
#' Generate a row with statistical properties
#' @param dim Number of dimensions of the generated vector
#' @param subspaces List of subspaces that contain a dependency
#' @param margins List of margins that correspond to each subspace
#' @param dependency Type of dependency for the subspaces (We don't support
#        'mixed' currently)
#' @param prop Probability of a point belonging to the hidden space of a
#         subspace to become an outlier
#' @param proptype Type of the proportion of outliers. Value "proportional":
#         depends on the size of the empty space. Value "absolute": same
#         absolute proportion per subspace.
#' @return A list with 2 elements where \code{data} contains the generated
#          vector and \code{labels} the corresponding label.
#' @details
#' The row is at first drawn from the uniform distribution between 0 and 1 over each dimension.
#' For each subspace in \code{subspaces}, if the point belongs to the hidden space of the specified dependency
#' (i.e. for the "Wall", the value for each dimension of the subspace if bigger than the 1-margin),
#' it then becomes an outlier with probability \code{prop}. If it is an outlier, it would stay in the hidden space
#' and we make sure it is not too close to the border by rescaling the value so that it is at least 10% of the hidden space away from it.
#' If it is not an outlier, we map uniformly the point to the dependencies (i.e. for "Wall", one of the axis or center (for a 3-D dimensions)).
#' The probability to be mapped to one of such element is determined by their volume.
#' The bigger the area, the more likely the point will be mapped to the area.
#' In the case a point is already an outlier in a subspace, it cannot become an outlier in an overlapping subspace
#' but it still has the same probability to become an outlier in another space. This appends occasionally (pigeonhole principle)
#' If the point is not an outlier, it will have \code{0} as label, otherwise it has a string representing the different subspaces.
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @seealso
#' * \code{\link{generate.dynamic.stream}} : generate a dynamic stream
#' * \code{\link{generate.static.stream}}  : generate a static stream
#' @md
#' @importFrom stats runif
generate.row <- function(dim=10,
                         subspaces=list(c(3,4), c(7,8)),
                         dependency = "Wall",
                         discretize=0) {
  # no sanity check, assumed to be done already

  ########## Some helper functions ############

  getEuclideanLength <- function(vec) {
    # Calculate euclidian length of a vector.
    # Args:
    #   x: The input vector.
    # Returns:
    #   The euclidian length of the input vector.

  getEuclideanDistance <- function(x, y) {
    # Calculate the euclidian distance of two vectors.
    # Args:
    #   x: The first vector.
    #   y: The second vector.
    # Returns:
    #   The distance of the two input vectors.
    sqrt(sum((x - y) ^ 2))

  getVectorProjection <- function(start, end, point) {
    # Calculate the vector projection of a point onto a line.
    # Args:
    #   start: The starting point of the line.
    #   end: The ending point of the line.
    #   point: The input point.
    #  Returns:
    #    The vector projection of the point to the line.
    diagonal <- end - start
    result <- list(va1=numeric(0), va2=numeric(0))
    result$va1 <- sum((point - start) *
                      (diagonal / getEuclideanLength(diagonal))) *
                  (diagonal / getEuclideanLength(diagonal))
    result$va2 <- (point - start) - result$va1
  createOppositePoint <- function(point) {
    # A helper function to create "opposing" points inside a unit hypercube.
    # "Opposing" in this case means mirrored around the 0.5-vector
    # Args:
    #   point: The point to be mirrored.
    # Returns:
    #   The mirrored / opposing point.
    (point - 0.5) * (-1) + 0.5

  getCorners <- function(n=2, makePretty=FALSE) {
    # Create object containing the corner vectors of a n-dimensional hypercube.
    # Args:
    #   n: Number of dimensions.
    #   makePretty: If makePretty is FALSE, the value of expand.grid is returned.
    #               If makePretty is TRUE, a list of vectors representing the
    #               corners is returned.
    # Returns:
    #   Either a list or the value of expand.grid containing the corner vectors
    #   of the hypercube.
    arguments <- vector("list", n)  # arguments for expand.grid
    for (i in 1:n) {
      arguments[[i]] <- c(0,1)
    corners <- expand.grid(arguments)
    if (makePretty) {
      result <- vector("list", nrow(corners))
      for (i in 1:nrow(corners)) {
        result[[i]] <- as.vector(corners[i, ], mode="integer")
    } else {

  sin.star <- function(s) {
    # This function reshapes the standard sin-function so that a full cycle fits
    # inside the [0,1] interval.
    # Args:
    #   s: The input for the reshaped sine function.
    # Returns:
    #   The reshed sine value.
    (sin(s * 2 * pi) + 1) / 2

  wrap.sin.star <- function(s, n=3) {
    # A wrapper function to create a 3D-vector of the sine dependency.
    # Args:
    #   s: The value of the the first element of the sine dependency vector.
    #      See sin.star for more information.
    #   n: The number of dimensions.
    # Returns:
    #   A vector according to the sine dependency where each vector element
    #   is the reshaped sine value of it's former element, starting with the
    #   first element being s.
    if (n == 3) {
      c(s, sin.star(s), sin.star(sin.star(s)))
    } else {
        c(s, sin.star(s))

    ########## Actual functions ############

  isInHiddenSpace.Wall <- function(row, subspace) {
      all(row[subspaces[[subspace]]] > 1 - margins[[subspace]])

  isInHiddenSpace.Square <- function(row, subspace) {
      all(abs(row[subspaces[[subspace]]] - 0.5) < margins[[subspace]] / 2)

  isInHiddenSpace.Donut <- function(row, subspace) {
      sqrt(sum((row[subspaces[[subspace]]] - 0.5)**2)) < margins[[subspace]] /2 |
      sqrt(sum((row[subspaces[[subspace]]] - 0.5)**2)) > 0.5
  isInHiddenSpace.Linear <-function(row, subspace) {
    p <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]
    b <- rep(1, length(p))
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_projection
    a1 <- sum(p * (b / sqrt(length(b))))
    va1 <- a1 * ( b /sqrt(length(b)))
    vd <- p - va1
    d <- sqrt(sum(vd**2))
    d > 0.5 - margins[[subspace]] / 2

  isInHiddenSpace.Cross <- function(row, subspace, marginFactor=1) {
    createDiagList <- function(n=2) {
      result <- c(starts=vector("list", (n + 1)), ends=vector("list", (n + 1)))
      result$starts[[1]] <- rep(0, n)
      result$ends[[1]] <- rep(1, n)
      for (i in 2:(n + 1)) {
        result$starts[[i]] <- rep(0, n)
        result$starts[[i]][[i - 1]] <- 1
        result$ends[[i]] <- createOppositePoint(result$starts[[i]])

    point <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]
    if (marginFactor != 1) {point <- row}
    n <- length(subspaces[[subspace]])
    diagonals.list <- createDiagList(n)
    # T.B.D.
    diagonals.projections <- vector("list", (n + 1))
    diffs <- vector("list", (n + 1))
    for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
      diagonals.projections[[i]] <- getVectorProjection(diagonals.list$starts[[i]],
      diffs[i] <- getEuclideanLength(diagonals.projections[[i]]$va2)
    all(diffs > 0.5 - (margins[[subspace]] * marginFactor) / 2)

  isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass <- function(row, subspace, marginFactor=1) {
    getHOPs <- function(start, n, oppDim) {
      corners <- getCorners(n=n, makePretty=FALSE)
      # create the "oppValue" for the desired dimension (oppDim)
      oppValue <- createOppositePoint(start[[oppDim]])
      # replace the value of the oppDim of all corners
      for (i in 1:nrow(corners)) {
        corners[i,][oppDim] <- oppValue
      # remove duplicates
      corners <- unique(corners)
      # rename rows and transform to a list of vectors
      rownames(corners) <- 1:nrow(corners)
      result <- vector("list", nrow(corners))
      for (i in 1:nrow(corners)) {
        result[[i]] <- as.vector(corners[i,], mode="integer")
    createHOPLines <- function(n=2) {
      # The hourglass lines are the vectors between a corner of the
      # hypercube and its ``HOPs'' (Hourglass Opposing Points). A HOP can be
      # any other corner of the hypercube other than the starting point as long
      # as the value of a pre-specified dimension is different (by only using
      # the corners, the values in question can only be either 0 or 1).
      # Example: Assume we have a 3D Hourglass.
      # We thus have vectors (x,y,z). For finding the HOPs of a corner, we
      # want x to be the opposite. Thus, the point (0,0,0) would have the
      # following HOPs:
      # (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (1,0,1) and (1,1,1)
      # In general we have 2^(n-1) HOPs per corner in a n-dimensional hypercube.
      corners <- getCorners(n=n, makePretty=TRUE)
      result = vector("list", length(corners))
      for (i in 1:length(corners)) {
        result[[i]][["starts"]] <- corners[[i]]
        result[[i]][["endList"]] <- getHOPs(result[[i]][["starts"]], n, 1)

    if (marginFactor != 1) {
        point <- row  # assume call from ensureOutlyingBehavior
    } else {
        point <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]  # only look at the relevant subspace

    n <- length(subspaces[[subspace]])
    line.list <- createHOPLines(n)
    numberOfCorners <- length(line.list)
    numberOfHOPs <- length(line.list[[1]][["endList"]])
    line.projections <- vector("list", length(line.list))
    diffs <- vector("list", (numberOfCorners * numberOfHOPs))
    k <- 1
    for (i in 1:numberOfCorners) {
        line.projections[[i]] <- vector("list", numberOfHOPs)
      for (j in 1:numberOfHOPs) {
        line.projections[[i]][[j]] <- getVectorProjection(line.list[[i]][["starts"]],
        diffs[k] <- getEuclideanLength(line.projections[[i]][[j]]$va2)
        k <- k + 1
    all(diffs > 0.5 - ((margins[[subspace]]*marginFactor)/2))

  isInHiddenSpace.Sine <- function(row, subspace, marginFactor = 1) {
    if (marginFactor != 1) {
      point <- row  # assume call from ensureOutlyingBehavior
    } else {
      point <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]  # only look at the relevant subspace

    n <- length(subspaces[[subspace]])

    # We need to calculate the distance of the point from the Sine Dependency
    # Curve (SDC). This can be achieved with the standard euclidian distance (D).
    # We use the zero points of the derivative to find the point on the SDC with
    # minimal distance to the point. Since the root is a monotonous function
    # we can calculate dD^2 / ds instead of dD / ds in order to get rid of the
    # root.
    # Load requiered package.
      # print("rootSolve is loaded correctly.")
    } else {
      # print("Trying to install rootSolve.")
        # print("rootSolve installed and loaded.")
      } else {
        stop("Could not install rootSolve.")

    dsd.3D <- function(s) {  # Derivative Squared Distance
    # The derivative of the squared euclidian distance function for some point
    # s and a predefined point.
    # Args:
    #   s: The input for the reshaped sine function. See sin.star for more
    #      information.
    # Returns:
    #   The derivative of the squared distance function for s and point.
      2 * (s - point[1]) +
      2 * (sin.star(s) - point[2]) * cos(2 * pi * s) * pi +
      2 * ((sin(pi * (sin(2 * pi * s) + 1)) + 1) / 2 - point[3]) *
           cos(pi * (sin(2 * pi * s) + 1)) *
           cos(2 * pi * s) * pi^2
    dsd.2D <- function(s) {  # Derivative Squared Distance
    # The derivative of the squared euclidian distance function for some point
    # s and a predefined point.
    # Args:
    #   s: The input for the reshaped sine function. See sin.star for more
    #      information.
    # Returns:
    #   The derivative of the squared distance function for s and point.
      2 * (s - point[1]) +
      2 * (sin.star(s) - point[2]) * cos(2 * pi * s) * pi

    # Calculate all zero points of dsd. Differentiante between 2D and 3D.
    if (n == 2) {
      zero.points <- uniroot.all(dsd.3D, c(0, 1))
    } else {
      zero.points <- uniroot.all(dsd.2D, c(0, 1))

    # Save sine dependency vectors obtained from zero.points to a matrix.
    mat <- sapply(zero.points, wrap.sin.star, n)

    # Get minimum distance.
    diff <- min(apply(mat, 2, getEuclideanDistance, point))
    diff > 0.5 - ((margins[[subspace]] * marginFactor) / 2)

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Wall <- function(row, subspace) {
      row[subspaces[[subspace]]] + (1 - row[subspaces[[subspace]]]) * 0.2

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Square <- function(row, subspace) {
    transformed_r <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5
    transformed_r <- transformed_r * ((margins[[subspace]] / 2) -
                                      (margins[[subspace]] / 2) * 0.2) /
                                     (margins[[subspace]] / 2)
    transformed_r + 0.5

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Donut <- function(row, subspace) {
    # Distinguish between points "inside" and "outside" of the sphere
    # If it is INSIDE the donut, push it towards the center
    if(sqrt(sum((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[subspace]]/2) { 
      absr <- abs(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)
      res <- ((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5) * absr/(absr + absr*0.2)) + 0.5
    } else { # If it is OUTSIDE the Donut, push it towards the corners
      absr <- abs(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)
      # I've put 0.3 here because otherwise I find it too close really
      res <- ((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5) *
              (absr + (0.5-absr)*0.3)/absr) + 0.5  

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Linear <- function(row, subspace){
    d <- 0 # This way is a bit suboptimal but it avoids points at the border
    while(!(d > 0.5 - (margins[[subspace]] * 0.8) / 2)) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
      b <- rep(1, length(p))
      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_projection
      a1 <- sum(p * (b / sqrt(length(b))))
      va1 <- a1 * (b / sqrt(length(b)))
      vd <- p - va1
      d <- sqrt(sum(vd ** 2))

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Cross <- function(row, subspace){
    d <- FALSE
    while(!d) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
      d <- isInHiddenSpace(p, subspace, marginFactor = 0.8)

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Hourglass <- function(row, subspace){
    d <- FALSE
    while(!d) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
      d <- isInHiddenSpace(p, subspace, marginFactor = 0.8)

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Sine <- function(row, subspace) {
    d <- FALSE  # (enough) distance
    while(!d) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))  # Generate a point
      d <- isInHiddenSpace(p, subspace, marginFactor = 0.8)  # Check distance

  outlierFlags <- rep(FALSE, length(subspaces))
  r <- runif(dim)

  for(s in 1:length(subspaces)) {
    if(dependency == "Wall") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Wall
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Wall
    } else if(dependency == "Square") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Square
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Square
    } else if(dependency == "Donut") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Donut
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Donut
    } else if (dependency == "Linear") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Linear
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Linear
    } else if (dependency == "Cross") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Cross
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Cross
    } else if (dependency == "Hourglass") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Hourglass
    } else if (dependency == "Sine") {
        isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Sine
        ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Sine
    } else {
      stop("Currently unsupported dependency type1")

    # Do something only if the point is already in the hidden space OR the
    # proportion of outliers is absolute.
    if(isInHiddenSpace(r, s) || (proptype=="absolute")) {
      # Do something only if the point is not already an outlier in any other
      # subspace that has non-empty intersection
      # If this is the case, we might destroy his outlying behavior in the
      # other subspace, which we want to avoid.
                     function(y) length(intersect(subspaces[[s]],y))) > 0)) {
        # Choose if it is an outlier in this subspace, with probability prob
        outlierFlags[s] <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),1,prob=c(prop,1-prop))
        # If we decide not to make an outlier out of it, regenerate it outside
        # of the hidden region
        if(!outlierFlags[s]) { 
          while(isInHiddenSpace(r, s)) {
            r[subspaces[[s]]] <- runif(length(subspaces[[s]]))
        } else {
          # Just to make sure we don't go in an infinite loop in case the
          # margin is too small.
          if(margins[[s]] >= 0.1) {
            while(!isInHiddenSpace(r, s)) {
              r[subspaces[[s]]] <- runif(length(subspaces[[s]]))
            # If we decide to make an outlier out of it:
            # Add a little margin (20% of the hidden space) to avoid possible
            # ambiguities about the nature of the outlier
            r[subspaces[[s]]] <- ensureOutlyingBehavior(r,s)

  ###################### Discretize
  if(discretize) {
    #r <- r - (r%%(1/discretize))
    discretizeIt <- function(x) {
      if(abs(x %% (1/(discretize-1))) > abs(x %% -(1/(discretize-1)))) {
        x <- x - (x %%-(1/(discretize-1)))
      } else {
        x <- x - (x %% (1/(discretize-1)))
    for(x in 1:length(r)) {
      r[x] <- discretizeIt(r[x])

    # Create the true labels for each point
    # Do the process afterwards to minimize bug risks
    # i.e. make the labeling process independent from the generation
    # Here we need to take into account that the margin was modified by
    # discretization.
    for(x in 1:length(subspaces)) {
      if(dependency == "Wall") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(r[subspaces[[x]]] > (1-margins[[x]])+(1/(discretize-1)))
      } else if(dependency == "Square") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(abs(r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5) < (margins[[x]]-(1/(discretize-1)))/2)
      } else if(dependency == "Donut") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- (sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[x]]/2 - sqrt(((1/(discretize-1))**2)*2)/2) |
                           (sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) > 0.5+sqrt(((1/(discretize-1))**2)*2)/2)
      } else if (dependency == "Linear"){
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Linear(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Cross"){
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Cross(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Hourglass") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Sine") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Sine(r,x)
      } else {
        stop("Currently unsupported dependency type2")

  } else {
    # Create the true labels for each point
    # Do the process afterwards to minimize bug risks
    # i.e. make the labeling process independent from the generation
    for(x in 1:length(subspaces)) {
      if(dependency == "Wall") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(r[subspaces[[x]]] > (1-margins[[x]]))
      } else if(dependency == "Square") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(abs(r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5) < margins[[x]]/2)
      } else if(dependency == "Donut") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[x]]/2 |
                           sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) > 0.5
      } else if (dependency == "Linear") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Linear(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Cross") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Cross(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Hourglass") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Sine") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Sine(r,x)
      } else {
        stop("Currently unsupported dependency type3")


  # Generate a description for the outlier as an integer composed of the index
  # of each subspaces separated by ;
  # In case the point is not an outlier in any space then just put a 0
         description <- paste(sapply(subspaces[outlierFlags],
                                     function(x) paste(x,collapse=",")),
                              collapse=";"), description <- "0")
  class <- ifelse(description == "0", 0, 1) # derive the class label
  r <- c(r,class)
  # Row output
  list("data"=r, "label"=description)

#'  Helper function that generates multiple rows.
#' Helper function that generates multiple rows with the same characteristics.
#' Useful to generate a static stream.
#' @param n Number of rows to generate.
#' @param dim Number of dimension of the vector generate.
#' @param subspaces List of subspaces that contain a hidden space (i.e they
#'        show some dependency).
#' @param margins List of margins that correspond to each subspace.
#' @param prop Probability of a point belonging to the hidden space of a
#'        subspace to become an outlier.
#' @param proptype Type of the proportion of outliers. Value "proportional":
#'        depend on the size of the empty space. Value "absolute": same absolute
#'        proportion per subspace.
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @return A list with 2 elements where \code{data} is a data.frame object
#'         containing the \code{n} vectors and \code{labels} containing \code{n}
#'         corresponding labels.
generate.multiple.rows <- function(n, dim, subspaces, margins, dependency,
                                   prop, proptype, discretize) {
  # no sanity check, assumed to be done already
  data <- data.frame()
  labels <- c()
  for(x in 1:n) {
    res <- generate.row(dim=dim, subspaces=subspaces, margins=margins,
                        dependency=dependency, prop=prop, proptype=proptype,
    data <- rbind(data, t(res$data))
    labels <- c(labels, res$label)
  attributes(data)$names <- c(c(1:dim),"class")
  list("data"=data, "labels"=labels)

#' Generate a row with statistical properties
#' @param dim Number of dimensions of the generated vector
#' @param subspaces List of subspaces that contain a dependency
#' @param margins List of margins that correspond to each subspace
#' @param dependency Type of dependency for the subspaces (We don't support 'mixed' currently)
#' @param prop Probability of a point belonging to the hidden space of a subspace to become an outlier
#' @param proptype Type of the proportion of outliers. Value "proportional": depends on the size of the empty space. Value "absolute": same absolute proportion per subspace. 
#' @return A list with 2 elements where \code{data} contains the generated vector and \code{labels} the corresponding label.
#' @details
#' The row is at first drawn from the uniform distribution between 0 and 1 over each dimension.
#' For each subspace in \code{subspaces}, if the point belongs to the hidden space of the specified dependency 
#' (i.e. for the "Wall", the value for each dimension of the subspace if bigger than the 1-margin), 
#' it then becomes an outlier with probability \code{prop}. If it is an outlier, it would stay in the hidden space 
#' and we make sure it is not too close to the border by rescaling the value so that it is at least 10% of the hidden space away from it. 
#' If it is not an outlier, we map uniformly the point to the dependencies (i.e. for "Wall", one of the axis or center (for a 3-D dimensions)).
#' The probability to be mapped to one of such element is determined by their volume.
#' The bigger the area, the more likely the point will be mapped to the area. 
#' In the case a point is already an outlier in a subspace, it cannot become an outlier in an overlapping subspace
#' but it still has the same probability to become an outlier in another space. This appends occasionally (pigeonhole principle)
#' If the point is not an outlier, it will have \code{0} as label, otherwise it has a string representing the different subspaces.
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @seealso
#' * \code{\link{generate.dynamic.stream}} : generate a dynamic stream
#' * \code{\link{generate.static.stream}}  : generate a static stream 
#' @md
#' @importFrom stats runif
generate.row <- function(dim=10, subspaces=list(c(3,4), c(7,8)), margins=list(0.9,0.9), dependency = "Wall", prop=0.01, proptype="proportional", discretize=0) {
  # no sanity check, assumed to be done already 

  ########## some helper functions ############
  # Calculate eukklidian length of a vector
  getEuklidLen <- function(vec) {
  # Calculate vector projection for determing the distance of a point to a line
  getVectorProjection <- function(start, end, point) {
    diagonal <- end - start
    result <- list(va1=numeric(0), va2=numeric(0))
    result$va1 <- sum((point-start) * (diagonal/getEuklidLen(diagonal))) * (diagonal/getEuklidLen(diagonal))
    result$va2 <- (point-start) - result$va1
  # Opposite point basically means mirrored aorund (0.5, 0.5)
  createOppositePoint <- function(start) {
    (start - 0.5) * (-1) + 0.5
  # Create object containing the corners of a n-dimensional hypercube.
  # If makePretty is FALSE, the value of expand.grid is returned.
  # If makePretty is TRUE, a list of vectors representing the corners is returned.
  getCorners <- function(n=2, makePretty=FALSE) {
    # create all corners via expand.grid
    arguments <- vector("list", n)  # arguments for expand.grid
    for (i in 1:n) {
      arguments[[i]] <- c(0,1)
    corners <- expand.grid(arguments)
    if (makePretty) {
      result <- vector("list", nrow(corners))
      for (i in 1:nrow(corners)) {
        result[[i]] <- as.vector(corners[i,], mode="integer")
    } else {

  isInHiddenSpace.Wall <- function(row, subspace) {all(row[subspaces[[subspace]]] > 1-margins[[subspace]])}
  isInHiddenSpace.Square <- function(row, subspace) {all(abs(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5) < margins[[subspace]]/2)}
  isInHiddenSpace.Donut <- function(row, subspace) {sqrt(sum((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[subspace]]/2 | sqrt(sum((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)**2)) > 0.5}
  isInHiddenSpace.Linear <-function(row, subspace) {
    p <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]
    b <- rep(1, length(p))
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_projection
    a1 <- sum(p*(b/sqrt(length(b))))
    va1 <- a1 * (b/sqrt(length(b)))
    vd <- p - va1 
    d <- sqrt(sum(vd**2))
    d > 0.5 - margins[[subspace]]/2
  isInHiddenSpace.Cross <- function(row, subspace, marginFactor = 1) {
    createDiagList <- function(n=2) {
      result <- c(starts=vector("list", (n+1)), ends=vector("list", (n+1)))
      result$starts[[1]] <- rep(0, n)
      result$ends[[1]] <- rep(1, n)
      for (i in 2:(n+1)) {
        result$starts[[i]] <- rep(0, n)
        result$starts[[i]][[i-1]] <- 1
        result$ends[[i]] <- createOppositePoint(result$starts[[i]])
    point <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]
    if (marginFactor != 1) {point <- row}
    n <- length(subspaces[[subspace]])
    diagonals.list <- createDiagList(n)
    # T.B.D.
    diagonals.projections <- vector("list", (n+1))
    diffs <- vector("list", (n+1))
    for (i in 1:(n+1)) {
      diagonals.projections[[i]] <- getVectorProjectionOnDiagonal(diagonals.list$starts[[i]],
      diffs[i] <- getEuklidLen(diagonals.projections[[i]]$va2)
    all(diffs > 0.5 - (margins[[subspace]]*marginFactor)/2)
  isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass <- function(row, subspace, marginFactor = 1) {
    getHOPs <- function(start, n, oppDim) {
      corners <- getCorners(n=n, makePretty=FALSE)
      # create the "oppValue" for the desired dimension (oppDim)
      oppValue <- createOppositePoint(start[[oppDim]])
      # replace the value of the oppDim of all corners
      for (i in 1:nrow(corners)) {
        corners[i,][oppDim] <- oppValue
      # remove duplicates
      corners <- unique(corners)
      # rename rows and transform to a list of vectors
      rownames(corners) <- 1:nrow(corners)
      result <- vector("list", nrow(corners))
      for (i in 1:nrow(corners)) {
        result[[i]] <- as.vector(corners[i,], mode="integer")
    createHOPLines <- function(n=2) {
      # The hourglass lines are the vectors between a corner of the
      # hypercube and its ``HOPs'' (Hourglass Opposing Points). A HOP can be
      # any other corner of the hypercube other than the starting point as long
      # as the value of a pre-specified dimension is different (by only using
      # the corners, the values in question can only be either 0 or 1).
      # Example: Assume we have a 3D Hourglass. 
      # We thus have vectors (x,y,z). For finding the HOPs of a corner, we
      # want x to be the opposite. Thus, the point (0,0,0) would have the following HOPs:
      # (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (1,0,1) and (1,1,1)
      # In general we have 2^(n-1) HOPs per corner in a n-dimensional hypercube.
      corners <- getCorners(n=n, makePretty=TRUE)
      result = vector("list", length(corners))
      for (i in 1:length(corners)) {
        result[[i]][["starts"]] <- corners[[i]]
        result[[i]][["endList"]] <- getHOPs(result[[i]][["starts"]], n, 1)

    if (marginFactor != 1) {
        point <- row  # assume call from ensureOutlyingBehavior
    } else {
        point <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]  # only look at the relevant subspace
    n <- length(subspaces[[subspace]])
    line.list <- createHOPLines(n)
    numberOfCorners <- length(line.list)
    numberOfHOPs <- length(line.list[[1]][["endList"]])
    line.projections <- vector("list", length(line.list))
    diffs <- vector("list", (numberOfCorners * numberOfHOPs))
    k <- 1
    for (i in 1:numberOfCorners) {
        line.projections[[i]] <- vector("list", numberOfHOPs)
      for (j in 1:numberOfHOPs) {
        line.projections[[i]][[j]] <- getVectorProjection(line.list[[i]][["starts"]],
        diffs[k] <- getEuklidLen(line.projections[[i]][[j]]$va2)
        k <- k + 1
    all(diffs > 0.5 - ((margins[[subspace]]*marginFactor)/2))

  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Wall <- function(row, subspace) row[subspaces[[subspace]]] + (1-row[subspaces[[subspace]]])*0.2
  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Square <- function(row, subspace) {
    transformed_r <- row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5
    transformed_r <- transformed_r * ((margins[[subspace]]/2)-(margins[[subspace]]/2)*0.2) / (margins[[subspace]]/2)
    transformed_r + 0.5
  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Donut <- function(row, subspace) { 
    # Distinguish between "the point is inside the sphere" and "the point is in the corner"
    if(sqrt(sum((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[subspace]]/2) { # If it is INSIDE the donut, push it towards the center
      absr <- abs(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)
      res <- ((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5) * absr/(absr + absr*0.2)) + 0.5
    } else { # If it is OUTSIDE the Donut, push it towards the corners 
      absr <- abs(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5)
      res <- ((row[subspaces[[subspace]]]-0.5) * (absr + (0.5-absr)*0.3)/absr) + 0.5  # I've put 0.3 here because otherwise I find it too close really 
  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Linear <- function(row, subspace){
    d <- 0 # Note: This way is a bit suboptimal but it avoids points at the really border at least. 
    while(!(d > 0.5 - (margins[[subspace]]*0.8)/2)) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
      b <- rep(1, length(p))
      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_projection
      a1 <- sum(p*(b/sqrt(length(b))))
      va1 <- a1 * (b/sqrt(length(b)))
      vd <- p-va1
      d <- sqrt(sum(vd**2))
  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Cross <- function(row, subspace){
    d <- FALSE 
    while(!d) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
      d <- isInHiddenSpace(p, subspace, marginFactor = 0.8)
  ensureOutlyingBehavior.Hourglass <- function(row, subspace){
    d <- FALSE 
    while(!d) {
      p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
      d <- isInHiddenSpace(p, subspace, marginFactor = 0.8)
  ensureOutlyingBehavior.HG <- function(row, subspace) {
      d <- FALSE
      while(!d) {
          p <- runif(length(row[subspaces[[subspace]]]))
          d <- isInHiddenSpace(p, subspace, marginFactor=0.8)
  outlierFlags <- rep(FALSE, length(subspaces))
  r <- runif(dim)
  for(s in 1:length(subspaces)) {
    if(dependency == "Wall") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Wall
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Wall 
    } else if(dependency == "Square") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Square
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Square
    } else if(dependency == "Donut") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Donut
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Donut
    } else if (dependency == "Linear") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Linear
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Linear 
    } else if (dependency == "Cross") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Cross
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Cross 
    } else if (dependency == "Hourglass") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.Hourglass
    } else if (dependency == "HG") {
      isInHiddenSpace <- isInHiddenSpace.HG
      ensureOutlyingBehavior <- ensureOutlyingBehavior.HG
    } else {
      stop("Currently unsupported dependency type")
    # Do something only if the point is already in the hidden space OR the proportion of outliers is absolute. 
    if(isInHiddenSpace(r, s) || (proptype=="absolute")) { 
      # Do something only if the point is not already an outlier in any other subspace that has non-empty intersection 
      # If this is the case, we might destroy his outlying behavior in the other subspace, which we want to avoid. 
      if(!any(lapply(subspaces[outlierFlags], function(y) length(intersect(subspaces[[s]],y))) > 0)) {
        outlierFlags[s] <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),1,prob=c(prop,1-prop)) # Choose if it is an outlier in this subspace, with probability prob
        if(!outlierFlags[s]) { # If we decide not to make an outlier out of it, regenerate it outside of the hidden region 
          while(isInHiddenSpace(r, s)) {
            r[subspaces[[s]]] <- runif(length(subspaces[[s]])) 
        } else {
          # Just to make sure we don't go in an infinite loop in case the margin is too small. 
          if(margins[[s]] >= 0.1) { 
            while(!isInHiddenSpace(r, s)) {
              r[subspaces[[s]]] <- runif(length(subspaces[[s]])) 
            # If we decide to make an outlier out of it:
            # Add a little margin (20% of the hidden space) to avoid possible ambiguities about the nature of the outlier 
            r[subspaces[[s]]] <- ensureOutlyingBehavior(r,s)
  ###################### Discretize
  if(discretize) {
    #r <- r - (r%%(1/discretize))
    discretizeIt <- function(x) {
      if(abs(x %% (1/(discretize-1))) > abs(x %% -(1/(discretize-1)))) {
        x <- x - (x %%-(1/(discretize-1)))
      } else {
        x <- x - (x %% (1/(discretize-1)))
    for(x in 1:length(r)) {
      r[x] <- discretizeIt(r[x])

    # Create the true labels for each point
    # Do the process afterwards to minimize bug risks
    # i.e. make the labeling process independent from the generation 
    # Here we need to take into account that the margin was modified by discretization. 
    for(x in 1:length(subspaces)) {
      if(dependency == "Wall") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(r[subspaces[[x]]] > (1-margins[[x]])+(1/(discretize-1)))
      } else if(dependency == "Square") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(abs(r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5) < (margins[[x]]-(1/(discretize-1)))/2)
        #if(all(abs(r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5) < (margins[[x]]-(margins[[x]] %% (1/(discretize-1))))/2)) {
        #  print(cat("vec:", r[subspaces[[x]]], "-->", abs(r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5), "smaller than", (margins[[x]]-(margins[[x]] %% (1/(discretize-1))))/2 , "with margin", margins[[x]], "discretize:", discretize))
      } else if(dependency == "Donut") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- (sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[x]]/2 - sqrt(((1/(discretize-1))**2)*2)/2) | (sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) > 0.5+sqrt(((1/(discretize-1))**2)*2)/2)
      } else if (dependency == "Linear"){
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Linear(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Cross"){
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Cross(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Hourglass") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "HG") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.HG(r,x)
      } else {
        stop("Currently unsupported dependency type")
  } else {
    # Create the true labels for each point
    # Do the process afterwards to minimize bug risks
    # i.e. make the labeling process independent from the generation 
    for(x in 1:length(subspaces)) {
      if(dependency == "Wall") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(r[subspaces[[x]]] > (1-margins[[x]]))
      } else if(dependency == "Square") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- all(abs(r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5) < margins[[x]]/2)
      } else if(dependency == "Donut") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) < margins[[x]]/2 | sqrt(sum((r[subspaces[[x]]]-0.5)**2)) > 0.5
      } else if (dependency == "Linear") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Linear(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Cross") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Cross(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "Hourglass") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.Hourglass(r,x)
      } else if (dependency == "HG") {
        outlierFlags[x] <- isInHiddenSpace.HG(r,x)
      } else {
        stop("Currently unsupported dependency type")

  # Generate a description for the outlier as an integer composed of the index of each subspaces separated by ;
  # In case the point is not an outlier in any space then just put a 0
  ifelse(any(outlierFlags), description <- paste(sapply(subspaces[outlierFlags],function(x) paste(x,collapse=",")),collapse=";"), description <- "0") 
  class <- ifelse(description == "0", 0, 1) # derive the class label 
  r <- c(r,class)
  # Row output 
  list("data"=r, "label"=description)

#'  Helper function that generates multiple rows.
#' Helper function that generates multiple rows with the same characteristics.
#' Useful to generate a static stream.
#' @param n Number of rows to generate.
#' @param dim Number of dimension of the vector generate.
#' @param subspaces List of subspaces that contain a hidden space (i.e they show some dependency).
#' @param margins List of margins that correspond to each subspace.
#' @param prop Probability of a point belonging to the hidden space of a subspace to become an outlier.
#' @param proptype Type of the proportion of outliers. Value "proportional": depend on the size of the empty space. Value "absolute": same absolute proportion per subspace. 
#' @author Edouard Fouché, \email{edouard.fouche@kit.edu}
#' @md
#' @return A list with 2 elements where \code{data} is a data.frame object containing the \code{n} vectors and \code{labels} containing \code{n} corresponding labels. 
generate.multiple.rows <- function(n, dim, subspaces, margins, dependency, prop, proptype, discretize) {
  # no sanity check, assumed to be done already 
  data <- data.frame()
  labels <- c()
  for(x in 1:n) {
    res <- generate.row(dim=dim, subspaces=subspaces, margins=margins, dependency=dependency, prop=prop, proptype=proptype,  discretize=discretize)
    data <- rbind(data, t(res$data))
    labels <- c(labels, res$label)
  attributes(data)$names <- c(c(1:dim),"class")
  list("data"=data, "labels"=labels)
edouardfouche/R-streamgenerator documentation built on May 15, 2019, 11:02 p.m.