
Defines functions sits_stratified_sampling sits_sampling_design sits_reduce_imbalance sits_sample

Documented in sits_reduce_imbalance sits_sample sits_sampling_design sits_stratified_sampling

#' @title Sample a percentage of a time series
#' @name sits_sample
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @description Takes a sits tibble with different labels and
#'              returns a new tibble. For a given field as a group criterion,
#'              this new tibble contains a percentage
#'              of the total number of samples per group.
#'              If frac > 1 , all sampling will be done with replacement.
#' @param  data       Sits time series tibble (class = "sits")
#' @param  frac       Percentage of samples to extract
#'                    (range: 0.0 to 2.0, default = 0.2)
#' @param  oversample Logical: oversample classes with small number of samples?
#'                    (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @return            A sits tibble with a fixed quantity of samples.
#' @examples
#' # Retrieve a set of time series with 2 classes
#' data(cerrado_2classes)
#' # Print the labels of the resulting tibble
#' summary(cerrado_2classes)
#' # Sample by fraction
#' data_02 <- sits_sample(cerrado_2classes, frac = 0.2)
#' # Print the labels
#' summary(data_02)
#' @export
sits_sample <- function(data,
                        frac = 0.2,
                        oversample = TRUE) {
    # set caller to show in errors
    # verify if data and frac are valid
    # check frac parameter
    .check_num_parameter(frac, min = 0.0, max = 2.0)
    # check oversample
    # group the data by label
    groups <- by(data, data[["label"]], list)
    # for each group of samples, obtain the required subset
    result <- .map_dfr(groups, function(class_samples) {
        result_class <- dplyr::slice_sample(
            prop = frac,
            replace = oversample
#' @title Reduce imbalance in a set of samples
#' @name sits_reduce_imbalance
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description
#' Takes a sits tibble with different labels and
#' returns a new tibble. Deals with class imbalance
#' using the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE)
#' for oversampling. Undersampling is done using the SOM methods available in
#' the sits package.
#' @param  samples              Sample set to rebalance
#' @param  n_samples_over       Number of samples to oversample
#'                              for classes with samples less than this number.
#' @param  n_samples_under      Number of samples to undersample
#'                              for classes with samples more than this number.
#' @param  multicores           Number of cores to process the data (default 2).
#' @return A sits tibble with reduced sample imbalance.
#' @references
#' The reference paper on SMOTE is
#' N. V. Chawla, K. W. Bowyer, L. O.Hall, W. P. Kegelmeyer,
#' “SMOTE: synthetic minority over-sampling technique,”
#' Journal of artificial intelligence research, 321-357, 2002.
#' Undersampling uses the SOM map developed by Lorena Santos and co-workers
#' and used in the sits_som_map() function.
#' The SOM map technique is described in the paper:
#' Lorena Santos, Karine Ferreira, Gilberto Camara, Michelle Picoli,
#' Rolf Simoes, “Quality control and class noise reduction of satellite
#' image time series”. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
#' vol. 177, pp 75-88, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.04.014.
#' @examples
#' if (sits_run_examples()) {
#'     # print the labels summary for a sample set
#'     summary(samples_modis_ndvi)
#'     # reduce the sample imbalance
#'     new_samples <- sits_reduce_imbalance(samples_modis_ndvi,
#'         n_samples_over = 200,
#'         n_samples_under = 200,
#'         multicores = 1
#'     )
#'     # print the labels summary for the rebalanced set
#'     summary(new_samples)
#' }
#' @export
sits_reduce_imbalance <- function(samples,
                                  n_samples_over = 200,
                                  n_samples_under = 400,
                                  multicores = 2) {
    # set caller to show in errors
    # pre-conditions

    # check if number of required samples are correctly entered
    .check_that(n_samples_under >= n_samples_over,
        msg = .conf("messages", "sits_reduce_imbalance_samples")
    # get the bands and the labels
    bands <- .samples_bands(samples)
    labels <- .samples_labels(samples)
    # params of output tibble
    lat <- 0.0
    long <- 0.0
    start_date <- samples[["start_date"]][[1]]
    end_date <- samples[["end_date"]][[1]]
    cube <- samples[["cube"]][[1]]
    timeline <- .samples_timeline(samples)
    # get classes to undersample
    classes_under <- samples |>
        summary() |>
        dplyr::filter(.data[["count"]] >= n_samples_under) |>
    # get classes to oversample
    classes_over <- samples |>
        summary() |>
        dplyr::filter(.data[["count"]] <= n_samples_over) |>
    # create an output tibble
    new_samples <- .tibble()
    # under sampling
    if (length(classes_under) > 0) {
        # for each class, select some of the samples using SOM
        samples_under_new <- purrr::map(classes_under, function(cls) {
            # select the samples for the class
            samples_cls <- dplyr::filter(samples, .data[["label"]] == cls)
            # set the dimension of the SOM grid
            grid_dim <- ceiling(sqrt(n_samples_under / 4))
            # build the SOM map
            som_map <- suppressWarnings(
                    grid_xdim = grid_dim,
                    grid_ydim = grid_dim,
                    distance = "euclidean",
                    rlen = 10,
                    mode = "pbatch"
            # select samples on the SOM grid using the neurons
            samples_under <- som_map[["data"]] |>
                dplyr::group_by(.data[["id_neuron"]]) |>
                dplyr::slice_sample(n = 4, replace = TRUE) |>
        # bind undersample results
        samples_under_new <- dplyr::bind_rows(samples_under_new)
        new_samples <- dplyr::bind_rows(new_samples, samples_under_new)
    # oversampling
    if (length(classes_over) > 0) {
        .parallel_start(workers = multicores)
        # for each class, build synthetic samples using SMOTE
        samples_over_new <- .parallel_map(classes_over, function(cls) {
            # select the samples for the class
            samples_bands <- purrr::map(bands, function(band) {
                # selection of band
                dist_band <- samples |>
                    sits_select(bands = band) |>
                    dplyr::filter(.data[["label"]] == cls) |>
                dist_band <- dist_band[-1]
                # oversampling of band for the class
                dist_over <- .smote_oversample(
                    data = dist_band,
                    cls = cls,
                    cls_col = "label",
                    m = n_samples_over
                # put the oversampled data into a samples tibble
                samples_band <- slider::slide_dfr(dist_over, function(row) {
                    time_series <- tibble::tibble(
                        Index = as.Date(timeline),
                        values = unname(as.numeric(row[-1]))
                    colnames(time_series) <- c("Index", band)
                        longitude = long,
                        latitude = lat,
                        start_date = as.Date(start_date),
                        end_date = as.Date(end_date),
                        label = row[["label"]],
                        cube = cube,
                        time_series = list(time_series)
                class(samples_band) <- c("sits", class(samples_band))
            tb_class_new <- samples_bands[[1]]
            for (i in seq_along(samples_bands)[-1]) {
                tb_class_new <- sits_merge(tb_class_new, samples_bands[[i]])
        # bind oversampling results
        samples_over_new <- dplyr::bind_rows(samples_over_new)
        new_samples <- dplyr::bind_rows(new_samples, samples_over_new)
    # keep classes (no undersampling nor oversampling)
    classes_ok <- labels[!(labels %in% classes_under |
        labels %in% classes_over)]
    if (length(classes_ok) > 0) {
        samples_classes_ok <- dplyr::filter(
            .data[["label"]] %in% classes_ok
        new_samples <- dplyr::bind_rows(new_samples, samples_classes_ok)
    # remove SOM additional columns
    colnames_sits <- setdiff(colnames(new_samples), c("id_neuron", "id_sample"))
    # return new sample set
    return(new_samples[, colnames_sits])
#' @title Allocation of sample size to strata
#' @name sits_sampling_design
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description
#' Takes a class cube with different labels and allocates a number of
#' sample sizes per strata to obtain suitable values of error-adjusted area,
#' providing five allocation strategies.
#' @param  cube                 Classified cube
#' @param  expected_ua          Expected values of user's accuracy
#' @param  alloc_options        Fixed sample allocation for rare classes
#' @param  std_err              Standard error we would like to achieve
#' @param  rare_class_prop      Proportional area limit for rare classes
#' @return A matrix with options to decide allocation
#' of sample size to each class. This matrix uses the same format as
#' Table 5 of Olofsson et al.(2014).
#' @references
#' [1] Olofsson, P., Foody, G.M., Stehman, S.V., Woodcock, C.E. (2013).
#' Making better use of accuracy data in land change studies: Estimating
#' accuracy and area and quantifying uncertainty using stratified estimation.
#' Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, pp.122-131.
#' @references
#' [2] Olofsson, P., Foody G.M., Herold M., Stehman, S.V.,
#' Woodcock, C.E., Wulder, M.A. (2014)
#' Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change.
#' Remote Sensing of Environment, 148, pp. 42-57.
#' @examples
#' if (sits_run_examples()) {
#'     # create a random forest model
#'     rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor())
#'     # create a data cube from local files
#'     data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits")
#'     cube <- sits_cube(
#'         source = "BDC",
#'         collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1",
#'         data_dir = data_dir
#'     )
#'     # classify a data cube
#'     probs_cube <- sits_classify(
#'         data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # label the probability cube
#'     label_cube <- sits_label_classification(
#'         probs_cube,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # estimated UA for classes
#'     expected_ua <- c(Cerrado = 0.75, Forest = 0.9,
#'                      Pasture = 0.8, Soy_Corn = 0.8)
#'     sampling_design <- sits_sampling_design(label_cube, expected_ua)
#' }
#' @export
sits_sampling_design <- function(cube,
                                 expected_ua = 0.75,
                                 alloc_options = c(100, 75, 50),
                                 std_err = 0.01,
                                 rare_class_prop = 0.1) {
    # check the cube is valid
    .check_that(inherits(cube, "class_cube") ||
                    inherits(cube, "class_vector_cube"))
    # get the labels
    labels <- .cube_labels(cube)
    n_labels <- length(labels)
    if (length(expected_ua) == 1) {
        expected_ua <- rep(expected_ua, n_labels)
        names(expected_ua) <- labels
    # check number of labels
    .check_that(length(expected_ua) == n_labels)
    # check names of labels
    .check_that(all(labels %in% names(expected_ua)))
    # get cube class areas
    class_areas <- .cube_class_areas(cube)
    # check that names of class areas are contained in the labels
    .check_that(all(names(class_areas) %in% labels),
                msg = .conf("messages", "sits_sampling_design_labels"))
    # adjust names to match cube labels
    expected_ua <- expected_ua[names(class_areas)]
    # calculate proportion of class areas
    prop <- class_areas / sum(class_areas)
    # standard deviation of the stratum
    std_dev <- signif(sqrt(expected_ua * (1 - expected_ua)), 3)
    # calculate sample size
    sample_size <-  round((sum(prop * std_dev) / std_err) ^ 2)
    # determine "Equal" allocation
    n_classes <- length(class_areas)
    equal <- rep(round(sample_size / n_classes), n_classes)
    names(equal) <- names(class_areas)
    # find out the classes which are rare
    rare_classes <- prop[prop <= rare_class_prop]
    #  Determine allocation possibilities
    #  Given each allocation for rare classes (e.g, 100 samples)
    #  allocate the rest of the sample size proportionally
    #  to the other more frequent classes
    alloc_options_lst <- purrr::map(alloc_options, function(al) {
        # determine the number of samples to be allocated
        # to more frequent classes
        samples_rare_classes <- al * length(rare_classes)
        remaining_samples <- sample_size - samples_rare_classes
        # allocate samples per class
        # rare classes are given a fixed value (e.g., 100, 75, 50)
        # other classes are allocated proportionally to area
        alloc_class_lst <- purrr::map(prop, function(p) {
            if (p <= rare_class_prop) {
                choice <- al
            } else {
                choice_prop <- p / (1.0 - sum(rare_classes))
                choice <- round(choice_prop * remaining_samples)
        alloc_class <- cbind(alloc_class_lst)
        colnames(alloc_class) <- paste0("alloc_", al)
    # get the three allocation options
    alloc_options <- do.call(cbind, alloc_options_lst)
    # final option is the proportional allocation
    alloc_prop <- round(prop * sample_size)
    # put it all together
    design <- cbind(prop, expected_ua, std_dev,
                    equal, alloc_options, alloc_prop

#' @title Allocation of sample size to strata
#' @name sits_stratified_sampling
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description
#' Takes a class cube with different labels and a sampling
#' design with a number of samples per class and allocates a set of
#' locations for each class
#' @param  cube                 Classified cube
#' @param  sampling_design      Result of sits_sampling_design
#' @param  alloc                Allocation method chosen
#' @param  overhead             Additional percentage to account
#'                              for border points
#' @param  multicores           Number of cores that will be used to
#'                              sample the images in parallel.
#' @param  shp_file             Name of shapefile to be saved (optional)
#' @param progress              Show progress bar? Default is TRUE.
#' @return samples              Point sf object with required samples
#' @examples
#' if (sits_run_examples()) {
#'     # create a random forest model
#'     rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor())
#'     # create a data cube from local files
#'     data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits")
#'     cube <- sits_cube(
#'         source = "BDC",
#'         collection = "MOD13Q1-6.1",
#'         data_dir = data_dir
#'     )
#'     # classify a data cube
#'     probs_cube <- sits_classify(
#'         data = cube, ml_model = rfor_model, output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # label the probability cube
#'     label_cube <- sits_label_classification(
#'         probs_cube,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # estimated UA for classes
#'     expected_ua <- c(Cerrado = 0.95, Forest = 0.95,
#'                      Pasture = 0.95, Soy_Corn = 0.95)
#'     # design sampling
#'     sampling_design <- sits_sampling_design(label_cube, expected_ua)
#'     # select samples
#'     samples <- sits_stratified_sampling(label_cube,
#'                                         sampling_design, "alloc_prop")
#' }
#' @export
sits_stratified_sampling <- function(cube,
                                     alloc = "alloc_prop",
                                     overhead = 1.2,
                                     multicores = 2L,
                                     shp_file = NULL,
                                     progress = TRUE) {
    # check the cube is valid
    # check the cube is valid
    .check_that(inherits(cube, "class_cube") ||
                    inherits(cube, "class_vector_cube"))
    # get the labels
    labels <- .cube_labels(cube)
    n_labels <- length(labels)
    # check number of labels
    .check_that(nrow(sampling_design) <= n_labels)
    # check names of labels
    .check_that(all(rownames(sampling_design) %in% labels))
    # check allocation method
    .check_that(alloc %in% colnames(sampling_design),
                msg = .conf("messages", "sits_stratified_sampling_alloc"))

    # check samples by class
    samples_by_class <- unlist(sampling_design[, alloc])
    .check_int_parameter(samples_by_class, is_named = TRUE,
                msg = .conf("messages", "sits_stratified_sampling_samples")
    # check multicores
    .check_int_parameter(multicores, min = 1, max = 2048)
    # check progress
    # transform labels to tibble
    labels <- tibble::rownames_to_column(
        as.data.frame(labels), var = "label_id"
    ) |>
        dplyr::mutate(label_id = as.numeric(.data[["label_id"]]))
    # transform sampling design data to tibble
    sampling_design <- tibble::rownames_to_column(
        as.data.frame(sampling_design), var = "labels"
    # merge sampling design with samples metadata to ensure reference to the
    # correct class / values from the cube
    samples_class <- dplyr::inner_join(
        x = sampling_design,
        y = labels,
        by = "labels"
    ) |>
        dplyr::select("labels", "label_id", dplyr::all_of(alloc)) |>
        dplyr::rename("label" = "labels")
    # include overhead
    samples_class[alloc] <- ceiling(unlist(samples_class[[alloc]]) * overhead)
    # call function to allocate sample per strata
    samples <- .samples_alloc_strata(
        cube = cube,
        samples_class = samples_class,
        alloc = alloc,
        multicores = multicores
    # save results
    if (.has(shp_file)) {
        .check_that(tools::file_ext(shp_file) == "shp",
                    msg = .conf("messages", "sits_stratified_sampling_shp")
        sf::st_write(samples, shp_file, append = FALSE)
        message(.conf("messages", "sits_stratified_sampling_shp_save"), shp_file)
e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.