#' Show RNAseq data, grouped into hexagonal bins, on a scatter or dimensionality reduction plot
#' @name dittoHex
#' @param x.var,y.var Single string giving a gene or metadata that will be used for the x- and y-axis of the scatterplot.
#' Note: must be continuous.
#' Alternatively, can be a directly supplied numeric vector of length equal to the total number of cells/samples in \code{object}.
#' @param rename.color.groups String vector containing new names for the identities of discrete color groups.
#' @param split.nrow,split.ncol Integers which set the dimensions of faceting/splitting when a single metadata is given to \code{split.by}.
#' @param xlab,ylab Strings which set the labels for the axes. To remove, set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param bins Numeric or numeric vector giving the number of haxagonal bins in the x and y directions. Set to 30 by default.
#' @param color.method Works differently depending on whether the \code{color.var}-data is continuous versus discrete:
#' \strong{Continuous}: String naming a function for how target data should be summarized for each bin.
#' Can be any function that summarizes a numeric vector input with a single numeric output value.
#' Default is \code{median}. Other useful options are \code{sum}, \code{mean}, \code{sd}, or \code{mad}.
#' You can also use a previously assigned function; e.g. first run \code{pNonZero <- function(x) \{ sum(x!=0)/length(x)\}},
#' then you give \code{color.method = "pNonZero"}
#' \strong{Discrete}: A string signifying whether the color should (default) be simply based on the "max" grouping of the bin,
#' based on "prop.<value>" the proportion of a specific value (e.g. "prop.A" or "prop.TRUE"),
#' or based on the "max.prop"ortion of cells/samples belonging to any grouping.
#' @param legend.density.title,legend.color.title Strings which set the title for the legends.
#' @param legend.density.breaks,legend.color.breaks Numeric vector which sets the discrete values to label in the density and color.var legends.
#' @param legend.density.breaks.labels,legend.color.breaks.labels String vector, with same length as \code{legend.*.breaks}, which sets the labels for the tick marks or hex icons of the associated legend.
#' @param min.opacity,max.opacity Scalar between [0,1] which sets the minimum or maximum opacity used for the density legend (when color is used for \code{color.var} data and density is shown via opacity).
#' @param min.density,max.density Number which sets the min/max values used for the density scale.
#' Used no matter whether density is represented through opacity or color.
#' @param min.color,max.color color for the min/max values of the color scale.
#' @param min,max Number which sets the values associated with the minimum or maximum color for \code{color.var} data.
#' @param main String, sets the plot title. The default title is either "Density", \code{color.var}, or NULL, depending on the identity of \code{color.var}.
#' To remove, set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param data.out Logical. When set to \code{TRUE}, changes the output from the plot alone to a list containing the plot ("plot"),
#' and data.frame of the underlying data for target cells ("data").
#' @param add.trajectory.curves List of matrices, each representing coordinates for a trajectory path, from start to end, where matrix columns represent x (\code{dim.1}) and y (\code{dim.2}) coordinates of the paths.
#' Alternatively, (for dittoDimHex only, but not dittoScatterHex) a list of lists(/princurve objects) can be provided.
#' Thus, if the \code{\link[slingshot]{slingshot}} package was used for trajectory analysis,
#' you can provide \code{add.trajectory.curves = slingCurves('object')}
#' @inheritParams dittoScatterPlot
#' @inheritParams dittoDimPlot
#' @details
#' The functions create a dataframe with x and y coordinates for each cell/sample, determined by either \code{x.var} and \code{y.var} for \code{dittoScatterHex},
#' or \code{reduction.use}, \code{dim.1} (x), and \code{dim.2} (y) for \code{dittoDimHex}.
#' Extra data requested by \code{color.var} for coloring, \code{split.by} for faceting, or \code{extra.var} for manual external manipulations, are added to the dataframe as well.
#' For expression/counts data, \code{assay}, \code{slot}, and \code{adjustment} inputs can be used to select which values to use, and if they should be adjusted in some way.
#' The dataframe is then subset to only target cells/samples based on the \code{cells.use} input.
#' Finally, a hex plot is created using this dataframe:
#' If \code{color.var} is not rovided, coloring is based on the density of cells/samples within each hex bin.
#' When \code{color.var} is provided, density is represented through opacity while coloring is based on a summarization, chosen with the \code{color.method} input, of the target \code{color.var} data.
#' If \code{split.by} was used, the plot will be split into a matrix of panels based on the associated groupings.
#' @return A ggplot object where colored hexagonal bins are used to summarize RNAseq data in a scatterplot or tSNE, PCA, UMAP.
#' Alternatively, if \code{data.out=TRUE}, a list containing two slots is output: the plot (named 'plot'), and a data.table containing the underlying data for target cells (named 'data').
#' @section Many characteristics of the plot can be adjusted using discrete inputs:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Colors: \code{min.color} and \code{max.color} adjust the colors for continuous data.
#' \item For discrete \code{color.var} plotting with \code{color.method = "max"}, colors are instead adjusted with \code{color.panel} and/or \code{colors} & the labels of the groupings can be changed using \code{rename.color.groups}.
#' \item Titles and axes labels can be adjusted with \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, and \code{legend.color.title} and \code{legend.density.title} arguments.
#' \item Legends can also be adjusted in other ways, using variables that all start with "\code{legend.}" for easy tab completion lookup.
#' }
#' @section Additional Features:
#' Other tweaks and features can be added as well.
#' Each is accessible through 'tab' autocompletion starting with "\code{do.}"\code{---} or "\code{add.}"\code{---},
#' and if additional inputs are involved in implementing or tweaking these, the associated inputs will start with the "\code{---.}":
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{do.contour} is provided, density gradiant contour lines will be overlaid with color and linetype adjustable via \code{contour.color} and \code{contour.linetype}.
#' \item If \code{add.trajectory.lineages} is provided a list of vectors (each vector being cluster names from start-cluster-name to end-cluster-name), and a metadata name pointing to the relevant clustering information is provided to \code{trajectory.cluster.meta},
#' then median centers of the clusters will be calculated and arrows will be overlayed to show trajectory inference paths in the current dimmenionality reduction space.
#' \item If \code{add.trajectory.curves} is provided a list of matrices (each matrix containing x, y coordinates from start to end), paths and arrows will be overlayed to show trajectory inference curves in the current dimmenionality reduction space.
#' Arrow size is controlled with the \code{trajectory.arrow.size} input.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{dittoDimPlot}} and \code{\link{dittoScatterPlot}} for making very similar data representations, but where each cell is represented individually.
#' It is often best to investigate your data with both the individual and hex-bin methods, then pick whichever is the best representation for your particular goal.
#' \code{\link{getGenes}} and \code{\link{getMetas}} to see what the \code{var}, \code{split.by}, etc. options are of an \code{object}.
#' \code{\link{getReductions}} to see what the \code{reduction.use} options are of an \code{object}.
#' @author Daniel Bunis with some code adapted from Giuseppe D'Agostino
#' @examples
#' example(importDittoBulk, echo = FALSE)
#' myRNA
#' # Mock up some nCount_RNA and nFeature_RNA metadata
#' # == the default way to extract
#' myRNA$nCount_RNA <- runif(60,200,1000)
#' myRNA$nFeature_RNA <- myRNA$nCount_RNA*runif(60,0.95,1.05)
#' # and also percent.mito metadata
#' myRNA$percent.mito <- sample(c(runif(50,0,0.05),runif(10,0.05,0.2)))
#' dittoScatterHex(
#' myRNA, x.var = "nCount_RNA", y.var = "nFeature_RNA")
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA)
#' # We don't have too many samples here, so let's increase the bin size.
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10)
#' # x and y bins can be set separately, useful for non-square plots
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = c(20, 10))
#' ### Coloring
#' # Default coloring, as above, is by cell/sample density in the region, but
#' # 'color.var' can be used to color the data by another metric.
#' # Density with then be represented via bin opacity.
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, color.var = "clustering", bins = 10)
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, color.var = "gene1", bins = 10)
#' # 'color.method' is then used to adjust how the target data is summarized
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, color.var = "groups", bins = 10,
#' color.method = "max.prop")
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, color.var = "gene1", bins = 10,
#' color.method = "mean")
#' # One particularly useful 'color.method' for discrete 'color.var'-data is
#' # to use 'prop.<value>' to color by the proportion of a particular value
#' # within each bin:
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, color.var = "groups", bins = 10,
#' color.method = "prop.A")
#' ### Additional Features:
#' # Faceting with 'split.by'
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10, split.by = "groups")
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10, split.by = c("groups", "clustering"))
#' # Faceting can also be used to show multiple continuous variables side-by-side
#' # by giving a vector of continuous metadata or gene names to 'color.var'.
#' # This can also be combined with 1 'split.by' variable, with direction then
#' # controlled via 'multivar.split.dir':
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10,
#' color.var = c("gene1", "gene2"))
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10,
#' color.var = c("gene1", "gene2"),
#' split.by = "groups")
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10,
#' color.var = c("gene1", "gene2"),
#' split.by = "groups",
#' multivar.split.dir = "row")
#' # Underlying data output with 'data.out = TRUE'
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, data.out = TRUE)
#' # Contour lines can be added with 'do.contours = TRUE'
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10,
#' do.contour = TRUE,
#' contour.color = "lightblue", # Optional, black by default
#' contour.linetype = "dashed") # Optional, solid by default
#' # Trajectories can be added to dittoDimHex plots
#' dittoDimHex(myRNA, bins = 10,
#' add.trajectory.lineages = list(c(1,2,4), c(1,4), c(1,3)),
#' trajectory.cluster.meta = "clustering")
#' @describeIn dittoHex Show RNAseq data overlayed on a tsne, pca, or similar, grouped into hexagonal bins
#' @export
dittoDimHex <- function(
color.var = NULL,
bins = 30,
color.method = NULL,
reduction.use = .default_reduction(object),
dim.1 = 1,
dim.2 = 2,
cells.use = NULL,
color.panel = dittoColors(),
colors = seq_along(color.panel),
split.by = NULL,
extra.vars = NULL,
multivar.split.dir = c("col", "row"),
split.nrow = NULL,
split.ncol = NULL,
split.adjust = list(),
assay = .default_assay(object),
slot = .default_slot(object),
adjustment = NULL,
swap.rownames = NULL,
assay.extra = assay,
slot.extra = slot,
adjustment.extra = adjustment,
show.axes.numbers = TRUE,
show.grid.lines = !grepl("umap|tsne", tolower(reduction.use)),
main = "make",
sub = NULL,
xlab = "make",
ylab = "make",
theme = theme_bw(),
do.contour = FALSE,
contour.color = "black",
contour.linetype = 1,
min.density = NA,
max.density = NA,
min.color = "#F0E442",
max.color = "#0072B2",
min.opacity = 0.2,
max.opacity = 1,
min = NA,
max = NA,
rename.color.groups = NULL,
do.ellipse = FALSE,
do.label = FALSE,
labels.size = 5,
labels.highlight = TRUE,
labels.repel = TRUE,
labels.split.by = split.by,
labels.repel.adjust = list(),
add.trajectory.lineages = NULL,
add.trajectory.curves = NULL,
trajectory.arrow.size = 0.15,
data.out = FALSE,
legend.show = TRUE,
legend.color.title = "make",
legend.color.breaks = waiver(),
legend.color.breaks.labels = waiver(),
legend.density.title = if (isBulk(object)) "Samples" else "Cells",
legend.density.breaks = waiver(),
legend.density.breaks.labels = waiver()
) {
multivar.split.dir <- match.arg(multivar.split.dir)
# Generate the x/y dimensional reduction data and plot titles.
xdat <- .extract_Reduced_Dim(reduction.use, dim.1, object)
ydat <- .extract_Reduced_Dim(reduction.use, dim.2, object)
xlab <- .leave_default_or_null(xlab, xdat$name)
ylab <- .leave_default_or_null(ylab, ydat$name)
# Edit theme
if (!show.grid.lines) {
theme <- theme + theme(
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
if (!show.axes.numbers) {
theme <- theme +
theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank())
# Make dataframes and plot
p.df <- dittoScatterHex(
object, xdat$embeddings, ydat$embeddings, color.var, bins,
color.method, split.by,
extra.vars, cells.use, color.panel, colors, multivar.split.dir,
split.nrow, split.ncol, split.adjust, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
assay, slot, adjustment, assay.extra, slot.extra, adjustment.extra,
min.density, max.density, min.color, max.color,
min.opacity, max.opacity, min, max,
rename.color.groups, xlab, ylab, main, sub, theme,
do.contour, contour.color, contour.linetype,
do.ellipse, do.label, labels.size, labels.highlight, labels.repel,
labels.split.by, labels.repel.adjust,
add.trajectory.lineages, add.trajectory.curves = NULL,
trajectory.cluster.meta, trajectory.arrow.size,
legend.color.title, legend.color.breaks, legend.color.breaks.labels,
legend.density.title, legend.density.breaks, legend.density.breaks.labels,
data.out = TRUE)
p <- p.df$plot
data <- p.df$data
# Add extra features
if (is.list(add.trajectory.curves)) {
p <- .add_trajectory_curves(
p, add.trajectory.curves, trajectory.arrow.size, dim.1, dim.2)
### RETURN the PLOT ###
if (data.out) {
plot = p,
data = data)
} else {
#' @describeIn dittoHex Make a scatter plot of RNAseq data, grouped into hexagonal bins
#' @export
dittoScatterHex <- function(
color.var = NULL,
bins = 30,
color.method = NULL,
split.by = NULL,
extra.vars = NULL,
cells.use = NULL,
color.panel = dittoColors(),
colors = seq_along(color.panel),
multivar.split.dir = c("col", "row"),
split.nrow = NULL,
split.ncol = NULL,
split.adjust = list(),
assay.x = .default_assay(object),
slot.x = .default_slot(object),
adjustment.x = NULL,
assay.y = .default_assay(object),
slot.y = .default_slot(object),
adjustment.y = NULL,
assay.color = .default_assay(object),
slot.color = .default_slot(object),
adjustment.color = NULL,
assay.extra = .default_assay(object),
slot.extra = .default_slot(object),
adjustment.extra = NULL,
swap.rownames = NULL,
min.density = NA,
max.density = NA,
min.color = "#F0E442",
max.color = "#0072B2",
min.opacity = 0.2,
max.opacity = 1,
min = NA,
max = NA,
rename.color.groups = NULL,
xlab = x.var,
ylab = y.var,
main = "make",
sub = NULL,
theme = theme_bw(),
do.contour = FALSE,
contour.color = "black",
contour.linetype = 1,
do.ellipse = FALSE,
do.label = FALSE,
labels.size = 5,
labels.highlight = TRUE,
labels.repel = TRUE,
labels.split.by = split.by,
labels.repel.adjust = list(),
add.trajectory.lineages = NULL,
add.trajectory.curves = NULL,
trajectory.arrow.size = 0.15,
legend.show = TRUE,
legend.color.title = "make",
legend.color.breaks = waiver(),
legend.color.breaks.labels = waiver(),
legend.density.title = if (isBulk(object)) "Samples" else "Cells",
legend.density.breaks = waiver(),
legend.density.breaks.labels = waiver(),
data.out = FALSE) {
# Standardize cells/samples vectors.
cells.use <- .which_cells(cells.use, object)
multivar.split.dir <- match.arg(multivar.split.dir)
# Make dataframe
all_data <- .scatter_data_gather(
object, cells.use, x.var, y.var, color.var, shape.by=NULL, split.by,
extra.vars, multivar.split.dir, assay.x, slot.x, adjustment.x, assay.y, slot.y,
adjustment.y, assay.color, slot.color, adjustment.color, assay.extra,
slot.extra, adjustment.extra, swap.rownames = swap.rownames,
rename.color.groups = rename.color.groups)
data <- all_data$Target_data
split.by <- all_data$split.by
# Parse coloring methods
color_by_var <- FALSE
discrete_disp <- FALSE
discrete_data <- FALSE
if (!is.null(color.var)) {
color_by_var <- TRUE
if (!is.numeric(data$color)) {
discrete_data <- TRUE
if (!any(c("max.prop", paste0("prop.", unique(data$color))) %in% color.method)) {
discrete_disp <- TRUE
if (is.null(color.method)) {
color.method <- ifelse(discrete_data, "max", "median")
.check_color.method(color.method, discrete_disp)
# Set titles if "make"
main <- .leave_default_or_null(main,
default =
if (!color_by_var) {
} else if (length(color.var)==1) {
} else {
legend.color.title <- .leave_default_or_null(legend.color.title,
default = ifelse(
paste(color.var, color.method, sep = ",\n"),
null.if = is.null(color.var)
# Make the plot
p <- .ditto_scatter_hex(
data, bins, color_by_var, discrete_disp, color.method, color.panel, colors,
min.density, max.density, min.color, max.color,
min.opacity, max.opacity, min, max,
xlab, ylab, main, sub, theme, legend.show,
legend.color.title, legend.color.breaks, legend.color.breaks.labels,
legend.density.title, legend.density.breaks, legend.density.breaks.labels)
### Add extra features
if (!is.null(split.by)) {
p <- .add_splitting(
p, split.by, split.nrow, split.ncol, split.adjust)
if (do.contour) {
p <- .add_contours(p, data, contour.color, contour.linetype)
p <- .add_letters_ellipses_labels_if_discrete(
p, data, is.discrete = discrete_data,
FALSE, do.ellipse, do.label,
labels.highlight, labels.size, labels.repel, labels.split.by,
if (is.list(add.trajectory.lineages)) {
p <- .add_trajectory_lineages(
p, rbind(all_data$Target_data, all_data$Others_data),
add.trajectory.lineages, trajectory.cluster.meta,
trajectory.arrow.size, object)
if (is.list(add.trajectory.curves)) {
p <- .add_trajectory_curves(
p, add.trajectory.curves, trajectory.arrow.size)
### RETURN the PLOT ###
if (data.out) {
return(list(plot = p, data = data))
} else{
.ditto_scatter_hex <- function(
) {
### Set up plotting
p <- ggplot() + ylab(ylab) + xlab(xlab) + ggtitle(main,sub) + theme
### Determine how to add data while adding proper theming
aes.use <- aes(x = .data$X, y = .data$Y)
geom.args <- list(
data = data, bins = bins, na.rm = TRUE)
if (!color_by_var) {
## Set color scale based on density for stat_bin_hex
p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(
name = legend.density.title,
low= min.color,
high = max.color,
limits = c(min.density, max.density),
breaks = legend.density.breaks,
labels = legend.density.breaks.labels)
} else {
## Setup for ggplot.multistats::stat_summaries_hex
# Set alpha scale based on density
p <- p + scale_alpha_continuous(
name = legend.density.title,
range = c(min.opacity, max.opacity),
limits = c(min.density, max.density),
breaks = legend.density.breaks,
labels = legend.density.breaks.labels)
# Prep aesthetics
aes.use <- modifyList(aes.use, aes(
z = .data$color,
fill = after_stat(.data$fxn_c),
alpha = after_stat(.data$fxn_d),
# Fix for when color is a factor
group = 1))
# Determine how 'c' and 'd' should be calculated &
# set fill based on color.method
if (discrete) {
geom.args$funs <- c(
fxn_c = if (color.method == "max") {
function(x) names(which.max(table(x)))
}, fxn_d = length)
p <- p + scale_fill_manual(
name = legend.color.title,
values = color.panel[colors])
} else {
geom.args$funs <- c(
fxn_c = if (color.method == "max.prop") {
function(x) max(table(x)/length(x))
} else if (grepl("^prop.", color.method)) {
function(x) {
lev <- substr(color.method, 6, nchar(color.method))
} else {
}, fxn_d = length)
p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(
name = legend.color.title,
low= min.color,
high = max.color,
limits = c(min,max),
breaks = legend.color.breaks,
labels = legend.color.breaks.labels)
### Add data
geom.args$mapping <- aes.use
if (!is.null(data$color)) {
p <- p + do.call(ggplot.multistats::stat_summaries_hex, geom.args)
} else {
p <- p + do.call(stat_bin_hex, geom.args)
if (!legend.show) {
p <- .remove_legend(p)
.check_color.method <- function(color.method, discrete) {
valid <- FALSE
if (discrete) {
valid <- color.method == "max"
} else {
valid <- color.method == "max.prop" || grepl("^prop.", color.method) || exists(color.method, mode='function')
if (!valid) {
stop("'color.method' not valid. Must be \"max\", \"max.prop\", or \"prop.<data-level>\" (discrete data) or the name of a function (continuous data)")
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