
Defines functions dplot3_xy

Documented in dplot3_xy

# dplot3_xy.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2019 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' Interactive Scatter Plots
#' Draw interactive scatter plots using `plotly`
#' use theme$tick.labels.col for both tick color and tick label color - this may change
#' @inheritParams dplot3_bar
#' @inheritParams dplot3_x
#' @inheritParams mplot3_xy
#' @param x Numeric, vector/data.frame/list: x-axis data. If y is NULL and
#' `NCOL(x) > 1`, first two columns used as `x` and `y`, respectively
#' @param y Numeric, vector/data.frame/list: y-axis data
#' @param col Color for markers. Default=NULL, which will draw colors from palette
#' @param rsq Logical: If TRUE, print R-squared values in legend if `fit` is set
#' @param mode Character, vector: "markers", "lines", "markers+lines".
#' @param order.on.x Logical: If TRUE, order `x` and `y` on `x`. Default = NULL,
#'  which becomes `TRUE` if `mode` includes lines.
#' @param axes.square Logical: If TRUE: draw a square plot to fill the graphic device.
#' Default = FALSE. Note: If TRUE, the device size at time of call is captured and
#' height and width are set so as to draw the largest square available. This means that
#' resizing the device window will not automatically resize the plot.
#' @param legend Logical: If TRUE, draw legend. Default = NULL, which will be set to
#' TRUE if there are more than 1 groups, or `fit` is set
#' @param hovertext List of character vectors with hovertext to include for each group
#' of markers
#' @param width Float: Force plot size to this width. Default = NULL, i.e. fill
#' available space
#' @param height Float: Force plot size to this height. Default = NULL, i.e. fill
#' available space
#' @param legend.borderwidth Numeric: Border width for legend
#' @param legend.group.gap Numeric: Gap between legend groups
#' @param x.showspikes Logical: If TRUE, show spikes on x-axis
#' @param y.showspikes Logical: If TRUE, show spikes on y-axis
#' @param spikedash Character: Dash type for spikes
#' @param spikemode Character: "across", "toaxis", "marker", or any combination of those
#' joined by `+`, e.g. "toaxis+across+marker"
#' @param spikesnap Character: "data", "cursor", "hovered data"
#' @param spikecolor Color for spikes
#' @param spikethickness Numeric: Thickness of spikes
#' @param main.y Numeric: Y position of main title
#' @param main.yanchor Character: "top", "middle", "bottom"
#' @param scrollZoom Logical: If TRUE, enable scroll zoom
#' @param include.fit.name Logical: If TRUE, include fit name in legend.
#' @param marker.size Numeric: Marker size.
#' @param symbol Character: Marker symbol.
#' @param scatter.type Character: "scatter", "scattergl", "scatter3d", "scatterternary",
#' "scatterpolar", "scattermapbox",
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dplot3_xy(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Petal.Length,
#'   fit = "gam", se.fit = TRUE, group = iris$Species
#' )
#' }
dplot3_xy <- function(x, y = NULL,
                      fit = NULL,
                      se.fit = FALSE,
                      se.times = 1.96,
                      include.fit.name = TRUE,
                      cluster = NULL,
                      cluster.params = list(k = 2),
                      group = NULL,
                      formula = NULL,
                      rsq = TRUE,
                      # rsq.pval = FALSE,
                      mode = "markers",
                      order.on.x = NULL,
                      main = NULL,
                      xlab = NULL,
                      ylab = NULL,
                      col = NULL,
                      alpha = NULL,
                      # bg = NULL,
                      # plot.bg = NULL,
                      theme = rtTheme,
                      palette = rtPalette,
                      axes.square = FALSE,
                      group.names = NULL,
                      font.size = 16,
                      marker.col = NULL,
                      marker.size = 8,
                      symbol = "circle",
                      fit.col = NULL,
                      fit.alpha = .8,
                      fit.lwd = 2.5,
                      se.col = NULL,
                      se.alpha = .4,
                      scatter.type = "scatter",
                      legend = NULL,
                      legend.xy = c(0, 1),
                      legend.xanchor = "left",
                      legend.yanchor = "auto",
                      legend.orientation = "v",
                      legend.col = NULL,
                      legend.bg = "#FFFFFF00",
                      legend.border.col = "#FFFFFF00",
                      legend.borderwidth = 0,
                      legend.group.gap = 0,
                      x.showspikes = FALSE,
                      y.showspikes = FALSE,
                      spikedash = "solid",
                      spikemode = "across",
                      spikesnap = "hovered data",
                      spikecolor = NULL,
                      spikethickness = 1,
                      margin = list(b = 65, l = 65, t = 50, r = 10, pad = 0),
                      main.y = 1,
                      main.yanchor = "bottom",
                      automargin.x = TRUE,
                      automargin.y = TRUE,
                      xlim = NULL,
                      ylim = NULL,
                      axes.equal = FALSE,
                      diagonal = FALSE,
                      diagonal.col = NULL,
                      diagonal.alpha = .2,
                      fit.params = list(),
                      vline = NULL,
                      vline.col = theme$fg,
                      vline.width = 1,
                      vline.dash = "dot",
                      hline = NULL,
                      hline.col = theme$fg,
                      hline.width = 1,
                      hline.dash = "dot",
                      hovertext = NULL,
                      width = NULL,
                      height = NULL,
                      # config
                      displayModeBar = TRUE,
                      modeBar.file.format = "svg",
                      scrollZoom = TRUE,
                      # file out
                      filename = NULL,
                      file.width = 500,
                      file.height = 500,
                      file.scale = 1,
                      trace = 0, ...) {
  # Dependencies ----

  # Arguments ----
  if (is.null(y) && NCOL(x) > 1) {
    if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- labelify(colnames(x)[1])
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- labelify(colnames(x)[2])
    y <- x[, 2]
    x <- x[, 1]
  if (!is.null(fit)) if (fit == "none") fit <- NULL # easier to work with shiny
  if (is.logical(fit)) if (fit) fit <- "GAM"
  if (is.null(fit)) se.fit <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(fit)) fit <- toupper(fit)
  if (!is.null(main)) main <- paste0("<b>", main, "</b>")
  .mode <- mode
  .names <- group.names

  # fit & formula
  if (!is.null(formula)) fit <- "NLS"

  if (se.fit) {
    if (!fit %in% c("GLM", "LM", "LOESS", "GAM", "NW")) {
      warning(paste("Standard error of the fit not available for", fit, "- try LM, LOESS, GAM, or NW"))
      se.fit <- FALSE

  # order.on.x ----
  if (is.null(order.on.x)) {
    order.on.x <- if (!is.null(fit) || any(grepl("lines", mode))) TRUE else FALSE

  # Cluster ----
  if (!is.null(cluster)) {
    group <- suppressWarnings(do.call(
          x = data.frame(x, y),
          verbose = trace > 0
    group <- paste("Cluster", group)

  # Data ----
  # xlab, ylab ----
  # The gsubs remove all text up to and including a "$" symbol if present
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    if (is.list(x)) xlab <- "x" else xlab <- labelify(gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(x))))
  if (!is.null(y) && is.null(ylab)) {
    if (is.list(y)) ylab <- "y" else ylab <- labelify(gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(y))))

  # Group ----
  if (!is.null(group)) {
    group <- as.factor(group)
    x <- split(x, group, drop = TRUE)
    y <- split(y, group, drop = TRUE)
    if (is.null(group.names)) group.names <- levels(droplevels(group))
    names(x) <- names(y) <- .names <- group.names
    if (!is.null(hovertext)) hovertext <- split(hovertext, group, drop = TRUE)

  # Try to get names from list or data frame inputs
  if (is.list(y) || NCOL(y) > 1) {
    if (is.null(.names) && !is.null(names(y))) .names <- names(y)
  if (is.list(x) || NCOL(x) > 1) {
    if (is.null(.names) && !is.null(names(x))) .names <- names(x)

  # Convert to lists ----
  x <- if (!is.list(x)) as.list(as.data.frame(x)) else x
  y <- if (!is.null(y) && !is.list(y)) as.list(as.data.frame(y)) else y
  hovertext <- if (!is.null(hovertext) && !is.list(hovertext)) {
  } else {
  if (length(x) == 1 && length(y) > 1) {
    x <- rep(x, length(y))
    .names <- names(y)
  if (length(y) == 1 && length(x) > 1) {
    y <- rep(y, length(x))
    .names <- names(x)
  if (!is.null(hovertext) && length(hovertext) == 1 && length(x) > 1) {
    hovertext <- rep(hovertext, length(x))
  n.groups <- length(x)

  if (is.null(legend)) {
    legend <- if (n.groups == 1 && is.null(fit)) FALSE else TRUE

  if (length(.mode) < n.groups) .mode <- c(.mode, rep(tail(.mode)[1], n.groups - length(.mode)))

  # if (is.null(legend)) legend <- n.groups > 1
  if (is.null(.names)) {
    if (n.groups > 1) {
      .names <- paste("Group", seq_len(n.groups))
    } else {
      .names <- if (!is.null(fit)) fit else NULL

  # Reorder ----
  if (order.on.x) {
    index <- lapply(x, order)
    x <- lapply(seq(x), \(i) x[[i]][index[[i]]])
    y <- lapply(seq(x), \(i) y[[i]][index[[i]]])
    if (!is.null(hovertext)) {
      hovertext <- lapply(seq(x), \(i) hovertext[[i]][index[[i]]])

  if (!is.null(fit) && fit == "LOESS") {
    id <- !is.na(x)

  # Colors ----
  if (is.character(palette)) palette <- rtpalette(palette)
  if (is.null(col)) col <- palette[seq_len(n.groups)]
  if (length(col) < n.groups) col <- rep(col, n.groups / length(col))
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- autoalpha(max(lengths(x)))

  # Theme ----
  extraargs <- list(...)
  if (is.character(theme)) {
    theme <- do.call(paste0("theme_", theme), extraargs)
  } else {
    # Override with extra arguments
    for (i in seq(extraargs)) {
      theme[[names(extraargs)[i]]] <- extraargs[[i]]
  if (diagonal) {
    if (is.null(diagonal.col)) {
      diagonal.col <- theme$fg
    diagonal.col <- adjustcolor(diagonal.col, diagonal.alpha)

  bg <- plotly::toRGB(theme$bg)
  plot.bg <- plotly::toRGB(theme$plot.bg)
  grid.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$grid.col, theme$grid.alpha)
  tick.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$tick.col)
  labs.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$labs.col)
  main.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$main.col)
  if (!theme$axes.visible) tick.col <- labs.col <- "transparent"

  # marker.col, se.col ===
  if (is.null(marker.col)) {
    marker.col <- if (!is.null(fit) && n.groups == 1) {
      as.list(rep(theme$fg, n.groups))
    } else {

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    if (is.null(fit.col)) fit.col <- col

  if (se.fit && is.null(se.col)) {
    se.col <- col

  if (is.null(legend.col)) legend.col <- labs.col
  if (is.null(spikecolor)) spikecolor <- theme$fg

  # Size ----
  # if (axes.square) {
  # width <- height <- min(dev.size("px"))
  # }

  # fitted & se.fit ----
  # If plotting se bands, need to include (fitted +/- se.times * se) in the axis limits
  if (se.fit) se <- list() else se <- NULL
  if (rsq) .rsq <- list() else .rsq <- NULL
  # if (rsq.pval) rsqp <- list() else rsqp <- NULL
  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    learner <- select_learn(fit, fn = FALSE)
    fitted <- list()
    fitted.text <- character()
    for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
      x1 <- x[[i]]
      y1 <- y[[i]]
      learner.args <- c(
        list(x = x1, y = y1, verbose = trace > 0),
      if (fit == "NLS") {
        learner.args <- c(
          list(formula = formula, save.func = TRUE)
      mod <- do.call(learner, learner.args)
      fitted[[i]] <- fitted(mod)
      if (se.fit) se[[i]] <- se(mod)
      if (include.fit.name) {
        fitted.text[i] <- switch(fit,
          NLS = mod$extra$model,
          NLA = mod$mod$formula,
      } else {
        fitted.text[i] <- ""
      if (rsq) {
        fitted.text[i] <- paste0(
          if (n.groups == 1) " (" else " ",
          "R<sup>2</sup> = ", ddSci(mod$error.train$Rsq),
          if (n.groups == 1) ")"
      # if (rsq.pval) {
      #   if (fit  %in% c("LM", "GLM")) {
      #     rsqp[[i]] <- paste0(ddSci(mod$error.train$Rsq), " (",
      #                          ddSci(summary(mod$mod)$coefficients[2, 4]), ")")
      #   } else if (fit == "GAM") {
      #     rsqp[[i]] <- paste0(ddSci(mod$error.train$Rsq), " (",
      #                          ddSci(summary(mod$mod)$s.pv), ")")
      #   }
      # }

  # Axes Limits ----
  if (axes.equal) {
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
      xlim <- getlim(unlist(x), "r", .06)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
      ylim <- getlim(unlist(y), "r", .06)
      if (is.list(fitted) && !is.list(se)) {
        ylim.hi <- max(unlist(fitted))
        ylim.lo <- min(unlist(fitted))
        ylim <- range(ylim.lo, ylim.hi, y)
      if (is.list(se)) {
        ylim.hi <- max(unlist(lapply(
          function(i) {
            as.data.frame(fitted[[i]]) +
              se.times * as.data.frame(se[[i]])
        ylim.lo <- min(unlist(lapply(
          function(i) {
            as.data.frame(fitted[[i]]) -
              se.times * as.data.frame(se[[i]])
        ylim <- range(ylim.lo, ylim.hi, y)
      # if (is.list(error.y)) {
      #   error.y.hi <- lapply(seq(y), function(i) yl[[i]] + error.y[[i]])
      #   error.y.lo <- lapply(seq(y), function(i) yl[[i]] - error.y[[i]])
      #   ylim <- range(error.y.lo, error.y.hi, ylim)
      # }

    xlim <- ylim <- range(xlim, ylim)

  # unlist will coerce Dates to numeric, also don't want padding
  if (is.null(xlim) && !inherits(x[[1]], "Date")) {
    xlim <- getlim(unlist(x), "r", .06)
  if (is.null(ylim) && !inherits(y[[1]], "Date")) {
    ylim <- getlim(unlist(y), "r", .06)

  # plotly ----
  if (!is.null(fit) && rsq) {
    if (!include.fit.name) fitted.text <- gsub("^ ", "", fitted.text)
    .names <- paste0(.names, " (", fitted.text, ")")

  plt <- plotly::plot_ly(
    width = width,
    height = height

  if (diagonal) {
    lo <- min(xlim[1], ylim[1])
    hi <- max(xlim[2], ylim[2])
    plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
      shapes = list(
        type = "line",
        x0 = lo,
        x1 = hi,
        y0 = lo,
        y1 = hi,
        line = list(color = diagonal.col)

  for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
    ## { Scatter } ----
    marker <- if (grepl("markers", .mode[i])) {
        color = plotly::toRGB(marker.col[[i]], alpha = alpha),
        size = marker.size,
        symbol = symbol
    } else {
    plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt,
      x = x[[i]],
      y = y[[i]],
      type = scatter.type,
      mode = .mode[i],
      # fillcolor = plotly::toRGB(col[[i]], alpha),
      name = .names[i],
      # text = .text[[i]],
      # hoverinfo = "text",
      text = hovertext[[i]],
      marker = marker,
      line = if (grepl("lines", .mode[i])) {
        list(color = plotly::toRGB(marker.col[[i]], alpha = alpha))
      } else {
      legendgroup = .names[i],
      showlegend = legend
    if (se.fit) {
      ## { SE band } ----
      plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt,
        x = x[[i]],
        y = fitted[[i]] + se.times * se[[i]],
        type = scatter.type,
        mode = "lines",
        line = list(color = "transparent"),
        legendgroup = .names[i],
        showlegend = FALSE,
        hoverinfo = "none",
        inherit = FALSE
      plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt,
        x = x[[i]],
        y = fitted[[i]] - se.times * se[[i]],
        type = scatter.type,
        mode = "lines",
        fill = "tonexty",
        fillcolor = plotly::toRGB(se.col[[i]], alpha = se.alpha),
        line = list(color = "transparent"),
        # name = shade.name,
        legendgroup = .names[i],
        showlegend = FALSE,
        hoverinfo = "none",
        inherit = FALSE
    if (!is.null(fit)) {
      ##  { Fitted line } ----
      lfit <- list(
        color = plotly::toRGB(fit.col[[i]], alpha = fit.alpha),
        width = fit.lwd
      plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt,
        x = x[[i]], y = fitted[[i]],
        type = scatter.type,
        mode = "lines",
        line = lfit,
        name = fitted.text[i],
        legendgroup = .names[i],
        showlegend = if (legend & n.groups == 1) TRUE else FALSE,
        inherit = FALSE

  # Layout ----
  f <- list(
    family = theme$font.family,
    size = font.size,
    color = labs.col
  tickfont <- list(
    family = theme$font.family,
    size = font.size,
    color = theme$tick.labels.col
  .legend <- list(
    x = legend.xy[1],
    xanchor = legend.xanchor,
    y = legend.xy[2],
    yanchor = legend.yanchor,
    font = list(
      family = theme$font.family,
      size = font.size,
      color = legend.col
    orientation = legend.orientation,
    bgcolor = plotly::toRGB(legend.bg),
    bordercolor = plotly::toRGB(legend.border.col),
    borderwidth = legend.borderwidth,
    tracegroupgap = legend.group.gap

  zerocol <- adjustcolor(theme$zerolines.col, theme$zerolines.alpha)
  plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
    yaxis = list(
      title = ylab,
      showline = FALSE,
      showspikes = y.showspikes,
      spikecolor = spikecolor,
      spikedash = spikedash,
      spikemode = spikemode,
      spikesnap = spikesnap,
      spikethickness = spikethickness,
      # mirror = axes.mirrored,
      titlefont = f,
      showgrid = theme$grid,
      gridcolor = grid.col,
      gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
      tickcolor = tick.col,
      tickfont = tickfont,
      zeroline = theme$zerolines,
      zerolinecolor = zerocol,
      zerolinewidth = theme$zerolines.lwd,
      range = ylim,
      automargin = automargin.y
    xaxis = list(
      title = list(text = xlab),
      showline = FALSE,
      showspikes = x.showspikes,
      spikecolor = spikecolor,
      spikedash = spikedash,
      spikemode = spikemode,
      spikesnap = spikesnap,
      spikethickness = spikethickness,
      # mirror = axes.mirrored,
      titlefont = f,
      showgrid = theme$grid,
      gridcolor = grid.col,
      gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
      tickcolor = tick.col,
      tickfont = tickfont,
      zeroline = theme$zerolines,
      zerolinecolor = zerocol,
      zerolinewidth = theme$zerolines.lwd,
      range = xlim,
      automargin = automargin.x
    title = list(
      text = main,
      font = list(
        family = theme$font.family,
        size = font.size,
        color = main.col
      xref = "paper",
      x = theme$main.adj,
      yref = "paper",
      y = main.y,
      yanchor = main.yanchor
    # titlefont = list(),
    paper_bgcolor = bg,
    plot_bgcolor = plot.bg,
    margin = margin,
    showlegend = legend,
    legend = .legend
  ) # /layout

  ## vline ----
  if (!is.null(vline)) {
    plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
      shapes = plotly_vline(
        color = vline.col,
        width = vline.width,
        dash = vline.dash

  ## hline ----
  if (!is.null(hline)) {
    plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
      shapes = plotly_hline(
        color = hline.col,
        width = hline.width,
        dash = hline.dash

  ## square ----
  if (axes.square) {
    plt <- plt |> plotly::layout(
      yaxis = list(
        scaleanchor = "x",
        scaleratio = 1

  # Config
  plt <- plotly::config(plt,
    displaylogo = FALSE,
    displayModeBar = displayModeBar,
    toImageButtonOptions = list(
      format = modeBar.file.format,
      width = file.width,
      height = file.height
    scrollZoom = scrollZoom

  # Write to file ----
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
      file = normalizePath(filename, mustWork = FALSE),
      width = file.width,
      height = file.height,
      scale = file.scale

} # rtemis::dplot3_xy
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.