load(file = 'D:/gpapageorgiou/Github_Repos/JMbayes2/Dev_Local/Eta_with_NAs/jm_manual_eta_env_to_jmfit.RData')
model_data = Data
model_info = model_info
initial_values = initial_values
priors = priors
control = con
vcov_prop = vcov_prop
jm_fit <- function (model_data, model_info, initial_values, priors, control, vcov_prop) {
# create List of Lists of uvec version of idL
# directly with c++ indexing
model_data$idL_LstOfLst <- lapply(lapply(model_data$idL, function(x) x - 1), function(x) split(x, x))
# create vector of complete id
# this will act as a ghost
# it is going to be used to create what we need and then it will be removed
complete_id <- list(sort(unique(do.call(c, lapply(model_data$idL, unique)))))
# add it to a list with true idL list
complete_unq_idL <- c(complete_id, model_data$unq_idL)
# create a new list which
# has elements equal to the number of subjects and
# each element represents a subject
# each element is a uvec
# each uvec indicates for which longitudinal outcomes
# does the corresponding subjects have observations for
unq_idL_outc_lst <- lapply(complete_unq_idL, function(x) split(x, x))
unq_idL_outc_names <- unique(unlist(lapply(unq_idL_outc_lst, names)))
unq_idL_outc_lst <- setNames(unq_idL_outc_lst, 0:(length(unq_idL_outc_lst) - 1))
unq_idL_outc_lst <- lapply(do.call(mapply, c(FUN = c, lapply(unq_idL_outc_lst, `[`, unq_idL_outc_names))),
function(x) as.numeric(names(x[which(names(x) != '0')])))
model_data$unq_idL_outc_lst <- unq_idL_outc_lst
# extract family names
model_info$family_names <- sapply(model_info$families, "[[", "family")
# extract link names
model_info$links <- sapply(model_info$families, "[[", "link")
# set each y element to a matrix
model_data$y[] <- lapply(model_data$y, as.matrix)
# for family = binomial and when y has two columns, set the second column
# to the number of trials instead the number of failures
binomial_data <- model_info$family_names == "binomial"
trials_fun <- function (y) {
if (NCOL(y) == 2L) y[, 2L] <- y[, 1L] + y[, 2L]
model_data$y[binomial_data] <-
lapply(model_data$y[binomial_data], trials_fun)
idT <- model_data$idT
id_H <- rep(paste0(idT, "_", model_data$strata), each = control$GK_k)
id_H <- match(id_H, unique(id_H))
id_H_ <- rep(idT, each = control$GK_k)
id_H_ <- match(id_H_, unique(id_H_))
id_h <- unclass(idT)
model_data <-
c(model_data, JMbayes2:::create_Wlong_mats(model_data, model_info,
initial_values, priors,
list(id_H = id_H, id_H_ = id_H_, id_h = id_h))
# cbind the elements of X_H and Z_H, etc.
model_data$X_H[] <- lapply(model_data$X_H, JMbayes2:::docall_cbind)
model_data$X_h[] <- lapply(model_data$X_h, JMbayes2:::docall_cbind)
model_data$X_H2[] <- lapply(model_data$X_H2, JMbayes2:::docall_cbind)
model_data$Z_H[] <- lapply(model_data$Z_H, JMbayes2:::docall_cbind)
model_data$Z_h[] <- lapply(model_data$Z_h, JMbayes2:::docall_cbind)
model_data$Z_H2[] <- lapply(model_data$Z_H2, JMbayes2:::docall_cbind)
# center the design matrices for the baseline covariates and
# the longitudinal process
model_data$W_bar <- rbind(colMeans(model_data$W_H))
model_data$W_H <- JMbayes2:::center_fun(model_data$W_H, model_data$W_bar)
model_data$W_h <- JMbayes2:::center_fun(model_data$W_h, model_data$W_bar)
model_data$W_H2 <- JMbayes2:::center_fun(model_data$W_H2, model_data$W_bar)
model_data$Wlong_bar <- lapply(model_data$Wlong_H, colMeans)
model_data$Wlong_H <- JMbayes2:::mapply2(JMbayes2:::center_fun, model_data$Wlong_H,
model_data$Wlong_h <- JMbayes2:::mapply2(JMbayes2:::center_fun, model_data$Wlong_h,
model_data$Wlong_H2 <- JMbayes2:::mapply2(JMbayes2:::center_fun, model_data$Wlong_H2,
model_data$Wlong_bar <- lapply(model_data$Wlong_bar, rbind)
# unlist priors and initial values for alphas
initial_values$alphas <- unlist(initial_values$alphas, use.names = FALSE)
priors$mean_alphas <- unlist(priors$mean_alphas, use.names = FALSE)
priors$Tau_alphas <- JMbayes2:::.bdiag(priors$Tau_alphas)
# random seed
if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv))
RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", RNGstate, envir = .GlobalEnv))
n_chains <- control$n_chains
tik <- proc.time()
if (n_chains > 1) {
mcmc_parallel <- function (chain, model_data, model_info, initial_values,
priors, control, vcov_prop) {
seed_ <- control$seed + chain
not_D <- !names(initial_values) %in% c("betas", "D")
initial_values[not_D] <- lapply(initial_values[not_D], JMbayes2:::jitter2)
JMbayes2:::mcmc_cpp(model_data, model_info, initial_values, priors, control,
cores <- control$cores
chains <- split(seq_len(n_chains),
rep(seq_len(cores), each = ceiling(n_chains / cores),
length.out = n_chains))
cores <- min(cores, length(chains))
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
out <- parallel::parLapply(cl, chains, mcmc_parallel,
model_data = model_data, model_info = model_info,
initial_values = initial_values,
priors = priors, control = control, vcov_prop = vcov_prop)
#out <- lapply(chains, mcmc_parallel, model_data = model_data,
# model_info = model_info, initial_values = initial_values,
# priors = priors, control = control, vcov_prop = vcov_prop)
} else {
out <- list(mcmc_cpp(model_data, model_info, initial_values, priors,
control, vcov_prop))
tok <- proc.time()
# create dummy betas
if (is.null(out[[1]][["mcmc"]][["betas"]])) {
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
M <- nrow(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["bs_gammas"]])
K <- length(model_data$X)
for (j in seq_len(K)) {
k <- ncol(model_data$X[[j]])
nmn <- paste0("betas", j)
out[[i]][["mcmc"]][[nmn]] <- matrix(rnorm(M * k), M, k)
# reconstruct D matrix
get_D <- function (x) {
mapply2(reconstr_D, split(x$L, row(x$L)), split(x$sds, row(x$sds)))
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["D"]] <-
do.call("rbind", lapply(get_D(out[[i]][["mcmc"]]), c))
# Set names
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["bs_gammas"]]) <-
seq_along(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["bs_gammas"]][1, ]))
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["tau_bs_gammas"]]) <-
if ((n_taus <- ncol(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["tau_bs_gammas"]])) > 1) {
paste0("tau_bs_gammas_", seq_len(n_taus))
} else "tau_bs_gammas"
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["gammas"]]) <- colnames(model_data$W_H)
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["alphas"]]) <-
unlist(lapply(model_data$U_H, colnames), use.names = FALSE)
ind <- lower.tri(initial_values$D, TRUE)
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["D"]]) <-
paste0("D[", row(initial_values$D)[ind], ", ",
col(initial_values$D)[ind], "]")
for (j in seq_along(model_data$X)) {
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][[paste0("betas", j)]]) <-
colnames(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["sigmas"]]) <-
seq_along(out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["sigmas"]][1, ]))
# drop sigmas that are not needed
has_sigmas <- initial_values$log_sigmas > -20.0
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["sigmas"]] <-
out[[i]][["mcmc"]][["sigmas"]][, has_sigmas, drop = FALSE]
convert2_mcmclist <- function (name) {
as.mcmc.list(lapply(out, function (x) {
kk <- x$mcmc[[name]]
if (length(d <- dim(kk)) > 2) {
m <- matrix(0.0, d[3L], d[1L] * d[2L])
for (j in seq_len(d[3L])) m[j, ] <- c(kk[, , j])
} else as.mcmc(kk)
get_acc_rates <- function (name_parm) {
do.call("rbind", lapply(out, function (x) x[["acc_rate"]][[name_parm]]))
parms <- c("bs_gammas", "tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas", "W_bar_gammas",
"Wlong_bar_alphas", "D", paste0("betas", seq_along(model_data$X)),
if (control$save_random_effects) parms <- c(parms, "b")
if (!length(attr(model_info$terms$terms_Surv_noResp, "term.labels")))
parms <- parms[parms != "gammas"]
if (all(!has_sigmas))
parms <- parms[parms != "sigmas"]
mcmc_out <- lapply_nams(parms, convert2_mcmclist)
mcmc_out <- list(
"mcmc" = mcmc_out,
"acc_rates" = lapply_nams(parms, get_acc_rates),
"logLik" = do.call("rbind", lapply(out, "[[", "logLik")),
"running_time" = tok - tik
if (!control$save_random_effects) {
postmeans_b <- Reduce('+', lapply(out, function(x) x$mcmc$b[, , 1])) / n_chains
cumsum_b <- Reduce('+', lapply(out, function(x) x$mcmc$cumsum_b))
outprod_b <- Reduce('+', lapply(out, function(x) x$mcmc$outprod_b))
K <- (control$n_iter - control$n_burnin) * control$n_chains
means_b <- cumsum_b / K
outprod_means_b_cube <- array(0.0, dim = dim(outprod_b))
for (i in 1:nrow(means_b)) {
outprod_means_b_cube[, , i] <- means_b[i, ] %o% means_b[i, ]
postvars_b <- (outprod_b / K - outprod_means_b_cube) * K / (K - 1)
mcmc_out <- c(mcmc_out, list("postmeans_b" = postmeans_b,
'postvars_b' = postvars_b))
# Caclulate Statistics
S <- lapply(mcmc_out$mcmc, summary)
statistics <- list(
Mean = lapply(S, get_statistic, "Mean"),
Median = lapply(S, get_statistic, "Median"),
SD = lapply(S, get_statistic, "SD"),
SE = lapply(S, get_statistic, "Time-series SE"),
CI_low = lapply(S, get_statistic, "2.5CI"),
CI_upp = lapply(S, get_statistic, "97.5CI"),
P = lapply(mcmc_out$mcmc, function (x) apply(do.call("rbind", x), 2L, Ptail)),
Effective_Size = lapply(mcmc_out$mcmc, function (x)
apply(do.call("rbind", x), 2L, effective_size))
if (!is.null(mcmc_out$mcmc[["b"]])) {
znams <- unlist(lapply(model_data$Z, colnames), use.names = FALSE)
l <- sapply(model_data$unq_idL, length)
dnames_b <- list(unlist(model_data$unq_idL[which.max(l)]), znams)
fix_b <- function (stats) {
x <- stats$b
dim(x) <- sapply(dnames_b, length)
dimnames(x) <- dnames_b
stats$b <- x
statistics[] <- lapply(statistics, fix_b)
nRE <- ncol(statistics$Mean$b)
b <- do.call("rbind", out$mcmc[["b"]])
nn <- nrow(statistics$Mean[["b"]])
post_vars <- array(0.0, c(nRE, nRE, nn))
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
post_vars[, , i] <- var(b[, seq(0, nRE - 1) * nn + i, drop = FALSE])
statistics <- c(statistics, post_vars = list(post_vars))
if (control$n_chains > 1) {
no_b <- !names(mcmc_out$mcmc) %in% "b"
statistics <- c(statistics,
Rhat = list(lapply(mcmc_out$mcm[no_b], function (theta)
if (!control$save_random_effects) {
statistics$Mean$b <- mcmc_out$postmeans_b
statistics$post_vars <- mcmc_out$postvars_b
mcmc_out <- mcmc_out[!names(mcmc_out) %in% c('postmeans_b', 'postvars_b')]
# Fit statistics
thetas <- statistics$Mean
thetas[["betas"]] <- thetas[grep("^betas", names(thetas))]
thetas[["betas"]] <- initial_values$betas # <------------
thetas[["D"]] <- nearPD(lowertri2mat(thetas[["D"]]))
if (is.null(thetas[["gammas"]])) thetas[["gammas"]] <- 0.0
if (is.null(thetas[["sigmas"]])) thetas[["sigmas"]] <- 0.0
clogLik_mean_parms <- logLik_jm(thetas, model_data, model_info, control)
conditional_fit_stats <- fit_stats(mcmc_out$logLik, clogLik_mean_parms)
res_thetas <- thetas
res_thetas$bs_gammas <- do.call("rbind", mcmc_out$mcmc$bs_gammas)
res_thetas$gammas <- if (!is.null(mcmc_out$mcmc$gammas)) {
do.call("rbind", mcmc_out$mcmc$gammas)
} else matrix(0.0, nrow(res_thetas$bs_gammas), 1)
res_thetas$alphas <- do.call("rbind", mcmc_out$mcmc$alphas)
res_thetas$tau_bs_gammas <- do.call("rbind", mcmc_out$mcmc$tau_bs_gammas)
D <- do.call("rbind", mcmc_out$mcmc$D)
res_thetas$D <- array(0.0, c(dim(thetas$D), nrow(res_thetas$bs_gammas)))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(res_thetas$bs_gammas))) {
res_thetas$D[, , i] <- lowertri2mat(D[i, ])
res_thetas$sigmas <- if (!is.null(mcmc_out$mcmc$sigmas)) {
do.call("rbind", mcmc_out$mcmc$sigmas)
} else matrix(0.0, nrow(res_thetas$bs_gammas), 1)
mcmc_out$mlogLik <- mlogLik_jm(res_thetas, statistics$Mean[["b"]],
statistics$post_vars, model_data, model_info, control)
ind <- names(thetas) %in% c("sigmas", "bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas",
thetas[ind] <- lapply(thetas[ind], rbind)
dim(thetas[["D"]]) <- c(dim(thetas[["D"]]), 1L)
mlogLik_mean_parms <-
c(mlogLik_jm(thetas, statistics$Mean[["b"]], statistics$post_vars,
model_data, model_info, control))
marginal_fit_stats <- fit_stats(mcmc_out$mlogLik, mlogLik_mean_parms)
c(mcmc_out, list(statistics = statistics,
fit_stats = list(conditional = conditional_fit_stats,
marginal = marginal_fit_stats)))
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