
# I think I already implemented this. Look in the R files.
#  findCallsParam ???
# # !!! Look in freeVariables.R  - usedAsFunction and isParamUsedAsFun
# The idea here is to find functions which take a parameter
# and then call/invoke that parameter as a function, e.g. lapply, mapply, curve, optim, do.call, outer
# RCIndex::parseTU() and visitTU() (although that hits C code). Or Rllvm.
if(FALSE) {

  foo = function(x, g, f)    
           lapply(split(x, g), f)

  foo1 = function(files, f) {
             tmp = lapply(files, f)
             do.call(rbind, tmp)

  foo2 = function(x,f)    
           f(x + 1) + 2

findCallsParam =
    # Find any direct calls to a parameter, e.g.
    #   optim() may call its fn and gr
    # Doesn't find indirect calls such as function(x, f) sapply(x, f).
    # Get those with getGlobals()
    # Doesn't detect calls from C code of course. See the RCIndex package 
    # and NativeCodeAnalysis package for that..
function(fun, asCalls = FALSE)
   params = names(formals(fun))
   funa = to_ast(fun)
   v = find_nodes(funa, function(x) is(x, "Call") && is(x$fn, "Symbol") && x$fn$value %in% params)
      unique(vapply(v, function(x) x$fn$value, character(1)))
duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:01 p.m.