
Defines functions parseNexusFile

# internal function for use with createMrBayesTipDatingNexus

parseNexusFile <- function(origNexusFile = origNexusFile,asIs = TRUE){
	# if asIs, then the morph Nexus never gets broken down or parsed beyond being scanned
	morphNexusAsIs <- readLines(con = origNexusFile,warn = FALSE)
		# cleaner form based on ape's read.nexus.data
		morphNexus <- scan(file = origNexusFile,what = character(), sep = "\n",
			quiet = TRUE, comment.char = "[", strip.white = TRUE)
		# find the NTAX line
		ntaxLine <- grepl(morphNexus,pattern = "\\bNTAX",ignore.case = TRUE)
			stop("More than one line containing 'NTAX' found in the provided NEXUS file")}
			stop("No line containing 'NTAX' found in the provided NEXUS file")}
		# get number of taxa (more regexp borrowed from read.nexus.data)
		oldNtax <- as.numeric(sub("(.+?)(ntax\\s*\\=\\s*)(\\d+)(.+)", 
			"\\3", morphNexus[ntaxLine], perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))
		# get other pieces of ntax line
		ntaxLineFirst <- sub("(.+?)(ntax\\s*\\=\\s*)(\\d+)(.+)", 
			"\\1\\2", morphNexus[ntaxLine], perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
		ntaxLineLast <- sub("(.+?)(ntax\\s*\\=\\s*)(\\d+)(.+)", 
			"\\4", morphNexus[ntaxLine], perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
		# find the matrix line
		matrixLine <- grepl(morphNexus,pattern = "\\bMATRIX",ignore.case = TRUE)
			stop("More than one line containing 'MATRIX' found in the provided NEXUS file")
			stop("No line containing 'MATRIX' found in the provided NEXUS file")
		# find the next semi-colon line
		matrixEnd <- (which(matrixLine):length(morphNexus))[
				pattern = ";")][1]
		if(length(matrixEnd) != 1){
			stop("Cannot find semicolon on line following 'MATRIX' line in NEXUS file")
		# get Header 1 - start to line right before ntax
		headerOne <- morphNexus[1:(which(ntaxLine)-1)]
		# get header 2 - line right after ntax to MATRIX
		headerTwo <- morphNexus[(which(ntaxLine)+1):which(matrixLine)]
		# get footer - new semicolon line, + semicolon+1 to end
		footer <- c(";",morphNexus[(matrixEnd+1):length(morphNexus)])
		# get taxon data
		# isolate the lines after matrix, to semicolon
		taxonLines <- morphNexus[(which(matrixLine)+1):matrixEnd]
		# remove semicolon only lines
		taxonLines <- gsub(";","",taxonLines)
		taxonLines <- taxonLines[taxonLines != ""]
		taxonLines <- gsub("\t"," ",taxonLines)
		# NOW it should be equal to number of taxa 
			# (note if character across multiple lines, would be problematic...)
		if(length(taxonLines) != oldNtax){
			stop("The number of apparent lines in the matrix of the input NEXUS file doesn't match the given NTAX in the header of that file")
		# now to get the taxon names and character codings
		taxonData <- regmatches(taxonLines, regexpr(" ", taxonLines), invert = TRUE)
		# clean of whitespace - actually this really isn't necessary
		#taxonData <- lapply(taxonData,sapply,function(z) gsub(pattern = " ",replacement = "",z))
		#taxonData <- lapply(taxonData,sapply,function(z) gsub(pattern = "\\t",replacement = "",z))
		# get names
		taxonNames <- sapply(taxonData,function(z) z[[1]])
		charData <- sapply(taxonData,function(z) z[[2]])
		# make a function
		remakeDataBlockFun <- function(newTaxaTable,taxonNames){
			# given data on new taxa (with old taxa), rebuild NEXUS block
			# input: a matrix with column 1 = new taxon names
				# column 2 = old taxon names
			# identify all old taxa
			origMatch <- sapply(newTaxaTable[,2],function(x) which(x == taxonNames))
				stop("more than one match of taxon names when remaking data NEXUS block")
			# test that all old taxa are in taxonNames
				stop("No match for original taxon name when remaking data NEXUS block")
			# make the new character matrix lines
			newData <- cbind(newTaxaTable[,1],charData[origMatch])
			newTaxonBlock <- apply(newData,1,function(x) paste0(x[1],"  ",x[2]))
			# make the new block
			# get new ntax line with new ntax
			newNtaxValue <- nrow(newTaxaTable)
			newNtaxLine <- paste0(ntaxLineFirst," ",newNtaxValue," ",ntaxLineLast)
			# make new block
			newBlock <- c(headerOne,newNtaxLine,headerTwo,
		#if NOT asIs, need to output names, and a function for rebuilding NEXUS file
		res <- list(taxonNames = taxonNames,remakeDataBlockFun = remakeDataBlockFun,morphNexusAsIs = morphNexusAsIs)
		#if just asIs
		res <- morphNexusAsIs

# origNexusFile <- "D:\\dave\\workspace\\mrbayes\\mat.nex"
# parseNexusFile(origNexusFile = origNexusFile,asIs = TRUE)
# parseNexusFile(origNexusFile,asIs = FALSE)
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on July 9, 2024, 9:18 a.m.