
Defines functions hexagons plot.somgrid plot.kohmapping plot.kohprop plot.kohchanges plot.kohcounts plot.kohUmatrix plot.kohquality plot.kohcodes add.cluster.boundaries identify.kohonenDTW

Documented in add.cluster.boundaries identify.kohonenDTW

Hexagon <- function (a, b, unitcell = 1, col = "grey", border=NA) {
    x <- a - unitcell/2
    y <- b - unitcell/2

    polygon(c(x, x,
              x + unitcell/2, x + unitcell,
              x + unitcell,   x + unitcell/2),
            c(y + unitcell * 0.2113249, y + unitcell * 0.7886751,
              y + unitcell * 1.07735,   y + unitcell * 0.7886751,
              y + unitcell * 0.2113249, y - unitcell * 0.07735027),
            col = col, border=border)

hexagons <- function(x, y, unitcell, col, border) {
    # col can be a vector of values coming from the palette,
    # or simply one value ('black'): then replicate that color
    if (length(col) != length(x))
        col <- rep(col[1], length(x))

    for (idx in 1:length(x))
        Hexagon(x[idx], y[idx],
                unitcell = unitcell, col = col[idx], border = border)

plot.kohonenDTW <- function (x,
                          type = c("codes", "changes", "counts",
                                   "dist.neighbours", "mapping", "property",
                          whatmap = NULL,
                          classif = NULL, labels = NULL, pchs = NULL,
                          main = NULL, palette.name = NULL, ncolors,
                          bgcol=NULL, zlim = NULL, heatkey = TRUE,
                          codeRendering = NULL, keepMargins = FALSE,
                          heatkeywidth = .2,
                          shape = c("round", "straight"),
                          border = "black", ...)
  type <- match.arg(type)
         mapping =
           plot.kohmapping(x = x, classif = classif, main = main,
                           labels = labels, pchs = pchs, bgcol = bgcol,
                           keepMargins = keepMargins, shape = shape,
                           border = border, ...),  
         property =
           plot.kohprop(x = x, property, main = main,
                        palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
                        zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey,
                        keepMargins = keepMargins,
                        heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth, shape = shape,
                        border = border, ...),
         codes =
           plot.kohcodes(x = x, whatmap = whatmap, main = main,
                         palette.name = palette.name, bgcol = bgcol,
                         codeRendering = codeRendering,
                         keepMargins = keepMargins, shape = shape,
                         border = border, ...),
         quality =
           plot.kohquality(x = x, classif = classif, main = main,
                           palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
                           zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey,
                           keepMargins = keepMargins,
                           heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth, shape = shape,
                           border = border, ...),
         counts =
           plot.kohcounts(x = x, classif = classif, main = main,
                          palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
                          zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey,
                          keepMargins = keepMargins,
                          heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth, shape = shape,
                          border = border, ...),
         changes =
           plot.kohchanges(x = x, main = main,
                           keepMargins = keepMargins, ...),
         dist.neighbours =
           plot.kohUmatrix(x = x, main = main, 
                           palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
                           zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey,
                           keepMargins = keepMargins,
                           heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth, shape = shape,
                           border = border, ...))

plot.somgrid <- function(x, xlim, ylim, ...)
  ## The following two lines leave equal amounts of space on both
  ## sides of the plot if no xlim or ylim are given
  if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(0, max(x$pts[,1]) + min(x$pts[,1]))
  if (missing(ylim)) ylim <-  c(max(x$pts[,2]) + min(x$pts[,2]), 0)
  eqscplot(xlim, ylim, axes = FALSE,
           type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)

plot.kohmapping <- function(x, classif, main, labels, pchs, bgcol,
                            keepMargins, shape = c("round", "straight"),
                            border = "black", ...)
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "Mapping plot"

  margins <- rep(0.6, 4)
  if (main != "") margins[3] <- margins[3] + 2
  if (!keepMargins) {
    opar <- par("mar")
    on.exit(par(mar = opar))

  if (is.null(classif) & !is.null(x$unit.classif)) {
    classif <- x$unit.classif
  } else {
    if (is.list(classif) && !is.null(classif$unit.classif))
      classif <- classif$unit.classif
  if (is.null(classif))
    stop("No mapping available")

  plot(x$grid, ...)
  title.y <- max(x$grid$pts[,2]) + 1.2
  if (title.y > par("usr")[4] - .2){
  } else {
         main, adj = .5, cex = par("cex.main"),
         font = par("font.main"))

  if (is.null(bgcol)) bgcol <- "transparent"

  # choose symbol to draw based on shape (round, square), and grid (rect, hex)
  shape <- match.arg(shape)
  sym <- ifelse(shape == 'round', 'circle',
                ifelse(x$grid$topo == 'rectangular', 'square', 'hexagon'))

         circle = symbols(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                          circles = rep(0.5, nrow(x$grid$pts)),
                          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
                          fg = border, bg = bgcol),
         hexagon = hexagons(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                            unitcell = 1, col = bgcol, border = border),
         square = symbols(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                          squares = rep(1, nrow(x$grid$pts)),
                          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
                          fg = border, bg = bgcol)

  if (is.null(pchs)) pchs <- 1
  if (is.null(labels) & !is.null(pchs))
    points(x$grid$pts[classif, 1] + rnorm(length(classif), 0, 0.12),
           x$grid$pts[classif, 2] + rnorm(length(classif), 0, 0.12),
           pch = pchs, ...)
  if (!is.null(labels))
    text(x$grid$pts[classif, 1] + rnorm(length(classif), 0, 0.12),
         x$grid$pts[classif, 2] + rnorm(length(classif), 0, 0.12),
         labels, ...)


plot.kohprop <- function(x, property, main, palette.name, ncolors,
                         zlim, heatkey, keepMargins,
                         heatkeywidth, shape = c("round", "straight"),
                         border = "black", ...)
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "Property plot"
  if (is.null(palette.name)) palette.name <- heat.colors

  margins <- rep(0.6, 4)
  if (heatkey) margins[2] <- margins[2] + 4
  if (main != "") margins[3] <- margins[3] + 2
  if (!keepMargins) {
    opar <- par("mar")
    on.exit(par(mar = opar))
  par(mar = margins)

  plot(x$grid, ...)
  title.y <- max(x$grid$pts[,2]) + 1.2
  if (title.y > par("usr")[4] - .2){
  } else {
         main, adj = .5, cex = par("cex.main"),
         font = par("font.main"))

  ## if contin, a pretty labelling of z colors will be used; if not,
  ## all colours will have their own label. The latter only if
  ## property is a factor, unless explicitly given.
  ## if (missing(contin))
  contin <- !is.factor(property)
  if (is.null(zlim)) {
    if (contin) {
      zlim <- range(property, finite = TRUE)
    } else {
      zlim <- range(1:nlevels(property))

  if (missing(ncolors))
    ncolors <- min(length(unique(property[!is.na(property)])), 20)
  bgcol <- palette.name(ncolors)

  bgcolors <- rep("gray", nrow(x$grid$pts))
  if (contin) {
    showcolors <- as.integer(cut(property,
                                 seq(zlim[1], zlim[2],
                                     length = ncolors + 1),
                                 include.lowest = TRUE))
  } else {
    showcolors <- as.integer(property)
  bgcolors[!is.na(showcolors)] <- bgcol[showcolors[!is.na(showcolors)]]

  # choose symbol to draw based on shape (round, square), and grid (rect, hex)
  shape <- match.arg(shape)
  sym <- ifelse(shape == 'round', 'circle',
         ifelse(x$grid$topo == 'rectangular', 'square', 'hexagon'))
         circle = symbols(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                          circles = rep(0.5, nrow(x$grid$pts)),
                          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
                          fg = border, bg = bgcolors),
         hexagon = hexagons(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                            unitcell = 1, col = bgcolors, border = border),
         square = symbols(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                          squares = rep(1, nrow(x$grid$pts)),
                          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
                          fg = border, bg = bgcolors)
  if (heatkey) {
    if (length(unique(property)) < 10 & !contin) {
      plot.heatkey(x, zlim, bgcol, labels = levels(as.factor(property)),
                   contin = contin, heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth, ...)
    } else {
      plot.heatkey(x, zlim, bgcol, labels = NULL, contin = contin,
                   heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth, ...)


plot.kohchanges <- function(x, main, keepMargins, ...)
  if (is.null(x$changes))
    stop("No training info available (trained by knnSOM?)")
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "Training progress"

  nmaps <- ncol(x$changes)

  ## check whether a legend is necessary and what names should be used
  if (nmaps > 1) {
    if (!is.null(colnames(x$changes))) {
      varnames <- colnames(x$changes)
    } else {
      varnames <- paste("Matrix", 1:ncol(x$changes))

  ## prepare a second y-axis in case of two maps
  if (nmaps == 2) {
    if (!keepMargins) {
      opar <- par("mar")
      on.exit(par(mar = opar))
    par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1)) # axis scale to the right as well

    rescale2 <- function(x) {
      b <- diff(range(x[,1])) / diff(range(x[,2]))
      x[,2] <- x[,2] * b
      a <- max(x[,1]) - max(x[,2])
      c(a, b)
    ## scale so that both have the same range; assume only
    ## positive values.
    huhn <- x$changes
    trafo <- rescale2(huhn)
    huhn[,2] <- huhn[,2]*trafo[2] + trafo[1]
    ##    huhn[,2] <- max(x$changes[,1]) * huhn[,2] / max(x$changes[,2])
    ticks <- pretty(x$changes[,2], length(axTicks(2)))
    extraLabel <- "Mean"
  } else {
    if (nmaps > 2) {
      huhn <- 100*sweep(x$changes, 2, apply(x$changes, 2, max), FUN = "/")
      extraLabel <- "Relative"
    } else {
      huhn <- x$changes
      extraLabel <- "Mean"

  ## plot the plot!
  matplot(huhn, type = "l", lty = 1, main = main,
          ylab = paste(extraLabel, "distance to closest unit"),
          xlab = "Iteration", ...)
  abline(h=0, col="gray")

  ## plot the second axis
  if (nmaps == 2)
    axis(4, col.axis = 2, at = ticks * trafo[2] + trafo[1],
         labels = ticks)

  ## plot the legend
  if (nmaps > 1)
    legend("topright", legend = varnames, lty=1, col = 1:nmaps, bty="n")


plot.kohcounts <- function(x, classif, main, palette.name, ncolors,
                           zlim, heatkey, keepMargins, heatkeywidth,
                           shape, border, ...)
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "Counts plot"
  if (is.null(palette.name)) palette.name <- heat.colors

  if (is.null(classif) & !is.null(x$unit.classif)) {
    classif <- x$unit.classif
  } else {
    if (is.list(classif) && !is.null(classif$unit.classif))
      classif <- classif$unit.classif
  if (is.null(classif))
    stop("No mapping available")

  counts <- rep(NA, nrow(x$grid$pts))
  huhn <- table(classif)
  counts[as.integer(names(huhn))] <- huhn

  if (max(counts, na.rm = TRUE) < 10) {
    countsp <- factor(counts)
  } else {
    countsp <- counts

  plot.kohprop(x, property = countsp, main = main,
               palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
               zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey, 
               keepMargins = keepMargins, heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth,
               shape = shape, border = border, ...)


plot.kohUmatrix <- function(x, classif, main, palette.name,
                            ncolors, zlim, heatkey, keepMargins,
                            heatkeywidth, shape, border, ...)
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "Neighbour distance plot"
  if (is.null(palette.name)) palette.name <- heat.colors

  nhbrdist <- unit.distances(x$grid)
  cddist <- as.matrix(object.distances(x, type = "codes"))
  cddist[abs(nhbrdist - 1) > .001] <- NA
  neigh.dists <- colMeans(cddist, na.rm = TRUE)
  plot.kohprop(x, property = neigh.dists, main = main,
               palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
               zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey,
               keepMargins = keepMargins, heatkeywidth = heatkeywidth,
               shape = shape, border = border, ...)


plot.kohquality <- function(x, classif, main, palette.name, ncolors,
                            zlim, heatkey, keepMargins, shape, border, ...)
  if (is.null(main)) main <- "Quality plot"
  if (is.null(palette.name)) palette.name <- heat.colors

  distances <- NULL
  if (is.null(classif) & !is.null(x$unit.classif)) {
    classif <- x$unit.classif
    distances <- x$distances
  } else {
    if (is.list(classif) &&
        !is.null(classif$unit.classif) &&
        !is.null(classif$distances)) {
      classif <- classif$unit.classif
      distances <- classif$distances
  if (is.null(distances))
    stop("No mapping or mapping distances available")

  similarities <- rep(NA, nrow(x$grid$pts))
  hits <- as.integer(names(table(classif)))
  similarities[hits] <- sapply(split(distances, classif), mean)

  plot.kohprop(x, property = similarities, main = main,
               palette.name = palette.name, ncolors = ncolors,
               zlim = zlim, heatkey = heatkey, 
               keepMargins = keepMargins, shape = shape, border = border, ...)


plot.kohcodes <- function(x, whatmap, main, palette.name, bgcol,
                          codeRendering, keepMargins,
                          shape = c("round", "straight"),
                          border = "black", ...)
  if (!keepMargins) {
    opar <- par(c("mar"))

  if (is.null(palette.name)) palette.name <- terrain.colors

  whatmap <- check.whatmap(x, whatmap)
  nmaps <- length(whatmap)

  ## check if x$codes is a list; if so, call this function for every
  ## list element separately.
  if (is.list(x$codes)) {
    for (i in 1:nmaps) {
      ## make a new object that only has one set of codebook vectors
      huhn <- list(whatmap = 1, grid = x$grid)
      huhn$codes <- getCodes(x, whatmap[i])

      ## allow a different title for every plot
      if (length(main) == length(x$codes)) {
        main.title <- main[whatmap[i]]
      } else {
        if (length(main) == nmaps) {
          main.title <- main[i]
        } else {
          if (length(main) == 1) {
            main.title <- main
          } else {
            if (is.null(main)) {
              if (!is.null(names(x$codes))) {
                main.title <- names(x$codes)[whatmap[i]]
              } else {
                main.title <- "Codes plot"

      ## allow a different codeRendering for every plot
      if (length(codeRendering) == length(x$codes)) {
        cR <- codeRendering[whatmap[i]]
      } else {
        if (length(codeRendering) == nmaps) {
          cR <- codeRendering[i]
        } else {
          cR <- codeRendering

      plot.kohcodes(huhn, main = main.title, palette.name = palette.name,
                    bgcol=bgcol, whatmap = NULL,
                    codeRendering = cR, keepMargins = TRUE,
                    shape = shape, border = border, ...)
  } else {
    codes <- x$codes
    nvars <- ncol(codes)

    maxlegendcols <- 3  ## nr of columns for the legend
    if (nvars > maxlegendcols) {
      ## sometimes the last column is empty, then we should set ncols
      ## two maxlegendcols - 1
      if (nvars %% (maxlegendcols - 1) == 0) {
        ncols <- maxlegendcols - 1
      } else {
      ncols <- maxlegendcols
    } else {
      ncols <- nvars
    if (is.null(codeRendering))  ## use default
      codeRendering <- ifelse(nvars < 15, "segments", "lines")

    margins <- rep(0.6, 4)  # no text annotation anywhere
    if (!is.null(main))
      margins[3] <- margins[3] + 2
    par(mar = margins)

    if (codeRendering == "segments" & # we need space for the legend here...
        ##        nvars < 15 &
        !is.null(colnames(codes))) {
           ylim = c(max(x$grid$pts[,2]) + min(x$grid$pts[,2]), -2))
      current.plot <- par("mfg")
      plot.width <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])

      cex <- 1 # First see if the legend fits
      leg.result <- legend(x = mean(x$grid$pts[,1]), xjust = 0.5,
                           y = 0, yjust = 1,
                           legend = colnames(codes),
                           cex = cex, plot=FALSE,
                           ncol = ncols,
                           fill = palette.name(nvars))
      while (leg.result$rect$w > plot.width) {
        cex <- cex*0.9 # if too large, decrease text size
        leg.result <- legend(x = mean(x$grid$pts[,1]), xjust = 0.5,
                             y = 0, yjust = 1,
                             legend = colnames(codes),
                             cex = cex, plot=FALSE,
                             ncol = ncols,
                             fill = palette.name(nvars))
      } # until it fits!

      leg.result <- legend(x = mean(x$grid$pts[,1]), xjust = 0.5,
                           y = 0, yjust = 1, cex=cex,
                           legend = colnames(codes), plot=FALSE,
                           ncol = ncols,
                           fill = palette.name(nvars), ...)

      par(mfg = current.plot)
           ylim = c(max(x$grid$pts[,2]) + min(x$grid$pts[,2]),

      legend(x = mean(x$grid$pts[,1]), xjust = 0.5,
             y = 0, yjust = 1, cex=cex, plot = TRUE,
             legend = colnames(codes),
             ncol = ncols,
             fill = palette.name(nvars), ...)
    } else {
      plot(x$grid, ...)

    title.y <- max(x$grid$pts[,2]) + 1.2
    if (title.y > par("usr")[4] - .2){
    } else {
           main, adj = .5, cex = par("cex.main"),
           font = par("font.main"))

    if (is.null(bgcol)) bgcol <- "transparent"

    # choose symbol to draw based on shape (round, square), and grid (rect, hex)
    shape <- match.arg(shape)
    sym <- ifelse(shape == 'round', 'circle',
                  ifelse(x$grid$topo == 'rectangular', 'square', 'hexagon'))

           circle = symbols(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                            circles = rep(0.5, nrow(x$grid$pts)),
                            inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
                            fg = border, bg = bgcol),
           hexagon = hexagons(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                              unitcell = 1, col = bgcol, border = border),
           square = symbols(x$grid$pts[, 1], x$grid$pts[, 2],
                            squares = rep(1, nrow(x$grid$pts)),
                            inches = FALSE, add = TRUE,
                            fg = border, bg = bgcol)

    if (codeRendering == "lines") {
      yrange <- range(codes)
      codes <- codes - mean(yrange)
    } else {
      codemins <- apply(codes, 2, min)
      codes <- sweep(codes, 2, codemins)

           segments = {
             stars(codes, locations = x$grid$pts,
                   labels = NULL, len = 0.4,
                   add=TRUE, col.segments=palette.name(nvars),
           lines = {
             for (i in 1:nrow(x$grid$pts)) { # draw baseline
               if (yrange[1]<0 & yrange[2] > 0) {
                 lines(seq(x$grid$pts[i, 1] - 0.4,
                           x$grid$pts[i, 1] + 0.4,
                           length = 2),
                       rep(x$grid$pts[i, 2], 2),
                       col = "gray")
               lines(seq(x$grid$pts[i, 1] - 0.4,
                         x$grid$pts[i, 1] + 0.4,
                         length = ncol(codes)),
                     x$grid$pts[i, 2] + codes[i, ] * 0.8/diff(yrange),
                     col = "red")
           stars = stars(codes, locations = x$grid$pts,
             labels = NULL, len = 0.4, add=TRUE)



### Added heatkeywidth parameter in version 2.0.5 (contribution by
### Henning Rust)

plot.heatkey <- function (x, zlim, bgcol, labels, contin, heatkeywidth, ...)
  ncolors <- length(bgcol)

  yrange <- range(x$grid$pts[, 2])
  smallestx <- min(x$grid$pts[,1])
  ## A width of .2 looks OK on my screen
  xleft <- c(smallestx - heatkeywidth, smallestx) - 1
  yleft <- seq(yrange[1] - 0.5,
               yrange[2] + 0.5,
               length = ncolors + 1)
  rect(xleft[1], yleft[1:ncolors],
       xleft[2], yleft[2:(ncolors + 1)],
       border = "black", col = bgcol,
       xpd = TRUE)

  cex <- list(...)$cex

  if (contin) {
    zvals <- pretty(zlim)
    zvals <- zvals[zvals <= max(zlim) & zvals >= min(zlim)]
    yvals <- yrange[1] - .5 + (diff(yrange) + 1)*(zvals - zlim[1])/diff(zlim)

    text(xleft[2] - 1.3*diff(xleft),
         xpd=TRUE, adj=1, cex=cex)
  } else {
    if (is.null(labels))
      labels <- 1:ncolors

    text(xleft[2] - 1.3 * diff(xleft),
         yleft[-1] - 0.5*diff(yleft[1:2]),
         xpd = TRUE, adj=1, cex=cex)

### Show cluster boundaries additional to one of the map plots
### Additional arguments may be col. Based on code from Leo Lopes.
### Oct 8 - rewritten the function:
### * neighbours of different classes are much more easily found, and
###   now are correct, too, also for toroidal maps (bug fix)
### * additional lines on top of the map are drawn if necessary for
###   toroidal maps (bug fix)
### * in rectangular maps some superfluous lines are no longer drawn
###   (purely esthetic improvement)
### Dec 10, 2013: additional bug fix (bug noted by Thomas Campagne),
### and an additional change for toroidal maps: boundaries at the
### outside of the map are now drawn even when they are already
### present at the other end of the map (easier interpretation)

add.cluster.boundaries <- function(x, clustering, lwd = 5, ...)
  grd <- x$grid
  if (grd$toroidal) {
    ydiff <- diff(grd$pts[1 + c(0, grd$xdim),2])

    botrow <- 1:grd$xdim
    toprow <- grd$xdim*grd$ydim + 1 - (grd$xdim:1)
    rightcol <- (1:grd$ydim)*grd$xdim
    leftcol <- (1:grd$ydim)*grd$xdim + 1 - grd$xdim

    newpts <- rbind(cbind(grd$pts[botrow, 1], max(grd$pts[,2]) + ydiff),
                    cbind(grd$pts[toprow, 1], min(grd$pts[,2]) - ydiff),
                    cbind(grd$pts[leftcol, 1] - 1, grd$pts[leftcol, 2]),
                    cbind(grd$pts[rightcol, 1] + 1, grd$pts[rightcol,2]))
    cluster <- c(clustering, clustering[c(botrow, toprow, rightcol, leftcol)])
    if (x$grid$topo == "hexagonal") {
      ## we need to add two extra points, one in the bottom right, the
      ## other top left - explicitly add the clustering of these two
      ## points, too. These are the cluster ids of the top left and
      ## bottom right corners of the _original_ map
      newpts <- rbind(newpts,
                        min(grd$pts[,2]) - ydiff),
                      c(grd$pts[botrow[1], 1]-1,
                        max(grd$pts[,2]) + ydiff))
      cluster <- c(cluster, clustering[toprow[1]], clustering[grd$xdim])

    grd$pts <- rbind(grd$pts, newpts)
  } else {
    cluster <- clustering

  nhbrdist <- unit.distances(grd, FALSE) ## new grd is treated as non-toroid
  nhbrdist[col(nhbrdist) >= row(nhbrdist)] <- 2
  neighbours <- which(nhbrdist > .95 & nhbrdist < 1.05, arr.ind = TRUE)

  diffclass.idx <-
             cluster[neighbours[ii, 1]] != cluster[neighbours[ii, 2]])
  neighbours <- neighbours[diffclass.idx,]
  ## final step: remove rows in neighbours that are completely outside the
  ## original grid (only relevant for the toroidal case)
  if (grd$toroidal) {
    idx <- apply(neighbours, 1, function(x) all(x > grd$xdim*grd$ydim))
    neighbours <- neighbours[!idx,]

  ## Function to actually plot the boundaries. For clarity, we
  ## draw boundaries at the edges on both sides of the map, which is
  ## achieved simply by ignoring double lines - just plot'em all.
  plot.hex.boundary <- function(nb, grd, lwd, ...) {
    radius <- .5/cos(pi/6)             ## horizontal unit distance always 1

    ## for debugging...
    ## text(grd$pts, labels = 1:nrow(grd$pts))
    ## browser()
    for (i in 1:nrow(nb)) {
      u1 <- nb[i,1]
      u2 <- nb[i,2]

      dloc <- grd$pts[u1,] - grd$pts[u2,]

      if (abs(dloc[2]) < .1) {         # vertical line segments
        angle <- pi                    # left
        if (dloc[1] > .9) angle <- 0   # right
      } else {
        if (dloc[2] > .1) {
          angle <- pi/3                # NE
          if (dloc[1] < -.1)
              angle <- 2*pi/3          # NW
        } else {                       # dloc[2] < -.1
          if (dloc[1] > .1) {
            angle <- -pi/3             # SE
          } else {
            angle <- -2*pi/3           # SW

               lwd = lwd, xpd = NA, ...)

  plot.rect.boundary <- function(nb, grd, ...) {
    verticals <- which(apply(nb[,2:1],
                               abs(diff(grd$pts[idx,1]) - 1) < 1e-8 &
                               abs(diff(grd$pts[idx,2])) < 1e-8))

    for (i in verticals) {
      segments(x0 = mean(grd$pts[nb[i,],1]),
               y0 = grd$pts[nb[i,1],2] - .5,
               x1 = mean(grd$pts[nb[i,],1]),
               y1 = grd$pts[nb[i,1],2] + .5,

    horizontals <- which(apply(nb[,2:1],
                                 abs(diff(grd$pts[idx,2]) - 1) < 1e-8 &
                                 abs(diff(grd$pts[idx,1])) < 1e-8))
    for (i in horizontals) {
      segments(x0 = grd$pts[nb[i,1],1] - .5,
               y0 = mean(grd$pts[nb[i,],2]),
               x1 = grd$pts[nb[i,1],1] + .5,
               y1 = mean(grd$pts[nb[i,],2]),


         rectangular =
         plot.rect.boundary(neighbours, grd, lwd = lwd, ...),
         plot.hex.boundary(neighbours, grd, lwd = lwd, ...))


identify.kohonenDTW <- function(x, ...) {
  ## map units have a radius of 1, so this is the tolerance we would
  ## like to have when pointing at map units
  tol <- par("pin")[1] / diff(par("usr")[1:2])
  identify(x$grid$pts[,1], x$grid$pts[,2], 1:nrow(x$grid$pts),
           tolerance = tol, ...)
e-sensing/kohonenDTW documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:29 p.m.