#' Genotype the space between breakpoints
#' Genotype the space between breakpoints with Fisher's exact test
#' @param breaks A \code{\link{GRanges}} object with breakpoint coordinates.
#' @param fragments A \code{\link{GRanges}} object with read fragments.
#' @param backG The percent (e.g. 0.02 = 2\%) of background reads allowed for WW or CC genotype calls.
#' @param minReads The minimal number of reads between two breaks required for genotyping.
#' @author Ashley Sanders, David Porubsky, Aaron Taudt
#' @export
GenotypeBreaks<- function(breaks, fragments, backG=0.02, minReads=10)
if (length(breaks)==0) {
stop("argument 'breaks' is empty")
if (length(unique(as.character(seqnames(breaks))))>1) {
stop("argument 'breaks' must contain only coordinates for one chromosome")
# Remove the non-used seqlevels
breaks <- keepSeqlevels(breaks, value=as.character(unique(seqnames(breaks))))
# function that genotypes a position based on number of + and - reads -> by Ashley Sanders
genotype <- function(cReads, wReads, roiReads, bg=backG, minR=minReads, maxiter=10)
if (length(roiReads)==0) {
if (is.na(roiReads)) {
if( roiReads >= minR ) {
CCpVal<- fisher.test(matrix(c(cReads, wReads, round(roiReads*(1-bg)), round(roiReads*bg)), ncol=2, byrow=T))[[1]]
WCpVal<-fisher.test(matrix(c(cReads, wReads, round(roiReads*0.5), round(roiReads*0.5)), ncol=2, byrow=T))[[1]]
WWpVal<- fisher.test(matrix(c(wReads, cReads, round(roiReads*(1-bg)), round(roiReads*bg)), ncol=2, byrow=T))[[1]]
iter <- 1
while(CCpVal == WCpVal & WCpVal == WWpVal){ #if pVals are equal, take 10% of reads and recalculate
iter <- iter + 1
cReads <-cReads*0.1
wReads <- wReads*0.1
roiReads <-roiReads*0.1
CCpVal<- fisher.test(matrix(c(cReads, wReads, round(roiReads*(1-bg)), round(roiReads*bg)), ncol=2, byrow=T))[[1]]
WCpVal<-fisher.test(matrix(c(cReads, wReads, round(roiReads*0.5), round(roiReads*0.5)), ncol=2, byrow=T))[[1]]
WWpVal<- fisher.test(matrix(c(wReads, cReads, round(roiReads*(1-bg)), round(roiReads*bg)), ncol=2, byrow=T))[[1]]
if (iter == maxiter) { break }
pVal<- cbind(CCpVal, WCpVal, WWpVal)
maxP<- max(pVal)
#if (pVal[which(pVal != maxP)][1] < 0.05 & pVal[which(pVal != maxP)][2] < 0.05) { signf <- '*'} else {signf <- 'ns'}
if (maxP == CCpVal) { bestFit <- 'cc'} else if (maxP == WCpVal) { bestFit <- 'wc' } else{ bestFit <- 'ww'}
} else {
return(c(bestFit, maxP))
# create ranges between the breakpoints -> start and stops in a dataframe, use this to genotype between
breaks.strand <- breaks
strand(breaks.strand) <- '*'
breakrange <- gaps(breaks.strand)
breakrange <- breakrange[strand(breakrange)=='*']
## pull out reads of each line, and genotype in the fragments
strand(breakrange) <- '-'
Ws <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(breakrange, fragments)
strand(breakrange) <- '+'
Cs <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(breakrange, fragments)
strand(breakrange) <- '*'
readNo <- Ws + Cs
## bestFit genotype each region by Fisher Exact test
fisher <- sapply(1:length(breakrange), function(x) genotype(Cs[x], Ws[x], readNo[x]))
breakrange$readNo <- readNo
breakrange$Ws <- Ws
breakrange$Cs <- Cs
breakrange$genoT <- fisher[1,]
breakrange$pVal <- fisher[2,]
breakrange <- breakrange[!is.na(breakrange$genoT)]
## remove break if genotype is the same on either side of it
equal.on.either.side <- c(breakrange$genoT[-length(breakrange)] == breakrange$genoT[-1], TRUE)
breakrange.new <- breakrange[!equal.on.either.side]
start(breakrange.new) <- end(breakrange[!equal.on.either.side])
end(breakrange.new) <- start(breakrange[which(!equal.on.either.side)+1])
breakrange.new$genoT <- paste(breakrange$genoT[!equal.on.either.side], breakrange$genoT[which(!equal.on.either.side)+1], sep='-')
if (length(breakrange.new)) {
} else {
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