

cat("Setting cuGetContext(TRUE)...\n")
cat("done. Profiling CUDA code...\n")

cat("Loading module...\n")
m = loadModule(system.file("sampleKernels", "random.ptx", package = "RCUDA"))
cat("done. Extracting kernels...\n")
k_setup = m$setup_kernel
k_rnorm = m$runif_kernel
k_runif = m$rnorm_kernel
k_rpois = m$rpois_kernel
k_allinone = m$rnorm_all_in_one_kernel

cat("done. Setting up miscellaneous stuff...\n")
N = 250000 # 1e6L fails on my mac... :/

# Uniform parameters:
lo <- -1.0
hi <- 1.0

# Normal parameters:
mu <-  -0.3
sigma <-  1.5

# Poison parameters:
lambda <- 1.0

# if...
# N = 1,000,000
# => 1954 blocks of 512 threads will suffice
# => (62 x 32) grid, (512 x 1 x 1) blocks

# Fix block dims:
threads_per_block <- 512L
block_dims <- c(threads_per_block, 1L, 1L)
grid_d1 <- floor(sqrt(N/threads_per_block))
grid_d2 <- ceiling(N/(grid_d1*threads_per_block))
grid_dims <- c(grid_d1, grid_d2, 1L)

cat("Grid size:\n")
cat("Block size:\n")

nthreads <- prod(grid_dims)*prod(block_dims) 
cat("Total number of threads to launch = ",nthreads,"\n")
if (nthreads < N){
    stop("Grid is not large enough...!")

# Need to setup RNG (this doesn't work yet since
# getElementSize() isn't defined for curandState...
# In the meantime, on my Mac: 
# sizeof(curandState) = 48
cat("Allocating memory on device for curandStates...\n")
cu_rng_alloc_time <- system.time({
    rng_states <- cudaMalloc(elType = "curandState", numEls = N, sizeof = 48L) 

# Need to allocate space for results:
cat("done. Allocating space for results...\n")
x_double <- rep(0.0,N)
x_int    <- rep(0,N)
   # probably want to use cudaMalloc() here to avoid allocating the vector in R.
x_d_mem <- copyToDevice(x_double) 
x_i_mem <- copyToDevice(x_int)

# TODO: 
# -- Check float/double status

cat("Launching all-in-one CUDA kernel...\n")
cu_all_in_one_time <- system.time({
    .cuda(k_allinone, x_d_mem, N, mu, sigma, inplace = TRUE, gridDim = grid_dims, blockDim = block_dims)
cat("Copying result back from device...\n")
cu_all_in_one_copy_time <- system.time({
    cu_rnorm_allinone <- copyFromDevice(obj=x_d_mem,nels=x_d_mem$nels,type="float")
cat("First few values...\n")


#stop("rest needs curand stuff sorted...")

# Initializing RNG's...
cat("Launching CUDA kernel for RNG setup...\n")
cu_init_time <- system.time({
    .cuda(k_setup, rng_states, inplace = TRUE, gridDim = grid_dims, blockDim = block_dims)

# Call RNGs...
cat("Launching runif CUDA kernel...\n")
cu_runif_time <- system.time({
    .cuda(k_runif, rng_states, x_d_mem, N, lo, hi, inplace = TRUE, gridDim = grid_dims, blockDim = block_dims)

cat("Copying result back from device...\n")
cu_runif_copy_time <- system.time({
    cu_runif_x = copyFromDevice(obj=x_d_mem,nels=x_d_mem@nels,type="float")

r_runif_time <- system.time({
    r_runif_x <- runif(n=N,min=lo,max=hi)

# Call RNGs...
cat("Launching rnorm CUDA kernel...\n")
cu_rnorm_time <- system.time({
    .cuda(k_rnorm, rng_states, x_d_mem, N, mu, sigma, inplace = TRUE, gridDim = grid_dims, blockDim = block_dims)

cat("Copying result back from device...\n")
cu_rnorm_copy_time <- system.time({
    cu_rnorm_x = copyFromDevice(obj=x_d_mem,nels=x_d_mem@nels,type="float")

r_rnorm_time <- system.time({
    r_rnorm_x <- rnorm(n=N,mean=mu, sd=sigma)

# Call RNGs...
cat("Launching rpois CUDA kernel...\n")
cu_rpois_time <- system.time({
    .cuda(k_rpois, rng_states, x_i_mem, N, lambda, inplace = TRUE, gridDim = grid_dims, blockDim = block_dims)

cat("Copying result back from device...\n")
cu_rpois_copy_time <- system.time({
    cu_rpois_x = copyFromDevice(obj=x_i_mem,nels=x_i_mem@nels,type="float")

r_rpois_time <- system.time({
    r_rpois_x <- rpois(n=N,lambda=lambda)

tlist <- paste(c("cu_rng_alloc", "cu_init",
                 "cu_all_in_one", "cu_all_in_one_copy",
                 "cu_runif", "cu_runif_copy", "r_runif",
                 "cu_rnorm", "cu_rnorm_copy", "r_rnorm",
                 "cu_rpois", "cu_rpois_copy", "r_rpois"), "time", sep = "_")

cat("Timing information:\n")
invisible(sapply(tlist, function(obj) {
     cat(paste(obj, ":\n", sep = ""))


  # A plot.
  # Look at the elapsed time for the runif, rnorm and rpois for GPU and CPU
d = data.frame(times = do.call(cbind, mget(tlist[c(6,7, 9, 10, 12, 13)]))[3,],
               distribution = rep(c("unif", "norm", "pois"), each = 2),
               processor = rep(c("GPU", "CPU"), 3))

dotplot(times ~ distribution, d, group = processor, auto.key = list(space = "right"))
duncantl/RCUDA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:26 p.m.