
#' Section data into data blocks
#' Sections provided data using block size and overlap proportion
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} where each column is assumed to be a series.
#' @param blockSize An \code{integer} indicating the size of each section.
#' @param overlap An \code{numeric} between 0 and 1 indicating how much overlap should 
#' exist between sections.
#' @return A \code{list} whose elements contain a \code{data.frame} with the same number of 
#' columns as \code{x} and \code{blockSize} number of rows.
#' @export
sectionData <- function(x, blockSize, overlap = 0){
  increment <- ceiling(blockSize * (1-overlap))
  sectIdx <- seq(1, dim(as.data.frame(x))[1] - blockSize+1, by=increment)
  numSect <- length(sectIdx)
  blockIdxLst <- as.list(as.data.frame(mapply(":", sectIdx, sectIdx+blockSize-1)))
  sectionedData <- list()
  for (i in 1:numSect){
    sectionedData[[i]] <- as.data.frame(x)[blockIdxLst[[i]], , drop = FALSE]
  attr(sectionedData, "class") <- c(class(sectionedData), "blocked")
  attr(sectionedData, "blockSize") <- blockSize
  attr(sectionedData, "overlap") <- overlap
  attr(sectionedData, "numSections") <- numSect
  attr(sectionedData, "n") <- dim(x)[1]

#' Multiplies a vector by a data taper
#' Tapers the data using a discrete prolate spheroidal sequence (DPSS)
#' @param x A \code{list} of \code{data.frame}'s as a result of calling \code{sectionData()}.
#' @param dataTaper A \code{character} string indicating what type of taper to use.  
#' Currently only DPSS's tapers are available.
#' @param nw A \code{numeric} representing the time-bandwidth paramater for use in generating 
#' the DPSS's.
#' @param k A \code{numeric} indicating the number of tapers to be used.  Should be less 
#' than 2*nw.
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{lists}, each "sublist" a named matrix of length 
#' \code{blockSize} by \code{k} of tapered data for that series.
#' @details This is not implemented in an efficient manner - there needs to be a better way
#' written.  That will be in the future.
#' @export
taper <- function(x, dataTaper = "dpss", nw = 4, k = 7){
  if (!any(class(x) == "blocked")){
    stop("Call sectionData() on x before calling this function.")
  slep <- dpss(n = attr(x, "blockSize"), nw = nw, k = k)$v
  tapered <- list()
  for (i in 1:attr(x, "numSections")){
    tmp <- list()
    for (j in 1:dim(x[[i]])[2]){
      tmp[[ colnames(x[[i]])[j] ]] <- apply(slep, 2, "*", x[[i]][, j])
    tapered[[i]] <- tmp
  mostattributes(tapered) <- attributes(x)
  attr(tapered, "dataTaper") <- dataTaper
  attr(tapered, "nw") <- nw
  attr(tapered, "k") <- k

#' Linear regression using a singular value decomposition
#' Performs a multivariate linear regression using a singular value decomposition.
#' @param x A \code{matrix} or \code{vector} containing the predictors.
#' @param y A \code{vector} containing the response.
#' @return A \code{list} containing the regression coefficients corresponding to the 
#' columns of x, the standard error estimates (*not* the variance) on those coefficients, 
#' and the eigenvalues of the decomposition (singular values squared).
#' @details Uses the process described in Mandel (1982), "Use of the Singular value 
#' Decomposition in Regression Analysis".
#' @export
svdRegression <- function(x, y){
  # X = U D V'
  sng <- svd(x)
  beta <- sng$v %*% ((Conj(t(sng$u)) %*% y) / sng$d)
  rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
  colnames(beta) <- NULL
  stdErr <- apply(t(apply(sng$v, 1, "/", sng$d)), 1, sum) * sd.complex(y)
  list(coef = t(beta), stdErr = stdErr, ev = sng$d^2)

#' Standard deviation of complex values
#' Calculates the standard deviation of a complex-valued series.
#' @param x a \code{vector} containing real or complex values.
#' @details Calculates the standard deviation of either a real or complex series using
#' sd = E{(X-u)(X-u)'}
#' where the apostrophe denotes the complex conjugate.
#' @return A real valued scalar.
#' @export
sd.complex <- function(x){
  x <- as.vector(x)
  Re((1/(length(x) - 1)) * sum((x - mean(x)) * Conj(t(x - mean(x)))))

#' Standardize a vector
#' Subtracts the mean and divides by the standard deviation.
#' @param x A \code{numeric} vector to standardize.
#' @details Does exactly what the description says and nothing else.  Will also 
#' work on complex-valued vectors.
#' @return A standardized vector.
#' @export
std <- function( x ){ (x - mean(x))/sd.complex(x) }

#' Calculates the eigencoefficents of a blocked time series
#' Calculates the eigencoefficients (tapered Fourier transforms) of the provided (pre-blocked)
#' series.
#' @param x A \code{list} of data.frames as returned by \link{sectionData}.
#' @param deltat A \code{numeric} indicating the sample rate.
#' @param nw A \code{numeric} indicating the time bandwidth parameter for estimating the 
#' Slepian data tapers.
#' @param k A \code{numeric} indicating the number of tapers to use - should be approximately
#' floor(2*nw - 1) and no larger than floor(2*nw).
#' @param nFFT A \code{numeric} indicating the number of frequency bins to use (i.e. setting 
#' the zeropadding amount).
#' @param numSections A \code{numeric} indicating the number of elements in the \code{list} x.
#' @param adaptiveWeighting A \code{logical} indicating whether the eigencoefficients should 
#' be multiplied by their adaptive weights before performing the regression.
#' @details Takes a \code{list} of data.frames and calculates the tapered Fourier transform 
#' of each column of each data.frame.  \link{spec.mtm} will calculate the adaptive weights 
#' to be used (bias protection) and these can also (and probably should be) used during 
#' coherence and transfer function estimation.
#' @return A \code{list} of lists.  You probably want to call \link{stackEigenByFreq} 
#' after this to get a more usable format.
#' @export
blockedEigenCoef <- function(x, deltat = 1, nw, k, nFFT, numSections = length(x)
                            , adaptiveWeighting = TRUE, returnWeights = FALSE, idx = NULL){
  if (is.null(idx)){ idx <- 1:(nFFT/2+1) }
  x.wtEigenCoef <- list()
  # estimate the eigenspectra and weights and multiply the two
  for (i in 1:numSections){
    x.spec <- lapply(x[[i]], spec.mtm, deltat = deltat, dtUnits = "second", nw = nw
                          , k = k, nFFT = nFFT, plot = FALSE, returnInternals = TRUE)
    if (adaptiveWeighting){
      x.wtEigenCoef[[i]] <- lapply(x.spec, weightedEigen, returnWeights = returnWeights
                                   , idx = idx)
    } else {
      x.wtEigenCoef[[i]] <- lapply(x.spec, nonWeightedEigen)

## hopefully slightly more memory efficient than calling 
# blockedEigenCoef() followed by calculateSpec().
blockedSpec <- function(x, deltat = 1, nw, k, nFFT, numSections = length(x)
                        , adaptiveWeighting = TRUE, forward = TRUE, idx = NULL)
  spec <- list()
  if (is.null(idx)){ idx <- 1:length(x[[1]]) }
  # estimate the eigenspectra and weights and multiply the two
  for (i in 1:numSections){
    x.spec <- lapply(x[[i]], spec.mtm, deltat = deltat, dtUnits = "second", nw = nw
                          , k = k, nFFT = nFFT, plot = FALSE, returnInternals = TRUE)
    if (adaptiveWeighting){
      x.wtEigenCoef <- lapply(x.spec, weightedEigen, returnWeights = FALSE)
    } else {
      x.wtEigenCoef <- lapply(x.spec, nonWeightedEigen)
    spec[[i]] <- calculateSpec(x.wtEigenCoef, forward = forward, idx = idx)

## These are helper functions for blockedSpec() and blockedEigenCoef()
# multiplies the eigencoefficients by the adaptive weights of a spec.mtm object
weightedEigen <- function(obj, returnWeights = FALSE, idx = NULL){
  if (is.null(idx)){ idx <- 1:obj$mtm$nfreqs }
  tmp <- obj$mtm$eigenCoefs[idx, ] * obj$mtm$eigenCoefWt[idx, ]
  if (returnWeights){
    attr(tmp, "eigenCoefWt") <- obj$mtm$eigenCoefWt[idx, ]
  } else {
    attr(tmp, "eigenCoefWt") <- NULL
# or not... (parameter set)
nonWeightedEigen <- function(obj, idx = NULL){
  if (is.null(idx)){ obj$mtm$eigenCoefs } else {obj$mtm$eigenCoefs[idx, ] }

#' Need to write this.. 
#' Should write a description too..
#' I don't think I need this except for during transfer()... 
stackEigenByFreq <- function(x, y = NULL){
  # indexing helper function that grabs and stacks all the eigencoefficients at a frequency
  eigenByFreq <- function(obj, rowNum, numEl){
    matrix(unlist(lapply(obj, function(x, idx) x[idx, ], rowNum)), ncol = numEl)
  x.design <- list()
  # stack the eigencoefficients by frequency from each block
  # form into a single list
  if (is.null(y)){
    for (i in 1:nfreq){
      x.design[[i]] <- list(x = do.call(rbind, lapply(x.wtEigenCoef, eigenByFreq, rowNum = i, numEl = 3)))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:nfreq){
      x.design[[i]] <- list(x = do.call(rbind, lapply(x.wtEigenCoef, eigenByFreq, rowNum = i, numEl = 3))
                            , y = do.call(rbind, lapply(y.wtEigenCoef, eigenByFreq, rowNum = i, numEl = 1)))

# This isn't really the spectrum/spectra - they're unnormalized for use in the 
# coherence calculation
calculateSpec <- function(obj, forward = TRUE, idx = NULL){
  if (is.null(idx)){ idx <- 1:dim(obj$x)[1] }
  Sxx <- apply(abs(obj$x[idx, , drop = F])^2, 1, sum)
  Syy <- apply(abs(obj$y[idx, , drop = F])^2, 1, sum)
    Sxy <- ( obj$x[idx, , drop = F] %*% Conj(t(obj$y[idx, , drop = F])) )
  } else {
    Sxy <- ( obj$x[idx, , drop = F] %*% (t(obj$y[idx, , drop = F])) )
  list(Sxy = Sxy, Sxx = Sxx, Syy = Syy)

## Takes the conjugate transpose since this gets used a lot
hConj <- function(x){

#' Trim an odd-length vector
#' This function trims a vector with an odd length, leaving \code{n} elements to
#' one or either side of the center element.
#' @param x The vector to trim
#' @param n The number of elements to one or either side of the center element to keep
#' @param LR A vector indicating which side to keep: To keep \code{n} elements to the left, 
#' set \code{LR = 1}; to keep \code{n} elements to the right, set \code{LR = 2}; for
#' \code{n} elements to the left and right, set \code{LR = 1:2}.
#' @return A trimmed \code{vector} according to \code{n} and \code{side}.
#' @export
trim <- function(x, n = 5, LR = 1:2){
  if( abs( length(LR)-1 ) > 1 | !all( LR %in% 1:2 ) ) stop( "Invalid LR argument" )
  l <- length(x)
  if( l%%2 != 1 ) stop( "Length of x is not odd" )
  m <- ceiling( l/2 )
  i <- list( (m-n):m, m:(m+n) )
  x[ unique( unlist(i[LR]) ) ]

## for dealing with Conjugate frequencies
negFreqIdx <- function(idx){
  abs(idx[idx <= 0]) + 2

#' Filters a time-series
#' Allows complex-valued filtering
#' @param x A vector (possibly complex, time-series) to be filtered.
#' @param filter A vector (possibly complex) of filter coefficients to be applied.
#' @details The causal coefficients should be in the right-half of the vector.  This function 
#' assumes that the filter is odd-length.
#' @export
zFilter <- function(x, filter){
  N <- length(x)
  nFilt <- length(filter)
  if (nFilt > N){
    stop("Filter is longer than the time series.")
  if (nFilt %% 2 == 0){
    stop("Filter length should be odd ... or modify this function to work with even length.")
  M <- 2^(floor(log2(N))+3)
  result <- fft( fft(c(x, rep(0, M-N))) * fft(c(filter, rep(0, M-nFilt))), inverse = TRUE )[1:N] / M
  result[1:(nFilt-1)] <- NA
driegert/transfer documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:11 p.m.