
Defines functions parseDVH

## under Unix-like OS, we don't have choose.files(), choose.dir() and Filters
## TODO: fix for fPath=NA -> no initial /
parseDVH <- function(x, type=c("Eclipse", "Cadplan", "Masterplan",
                               "Pinnacle", "Monaco", "HiArt", "RayStation",
                               "ProSoma", "PRIMO", "Mirada"), ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    dots <- list(...)
    if(hasName(dots, "hiart")) {
        dots[["hiart"]] <- NULL

    if(hasName(dots, "mirada")) {
        dots[["mirada"]] <- NULL
    if(hasName(dots, "raystation")) {
        dots[["raystation"]] <- NULL

    if(hasName(dots, "volume_from_dvh")) {
        dots[["volume_from_dvh"]] <- NULL

    if(hasName(dots, "uncertainty")) {
        dots[["uncertainty"]] <- NULL
    ## name them using patient IDs
    getPatID <- function(txt) {
        if(type == "Monaco") {
            header <- unlist(strsplit(txt[1], " [|] "))
            trimWS(sub("^Patient ID: .+[~](.+)$", "\\1", header[1]))
        } else if(type == "RayStation") {
            IDline <- txt[grep("^(#PatientId):.+", txt)]
            IDres  <- sub("^.+?:[[:blank:]]*([[:alnum:][:punct:][:blank:]]+$)", "\\1", IDline, perl=TRUE)
            collWS(trimWS(IDres, side="both"))
        } else if(type %in% c("HiArt", "PRIMO")) {
            gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "\\1", tempfile(pattern="", tmpdir=""))
        } else if(type == "ProSoma") {
            patName <- paste(substr(trimWS(rev(strsplit(txt[1], ",")[[1]])), 1, 1), collapse="")
            randStr <- gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "\\1", tempfile(pattern="", tmpdir=""))
            paste(randStr, patName, sep="_")
        } else if(type == "Mirada") {
            patName <- strsplit(txt[1], "\t")[[1]][2]
            randStr <- gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "\\1", tempfile(pattern="", tmpdir=""))
            paste(randStr, patName, sep="_")
        } else if(type != "Pinnacle") {
            IDline <- txt[grep("^(Patient ID|Case|# Project)[[:blank:]]*:", txt)]
            IDres  <- sub("^.+?:[[:blank:]]+([[:alnum:][:punct:][:blank:]]+$)", "\\1", IDline, perl=TRUE)
            collWS(trimWS(IDres, side="both"))
        } else {
            pInf <- paste0(txt,"/PatInfo.csv")
            if(file.exists(pInf)) {
                PatInfo <- read.csv(pInf, header=TRUE)
            } else {
                randName <- basename(tempfile(pattern="", tmpdir=""))
                warning(c("No patient information found - set to:", randName))

    readFile <- function(f) {
        # con <- file(f, "r", ...)
        argl <- c(list(description=f,
        con <- do.call("file", argl)

    DVHraw <- if(type != "Pinnacle") {
        files <- Sys.glob(x)
        files <- Filter(function(y) file_test(op="-f", y), files)
        if(length(files) >= 1L) {
            ## read in files into a list of character vectors
            lapply(files, readFile)
        } else {
    } else {
        ## Pinnacle data is spread across files in 1 dir/patID
        ## just return directory names
        if(length(x) > 1L) {
            warning(c("Will only use x=", x[1]))
            x <- x[1]

        filesAndDirs <- if(file_test(op="-f", x)) {
            ## single file - assume zip file
            ## random sub-directory
            tmpf <- gsub("^[^0-9](.+)$", "\\1", tempfile(pattern="", tmpdir=""))
            tmpd <- normalizePath(paste0(tempdir(), "/pinnacle_", tmpf), mustWork=FALSE)

            ## check the hierarchy in the zip file
            zipFD <- unzip(x, list=TRUE)
            dirs  <- if(all(dirname(zipFD$Name) %in% c("Data", "."))) {
                ## zip file was created within single patient directory
                unzip(x, exdir=tmpd)
            } else {
                ## zip file is some superordinate directory
                unzip(x, exdir=tmpd)
                ## only use directories
                allDirs <- zipFD[zipFD$Length == 0L, "Name"]
                ## chop off trailing /
                allDirs <- gsub("^(.+)/$", "\\1", allDirs)
                ## chop off trailing /Data
                dirs <- unique(gsub("^(.+)/Data$", "\\1", allDirs))
                normalizePath(paste0(tmpd, "/", dirs))
        } else if(file_test(op="-d", x)) {
            ## single directory - assume it's the patient directory
        } else {
            ## assume globbing pattern

        ## only directories we can read from
        Filter(function(y) file_test(op="-d", y) & file_test(op="-x", y), filesAndDirs)

    ## patient id's as names for list components
    names(DVHraw) <- vapply(DVHraw, getPatID, character(1))
dwoll/DVHmetrics documentation built on March 3, 2024, 9:28 a.m.