
Defines functions print_error check_python_installation

Documented in check_python_installation

#' Check Python Installation
#' @param ... NULL
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom utils compareVersion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' check_python_installation()
check_python_installation <- function(...){
  if(!requireNamespace("crayon", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("Package \"crayon\" must be installed by \"install.packages('crayon')\" command.")
  if(!requireNamespace("processx", quietly = TRUE)){
  ### check python version
  python_symbol <- "python3"
  version_out <- processx::run(python_symbol,
                               error_on_status = FALSE,
                               timeout = 2)
  if(version_out$status != 0 & version_out$stdout == ""){
    python_symbol <- "python"
    version_out <- processx::run(python_symbol,
                                 error_on_status = FALSE,
                                 timeout = 2)
    if(version_out$status != 0 & version_out$stdout == ""){
      stop(crayon::red(paste0("\u274C Python is not installed on your device.")))
  message(crayon::green(paste0("\u2714 Python is already installed.")))
  # version
  version <- stringr::str_split(version_out$stdout, pattern = " ", simplify = T)[2] %>% trimws()
  if(utils::compareVersion("3.6.0", version) > 0){
    stop(crayon::red(paste0("\u274C Your python is ", version, ". But 3.6.0 or higher is required.")))
    message(crayon::green(paste0("\u2714 Your python version is satisfied.")))

  ### check python modules
  if(python_symbol == "python"){
    pip_com <- "pip"
    pip_com <- "pip3"

  depend_packages <- c("numpy",
  for(pa in depend_packages){
    modules_out <- processx::run(pip_com,
                                 c("show", pa),
                                 error_on_status = FALSE,
                                 timeout = 10)
    if(modules_out$status == 0){
      message(crayon::green(paste0("\u2714 ", pa, " module is installed.")))
      if(pa == "prosstt"){
        message(crayon::red(paste0("\u274C prosstt is not installed, please refer to https://github.com/soedinglab/prosstt for instructions.")))
        message(crayon::red(paste0("\u274C ", pa, " module is not installed")))


print_error <- function(x, proc){
duohongrui/simutils documentation built on March 12, 2024, 8:40 p.m.