
Defines functions emTvm dTvm constBvm dBvm

Documented in constBvm dBvm dTvm emTvm

#' @title Bivariate Sine von Mises density
#' @description Evaluation of the bivariate Sine von Mises density and its
#' normalizing constant.
#' @param x a matrix of size \code{c(nx, 2)} for evaluating the density.
#' @param mu two-dimensional vector of circular means.
#' @param kappa three-dimensional vector with concentrations
#' \eqn{(\kappa_1, \kappa_2, \lambda)}.
#' @param logConst logarithm of the normalizing constant. Computed if
#' \code{NULL}.
#' @param M number of terms considered in the series expansion used for
#' evaluating the normalizing constant.
#' @return A vector of length \code{nx} with the evaluated density
#' (\code{dBvm}) or a scalar with the normaalizing constant (\code{constBvm}).
#' @details
#' If \eqn{\kappa_1 = 0} or \eqn{\kappa_2 = 0} and \eqn{\lambda \neq 0},
#' then \code{constBvm} will perform a Monte Carlo integration of the constant.
#' @references
#' Singh, H., Hnizdo, V. and Demchuk, E. (2002) Probabilistic model
#' for two dependent circular variables, \emph{Biometrika}, 89(3):719--723,
#' \doi{10.1093/biomet/89.3.719}
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 101)[-101]
#' plotSurface2D(x, x, f = function(x) dBvm(x = x, mu = c(0, pi / 2),
#'                                          kappa = c(2, 3, 1)),
#'              fVect = TRUE)
#' @export
dBvm <- function(x, mu, kappa, logConst = NULL) {

  # Convert to matrices if n == 1
  if (!is.matrix(x)) {

    x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)


  # Normalizing constant
  if (is.null(logConst)) {

    logConst <- log(constBvm(kappa = kappa))


  # Differences
  thMu1 <- x[, 1] - mu[1]
  thMu2 <- x[, 2] - mu[2]

  # Density
  exp(-logConst + kappa[1] * cos(thMu1) + kappa[2] * cos(thMu2) +
        kappa[3] * sin(thMu1) * sin(thMu2) / 2)


#' @rdname dBvm
#' @export
constBvm <- function(M = 25, kappa) {

  # Truncation series
  m <- 0:M

  if (all(kappa > 0)) {

    const <- 4 * pi^2 * sum(exp(
      lchoose(n = 2 * m, k = m) +
        m * (2 * (log(kappa[3]) - log(4)) - log(kappa[1]) - log(kappa[2])) +
        kappa[1] + log(besselI(x = kappa[1], nu = m, expon.scaled = TRUE)) +
        kappa[2] + log(besselI(x = kappa[2], nu = m, expon.scaled = TRUE))

  } else if (kappa[3] < 1e-15) {

    const <- 4 * pi^2 * besselI(x = kappa[1], nu = 0) *
      besselI(x = kappa[2], nu = 0)

  } else {

    warning(paste("No series expansion for kappa1 == 0 or kappa2 == 0 and",
                  "lambda != 0. This is a bimodal density!",
                  "Using Monte Carlo integration"))
    const <- 1 / mcTorusIntegrate(f = function(x)
      dBvm(x = x, mu = c(0, 0), kappa = kappa, logConst = 0),
      p = 2, M = 1e5, fVect = TRUE)




#' @title Mixtures of toroidal von Mises densities
#' @description Undocumented functions implementing mixtures of independent
#' von Mises densities on the torus and their estimation by an
#' Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
#' @keywords internal
dTvm <- function(x, M, K, alpha = NULL, besselInterp = FALSE) {

  # Convert to matrices
  if (!is.matrix(M)) {

    M <- matrix(M, nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)

  if (!is.matrix(K)) {

    K <- matrix(K, nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)

  if (!is.matrix(x)) {

    x <- matrix(x, ncol = 1)

  if (is.null(alpha)) {

    alpha <- 1


  # Check if x, M, K and alpha agree
  dM <- dim(M)
  dK <- dim(K)
  if (!(all(dM == dK) && (dM[2] == ncol(x)) && (dM[1] == length(alpha)))) {

    stop("Incompatible sizes of x, M, K and alpha")


  # Density
  drop(.dTvmCpp(x = x, K = K, M = M, alpha = alpha,
                besselInterp = besselInterp))


#' @rdname dTvm
#' @keywords internal
emTvm <- function(data, k, M = NULL, K = NULL, alpha = NULL,
                  tol = c(0.001, 0.001, 0.001 / k),
                  kappaMax = 500, maxIter = 100, isotropic = FALSE,
                  besselInterp = FALSE, verbose = 0) {

  # Sample size
  n <- nrow(data)

  # Dimension
  p <- ncol(data)

  # Number of parameters: M and K are k * p, alpha are k - 1
  npar <- 2 * k * p + k - 1
  if (npar > n) {

    warning(paste("Trying to fit more parameters than sample size. EM will",
                  "overfit and likely break down due to high values of kappa.",
                  "Maximum number of mixtures allowed is k =",
                  ceiling((n + 1) / (2 * p + 1))), immediate. = TRUE)


  # Initialize means, concentrations and proportions
  if (is.null(M)) {

    M <- matrix(runif(k * p, -pi, pi), nrow = k, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)

  if (is.null(K)) {

    if (isotropic) {

      K <- matrix(runif(k * p, 0, 1), nrow = k, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)

    } else {

      K <- matrix(runif(k, 0, 1), nrow = k, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)


  if (is.null(alpha)) {

    alpha <- runif(k)
    alpha <- alpha / sum(alpha)

  MNew <- M
  KNew <- K
  alphaNew <- alpha

  # The evaluations of f in the data and in each component
  fih <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)

  # The probability of the hidden states
  pih <- fih

  # Positions instead of angles
  cosData <- cos(data)
  sinData <- sin(data)

  # Factor vM density
  l2pi <- -p * log(2 * pi)

  # EM algorithm
  j <- 0
  repeat {

    # Time
    t0 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## Expectation step

    pih <- .clusterProbsTvm(cosData = cosData, sinData = sinData, K = K, M = M,
                            alpha = alpha, l2pi = l2pi,
                            besselInterp = besselInterp)

    ## Maximization step

    # Weights mixtures
    alphaNew <- colMeans(pih)

    # Circular means and concentrations
    MK <- .weightedMuKappa(cosData = cosData, sinData = sinData, weights = pih,
                           isotropic = isotropic)

    # MNew and KNew
    MNew <- MK$M
    KNew <- MK$K

    # Increments
    deltaM <- abs(MNew - M)
    deltaM <- max(pmin(deltaM, abs(2 * pi - deltaM)))
    deltaK <- max(abs(KNew - K))
    deltaAlpha <- max(abs(alphaNew - alpha))
    j <- j + 1

    # Display progress
    if (verbose > 0) {

      # Increments and time
      cat(paste("Iteration: ", j, ". tolM: ", round(deltaM, 4), ". tolK: ",
                round(deltaK, 4), ". tolAlpha: ", round(deltaAlpha, 4),
                ". Time: ", round(proc.time()[3] - t0, 4), ".\n", sep = ""))

      if (verbose > 1) {

        # Values of parameters
        cat("M:", round(MNew, 3), "\nK:", round(KNew, 3), "\na:",
            round(alphaNew, 3), "\n\n")

        if (verbose > 2 && p < 10 && j %% 5 == 0) {

          # Plot assignments
          pairs(data, col = apply(pih, 1, which.max),
                main = paste("Assignments at iteration", j), lower.panel = NULL)




    # Check convergence
    if (deltaM < tol[1] && deltaK < tol[2] && deltaAlpha < tol[3]) {

      # Convergence
      if (verbose) {

        cat("Succesful convergence\n")

      convergence <- TRUE

    } else if (j > maxIter) {

      # No convergence
      if (verbose) {

        cat("EM algorithm with k =", k, "components did not converge\n")

      convergence <- FALSE

    } else {

      # Update parameters
      M <- MNew
      K <- KNew
      alpha <- alphaNew



  # Loglikelihood and result
  logLik <- sum(log(dTvm(x = data, M = M, K = K, alpha = alpha,
                         besselInterp = besselInterp)))
  return(list(M = M, K = K, alpha = alpha, pih = pih,
              BIC = -2 * logLik + log(n) * npar, convergence = convergence))

egarpor/sdetorus documentation built on March 4, 2024, 1:23 a.m.