param dims As in "Matrix"
#' @param i As in "Matrix"
#' @param j As in "Matrix"
#' @param drop As in "Matrix"
#' @param value As in "Matrix"
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Results of matrix operations for splrMatrix objects.
#'  Attempts are made such that the returned object is stored efficiently,
#'  either as a splrMatrix or sparse Matrix.
#' @aliases splrMatrix_method
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("show", signature("splrMatrix"),
    cat("Sparse part\n")
    cat("plus left factor\n")
    cat("times right factor transpose\n")

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("print", signature("splrMatrix"),
    cat("Sparse part\n")
    cat("plus left factor\n")
    cat("times right factor transpose\n")

# setMethod("print", signature("splrMatrix"),
#   function(x){
#     print(x@x)
#     print(x@a)
#     print(x@b)
# })

# setMethod("coerce", signature("splrMatrix", "character"),
#   function(from, to){
#     if(class == "dMatrix"){
#       splr_to_sparse(x)
#     }
# })

# #' @rdname splrMatrix_method
# setMethod('-',
#   signature(e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
#   function(e1, e2 = NULL) {
#     new("splrMatrix", x = -e1@x, a = -e1@a, b = e1@b, Dim = dim(e1@x))
#   })

.leftmult = function(x, y){
  #y is splr, x is a matrix

  a <- y@a
  sx <- y@x
  b <- y@b
  if (is(x,"sparseMatrix")) {
    p <- as(x%*%sx,"sparseMatrix")
    anew <- as(x%*%a, "Matrix")
    b <- as(b,"Matrix")
    new("splrMatrix", x = p, a = anew, b = b, Dim = dim(x))
  } else{
    part1 = x %*% sx
    part2 = x %*% a
    part2 = part2 %*% t(b)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "splrMatrix", y = "splrMatrix"), function(x, y) {
    x = x@x %*% y@x,
    a = cbind2(x@a %*% (t(x@b) %*% y@a) + x@x %*% y@a, x@a) ,
    b = cbind2(y@b, t(y@x) %*% x@b),
    Dim = dim(x))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "splrMatrix", y = "matrix_list"),
  function(x, y){
    matrix_list(lapply(seq_along(y), function(i) x %*% y[[i]]))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "matrix_list", y = "splrMatrix"),
  function(x, y){
    matrix_list(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) x[[i]] %*% y))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "Matrix", y = "splrMatrix"), .leftmult)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "matrix", y = "splrMatrix"), .leftmult)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "numeric", y = "splrMatrix"), .leftmult)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "numLike", y = "splrMatrix"), .leftmult)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x ="ANY", y ="splrMatrix"),.leftmult)

.rightmult = function(x, y){
  #x is splr, y is matrix
  a <- x@a
  b <- x@b
  sx <- x@x

  if (is(y, "sparseMatrix")) {
    newx <- sx%*%y
    newx <- as(newx, "sparseMatrix")
    newB <-  t(t(b)%*%y)
    newB <- as(newB,"Matrix")
    new("splrMatrix", x = newx, a = a, b = newB, Dim = dim(newx))
  } else {

    part1 <- sx %*% y
    part2 <- t(b) %*% y
    part2 <- a %*% part2

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("dim", signature(x = "splrMatrix"), function(x) { dim(x@x)})
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("length", signature(x = "splrMatrix"), function(x) { length(x@x)})
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x ="splrMatrix", y ="Matrix"),.rightmult)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x ="splrMatrix", y ="matrix"),.rightmult)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x ="splrMatrix", y ="numeric"),.rightmult)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x ="splrMatrix", y ="numLike"),.rightmult)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("%*%", signature(x ="splrMatrix", y ="ANY"),.rightmult)

#doesn't return an splr
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod('*', signature = signature(e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, e2)

#return sparse
.multiply <- function(e1, e2) {
  if (length(e2) == 1) {
    new('splrMatrix', x = e1@x * e2, a = e2 * e1@a, b = e1@b, Dim = dim(e1@x))
  } else {
    # can we speed this up for sparse e2?
    # right now it constructs a fully dense matrix
    # by calling (e1@a %*% t(e1@b)) which could be bad
    # if e2 itself is sparse
    # return(e1@x * e2 + (e1@a %*% t(e1@b)) * e2)
    # the following should be faster
    # need to test
    rank <- ncol(e1@a)
    return(e1@x * e2 + Reduce("+", lapply(1:rank, function(r){
      Diagonal(x = e1@a[, r]) %*% e2 %*% Diagonal(x = e1@b[, r])

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e2, e1)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "ddiMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "ddiMatrix", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e2, e1)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "matrix", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e2, e1)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "numeric", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e2, e1)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "ANY", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e2, e1)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "matrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "ANY"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "matrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, 1/e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "Matrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .multiply(e1, 1/e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature (e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "ANY"), function(e1, e2) {

  .multiply(e1, 1/e2)

.addSplr <- function(e1, e2) {
  new("splrMatrix", x = as(e1@x + e2@x,"sparseMatrix"), a = cbind2(e1@a, e2@a), b = cbind2(e1@b, e2@b), Dim = dim(e1))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod('+', signature = signature(e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "splrMatrix"),.addSplr)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod('-', signature = signature(e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {

.leftadd <- function(e1, e2) {
  #e1 is splr
  if (is(e2,"sparseMatrix")) {
    new("splrMatrix", x = as(e1@x + e2,"sparseMatrix"), a = e1@a, b = e1@b, Dim = dim(e2))
  } else if( is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1 ){
    new("splrMatrix", x = as(e1@x, "sparseMatrix"),
      a = cbind2(e1@a, rep(e2, nrow(e1@a))),
      b = cbind2(e1@b, rep(1, nrow(e1@b))), Dim = dim(e1))
  } else if( is.numeric(e2) ) {
    stop("Can only add length 1 numerics to splrmatrix")
  } else {
    e1@x + e1@a %*% t(e1@b) + e2

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("+", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="Matrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("+", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="numeric"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("+", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="ANY"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature(e1 = "splrMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
  function(e1, e2 = NULL){
    splr(-e1@x, a = -e1@a, b = e1@b)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="Matrix"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = -e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="ddiMatrix"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = -e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="numeric"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = -e2)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature(e1 ="splrMatrix", e2 ="ANY"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e1 = e1, e2 = -e2)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("+", signature("Matrix","splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e2, e1)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("+", signature("numeric","splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e2, e1)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("+", signature("ANY","splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e2, e1)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature("Matrix","splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(e2, e1)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature("numeric", "splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(-e2, e1)
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("-", signature("ANY","splrMatrix"), function(e1, e2) {
  .leftadd(-e2, e1)

#frobenius norm
Frobsmlr = function(x, a, b){

    #expansion due to trevor hastie
    xnorm <- norm(x, type = "f")
    xab = as.matrix(x%*%b)
    xab = sum(xab*a)
    aa = t(a)%*%a
    bb = t(b)%*%b
    ab = sum(aa*bb)
    sqrt(pmax(0, xnorm^2+2*xab+ab))


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("norm", signature(x ="splrMatrix", type ="character"),
  function(x, type,...){
      "F" = Frobsmlr(x = x@x, a = x@a, b = x@b),
      "f" = Frobsmlr(x = x@x, a = x@a, b = x@b),
      norm(as.matrix(x), type = type,...)
  }, valueClass ="numeric")

#' Matrix inner products
#' @param x matrix like object
#' @param y matrix like object
#' @returns inner product <x, y> = sum over all elements i,j of x_ij * y_ij.
#' @details For a matrix_list object, sums over all layers/list-elements as well.
#' @rdname innerproduct
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
setGeneric("innerproduct", function(x, y){
  sum(x * y)

#' @rdname innerproduct
setMethod("innerproduct", signature(x = "splrMatrix", y = "splrMatrix"),
  function(x, y){
    sum(diag(t(y@a) %*% x@x %*% y@b)) +
      sum(diag(t(x@b) %*% t(y@x) %*% x@a)) +
      sum(diag( (t(x@b) %*% y@b) %*% (t(y@a) %*% x@a) )) +
      sum(x@x * y@x)

.innerproduct_Matrix <- function(x, y){
    sum(diag(t(x@b) %*% t(y) %*% x@a)) +
      sum(x@x * y)

#' @rdname innerproduct
setMethod("innerproduct", signature(x = "splrMatrix", y = "Matrix"),
  function(x, y){ .innerproduct_Matrix(x, y)})

#' @rdname innerproduct
setMethod("innerproduct", signature(x = "Matrix", y = "splrMatrix"),
  function(x, y){ .innerproduct_Matrix(y, x)})

#' @rdname innerproduct
  signature(x = "matrix_list", y = "matrix_list"),
  function(x, y){
      function(i) innerproduct(x[[i]], y[[i]])

.rsum <- function(x, ...){
  #x is splrMatrix matrix

    rx = rowSums(x@x, ...)
    cb = colSums(x@b, ...)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x = "splrMatrix"),

.csum = function(x, ...){
  #x is splrMatrix matrix

    cx <- colSums(x@x, ...)
    ca <- colSums(x@a, ...)
    drop( cx + x@b %*% ca)


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x = "splrMatrix"),

.rmean = function(x, ...){
  #x is splrMatrix matrix

    rx = rowMeans(x@x, ...)
    cb = colMeans(x@b, ...)


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x = "splrMatrix"),

.cmean = function(x, ...){
  #x is splrMatrix matrix

    cx = colMeans(x@x, ...)
    ca = colMeans(x@a, ...)


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x = "splrMatrix"),

.sum <- function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE){
  sum(.csum(x), na.rm = na.rm)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("sum", signature(x = "splrMatrix", na.rm = "ANY"), .sum)

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("mean", signature(x = "splrMatrix"), function(x, ...){
  sum(x, ...) / x@Dim[1] / x@Dim[2]

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x = "splrMatrix",
    i = "missing", j = "missing", drop = "missing") ,
  function(x, i = NULL, j = NULL, drop = NULL) {

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", drop = "logical")
          , function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            if (drop) {
              warning("drop = TRUE is ignored for the splrMatrix class. cast to another class first")
            return(splr(x@x[i, j], x@a[i, ], x@b[j,]
                         , Dim = dim(x@x[i, j])) )

col_index <- function(x, j, ..., drop) {
  row_dim <- dim(x@x)[1]
  i <- seq(row_dim)
  if(row_dim == 0) {
    i <- numeric()

  if (drop) {
   warning("drop = TRUE is ignored for the splrMatrix class. cast to another class first")
    x = x@x[i, j],
    a = x@a[i, , drop = FALSE],
    b = x@b[j, , drop = FALSE],
    Dim = dim(x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE])


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "logical"),

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"),
            function(x, j, ...) col_index(x, j, drop = FALSE))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "missing", j = "logical", drop = "logical"),

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "missing", j = "logical", drop = "missing"),
            function(x, j, ...) col_index(x, j, drop = FALSE))

row_index <- function(x, i, ..., drop) {

  row_dim <- dim(x@x)[2]
  j <- seq(row_dim)
  if(row_dim == 0) {
    j <- numeric()

  if (drop) {
   warning("drop = TRUE is ignored for the splrMatrix class. cast to another class first")
  return( new("splrMatrix",
    x = x@x[i, j,...],
    a = x@a[i, , drop = FALSE],
    b = x@b[j, , drop = FALSE],
    Dim = dim(x = x@x[i, j,...])))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "logical"),

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
            function(x, i, ...) row_index(x, i, drop = FALSE))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "logical", j = "missing", drop = "logical"),

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "logical", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
            function(x, i, ...) row_index(x, i, drop = FALSE))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "ANY", drop ='logical')
          , function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            return(splr(x = x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE], a = x@a[i,, drop = FALSE], b = x@b[j,, drop = FALSE]
                       , Dim = dim(x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE])))


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "logical", drop ='logical')
          , function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            if (drop) {
              warning("drop = TRUE is ignored for the splrMatrix class. cast to another class first")
            return(splr(x = x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE], a = x@a[i,, drop = FALSE], b = x@b[j,, drop = FALSE]
                       , Dim = dim(x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE])))


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "ANY", drop ='missing')
          , function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
            return(splr(x = x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE], a = x@a[i,, drop = FALSE], b = x@b[j,, drop = FALSE],
                       Dim = dim(x = x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE])))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "logical", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY")
          , function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            new('splrMatrix', x = x@x[i, j, drop = FALSE]
                , a = as(x@a[i,, drop = FALSE],'Matrix'), b = as(x@b[j,, drop = FALSE],'Matrix')
                , Dim = dim(x = x@x[i, j,..., drop = FALSE]))


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "logical", j = "ANY", drop = "missing")
          , function(x, i, j, ...) {

            new('splrMatrix', x = as(x@x[i, j], "Matrix"), a = x@a[i,, drop = FALSE], b = x@b[j,, drop = FALSE]
                , Dim = dim(as(x@x[i, j], "Matrix")))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "logical", j = "numeric", drop = "missing")
          , function(x, i, j, ...) {

            new('splrMatrix', x = as(x@x[i, j], "Matrix"), a = x@a[i,, drop = FALSE], b = x@b[j,, drop = FALSE]
                , Dim = dim(as(x@x[i, j], "Matrix")))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "logical", j = "numeric", drop = "logical")
          , function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            if (drop) {
              warning("drop = TRUE is ignored for the splrMatrix class. cast to another class first")
            ret <- new('splrMatrix', x = as(x@x[i, j], "Matrix"), a = x@a[i,, drop = FALSE], b = x@b[j,, drop = FALSE]
                , Dim = dim(as(x@x[i, j], "Matrix")))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("[", signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "missing", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
  function(x, i = NULL, j = NULL, drop = NULL) {

#can fix this
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
    signature(x = "splrMatrix", i = "matrix", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
    function(x, i , ...) {
          x@x[i] +
            (x@a[i[, 1], ] * x@b[i[, 2], ]) %*%
              Matrix(1, dim(x@a)[2], 1)
          #as.matrix(x@x + x@a%*%t(x@b))[i]

#document the issues with doing this

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x = "splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", value = "ANY"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
    y <- x@x
    a <- x@a
    b <- x@b
    y[i, j] <- value -
      tcrossprod(a[i, , drop=FALSE], b[j, , drop=FALSE])

    new("splrMatrix", x = y, a = a, b = b, Dim = dim(y))


#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "missing", value = "ANY") ,
  function(x, i, ..., value) {
    j <- c(1:dim(x@x)[2])
    y <- x@x
    y[i, j] <- value
    a <- x@a
    a[i,] <- 0
    b <- x@b
    new("splrMatrix", x = y, a = a, b = b, Dim = dim(y))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x ="splrMatrix", i = "missing", j = "numeric", value = "ANY") ,
  function(x, j, ..., value) {
    i <- c(1:dim(x@x)[1])
    y <- x@x
    y[, j] <- value
    a <- x@a
    b <- x@b
    b[j,] <- 0
    new("splrMatrix", x = y, a = a, b = b, Dim = dim(y))

# Implementing this would be nice
#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
  signature(x ="Matrix", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", value = "splrMatrix"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
    y <- x
    y[i, j] <- value@x
    a <- Matrix(0, dim(x)[1], dim(value@a)[2])
    b <- Matrix(0, dim(x)[2], dim(value@b)[2])
    a[i,] <- value@a
    b[j,] <- value@b
    new("splrMatrix", x = y, a = a, b = b, Dim = dim(y))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("dim", signature(x = "splrMatrix"),
          function(x) x@Dim, valueClass = "integer")

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod('str', signature(object = "splrMatrix"), function(object){
  cat("\nDimension: ", dim(object@x))
  cat("\nLower rank matrix is rank: ", min(dim(object@a)) )

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("t", signature = signature(x ="splrMatrix") , function(x) {
  #splr(t(x@x), x@b, x@a)

  new("splrMatrix", x = t(x@x), a = x@b, b = x@a, Dim = dim(t(x@x)))

#' @rdname splrMatrix_method
setMethod("diag", signature = signature(x = "splrMatrix"), function(x) {
  drop(diag(x@x) + rowSums(x@a * x@b))

  "splrMatrix", "dgeMatrix",
  function(from) from@x + Matrix::tcrossprod(from@a, from@b)
dpmcsuss/iGraphMatch documentation built on May 22, 2024, 8:52 p.m.