
#' Import an OO 'IrradCal' instrument-specific response function
#' Given the path to a specifically formatted IrradCal file in units of uJ / 
#' count, the function parses the file, tidies and calculates metadata, converts
#' to J / count and returns a \pkg{hyperSpec} object
#' @param file_path File path to a OO 'IrradCal' instrument-specific response function
#' @param theta_v The viewing geometry of measurements (θv, °),
#' expressed as an angle from the nadir (0°) viewing zenith. 
#' @return A \pkg{hyperSpec} object with the instrument-specific response 
#' function in units J / count and metadata for further radiometric
#' conversions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sys_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "FASTSpectra")
#' file_path <- Sys.glob(paste0(sys_path, "/*.IrradCal"))
#' cal <- import_IrradCal_uJCount(file_path)
#' summary(cal)
import_IrradCal_uJCount <- function(file_path, theta_v=0){
  # Parse header
  header <- yaml::yaml.load(paste(readLines(file_path [1], n = 9), collapse ="\n"))
  # Parse spectral data
  buffer <- matrix (scan (file_path [1], skip = 11, nlines = 2048),
                    ncol = 2, byrow = T)
  # Extract wavelengths
  wavelength <- buffer[, 1]
  # Preallocate the metadata array
  meta <- as.data.frame(header, stringsAsFactors = F)
  # Preallocate the spectra matrix
  spc <- matrix (ncol = nrow (buffer), nrow = 1)
  # Add spectral data
  spc [1,] <- buffer[, 2]
  # Add the file name to the metadata
  data <- data.frame (file = as.character(basename(file_path)),
                      stringsAsFactors = F)
  metadata <- cbind(data, meta)
  # Make labels
  label = list (spc = expression(paste(
    C [Q [e]] , " (" , J, ~ count ^ -1, ")"
  # Make new hyperSpec object, assigning information
  out <- new (
    , wavelength = wavelength
    , spc = spc
    , data = metadata
    , label = label
  # Tidy up some of the metadata fields
  nam <- names(out@data)
  nam[5] <- "Integration.Time.usec"
  nam[8] <- "Fiber.um"
  nam[9] <- "Full.Angle.degrees"
  names(out@data) <- nam
  # Update units
  out@data$Units[1] <- c("J / count")
  # Calculate metadata for radiometric conversions --------------------------    
  # Solid angle, steradians 
  out@data$Solid.Angle.Collector.steradians <- 
  # Integration time, seconds
  out@data$Integration.Time.sec <-
    out@data$Integration.Time.usec / 10^6
  # Wavelength spread, nm
  out@data$Wavelength.Spread.nm <-
    matrix(rep(wavelength_spread(out@wavelength),2), nrow = 1)
  # Collection area, m2
  out@data$Collection.Area.m2 <-
    collection_area(out@data$Fiber.um, unit_in='um')
  # Projected collection area, m2
  out@data$Proj.Collection.Area.m2 <- 
    proj_collection_area(out@data$Fiber.um, unit_in='um', theta_v=theta_v)
  # Calculate normalised spectral DN ----------------------------------------

  # Gather components
  irf <- out@data$spc[1,] # uJ / count
  int_time <- out@data$Integration.Time.sec # s
  wavelengths <- out@wavelength # nm

  # Convert irf from uJ to J / count
  irf <- out@data$spc[1,] / 10^6

  # Convert from J / count to J s nm / count
  #rad <- normalise_irf(irf, int_time, wavelengths)

  # Add to hyperspec object
  out@data$spc[1,] <- matrix(irf, nrow = 1, ncol = length(irf))
  out@data$Units[1] <- c("J / count")
edwardpmorris/FASTSpectra documentation built on May 15, 2019, 11:03 p.m.