
Defines functions CSEGtmufigure

# This is a figure of the theoretical minimum uncertainty regions
# sensu Ellner and Holmes figure 1
# Code written by Steven Ellner and Eli Holmes
# The figure function
CSEGtmufigure <- function(N = 20, u = -0.1, s2p = 0.01, make.legend = TRUE) {
  mu <- as.vector(u) # function requires scalar not 1x1 matrix
  sigma2.b <- as.vector(s2p)
  if (s2p == 0) stop("Stopped in CSEGtmufigure(): function does not work with s2p=0.\n", call. = FALSE)
  # Set up some figure parameters
  ngrid <- 100
  Tvals <- seq(1, 110, length = ngrid)
  # win.graph(6,6); par(mfrow=c(1,1),cex.axis=1.35,cex.lab=1.35,yaxs="i",xaxs="i");
  par(yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")

  # Define a number of functions
  Pext <- function(U, V) {
    pnorm(U - V) + exp(2 * U * V + pnorm(-(U + V), log.p = T))

  TMU <- function(T, RelNe, side = "one") {
    qt <- switch(EXPR = side, one = qnorm(0.95), two = qnorm(0.975))
    a <- log(1 / RelNe)
    U <- -mu * sqrt(T / sigma2.b)
    V <- a / (sqrt(sigma2.b * T))
    upci <- Pext(U + qt * sqrt(T / N), V)
    lowci <- Pext(U - qt * sqrt(T / N), V)
    return(list(upper = upci, lower = lowci))

  TMUpper <- function(T, RelNe, side = "one") TMU(T, RelNe, side)$upper
  TMLower <- function(T, RelNe, side = "one") TMU(T, RelNe, side)$lower

  CIWidth <- function(T, RelNe) {
    qt <- qnorm(0.975)
    a <- log(1 / RelNe)
    U <- -mu * sqrt(T / sigma2.b)
    V <- a / (sqrt(sigma2.b * T))
    upci <- Pext(U + qt * sqrt(T / N), V)
    lowci <- Pext(U - qt * sqrt(T / N), V)
    return(upci - lowci)

  xlabs <- expression(paste("Projection interval ", italic(T), " time steps"))
  ylabs <- "xe = log10(N0/Ne)"
  safe.limits <- numeric(ngrid)
  dead.limits <- numeric(ngrid)
  minval <- 1e-16
  maxval <- 1 - minval
  for (j in 1:ngrid) {
    T <- Tvals[j]
    safe.limits[j] <- uniroot(function(x) {
      TMUpper(T, x) - 0.05
    }, lower = minval, upper = maxval)$root
    dead.limits[j] <- uniroot(function(x) {
      TMLower(T, x) - 0.95
    }, lower = minval, upper = maxval)$root

  graphics::matplot(Tvals, log10(cbind(safe.limits, dead.limits)),
    ylim = c(-2.2, 0), type = "l", lty = 1, col = "white",
    xlim = c(1, 100), xlab = xlabs, ylab = ylabs
  polygon(c(Tvals, rev(Tvals)), log10(c(safe.limits, rev(dead.limits))), col = "grey85")
  polygon(c(Tvals, rev(Tvals)), log10(c(dead.limits, rep(1, ngrid))), col = "black")
  polygon(c(Tvals, rev(Tvals)), c(log10(safe.limits), rep(-3, ngrid)), col = "white")

  logRelNe <- seq(-3.125, -0.001, length = ngrid)
  RelNe <- 10^(logRelNe)
  CIW <- outer(Tvals, RelNe, CIWidth)
  z <- contourLines(Tvals, log10(RelNe), CIW, levels = 0.8)
  if (length(z) != 0) {
    xvals <- z[[1]]$x
    yvals <- z[[1]]$y
    polygon(c(xvals, 100), c(yvals, yvals[1]), col = "grey45")

  abline(h = -2.2)
  abline(h = 0)
  abline(v = 100)
  abline(v = 1)
  offset <- -0.05
  abline(h = -.3)
  text(5, -.3 + offset, "50%")
  abline(h = -1)
  text(5, -1 + offset, "90%")
  abline(h = -2)
  text(5, -2 + offset, "99%")
  # title(expression(paste("nyrs = ", N, ", hat(mu), = ", mu, sigma[b]," = ",sigma2.b)));
  title(paste("time steps = ", N, "\n mu = ", format(mu, digits = 2), "s2.p = ", format(sigma2.b, digits = 2)))
  if (make.legend) legend("topright", inset = 0.02, bg = "white", c("high certainty P<0.05", "high certainty P>0.95", "uncertain", "highly uncertain"), fill = c("white", "black", "grey85", "grey45"))
eeholmes/MARSS documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 4:30 a.m.