
Defines functions loadLibraries warning stop getFileName checkFileSize convertMatrixNumeric loadData savePlot parseList checkQuantitative setBlocks checkConnection setConnection setResponse isCharacter commonRow keepCommonRow removeColumnSdNull setSuperblock setPosPar warnConnection checkSuperblock

# Author: Etienne CAMENEN
# Date: 2018
# Contact: arthur.tenenhaus@l2s.centralesupelec.fr
# Key-words: omics, RGCCA, multi-block
# EDAM operation: analysis, correlation, visualisation
# Abstract: A user-friendly multi-blocks analysis (Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis, RGCCA)
# with all default settings predefined. Produce four figures to help clinicians to identify fingerprint:
# the samples and the variables projected on the two first component of the multi-block analysis, the histograms
# of the most explicative variables and the explained variance for each blocks.

loadLibraries <- function(librairies){
  for (l in librairies){
    if (!(l %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]))
      utils::install.packages(l, repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org", .libPaths()[1])
    library(l, character.only = TRUE,
            warn.conflicts = FALSE,
            quiet = TRUE)

warning <- function(message,  call = sys.call(-1)){
  base::warning(message, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

stop <- function(message, exit_code = "1", call = NULL) {
      class = c(exit_code, "simpleError", "error", "condition"),
      list(message = message, call. = NULL)

#Global settings
MSG_HEADER = " Possible mistake: header parameter is disabled, check if the file doesn't have one."
ROW_NAMES = 1 # column of row names

#' File name from a path
#' Get the file name from a path
#' @param fi A character giving the path of a file
#' @return A character
#' @examples
#' fi = "/name.lastname/dirPath/fileName.tsv"
#' getFileName(fi)
#' # fileName
#' @export getFileName
getFileName = function(fi) {

    fo = unlist(strsplit(fi, "/"))
    fo = fo[length(fo)]
    unlist(strsplit(fo, "[.]"))[1]

# Print warning if file size over
checkFileSize = function(filename){
  size = file.size(filename)
  if(size > 5E6)
    #warning(paste0("The size of ", filename, " is over 5 Mo (", round(size / 1E6, 1), " Mo). File loading could take some times..."),
    message("File loading in progress ...")

convertMatrixNumeric <- function(df){
    matrix( sapply(1:(nrow(df) * ncol(df) ),
                      }, warning = function(e) NA
                dimnames = list(row.names(df), colnames(df)))

#' Creates a matrix from loading a file
#' @param f A character giving the file name
#' @param sep A character giving the column separator
#' @param rownames An integer corresponding to the column number of the row names (NULL otherwise)
#' @param h A bolean giving the presence or the absence of the header
#' @return A matrix containing the loaded file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' loadData("data/agriculture.tsv")
#' }
#' @export loadData
loadData = function(f, sep = "\t", rownames = 1, h = TRUE) {

  if (!is.null(rownames) && rownames < 1)
    rownames <- NULL

  func <- function(x = rownames)
    as.matrix(read.table(f, sep = sep, header = h, row.names = x, na.strings = "NA", dec = ","))

    }, error = function(e) {
        if(e$message == "duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed")


# Creates a data frame from an Excel file loading
# @param f A character giving the file name
# @param sheet A character giving the sheet name
# @param rownames An integer corresponding to the column number of the row names (NULL otherwise)
# @param h A bolean giving the presence or the absence of the header
# @param num A bolean giving the presence or the absence of numerical values
# @return A matrix containing the loaded file
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# loadExcel("data/blocks.xlsx", "industry")
# }
# @export loadExcel
# loadExcel = function(f, sheet, rownames = 1, h = TRUE, num = TRUE) {
#   if (!is.null(rownames) && rownames < 1)
#     rownames = NULL
#   df = read.xlsx(f, sheet, header = h, startRow = 1)
#   if(!is.null(rownames)){
#     names = df[, rownames]
#     df = df[, -rownames]
#   }
#   if(num)
#     df = as.data.frame(lapply(df, function(x) as.numeric(as.vector(x))))
#   df = as.matrix(df)
#   if(!is.null(rownames))
#     row.names(df) = names
#   return (df)
# }

#' Save a ggplot object
#' Save a ggplot in various output formats
#' @param f A character giving the name of a file
#' @param p A ggplot object
#' @examples
#' library("ggplot2")
#' df = as.data.frame(matrix(runif(20), 10, 2))
#' p = ggplot(df, aes(df[, 1], df[, 2]))
#' #savePlot("Rplot.png", p)
#' @export savePlot
savePlot = function(f, p) {

  # get suffixe of filename
  format = unlist(strsplit(f, '.', fixed="T"))
  format = format[length(format)]

  # dynamic loading of formattion depending of the extension
  if (format == "dat")
    formatFunc = pdf
    formatFunc = get(format)

  # save
  if (format %in% c("pdf", "dat") )
    formatFunc(f, width = 10, height = 8)
    formatFunc(f, width = 10, height = 8, units = "in", res = 200)


  suprLog = dev.off()

#' Convert a character in a vector
#' @param s A character separated by comma
#' @return A vector of characters whitout spaces
#' @examples
#' s = "1,2, 3"
#' parseList(s)
#' @export parseList
parseList = function(s) {

  s = gsub(" ", "", s)
  # split by comma
  unlist(strsplit(s, ","))

#' Check if a dataframe contains no qualitative variables
#' @param df A dataframe or a matrix
#' @param fo A character giving the name of the tested file
#' @param h A bolean giving either the presence (TRUE) or absence (FALSE) of a header
#' @examples
#' df = matrix(runif(20), 10, 2)
#' checkQuantitative(df, "data")
#' \dontrun{
#' df[,2] = LETTERS[1:10]
#' checkQuantitative(df, "data", TRUE)
#' # Error
#' }
#' @export checkQuantitative
checkQuantitative = function(df, fo, h = FALSE) {

  qualitative = unique(unique(isCharacter(as.matrix(df))))

  if (length(qualitative) > 1 || qualitative) {
    msg = paste(fo, "file contains qualitative data. Please, transform them in a disjunctive table.")

    if (!h)
      msg = paste0(msg, MSG_HEADER)

    stop(paste(msg, "\n"), exit_code = 100)


checkFile = function (f){
  # Check the existence of a path
  # f: A character giving the path of a file

    stop(paste0(f, " file does not exist."), exit_code = 101)


#' Create a list of matrix from loading files corresponding to blocks
#' @param file A character giving the path of a file used as a response
#' @param names A character giving a list of names for the blocks
#' @param sep A character giving the column separator
#' @param header A bolean giving the presence or the absence of the header
#' @param rownames An integer corresponding to the column number of the row names (NULL otherwise)
#' @return A list matrix corresponding to the blocks
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setBlocks (TRUE, "data/agriculture.tsv,data/industry.tsv,data/politic.tsv", "agric,ind,polit")
#' }
#' @export setBlocks
setBlocks = function(file, names = NULL, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, rownames = ROW_NAMES) {

  # Parse args containing files path
  isXls <- (length(grep("xlsx?", file)) == 1)
  # test if extension filename is xls
  if (!isXls)
    # if it is not, parse the name of file from the arg list
    blocksFilename = parseList(file)
  else {
    # # if xls, check file exists
    # checkFile(file)
    # # load the xls
    # wb = loadWorkbook(file)
    # # load the blocks
    # blocksFilename = names(getSheets(wb))

  # Parse optional names of blocks
  if (!is.null(names))
    # default name is filename, otherwise, the user could name the blocs
    blocksName = parseList(names)

  # Load each dataset
  blocks = list()
  for (i in 1:length(blocksFilename)) {

    if (!isXls) {
      # if not an xls, file exist test is done here
      fi = blocksFilename[i]

    #Get names of blocs
    if (!is.null(names))
      # names of blocks are those parsed from args
      fo = getFileName(blocksName[i])
    else {
      if (!isXls)
        # if not xls, the name is the files without the extension .tsv
        fo = getFileName(fi)
        # for xls, the names are those of the sheets
        fo = blocksFilename[i]

    #load the data
    if (!isXls){
      df = loadData(fi, sep, rownames, header)
    # }else{
    #   checkFileSize(file)
    #   df = loadExcel(file, blocksFilename[i], rownames, header)
    # }

    #if one-column file, it is a tabulation error
    if (NCOL(df) == 0)
      stop(paste(fo, "block file has an only-column. Check the separator."), exit_code = 102)

    dimnames = list(row.names(df), colnames(df))
    df <- convertMatrixNumeric(df)

    if( any(is.na(df)) ){
      df = matrix(unlist(lapply(1:ncol(df),
                                    function(x) unlist(lapply(as.list(df[,x]),
                                                                           function(y) ifelse(is.na(y),  mean(unlist(df[, x]), na.rm = T), y))))),
                      nrow(df), ncol(df))

    checkQuantitative(df, fo, header)
    df = matrix( as.numeric(df), nrow(df), ncol(df), dimnames = dimnames)
    blocks[[fo]] = df

  nrow = lapply(blocks, NROW)

  if(length(blocks) > 1)
    blocks = keepCommonRow(blocks)
    blocks = removeColumnSdNull(blocks)

	for (i in 1:length(blocks)){
		attributes(blocks[[i]])$nrow = nrow[[i]]

  if(nrow(blocks[[1]]) > 0)
    stop("There is no rows in common between the blocks.", exit_code = 108)

#' Check the format of the connection matrix
#' @param c A symmetric matrix containing 1 and 0
#' @param blocks A list of matrix
#' @export checkConnection
checkConnection = function(c, blocks) {

  if (!isSymmetric.matrix(unname(c)))
    stop("The connection file must be a symmetric matrix.", exit_code = 103)

  d = unique(diag(c))
  if (length(d) != 1 || d != 0)
    stop("The diagonal of the connection matrix file must be 0.", exit_code = 105)

  x = unique(c %in% c(0, 1))
  if (length(x) != 1 || x != T)
    stop("The connection file must contains only 0 or 1.", exit_code = 106)

    stop("The connection file could not contain only 0.", exit_code = 107)

  n = length(blocks)
  if (NCOL(c) != n)
    stop(paste0("The number of rows/columns of the connection matrix file must be equal to ",
                " (the number of blocks in the dataset, +1 with a superblock by default)."),
         exit_code = 104)

  #TODO: warning if superblock = TRUE


#' Create a matrix corresponding to a connection between the blocks
#' @param blocks A list of matrix
#' @param superblock A boolean giving the presence (TRUE) / absence (FALSE) of a superblock
#' @param file A character giving the path of a file used as a response
#' @param sep A character giving the column separator
#' @param rownames An integer corresponding to the column number of the row names (NULL otherwise)
#' @param h A bolean giving the presence or the absence of the header
#' @return A matrix corresponding to the connection between the blocks
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' blocks = lapply(1:4, function(x) matrix(runif(47 * 5), 47, 5))
#' setConnection (blocks, "data/connection.tsv")
#' }
#' @export setConnection
setConnection = function(blocks, superblock = FALSE, file = NULL, sep = "\t", h = FALSE, rownames = NULL) {

  J = length(blocks)

    connection <- matrix(0, J, J)
    connection[1:J-1, J] = connection[J, 1:J-1] = 1

  }else if (is.null(file))
    connection = 1-diag(J)

  else {
    isXls <- (length(grep("xlsx?", file)) == 1)

      connection = loadData(f = file, sep = sep, rownames = rownames,  h = h)
    # else
    #   connection = loadExcel(f = file, sheet = 1, rownames = rownames,  h = h)

  checkConnection(connection, blocks)


#' Create a matrix corresponding to the response
#' @param blocks A list of matrix
#' @param file A character giving the path of a file used as a response
#' @param sep A character giving the column separator
#' @param header A bolean giving the presence or the absence of the header
#' @param rownames An integer corresponding to the column number of the row names (NULL otherwise)
#' @return A matrix corresponding to the response
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' blocks = lapply(1:3, function(x) matrix(runif(47 * 5), 47, 5))
#' setResponse (blocks, "data/response3.tsv")
#' }
#' @export setResponse
setResponse = function(blocks, file = NULL, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, rownames = ROW_NAMES) {

  if (!is.null(file)) {

    isXls <- length(grep("xlsx?", file))

      response = loadData(file, sep, rownames, header)
    # else
    #   response = loadExcel(file, 1, rownames, h = header, num = FALSE)

    qualitative = unique(isCharacter(response))

    if (length(qualitative) > 1)
      stop("Please, select a response file with either qualitative data only or quantitative data only.",

      response = convertMatrixNumeric(response)

    if (NCOL(response) > 1) {

      disjunctive = unique(apply(response, 1, sum))

      if (length(disjunctive) && unique(response %in% c(0, 1)) && disjunctive) {
        response2 = factor(apply(response, 1, which.max))
        if (header) {
          levels(response2) = colnames(response)
        response = as.matrix(data.frame(as.character(response2), row.names = rownames(response)))

      } else {
        response = response[, 1]
        warning("There is multiple columns in the response file. By default, only the first one is taken in account.")

  } else {
    return(rep(1, NROW(blocks[[1]])))

#' Test for character vector
#' Tests if a dataframe is composed only by qualitative variables
#' @param x A matrix or a vector
#' @return A bolean for the presence (FALSE) or the absence (TRUE) of at least one quantitative variable
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(c(runif(10), LETTERS[1:10]), 10, 2)
#' isCharacter(x)
#' isCharacter(LETTERS[1:10])
#' # TRUE
#' @export isCharacter
isCharacter = function(x) {

  # is. character() consider a string with '1.2' as a character, not this
  # function. NA are produced by converting a character into an integer
  # as.vector, avoid factors of character in integer without NA

  # NA tolerance :

  if (is.matrix(x)){
    test = sapply(
      function(i) unique(
              na.omit(as.vector(x[, i])[as.vector(x[, i]) != "NA"])
            warning = function(w)
    test = unique(
            na.omit(as.vector(x)[as.vector(x) != "NA"])
          warning = function(w)


#' Get the rows with the same names among a list of dataframe
#' @param list_m A list of dataframe
#' @return A vector of character with the common rownames
#' @export commonRow
commonRow = function(list_m){

  common_row = row.names(list_m[[1]])

  for ( i in 2:length(list_m) )
    common_row = common_row[ common_row %in% row.names(list_m[[i]]) ]


#' Keep only the rows with the same names among a list of dataframe
#' @param list_m A list of dataframe
#' @return A list of dataframe
#' @export keepCommonRow
keepCommonRow = function(list_m){

  names = names(list_m)

  common_row = commonRow(list_m)
  list_m = lapply(1:length(list_m), function (x) list_m[[x]] = list_m[[x]][common_row,])

  names(list_m) = names
  return (list_m)

#' Remove column having a standard deviation equals to 0
#' @param list_m A list of dataframe
#' @return A list of dataframe
#' @export removeColumnSdNull
removeColumnSdNull = function(list_m) {

  names = names(list_m)

  column_sd_null = lapply(list_m, function (x) which( apply(x, 2, sd ) == 0 ))
  blocks_index =  seq(1, length(list_m))[unlist(lapply(column_sd_null, function(x) length(x) > 0))]

  list_m = lapply(1:length(list_m), function(x){

    if( x %in% blocks_index)
      list_m[[x]][, -column_sd_null[[x]]]

  names(list_m) = names
  return (list_m)

setSuperblock = function(blocks, superblock = FALSE, type = "rgcca"){

  if(superblock | tolower(type) == "pca"){

    # if(type != "pca")
    #   warnConnection("superblock")

    blocks[["Superblock"]] = Reduce(cbind, blocks)



setPosPar = function(opt, blocks, i_resp){

  J = length(blocks)
  opt$blocks = blocks
  opt$block_names = names(blocks)

  par = c("blocks", "block_names", "ncomp")
  if (all(opt$tau != "optimal"))
    par[length(par)+1] = "tau"

  for (i in 1:length(par)){
    temp = opt[[par[i]]][[J]]
    opt[[par[i]]][[J]] = opt[[par[i]]][[i_resp]]
    opt[[par[i]]][[i_resp]] = temp

  names(opt$blocks) = opt$block_names


warnConnection = function(x)
  warning(paste0("By using a ", x , ", all blocks are connected to this block in the connection matrix and the connection file is ignored."))

checkSuperblock = function(opt){

  if( ! is.null(opt$response) ){
    warnConnection("supervized method with a response")
    if( opt$superblock){
      opt$superblock = FALSE
      if("superblock" %in% names(opt))
        warning("In a supervised mode, the superblock corresponds to the response.")
ecamenen/rgcca_galaxy documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:40 a.m.