
Defines functions describe rtMod.out predict.rtModLite print.rtModLite predict.rtMeta describe.rtModCV predict.rtModCV summary.rtModCV plot.rtModCV predict.rtModBag coef.rtMod summary.rtMod plot.rtMod residuals.rtMod predict.rtMod fitted.rtMod print.rtMod

Documented in coef.rtMod describe describe.rtModCV fitted.rtMod plot.rtMod plot.rtModCV predict.rtMeta predict.rtMod predict.rtModBag predict.rtModCV predict.rtModLite print.rtMod print.rtModLite residuals.rtMod summary.rtMod summary.rtModCV

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# rtMod.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2016- E.D. Gennatas rtemis.org

# rtMod R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Supervised Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Supervised Models
#' Note on terminology:
#' The training set ('x.train') is used to build a model and calculate training error
#' (rtMod$error.train). The testing set ('x.test') is not seen during training and
#' only used to create predictions (rtMod$predicted) using the trained model and
#' calculate error metrics (rtMod$error.test).
#' This reflects generalizability of the model and is the error we care the most about.
#' The validation set is used during model tuning. Within rtemis, validation sets are
#' created automatically by [resample] when appropriate, they are not generally
#' input by the user, with few exceptions, as documented in individual functions.
#' @docType class
#' @name rtMod-class
#' @field mod.name Learner algorithm name
#' @field y.train Training y data
#' @field y.test Testing y data
#' @field x.name Name of x data
#' @field y.name Name of y data
#' @field xnames Character vector: Column names of x
#' @field mod Trained model
#' @field type Classification, Regression, or Survival
#' @field gridsearch Grid search output
#' @field parameters List of hyperparameters used when building model
#' @field fitted Fitted values
#' @field se.fit Standard error of the fit
#' @field error.train Training error
#' @field predicted Predicted values
#' @field se.prediction Standard error of the prediction
#' @field error.test Testing error
#' @field varimp Variable Importance. Note that this is a general concept and different ML algorithms provide very
#' different approaches
#' @field question Question the model is hoping to answer
#' @field extra Algorithm-specific output
#' @field sessionInfo The output of `sessionInfo()` at the time the model was trained
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rtMod <- R6::R6Class("rtMod",
  public = list(
    ### Attributes
    mod.name = NULL,
    y.train = NULL,
    y.test = NULL,
    x.name = NULL,
    y.name = NULL,
    xnames = NULL,
    mod = NULL,
    type = NULL,
    gridsearch = NULL,
    parameters = NULL,
    fitted = NULL,
    se.fit = NULL,
    error.train = NULL,
    predicted = NULL,
    se.prediction = NULL,
    error.test = NULL,
    varimp = NULL,
    question = NULL,
    extra = NULL,
    sessionInfo = NULL,
    # Initialize rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtMod` object
    #' @param mod.name Character: Algorithm name
    #' @param y.train Training set output
    #' @param y.test Testing set output
    #' @param x.name Character: Feature set name
    #' @param y.name Character: Output name
    #' @param xnames Character vector: Feature names
    #' @param mod Trained model
    #' @param type Character: Type of model (Regression, Classification, Survival)
    #' @param gridsearch Grid search output
    #' @param parameters List of training parameters
    #' @param fitted Fitted values (Training set predictions)
    #' @param se.fit Standard error of fitted values
    #' @param error.train Training set error
    #' @param predicted Predicted values (Testing set predictions)
    #' @param se.prediction Standard error of predicted values
    #' @param error.test Testing set error
    #' @param varimp Variable importance
    #' @param question Question the model is trying to answer
    #' @param extra List of extra model info
    #' @param sessionInfo R session info at time of training
    initialize = function(mod.name = character(),
                          y.train = numeric(),
                          y.test = numeric(),
                          x.name = character(),
                          y.name = character(),
                          xnames = character(),
                          mod = list(),
                          type = character(),
                          gridsearch = NULL,
                          parameters = list(),
                          fitted = numeric(),
                          se.fit = NULL,
                          error.train = list(),
                          predicted = NULL,
                          se.prediction = NULL,
                          error.test = NULL,
                          varimp = NULL,
                          question = character(),
                          extra = list(),
                          sessionInfo = NULL) {
      self$mod.name <- mod.name
      self$y.train <- y.train
      self$y.test <- y.test
      self$x.name <- x.name
      self$y.name <- y.name
      self$xnames <- xnames
      self$mod <- mod
      self$type <- type
      self$gridsearch <- gridsearch
      self$parameters <- parameters
      self$fitted <- fitted
      self$se.fit <- se.fit
      self$error.train <- error.train
      self$predicted <- predicted
      self$se.prediction <- se.prediction
      self$error.test <- error.test
      self$varimp <- varimp
      self$question <- question
      self$extra <- extra
      self$sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
    ### Methods
    # Print rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' code{print} method for `rtMod` object
    print = function() {
      "show / print method for rtMod"
      objcat("Supervised Model")
      cat(hilite(self$mod.name), " (", select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE),
        sep = ""
      boxcat("Training Error")
      if (length(self$error.test) > 0) {
        boxcat("Testing Error")
    # Plot rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' `rtMod` plot method
    #' @param estimate Character: "fitted" or "predicted"
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plot = function(estimate = NULL,
                    theme = rtTheme,
                    filename = NULL, ...) {
      "Plot predicted vs. true if available, otherwise fitted vs. true"
      if (!is.null(estimate)) {
        if (estimate == "fitted") {
            theme = theme,
            filename = filename, ...
        } else if (estimate == "predicted") {
            theme = theme,
            filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        if (length(self$predicted) < 1) {
            theme = theme,
            filename = filename, ...
        } else {
            theme = theme,
            filename = filename, ...
    # Plot fitted rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot fitted values
    #' @param print.plot Logical: If TRUE show plot
    #' @param theme Theme to be passed on to plotting function
    #' @param main Character: main title
    #' @param filename Character: path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotFitted = function(print.plot = TRUE,
                          theme = rtTheme,
                          main = NULL,
                          filename = NULL, ...) {
      "Plot fitted vs. true values for Regression or confusion matrix for Classification"
      if (self$type == "Regression") {
        mplot3_fit(self$y.train, self$fitted,
          xlab = paste("True", self$y.name),
          ylab = paste("Fitted", self$y.name),
          main = if (is.null(main)) paste(self$mod.name, "Training") else main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else if (self$type == "Classification") {
          xlab = "Reference",
          ylab = "Fitted",
          main = if (is.null(main)) paste(self$mod.name, "Training") else main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        mplot3_surv(list(True = self$y.train, Fitted = self$fitted),
          main = if (is.null(main)) {
              "Kaplan-Meier estimate"
          } else {
          normalize.time = TRUE,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
    # Plot predicted rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot predicted values
    #' @param print.plot Logical: If TRUE show plot
    #' @param theme Theme to be passed on to plotting function
    #' @param main Character: main title
    #' @param filename Character: path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotPredicted = function(print.plot = TRUE,
                             theme = rtTheme,
                             main = NULL,
                             filename = NULL, ...) {
      "Plot predicted vs. true values"
      if (length(self$y.test) < 1 | length(self$predicted) < 1) {
        warning("No testing data available")
      if (self$type == "Regression") {
        mplot3_fit(self$y.test, self$predicted,
          xlab = paste("True", self$y.name),
          ylab = paste("Predicted", self$y.name),
          main = if (is.null(main)) paste(self$mod.name, "Testing") else main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else if (self$type == "Classification") {
          xlab = "Reference",
          ylab = "Predicted",
          main = if (is.null(main)) paste(self$mod.name, "Testing") else main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        mplot3_surv(list(True = self$y.test, Predicted = self$predicted),
          main = if (is.null(main)) {
              "Kaplan-Meier estimate"
          } else {
          normalize.time = TRUE,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
    # Plot fitted & predicted rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot fitted and predicted values
    #' @param print.plot Logical: If TRUE show plot
    #' @param theme Theme to be passed on to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `mplot3_conf`
    plotFittedPredicted = function(print.plot = TRUE,
                                   theme = rtTheme,
                                   filename = NULL, ...) {
      "Plot fitted & predicted vs. true values"
      if (self$type == "Classification") {
        rtlayout(2, 1)
          xlab = "Refernece",
          ylab = "Fitted",
          main = paste(self$mod.name, "Training"),
          theme = theme, ...
          xlab = "Reference",
          ylab = "Predicted",
          main = paste(self$mod.name, "Testing"),
          theme = theme, ...
      if (length(self$y.test) < 1 | length(self$predicted) < 1) {
        warning("No testing data available")
      mplot3_fit(list(Train = self$y.train, Test = self$y.test),
        list(Train = self$fitted, Test = self$predicted),
        xlab = paste("True", self$y.name),
        ylab = paste("Predicted", self$y.name),
        main = paste(self$mod.name, "Training & Testing"),
        col = c("#18A3AC", "#F48024"),
        theme = theme,
        filename = filename, ...
    # Plot variable importance rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot variable importance
    #' @param plot.top Integer: Plot this many top features
    #' @param type Character: "barplot" or "lollipop"
    #' @param theme Theme to be passed on to plotting function
    #' @param xlab Character: x-axis label
    #' @param ... Not used
    plotVarImp = function(plot.top = 12,
                          type = c("barplot", "lollipop"),
                          xlab = NULL,
                          theme = rtTheme, ...) {
      if (length(self$varimp) == 0) {
        warning("Variable importance is not available for this model")
      } else {
        type <- match.arg(type)
        if (is.null(xlab)) {
          xlab <- if (self$mod.name %in% c("GLM", "GLMNET", "LOGISTIC", "MULTINOM", "POLY")) {
            paste(self$mod.name, "Coefficients")
          } else {
            paste(self$mod.name, "Variable Importance")
        if (type == "lollipop") {
            plot.top = plot.top,
            xlab = xlab,
            theme = theme, ...
        } else {
            plot.top = plot.top,
            xlab = xlab,
            theme = theme, ...
    # Summary rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Summary method for `rtMod` object
    #' @param plots Logical: If TRUE show plots
    #' @param cex Numeric: Character expansion factor
    #' @param fit.true.line Character: algorithm to use to fit
    #' true vs predicted curve
    #' @param resid.fit.line Character: algorithm to use to
    #' fit residuals plot
    #' @param fit.legend Logical: If TRUE, show legend in
    #' fit plot
    #' @param se.fit Logical: If TRUE, include standard error
    #' band in fit plot
    #' @param single.fig Logical: If TRUE, combine in
    #' single plot
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting functions
    #' @param title.col Title color
    #' @param ... Extra argument to pass to
    summary = function(plots = TRUE,
                       cex = 1,
                       fit.true.line = "lm",
                       resid.fit.line = "gam",
                       fit.legend = TRUE,
                       se.fit = TRUE,
                       single.fig = TRUE,
                       theme = rtTheme,
                       title.col = NULL, ...) {
      "Get model summary"
    # Describe rtMod ----
    #' @description
    #' Describe model
    describe = function() {
      type <- self$type
      algorithm <- select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE)
      cat(algorithm, " was used for ",
        tolower(type), ".\n",
        sep = ""
      desc <- paste0(
        algorithm, " was used for ",
        tolower(type), "."

      # '- Tuning ----
      if (length(self$gridsearch) > 0) {
        res <- self$gridsearch$resample.params
        n.resamples <- res$n.resamples
        resampler <- res$resampler
        resamples <- switch(resampler,
          strat.sub = " stratified subsamples",
          bootstrap = " bootstraps",
          strat.boot = " stratified bootstraps",
          kfold = "-fold crossvalidation",
          "custom resamples"
        cat(" Hyperparameter tuning was performed using ",
          n.resamples, resamples, ".\n",
          sep = ""
        desc <- paste0(
          " Hyperparameter tuning was performed using ",
          n.resamples, resamples, "."
        params <- self$gridsearch$params$search
        search.index <- which(lapply(params, length) > 1)
        fixed.index <- which(lapply(params, length) == 1)
        fixed <- searched <- list()
        for (i in seq_along(search.index)) {
          searched[[i]] <- params[[search.index[i]]]
        names(searched) <- names(params)[search.index]
        for (i in seq(fixed.index)) {
          fixed[[i]] <- params[[fixed.index[i]]]
        names(fixed) <- names(params)[fixed.index]
        metric <- self$gridsearch$metric

        if (length(fixed) > 0) {
          cat("The following parameters were fixed:\n")
        if (length(searched) > 0) {
          cat("Grid search was performed on:\n")
        cat(metric, "was", ifelse(self$gridsearch$maximize,
          "maximized", "minimized"
        ), "with:\n")

      # '- Error ----
      if (type == "Classification") {
          "Balanced accuracy was",
          ddSci(self$error.train$Overall$`Balanced Accuracy`),
        desc <- paste(
          desc, "Balanced accuracy was",
          ddSci(self$error.train$Overall$`Balanced Accuracy`),
          "on the training set"
        if (!is.null(self$error.test$Overall$`Balanced Accuracy`)) {
            ddSci(self$error.test$Overall$`Balanced Accuracy`),
          desc <- paste(
            desc, "and",
            ddSci(self$error.test$Overall$`Balanced Accuracy`),
            "on the testing set."
        } else {
          desc <- paste0(desc, ".")
      } else if (type == "Regression") {
          "R-squared was",
        desc <- paste(
          desc, "R-squared was",
          "on the training set"
        if (!is.null(self$error.test$`Balanced Accuracy`)) {
            ddSci(self$error.test$Rsq), "(testing)."
          desc <- paste(
            desc, "and",
            "on the testing set."
        } else {
          desc <- paste0(desc, ".")
    } # / describe
  ) # /public
) # /rtMod

# rtMod S3 methods ----
#' `rtMod` S3 methods
#' S3 methods for `rtMod` class.
#' Excludes functions `print` and `plot` defined within the `rtMod` class itself.
#' @name rtMod-methods

#' `print.rtMod`: `print` method for `rtMod` object
#' @method print rtMod
#' @param x `rtMod` object
#' @param ... Not use
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
print.rtMod <- function(x, ...) {
} # rtemis::print.rtMod

#' `fitted.rtMod`: `fitted` method for `rtMod` object
#' @method fitted rtMod
#' @param object `rtMod` object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
fitted.rtMod <- function(object, ...) {
} # rtemis::fitted.rtMod

#' Predict Method for `rtMod` object
#' @method predict rtMod
#' @param object `rtMod` object
#' @param newdata Data frame: Features to use for prediction. If `NULL`, the fitted
#' values are returned
#' @param classification.output Character: "prob" or "class" for classification models
#' @param trace Integer: Set trace level
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, output messages to console
#' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to trained model's `predict` method
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
predict.rtMod <- function(object,
                          classification.output = c("prob", "class"),
                          trace = 0,
                          verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  extraArgs <- list(...)
  classification.output <- match.arg(classification.output)

  if (missing(newdata)) {
  .class <- object$type == "Classification"
  if (.class) {
    nclass <- length(levels(object$y.train))
  if (object$mod.name == "LightGBM") {
    ## LightGBM ----
      predict_LightGBM(object, newdata, classification.output = classification.output)
  } else if (object$mod.name == "LOGISTIC") {
    # This is "GLM" which gets named "LOGISTIC" for better or for worse
    estimated.prob <- predict(object$mod, newdata = newdata, type = "response")
    # estimated <- factor(ifelse(estimated.prob >= .5, 1, 0), levels = c(1, 0))
    # levels(estimated) <- levels(object$y.train)
  } else if (object$mod.name == "AddTree") {
    if (is.null(extraArgs$learning.rate)) learning.rate <- object$parameters$learning.rate
    if (is.null(extraArgs$n.feat)) n.feat <- length(object$xnames)
    estimated <- predict(object$mod,
      newdata = newdata,
      learning.rate = learning.rate,
      n.feat = n.feat, ...
  } else if (object$mod.name == "BRUTO") {
    # BRUTO: newdata must be matrix
    estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = as.matrix(newdata))
  } else if (object$mod.name == "CART") {
    ## CART ----
    if (object$type == "Classification") {
      estimated.prob <- predict(object$mod, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")
      # estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = newdata, type = "class")
    } else {
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = newdata)
  } else if (inherits(object$mod, "gamsel")) {
    ## gamsel ----
    # if (inherits(object$mod, "gamsel")) {
    if (is.null(extraArgs$which.lambda)) {
      which.lambda <- length(object$mod$lambdas)
    } else {
      which.lambda <- extraArgs$which.lambda
    estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata, index = which.lambda, type = "response")
    if (object$type == "Classification") {
      estimated <- factor(ifelse(estimated >= .5, 1, 0), levels = c(1, 0))
      levels(estimated) <- levels(object$y.train)
    # } else {
    #   estimated <- predict(object$mod, data.frame(newdata))
    # }
  } else if (object$mod.name == "GBM" || object$mod.name == "GBM3") {
    ## GBM/GBM3 ----
    if (is.null(extraArgs$n.trees)) {
      n.trees <- object$mod$n.trees
    } else {
      n.trees <- extraArgs$n.trees
    mod <- object$mod
    type <- object$type
    distribution <- object$mod$distribution
    y <- object$y.train
    if (type == "Regression" || type == "Survival") {
      if (distribution == "poisson") {
        if (trace > 0) msg2("Using predict for Poisson Regression with type = response")
        estimated <- predict(mod, newdata, n.trees = n.trees, type = "response")
      } else {
        if (verbose) msg2("Using predict for", type, "with type = link")
        estimated <- predict(mod, newdata, n.trees = n.trees)
    } else {
      if (distribution == "multinomial") {
        if (trace > 0) msg2("Using predict for multinomial classification with type = response")
        # Get probabilities per class
        estimated.prob <- estimated <- predict(mod, newdata, n.trees = n.trees, type = "response")
        # Now get the predicted classes
        # estimated <- apply(estimated, 1, function(x) levels(newdata)[which.max(x)])
      } else {
        # Bernoulli: convert {0, 1} back to factor
        if (trace > 0) msg2("Using predict for classification with type = response")
        estimated.prob <- predict(mod, newdata, n.trees = n.trees, type = "response")
        # estimated <- factor(levels(y)[as.numeric(estimated.prob >= .5) + 1])
  } else if (object$mod.name == "GLMNET") {
    ## GLMNET ----
    newdata <- model.matrix(~., newdata)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    # drop = FALSE needed when predicting on a single case,
    # will drop to vector otherwise and glmnet predict will fail
    if (object$type == "Classification") {
      estimated.prob <- predict(object$mod, newx = newdata, type = "response")
      if (nclass == 2) {
        # In binary classification, GLMNET returns matrix with 1 column
        estimated.prob <- as.numeric(estimated.prob)
      # estimated <- factor(ifelse(estimated.prob >= .5, 1, 0), levels = c(1, 0))
      # levels(estimated) <- levels(object$y.train)
    } else {
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, newx = newdata)
  } else if (object$mod.name == "Ranger") {
    ## Ranger ----
    predict.ranger <- getFromNamespace("predict.ranger", "ranger")
    estimated <- predict.ranger(object$mod, data = newdata)$predictions
    if (.class && object$parameters$probability) {
      estimated.prob <- if (nclass  == 2) {
        estimated[, rtenv$binclasspos]
      } else {
    } else {
      stop("Please run Ranger with probability = TRUE to get class probabilities")
  } else if (object$mod.name %in% c("XGBoost", "XGBLIN", "XGBDART")) {
    # XGB: must convert newdata to xgb.DMatrix
    if (any(sapply(newdata, is.factor))) {
      newdata <- preprocess(newdata, oneHot = TRUE)
    estimated <- predict(object$mod,
      newdata = xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(as.matrix(newdata))
  } else if (object$mod.name == "MXFFN") {
    estimated <- predict(object$mod,
      array.layout = "rowmajor"
  } else if (object$mod.name == "H2ODL") {
    newdata <- h2o::as.h2o(newdata, "newdata")
    estimated <- c(as.matrix(predict(object$mod, newdata)))
    # } else if (object$mod.name == "DN") {
    #   estimated <- deepnet::nn.predict(object$mod, x = newdata)
  } else if (object$mod.name == "MLRF") {
    spark.master <- extraArgs$spark.master
    if (is.null(spark.master)) {
      warning("spark.master was not specified, trying 'local'")
      spark.master <- "local"
    sc <- sparklyr::spark_connect(master = spark.master, app_name = "rtemis")
    new.tbl <- sparklyr::sdf_copy_to(sc, newdata)
    estimated <- as.data.frame(sparklyr::sdf_predict(new.tbl, object$mod))$prediction
    # } else if (object$mod.name == "MXN") {
    #   predict.MXFeedForwardModel <- getFromNamespace("predict.MXFeedForwardModel", "mxnet")
    #   if (object$type == "Classification") {
    #     estimated.prob <- predict.MXFeedForwardModel(object$mod, data.matrix(newdata),
    #                                                  array.layout = "rowmajor")
    #     if (min(dim(estimated.prob)) == 1) {
    #       # Classification with Logistic output
    #       estimated <- factor(as.numeric(estimated.prob >= .5))
    #     } else {
    #       # Classification with Softmax output
    #       estimated <- factor(apply(estimated.prob, 2, function(i) which.max(i)))
    #     }
    #     levels(estimated) <- levels(object$y.train)
    #   } else {
    #     estimated <- c(predict.MXFeedForwardModel(object$mod,
    #                                               X = data.matrix(newdata),
    #                                               array.layout = "rowmajor"))
    #   }
  } else if (object$mod.name == "SGD") {
    estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = cbind(1, data.matrix(newdata)))
  } else {
    estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = newdata, ...)

  if (!is.null(object$type) && (object$type == "Regression" || object$type == "Survival")) {
    estimated <- as.numeric(estimated)

  # Classification output ----
  if (object$type == "Classification") {
    if (classification.output == "prob") {
      estimated <- estimated.prob
    } else {
      # Classification labels
      if (length(levels(object$y.train)) > 2) {
        # Get the class with the highest probability
        estimated <- factor(apply(estimated.prob, 1, which.max),
          levels = levels(object$y.train)
      } else {
        if (rtenv$binclasspos == 1) {
          estimated <- factor(ifelse(estimated.prob >= .5, 1, 0), levels = c(1, 0))
        } else {
          estimated <- factor(ifelse(estimated.prob >= .5, 1, 0), levels = c(0, 1))

} # rtemis::predict.rtMod

#' `residuals.rtMod`: `residuals` method for `rtMod` object
#' @method residuals rtMod
#' @param object `rtMod` object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
residuals.rtMod <- function(object, ...) {
  as.numeric(object$y.train - object$fitted)

#' `plot.rtMod`: `plot` method for `rtMod` object
#' @method plot rtMod
#' @param x `rtMod` object
#' @param estimate Character: "fitted" or "predicted"
#' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
plot.rtMod <- function(x, estimate = NULL,
                       theme = rtTheme,
                       filename = NULL, ...) {
    estimate = estimate,
    theme = theme,
    filename = filename, ...
} # rtemis::plot.rtemisRC

#' `summary.rtMod`: `summary` method for `rtMod` object
#' @method summary rtMod
#' @param object `rtMod` object
#' @param plots Logical: If TRUE, print plots. Default = TRUE
#' @param cex Float: Character expansion factor
#' @param fit.true.line \pkg{rtemis} algorithm to use for fitted vs. true line
#'   Options: `select_learn()`
#' @param resid.fit.line \pkg{rtemis} algorithm to use for residuals vs. fitted line.
#'   Options: `select_learn()`
#' @param fit.legend Logical: If TRUE, print fit legend. Default  = TRUE
#' @param se.fit Logical: If TRUE, plot 2 * standard error bands. Default = TRUE
#' @param single.fig Logical: If TRUE, draw all plots in a single figure. Default = TRUE
#' @param summary Logical: If TRUE, print summary. Default = TRUE
#' @param theme Character: theme to use. Options: "box", "darkbox", "light", "dark"
#' @param title.col Color for main title
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to [mplot3_xy]
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
summary.rtMod <- function(object,
                          plots = TRUE,
                          cex = 1,
                          fit.true.line = "lm",
                          resid.fit.line = "gam",
                          fit.legend = TRUE,
                          se.fit = TRUE,
                          single.fig = TRUE,
                          summary = TRUE,
                          theme = rtTheme,
                          title.col = NULL, ...) {
  # Arguments
  do.test <- ifelse(length(object$y.test) > 1, TRUE, FALSE)

  # Data
  mod.name <- object$mod.name
  y.train <- object$y.train
  y.test <- object$y.test
  fitted <- object$fitted
  predicted <- object$predicted
  # as.numeric in order to convert factors for Classification
  residuals <- as.numeric(object$fitted) - as.numeric(object$y.train)
  error <- object$predicted - object$y.test
  question <- object$question

  # Print train and testing errors
  boxcat(".:rtemis Summary")
  if (length(question) > 0) cat("Question: ", question, "\n\n")
  cat(mod.name, "Training Error:\n")
  if (do.test) {
    cat(mod.name, "Testing Error:\n")

  # Plot
  if (plots) {
    if (object$type == "Classification") {
    } else {
      # par(mfrow = mfrow)
      par.orig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
      if (single.fig) {
        par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
        if (do.test) layout(matrix(1:6, nrow = 2)) else layout(matrix(1:3, nrow = 1))
      pr <- ifelse(single.fig, FALSE, TRUE)

      # 1. Fitted vs. True
      mplot3_xy(y.train, fitted,
        xlab = "True", ylab = "Fitted", main = "Training",
        fit = fit.true.line, fit.legend = fit.legend, se.fit = se.fit,
        axes.equal = TRUE, fit.error = TRUE, cex = cex,
        point.col = pennCol$lighterBlue, fit.col = pennCol$red,
        theme = theme, par.reset = pr, ...

      # 2. Predicted vs. True
      if (do.test) {
        mplot3_xy(y.test, predicted,
          xlab = "True", ylab = "Predicted", main = "Testing",
          fit = fit.true.line, fit.legend = fit.legend, se.fit = se.fit,
          axes.equal = TRUE, fit.error = TRUE, cex = cex,
          point.col = pennCol$lighterBlue, fit.col = pennCol$red,
          theme = theme, par.reset = pr, ...

      # 3. Residuals vs. Fitted
      mplot3_xy(fitted, residuals,
        xlab = "Fitted", ylab = "Residuals", main = "Residuals",
        fit = resid.fit.line, fit.legend = fit.legend, se.fit = se.fit,
        point.col = pennCol$red, fit.col = pennCol$lighterBlue,
        cex = cex, theme = theme, par.reset = pr, ...

      # 4. Prediction error vs. True
      if (do.test) {
        mplot3_xy(y.test, error^2,
          main = "Error", # old: predicted, error
          xlab = "True", ylab = "Squared Error",
          fit = resid.fit.line, fit.legend = fit.legend, se.fit = se.fit,
          point.col = pennCol$red, fit.col = pennCol$lighterBlue,
          cex = cex, theme = theme, par.reset = pr, ...

      # 5. Residuals Q-Q plot
        type = "qqline",
        main = "Residuals Q-Q Plot",
        col = pennCol$blue, qqline.col = pennCol$green,
        cex = cex, theme = theme, par.reset = pr, ...

      # 6. Error Q-Q plot
      if (do.test) {
          type = "qqline",
          main = "Error Q-Q Plot",
          col = pennCol$blue, qqline.col = pennCol$green,
          cex = cex, theme = theme, par.reset = pr, ...
      if (is.null(title.col)) {
        title.col <- ifelse(theme == "box" |
          theme == "light", "black", "white")
      mtext(paste(object$mod.name, "diagnostic plots"),
        outer = TRUE,
        cex = 1.5, line = -0.5, col = title.col
  } # /plots
} # rtemis::summary.rtMod

#' `coef.rtMod`: `coef` method for `rtMod` object
#' Get coefficients or relative variable importance for `rtMod` object
#' @param object Trained model of class `rtMod`
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, output messages to console
#' @param ... Not used
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export
coef.rtMod <- function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(object$varimp)) {
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
        "Variable importance not available for model of type",
} # rtemis::coef.rtMod

# rtModClass R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Classification Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Classification Models
#' @docType class
#' @name rtModClass-class
#' @field fitted.prob Training set probability estimates
#' @field predicted.prob Testing set probability estimates
rtModClass <- R6::R6Class("rtModClass",
  inherit = rtMod,
  public = list(
    fitted.prob = NULL,
    predicted.prob = NULL,
    # Initialize rtModClass ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtModClass` object
    #' @param mod.name Character: Algorithm name
    #' @param y.train Training set output
    #' @param y.test Testing set output
    #' @param x.name Character: Feature set name
    #' @param y.name Character: Output name
    #' @param xnames Character vector: Feature names
    #' @param mod Trained model
    #' @param type Character: Type of model (Regression, Classification, Survival)
    #' @param gridsearch Grid search output
    #' @param parameters List of training parameters
    #' @param fitted Fitted values (training set predictions)
    #' @param fitted.prob Training set probability estimates
    #' @param se.fit Standard error of the fit
    #' @param error.train Training set error
    #' @param predicted Predicted values (Testing set predictions)
    #' @param predicted.prob Testing set probability estimates
    #' @param se.prediction Testting set standard error
    #' @param error.test Testing set error
    #' @param varimp Variable importance
    #' @param question Question the model is trying to answer
    #' @param extra List of extra model info
    #' @param sessionInfo R session info at time of training
    initialize = function(mod.name = character(),
                          y.train = numeric(),
                          y.test = numeric(),
                          x.name = character(),
                          y.name = character(),
                          xnames = character(),
                          mod = list(),
                          type = character(),
                          gridsearch = NULL,
                          parameters = list(),
                          fitted = numeric(),
                          fitted.prob = numeric(),
                          se.fit = numeric(),
                          error.train = list(),
                          predicted = NULL,
                          predicted.prob = NULL,
                          se.prediction = NULL,
                          error.test = NULL,
                          varimp = NULL,
                          question = character(),
                          extra = list()) {
      self$fitted.prob <- fitted.prob
      self$predicted.prob <- predicted.prob
    ### Methods
    # Plot ROC rtModClass ----
    #' @description
    #' plot ROC. Uses testing set if available,
    #' otherwise training
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to plotting function
    plotROC = function(theme = rtTheme,
                       filename = NULL, ...) {
      if (length(self$fitted.prob) == 0) {
        stop("Estimated probabilities are not available")
      if (length(self$predicted.prob) > 0) {
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
    #' @description
    #' Plot training set ROC
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to plotting function
    plotROCfitted = function(main = "ROC Training",
                             theme = rtTheme,
                             filename = NULL, ...) {
      if (length(self$fitted.prob) > 0) {
          self$fitted.prob, self$y.train,
          main = main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    #' @description
    #' plot testing set ROC
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to plotting function
    plotROCpredicted = function(main = "ROC Testing",
                                theme = rtTheme,
                                filename = NULL, ...) {
      if (length(self$predicted.prob) > 0) {
          self$predicted.prob, self$y.test,
          main = main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    #' @description
    #' plot Precision-Recall curve. Uses testing set
    #' if available, otherwise training
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to plotting function
    plotPR = function(theme = rtTheme,
                      filename = NULL, ...) {
      if (length(self$fitted.prob) == 0) {
        stop("Estimated probabilities are not available")
      if (length(self$predicted.prob) > 0) {
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
    #' @description
    #' Plot training set Precision-Recall curve.
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to plotting function
    plotPRfitted = function(main = "P-R Training",
                            theme = rtTheme,
                            filename = NULL, ...) {
      if (length(self$fitted.prob) > 0) {
        mplot3_pr(self$fitted.prob, self$y.train,
          main = main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    #' @description
    #' plot testing set Precision-Recall curve.
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param theme Theme to pass to plotting function
    #' @param filename Character: Path to file to save plot
    #' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to plotting function
    plotPRpredicted = function(main = "P-R Testing",
                               theme = rtTheme,
                               filename = NULL, ...) {
      if (length(self$predicted.prob) > 0) {
        mplot3_pr(self$predicted.prob, self$y.test,
          main = main,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")

# rtModBag R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Bagged Supervised Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Bagged Supervised Models
#' @docType class
#' @name rtModBag-class
#' @field bag.resample.params List of settings for [resample].
#' Set using [setup.bag.resample]
#' @field fitted.bag Base learners' fitted values
#' @field se.fit.bag Base learners' fitted values' standard error
#' @field predicted.bag Base learners' predicted values
#' @field se.predicted.bag Base learners' predicted values' standard error
#' @field aggr.fn Function used to aggregated base learners' predictions
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rtModBag <- R6::R6Class("rtModBag",
  inherit = rtMod,
  public = list(
    bag.resample.params = NULL,
    fitted.bag = NULL,
    se.fit.bag = NULL,
    predicted.bag = NULL,
    se.predicted.bag = NULL,
    aggr.fn = NULL,
    # Initialize rtModBar ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtModBag` object
    #' @param mod.name Model (algorithm) name
    #' @param y.train Training y data
    #' @param y.test Testing y data
    #' @param x.name Name of x data
    #' @param y.name Name of y data
    #' @param xnames Character vector: Column names of x
    #' @param bag.resample.params List of settings for [resample].
    #' Set using [setup.bag.resample]
    #' @param mod Trained model
    #' @param type Character: Type of model (Regression, Classification, Survival)
    #' @param parameters List of training parameters
    #' @param fitted.bag Base learners' fitted values
    #' @param se.fit.bag Base learners' fitted values' standard error
    #' @param fitted Fitted values
    #' @param se.fit Standard error of the fit
    #' @param error.train Training error
    #' @param predicted.bag Base learners' predicted values
    #' @param se.predicted.bag Base learners' predicted values' standard error
    #' @param predicted Predicted values
    #' @param se.prediction Standard error of the prediction
    #' @param aggr.fn Aggregating function
    #' @param error.test Testing error
    #' @param varimp Variable importance
    #' @param question Question the model is hoping to answer
    #' @param extra Algorithm-specific output
    initialize = function(mod.name = character(),
                          # call = call("NULL"),
                          y.train = numeric(),
                          y.test = numeric(),
                          x.name = character(),
                          y.name = character(),
                          xnames = character(),
                          bag.resample.params = list(),
                          mod = list(),
                          type = character(),
                          parameters = list(),
                          fitted.bag = numeric(),
                          fitted = numeric(),
                          se.fit.bag = numeric(),
                          se.fit = numeric(),
                          error.train = list(),
                          predicted.bag = numaric(),
                          predicted = numeric(),
                          se.predicted.bag = numeric(),
                          se.prediction = numeric(),
                          aggr.fn = character(),
                          error.test = list(),
                          varimp = NULL,
                          question = character(),
                          extra = list()) {
      self$mod.name <- mod.name
      self$y.train <- y.train
      self$y.test <- y.test
      self$x.name <- x.name
      self$y.name <- y.name
      self$xnames <- xnames
      self$bag.resample.params <- bag.resample.params
      self$mod <- mod
      self$type <- type
      self$parameters <- parameters
      self$fitted.bag <- fitted.bag
      self$fitted <- fitted
      self$se.fit.bag <- se.fit.bag
      self$se.fit <- se.fit
      self$error.train <- error.train
      self$predicted.bag <- predicted.bag
      self$predicted <- predicted
      self$se.predicted.bag <- se.predicted.bag
      self$se.prediction <- se.prediction
      self$aggr.fn <- aggr.fn
      self$error.test <- error.test
      self$varimp <- varimp
      self$question <- question
      self$extra <- extra
    ### Methods
    # Print rtModBag ----
    #' @description
    #' `print` method for `rtModBag` object
    print = function() {
      "show / print method for rtModBag"
      objcat("Bagged Supervised Model")
      cat(hilite(self$mod.name), " (",
        select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE),
        sep = ""
      .resamples <- switch(self$bag.resample.params$resampler,
        strat.sub = "stratified subsamples",
        bootstrap = "bootstraps",
        strat.boot = "stratified bootstraps",
        kfold = "stratified folds",
        "custom resamples"
        "Aggregating", self$bag.resample.params$n.resamples,
        .resamples, "\n"
      boxcat("Training Error")
      if (length(self$error.test) > 0) {
        boxcat("Testing Error")
) # /rtModBag

# rtModBag S3 methods ####
#' rtModBag S3 methods
#' S3 methods for `rtModBag` class that differ from those of the `rtMod` superclass
#' @name rtModBag-methods

#' `predict.rtModBag`: `predict` method for `rtModBag` object
#' @method predict rtModBag
#' @param object `rtModBag` object
#' @param newdata Testing set features
#' @param aggr.fn Character: Function to aggregate models' prediction.
#' If NULL, defaults to "median"
#' @param n.cores Integer: Number of cores to use
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to console.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @rdname rtModBag-methods
#' @export
predict.rtModBag <- function(object,
                             aggr.fn = NULL,
                             n.cores = 1,
                             verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (verbose) {
      "Calculating estimated values of",
      length(object$mod), "bag resamples"
  if (is.null(aggr.fn)) aggr.fn <- object$aggr.fn
  # estimated.df <- sapply(object$mod$mods, function(m) predict(m$mod1, newdata = newdata, ...))
  # estimated <- apply(estimated.df, 1, fn)
  # if (object$type == "Regression" | object$type == "Survival") {
  #   estimated <- as.numeric(estimated)
  # } else {
  #   estimated <- levels(object$y.train)[estimated]
  # }
  # No progress bar if not verbose
  if (!verbose) pbapply::pboptions(type = "none")

  estimated.bag <- pbapply::pblapply(object$mod$mods, function(k) predict(k$mod1, newdata),
    cl = n.cores
  estimated.bag <- do.call(cbind, estimated.bag)
  if (object$type == "Classification") {
    estimated <- factor(round(apply(estimated.bag, 1, function(i) aggr.fn(i))))
    levels(estimated) <- levels(object$y.train)
  } else {
    estimated <- apply(estimated.bag, 1, aggr.fn)
  attr(estimated, "names") <- NULL
} # rtemis::predict.rtModBag

# rtModCV R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Cross-Validated Supervised Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Cross-Validated Supervised Models
#' @docType class
#' @name rtModCV-class
#' @field mod `rtModCV` object
#' @field mod.name Model (algorithm) name
#' @field type "Classification", "Regression", or "Survival"
#' @field y.train Training set y data
#' @field x.name Name of x data
#' @field y.name Name of y data
#' @field xnames Character vector: Column names of x
#' @field parameters List of algorithm hyperparameters
#' @field n.repeats Integer: Number of repeats. This is the outermost iterator: i.e. You will run
#' `resampler` this many times.
#' @field resampler.params List of resampling parameters
#' @field resamples Resamples produced by [resample]
#' @field y.train.res Resamples' true training values
#' @field y.train.res.aggr Aggregated training set outcomes
#' @field fitted.res Resamples' fitted values
#' @field fitted.res.aggr Aggregated fitted values
#' @field error.train.res Resamples' training error
#' @field error.train.res.mean Resamples' mean training error
#' @field error.train.res.aggr Error of aggregated fitted values
#' @field error.train.repeats Mean training error for each repeat
#' @field error.train.repeats.mean Mean training error across all repeats
#' @field error.train.repeats.sd Standard deviation of training error across all repeats
#' @field y.test.res Resamples' true test values
#' @field y.test.res.aggr Aggregated testing set outcomes
#' @field predicted.res Resamples' predicted values
#' @field predicted.res.aggr Aggregated predicted values
#' @field error.test.res Resamples' testing error
#' @field error.test.res.mean Resamples' mean testing error
#' @field error.test.res.aggr Error of aggregated predicted values
#' @field error.test.repeats Mean testing error for each repeat
#' @field error.test.repeats.mean Mean testing error across all repeats
#' @field error.test.repeats.sd Standard deviation of testing error across all repeats
#' @field fitted.bag Bagged model's fitted values
#' @field error.bag Bagged model's error
#' @field varimp Resamples' variable importance
#' @field question Question the model is hoping to answer
#' @field call elevate call
#' @field sessionInfo R session info at time of training
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rtModCV <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "rtModCV",
  public = list(
    ### Attributes
    mod = NULL,
    mod.name = NULL,
    type = NULL,
    y.train = NULL,
    x.name = NULL,
    y.name = NULL,
    xnames = NULL,
    parameters = NULL,
    n.repeats = NULL,
    resampler.params = NULL,
    resamples = NULL,
    y.train.res = NULL,
    y.train.res.aggr = NULL,
    fitted.res = NULL,
    fitted.res.aggr = NULL,
    error.train.res = NULL,
    error.train.res.mean = NULL,
    error.train.res.aggr = NULL,
    error.train.repeats = NULL,
    error.train.repeats.mean = NULL,
    error.train.repeats.sd = NULL,
    y.test.res = NULL,
    y.test.res.aggr = NULL,
    predicted.res = NULL,
    predicted.res.aggr = NULL,
    error.test.res = NULL,
    error.test.res.mean = NULL,
    error.test.res.aggr = NULL,
    error.test.repeats = NULL,
    error.test.repeats.mean = NULL,
    error.test.repeats.sd = NULL,
    fitted.bag = NULL,
    error.bag = NULL,
    varimp = NULL,
    question = NULL,
    call = NULL,
    sessionInfo = NULL,
    # Initialize rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtModCV` object
    #' @param mod `rtModCV` object
    #' @param mod.name Model (algorithm) name
    #' @param type "Classification", "Regression", or "Survival"
    #' @param y.train Training set y data
    #' @param y.test Testing set y data
    #' @param x.name Name of x data
    #' @param y.name Name of y data
    #' @param xnames Character vector: Column names of x
    #' @param parameters List of algorithm hyperparameters
    #' @param resampler List of settings for [resample].
    #' Set using [setup.cv.resample]
    #' @param n.repeats Integer: Number of repeats. This is the outermost iterator: i.e. You will run
    #' `resampler` this many times.
    #' @param resampler.params List of resampling parameters
    #' @param resamples Resamples produced by [resample]
    #' @param y.train.res Resamples' fitted values
    #' @param y.train.res.aggr Aggregated training set outcomes
    #' @param fitted.res Resamples' fitted values
    #' @param fitted.res.aggr Aggregated fitted values
    #' @param error.train.res Resamples' training error
    #' @param error.train.res.mean Resamples' mean training error
    #' @param error.train.res.aggr Error of aggregated fitted values
    #' @param error.train.repeats Mean training error for each repeat
    #' @param error.train.repeats.mean Mean training error across all repeats
    #' @param error.train.repeats.sd Standard deviation of training error across all repeats
    #' @param y.test.res Resamples' predicted values
    #' @param y.test.res.aggr Aggregated testing set outcomes
    #' @param predicted.res Resamples' predicted values
    #' @param predicted.res.aggr Aggregated predicted values
    #' @param error.test.res Resamples' testing error
    #' @param error.test.res.mean Resamples' mean testing error
    #' @param error.test.res.aggr Error of aggregated predicted values
    #' @param error.test.repeats Mean testing error for each repeat
    #' @param error.test.repeats.mean Mean testing error across all repeats
    #' @param error.test.repeats.sd Standard deviation of testing error across all repeats
    #' @param fitted.bag Bagged model's fitted values
    #' @param error.bag Bagged model's error
    #' @param varimp Resamples' variable importance
    #' @param question Question the model is hoping to answer
    #' @param call elevate call
    #' @param sessionInfo R session info at time of training
    initialize = function(mod = NULL,
                          mod.name = NULL,
                          type = NULL,
                          y.train = NULL,
                          x.name = NULL,
                          y.name = NULL,
                          xnames = NULL,
                          parameters = NULL,
                          n.repeats = NULL,
                          resampler.params = NULL,
                          resamples = NULL,
                          y.train.res = NULL,
                          y.train.res.aggr = NULL,
                          fitted.res = NULL,
                          fitted.res.aggr = NULL,
                          error.train.res = NULL,
                          error.train.res.mean = NULL,
                          error.train.res.aggr = NULL,
                          error.train.repeats = NULL,
                          error.train.repeats.mean = NULL,
                          error.train.repeats.sd = NULL,
                          y.test.res = NULL,
                          y.test.res.aggr = NULL,
                          predicted.res = NULL,
                          predicted.res.aggr = NULL,
                          error.test.res = NULL,
                          error.test.res.mean = NULL,
                          error.test.res.aggr = NULL,
                          error.test.repeats = NULL,
                          error.test.repeats.mean = NULL,
                          error.test.repeats.sd = NULL,
                          fitted.bag = NULL,
                          error.bag = NULL,
                          varimp = NULL,
                          call = NULL,
                          question = NULL) {
      self$mod <- mod
      self$mod.name <- mod.name
      self$type <- type
      self$y.train <- y.train
      self$x.name <- x.name
      self$y.name <- y.name
      self$xnames <- xnames
      self$parameters <- parameters
      self$n.repeats <- n.repeats
      self$resampler.params <- resampler.params
      self$resamples <- resamples
      self$y.train.res <- y.train.res
      self$y.train.res.aggr <- y.train.res.aggr
      self$fitted.res <- fitted.res
      self$fitted.res.aggr <- fitted.res.aggr
      self$error.train.res <- error.train.res
      self$error.train.res.mean <- error.train.res.mean
      self$error.train.res.aggr <- error.train.res.aggr
      self$error.train.repeats <- error.train.repeats
      self$error.train.repeats.mean <- error.train.repeats.mean
      self$error.train.repeats.sd <- error.train.repeats.sd
      self$y.test.res <- y.test.res
      self$y.test.res.aggr <- y.test.res.aggr
      self$predicted.res <- predicted.res
      self$predicted.res.aggr <- predicted.res.aggr
      self$error.test.res <- error.test.res
      self$error.test.res.mean <- error.test.res.mean
      self$error.test.res.aggr <- error.test.res.aggr
      self$error.test.repeats <- error.test.repeats
      self$error.test.repeats.mean <- error.test.repeats.mean
      self$error.test.repeats.sd <- error.test.repeats.sd
      self$fitted.bag <- fitted.bag
      self$error.bag <- error.bag
      self$varimp <- varimp
      self$question <- question
      self$call <- call
      self$sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
    # Methods
    # Print rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' `print` method for `rtModCV` object
    print = function() {
      "R6 show / print method for rtModCV"
      objcat(paste("Cross-Validated", self$type, "Model"))
      cat(hilite(self$mod.name), " (",
        select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE),
        sep = ""
      #  cat(
      #   "             Algorithm: ", self$mod.name, " (",
      #      select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE),
      #      ")\n", sep = "")
      #  cat("          Outer resampling: n = ",
      #      self$resampler.params$n.resamples,
      #      ", type = ", self$resampler.params$resampler, "\n", sep = "")
      # cat("              N of repeats:", self$n.repeats, "\n")
        "      Outer resampling: ",
        print1(self$resamples[[1]], verbose = FALSE),
        " (", singorplu(self$n.repeats, "repeat"),
        sep = ""
      if (!is.null(self$mod[[1]][[1]]$mod1$gridsearch)) {
          "      Inner resampling:",
            verbose = FALSE
          ), "\n"
      if (self$type == "Classification") {
          "Mean Balanced Accuracy:",
          "\nMean AUC:", self$error.test.repeats.mean$AUC, "\n"
      } else {
          "  Mean R-squared:",
          self$error.test.repeats.mean$Rsq * 100, "\n"
    # Plot rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' `plot` method for `rtModCV` object
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: which repeat to plot
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plot = function(which.repeat = 1, ...) {
      "R6 plot method for rtModCV"
      self$plotPredicted(which.repeat = which.repeat, ...)
    # Plot predicted rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot predicted values
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: which repeat to plot
    #' @param theme rtemis theme
    #' @param filename Character: path to file to save plot
    #' @param mar Numeric vector of plot margins
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotPredicted = function(which.repeat = 1,
                             theme = rtTheme,
                             filename = NULL,
                             mar = c(2.5, 3, 2.5, 1), ...) {
      "R6 method: Plot aggregated predicted vs. true values"
      predicted <- unlist(self$predicted.res[[which.repeat]],
        use.names = FALSE
      y.test <- unlist(self$y.test.res[[which.repeat]],
        use.names = FALSE
      main <- paste0(
        self$mod.name, " Testing\n(",
        " aggregated resamples",
        ifelse(self$n.repeats > 1, paste0(
          "; repeat #",
          which.repeat, ")"
      if (self$type == "Classification") {
        conf <- class_error(y.test, predicted)$ConfusionMatrix
          main = main,
          # mar = c(3, 3, 5, 3),
          dim.main = 2,
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename, ...
      } else if (self$type == "Regression") {
        mplot3_fit(y.test, predicted,
          main = main,
          xlab = paste("True", self$y.name),
          ylab = paste("Predicted", self$y.name),
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename,
          mar = mar, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Plotting for survival not currently supported")
    # Plot fitted rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot fitted values
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: which repeat to plot
    #' @param theme rtemis theme
    #' @param filename Character: path to file to save plot
    #' @param mar Numeric vector of plot margins
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotFitted = function(which.repeat = 1,
                          theme = rtTheme,
                          filename = NULL,
                          mar = c(2.5, 3, 2.5, 1), ...) {
      "R6 method: Plot aggregated fitted vs. true values"
      fitted <- unlist(self$fitted.res[[which.repeat]],
        recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE
      y.train <- unlist(self$y.train.res[[which.repeat]],
        recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE
      main <- paste0(
        self$mod.name, " Training\n(",
        " aggregated resamples",
        ifelse(self$n.repeats > 1, paste0(
          "; repeat #",
          which.repeat, ")"
      if (self$type == "Classification") {
        conf <- class_error(y.train, fitted)$ConfusionMatrix
          main = main,
          # mar = c(3, 3, 5, 3),
          filename = filename,
          theme = theme,
          dim.main = 2, ...
      } else if (self$type == "Regression") {
        mplot3_fit(y.train, fitted,
          main = main,
          xlab = paste("True", self$y.name),
          ylab = paste("Fitted", self$y.name),
          theme = theme,
          filename = filename,
          mar = mar, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Plotting for survival not currently supported")
    # Plot varimp rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot variable importance
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: which repeat to plot
    #' @param type Character: "barplot" or "lollipop"
    #' @param plot.top Integer: Plotting this many top features
    #' @param theme rtemis theme to use
    #' @param xlab Character: x-axis label
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotVarImp = function(plot.top = 12,
                          type = c("barplot", "lollipop"),
                          which.repeat = 1,
                          xlab = NULL,
                          theme = rtTheme, ...) {
      if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- if (self$mod.name %in% c("GLM", "GLMNET", "LOGISTIC", "MULTINOM", "POLY")) {
          paste(self$mod.name, "Coefficients")
        } else {
          paste(self$mod.name, "Variable Importance")
      varimp <- colMeans(self$varimp[[which.repeat]])
      if (length(varimp) == 0) {
        warning("Variable importance is not available for this model")
      } else {
        type <- match.arg(type)
        if (type == "lollipop") {
            plot.top = plot.top,
            xlab = xlab,
            theme = theme, ...
        } else {
            plot.top = plot.top,
            xlab = xlab,
            theme = theme, ...
    # Describe rtModCV ----
    #' @description
    #' Describe `rtModCV`
    describe = function() {
      type <- self$type
      algorithm <- select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE)
      cat(type, " was performed using ", algorithm, ".",
        sep = ""
      desc <- paste0(
        type, " was performed using ",
        algorithm, "."

      # '- Preprocessing ----
      if (!is.null(self$parameters$preprocess)) {
        preproc <- self$parameters$preprocess

        cat(" Data was preprocessed by ")
        pre <- paste(
            if (preproc$impute) {
              paste("imputing missing values using", preproc$impute.type)
            if (preproc$scale) "scaling variables",
            if (preproc$center) "centering variables"
          collapse = ", "
        pre <- rev(gsub(",", ", and", rev(pre)))
        cat(pre, ".", sep = "")
        desc <- paste(
          desc, "Data was preprocessed by",
          pre, "."

      # '- Decomposition ----
      if (!is.null(self$parameters$decompose)) {
        decom <- self$parameters$decompose
        cat(" Input was projected to ", decom$k, " dimensions using ",
          select_decom(decom$decom, desc = TRUE), ".",
          sep = ""
        desc <- paste0(
          desc, " Input was projected to ", decom$k, " dimensions using ",
          select_decom(decom$decom, desc = TRUE), "."

      # '- Tuning ----
      .gs <- length(self$mod[[1]][[1]]$mod1$gridsearch) > 0
      if (.gs) {
        res <- self$mod[[1]][[1]]$mod1$gridsearch$resample.params
        n.resamples <- res$n.resamples
        resampler <- res$resampler
        resamples <- switch(resampler,
          strat.sub = " stratified subsamples",
          bootstrap = " bootstraps",
          strat.boot = " stratified bootstraps",
          kfold = "-fold crossvalidation"
        cat(" Hyperparameter tuning was performed using ",
          n.resamples, resamples, ".",
          sep = ""
        desc <- paste0(
          " Hyperparameter tuning was performed using ",
          n.resamples, resamples, "."

      # '- Performance ----
      n.repeats <- self$n.repeats
      n.resamples <- self$resampler.params$n.resamples
      resampler <- self$resampler.params$resampler
      resamples <- switch(resampler,
        strat.sub = " stratified subsamples",
        bootstrap = " bootstraps",
        strat.boot = " stratified bootstraps",
        loocv = "leave-one-out crossvalidation",
        kfold = "-fold cross validation"
      cat(" Model generalizability was assessed using ")
      desc <- paste0(
        " Model generalizability was assessed using "
      if (n.repeats > 1) {
        cat(n.repeats, "repeats of ")
        desc <- paste0(desc, n.repeats, "repeats of ")
      if (resampler != "loocv") {
        cat(n.resamples, resamples, ".", sep = "")
        desc <- paste0(desc, n.resamples, resamples, ".")
      } else {
        cat(resamples, ".", sep = "")
        desc <- paste(desc, resamples, ".")
      if (type == "Classification") {
        cat(" The mean Balanced Accuracy across all testing set resamples was ",
          sep = ""
        desc <- paste0(
          desc, " The mean Balanced Accuracy across all testing set resamples was ",
      } else if (type == "Regression") {
        cat(" The mean R-squared across all testing set resamples was ",
          sep = ""
        desc <- paste0(
          desc, " The mean R-squared across all testing set resamples was ",
      } else {
        # Survival
    } # /rtModCV$describe()

# rtModCV S3 methods ####
#' S3 methods for `rtModCV` class that differ from those of the `rtMod` superclass
#' @name rtModCV-methods

#' `plot.rtModCV`: `plot` method for `rtModCV` object
#' @method plot rtModCV
#' @param x `rtModCV` object
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to plotting function
#' @rdname rtModCV-methods
#' @export
plot.rtModCV <- function(x, ...) {
} # rtemis::plot.rtModCV

#' `summary.rtModCV`: `summary` method for `rtModCV` object
#' @method summary rtModCV
#' @param object `rtModCV` object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @rdname rtModCV-methods
#' @export
summary.rtModCV <- function(object, ...) {
} # rtemis::summary.rtModCV

#' `predict.rtModCV`: `predict` method for `rtModCV` object
#' @method predict rtModCV
#' @param object `rtModCV` object
#' @param newdata Set of predictors to use
#' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to use for prediction
#' @param classification.output Character: "prob" or "class" for classification models
#' If "class" and `output` is "avg", the mode of the predictions is returned.
#' @param output Character: "matrix" or "avg". Produce either a matrix with predictions
#' of each model in different columns, or the mean/mode of the predictions across models
#' @param n.cores Integer: Number of cores to use
#' @rdname rtModCV-methods
#' @export
predict.rtModCV <- function(object, newdata,
                            which.repeat = 1,
                            classification.output = c("prob", "class"),
                            output = c("array", "avg"), ...) {
  # Arguments ----
  classification.output <- match.arg(classification.output)
  output <- match.arg(output)

  mods <- object$mod[[which.repeat]]

  # Array of predictions ----
  predicted <- as.data.frame(sapply(
    mods, function(i) predict(i$mod1, newdata)
  if (output == "array") {

  if (object$type == "Classification" && classification.output == "class") {
    # Get the mode of the predictions
    predicted <- apply(predicted, 1, get_mode)
  } else {
    predicted <- colMeans(predicted)
} # rtemis::predict.rtModCV

#' `describe` method for `rtModCV` object
#' @method describe rtModCV
#' @param object `rtModCV` object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @rdname rtModCV-methods
#' @export

describe.rtModCV <- function(object, ...) object$describe()

# rtModCVClass R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Cross-Validated Classification Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Cross-Validated Classification Models
#' @docType class
#' @name rtModCVClass-class
#' @field fitted.prob.aggr Aggregated training set probability estimates
#' @field predicted.prob.res Testing set probability estimates for each resample
#' @field predicted.prob.aggr Aggregated testing set probability estimates
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rtModCVClass <- R6::R6Class("rtModCVClass",
  inherit = rtModCV,
  public = list(
    fitted.prob.aggr = NULL,
    predicted.prob.res = NULL,
    predicted.prob.aggr = NULL,
    # Initialize ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtModCVClass` object
    #' @param mod `rtModCV` object
    #' @param mod.name Model (algorithm) name
    #' @param type "Classification", "Regression", or "Survival"
    #' @param y.train Training set y data
    #' @param y.test Testing set y data
    #' @param x.name Name of x data
    #' @param y.name Name of y data
    #' @param xnames Character vector: Column names of x
    #' @param parameters List of algorithm hyperparameters
    #' @param resampler List of settings for [resample].
    #' Set using [setup.cv.resample]
    #' @param n.repeats Integer: Number of repeats. This is the outermost iterator: i.e. You will run
    #' `resampler` this many times.
    #' @param resampler.params List of resampling parameters
    #' @param resamples Resamples produced by [resample]
    #' @param y.train.res Resamples' fitted values
    #' @param y.train.res.aggr Aggregated training set outcomes
    #' @param fitted.res Resamples' fitted values
    #' @param fitted.res.aggr Aggregated fitted values
    #' @param fitted.prob.aggr Aggregated training set probability estimates
    #' @param error.train.res Resamples' training error
    #' @param error.train.res.mean Resamples' mean training error
    #' @param error.train.res.aggr Error of aggregated fitted values
    #' @param error.train.repeats Mean training error for each repeat
    #' @param error.train.repeats.mean Mean training error across all repeats
    #' @param error.train.repeats.sd Standard deviation of training error across all repeats
    #' @param y.test.res Resamples' predicted values
    #' @param y.test.res.aggr Aggregated testing set outcomes
    #' @param predicted.res Resamples' predicted values
    #' @param predicted.res.aggr Aggregated predicted values
    #' @param error.test.res Resamples' testing error
    #' @param error.test.res.mean Resamples' mean testing error
    #' @param error.test.res.aggr Error of aggregated predicted values
    #' @param predicted.prob.res Testing set probability estimates for each resample
    #' @param predicted.prob.aggr Aggregated testing set probability estimates
    #' @param error.test.repeats Mean testing error for each repeat
    #' @param error.test.repeats.mean Mean testing error across all repeats
    #' @param error.test.repeats.sd Standard deviation of testing error across all repeats
    #' @param fitted.bag Bagged model's fitted values
    #' @param error.bag Bagged model's error
    #' @param varimp Resamples' variable importance
    #' @param question Question the model is hoping to answer
    #' @param call elevate call
    #' @param sessionInfo R session info at time of training
    initialize = function(mod = NULL,
                          mod.name = NULL,
                          type = NULL,
                          y.train = NULL,
                          x.name = NULL,
                          y.name = NULL,
                          xnames = NULL,
                          parameters = NULL,
                          n.repeats = NULL,
                          resampler.params = NULL,
                          resamples = NULL,
                          y.train.res = NULL,
                          y.train.res.aggr = NULL,
                          fitted.res = NULL,
                          fitted.res.aggr = NULL,
                          fitted.prob.aggr = NULL,
                          error.train.res = NULL,
                          error.train.res.mean = NULL,
                          error.train.res.aggr = NULL,
                          error.train.repeats = NULL,
                          error.train.repeats.mean = NULL,
                          error.train.repeats.sd = NULL,
                          y.test.res = NULL,
                          y.test.res.aggr = NULL,
                          predicted.res = NULL,
                          predicted.res.aggr = NULL,
                          predicted.prob.res = NULL,
                          predicted.prob.aggr = NULL,
                          error.test.res = NULL,
                          error.test.res.mean = NULL,
                          error.test.res.aggr = NULL,
                          error.test.repeats = NULL,
                          error.test.repeats.mean = NULL,
                          error.test.repeats.sd = NULL,
                          fitted.bag = NULL,
                          error.bag = NULL,
                          varimp = NULL,
                          call = NULL,
                          question = NULL) {
      self$fitted.prob.aggr <- fitted.prob.aggr
      self$predicted.prob.res <- predicted.prob.res
      self$predicted.prob.aggr <- predicted.prob.aggr
    # Methods
    # Plot ROC ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot ROC
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to plot
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotROC = function(which.repeat = 1, ...) {
      self$plotROCpredicted(which.repeat = which.repeat, ...)
    # Plot fitted ROC ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot ROC plot for fitted values
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to plot
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotROCfitted = function(which.repeat = 1,
                             main = "ROC Training", ...) {
      if (!is.null(self$fitted.prob.aggr[[which.repeat]])) {
          main = main, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    # Plot predicted ROC ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot ROC plot for predicted values
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to plot
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotting function
    plotROCpredicted = function(which.repeat = 1,
                                main = "ROC Testing", ...) {
      if (!is.null(self$predicted.prob.aggr[[which.repeat]])) {
          main = main, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    # Plot predicted ROC CV ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot ROC plot for predicted values for each resample
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to plot
    #' @param main Character: Main title
    #' @param col Color for lines
    #' @param alpha Transparency for lines (passed to `mplot3_xy marker.alpha`)
    #' @param filename Character: Filename to save plot to
    #' @param pdf.width Width of PDF output in inches
    #' @param pdf.height Height of PDF output in inches
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [mplot3_roc]
    plotROCpredictedCV = function(which.repeat = 1,
                                  main = "ROC Testing",
                                  col = "#16A0AC",
                                  alpha = .5,
                                  filename = NULL,
                                  pdf.width = 6,
                                  pdf.height = 6, ...) {
      if (!is.null(self$predicted.prob.res[[which.repeat]])) {
        par_orig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
        if (!is.null(filename)) {
            width = pdf.width, height = pdf.height,
            title = "rtemis Graphics"
          main = main, col = col, alpha = alpha,
          annotation = FALSE, par.reset = FALSE, ...
        mtext("AUROC mean (sd)", side = 1, adj = 1, line = -2, font = 1)
          " (",
        ), side = 1, adj = 1, line = -1, col = col)
        if (!is.null(filename)) dev.off()
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    # Plot Precision-Recall curve ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot Precision-Recall curve
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to use
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to
    #' `plotPRpredicted` method
    plotPR = function(which.repeat = 1, ...) {
      self$plotPRpredicted(which.repeat = which.repeat, ...)
    # Plot fitted Precision-Recall curve ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot fitted Precision-Recall curve
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to use
    #' @param main Character: main title
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to
    #' `mplot3_pr`
    plotPRfitted = function(which.repeat = 1,
                            main = "P-R Training", ...) {
      if (!is.null(self$fitted.prob.aggr[[which.repeat]])) {
          main = main, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")
    # Plot predicted Precision-Recall curve ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot predicted Precision-Recall curve
    #' @param which.repeat Integer: Which repeat to use
    #' @param main Character: main title
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to
    #' `mplot3_pr`
    plotPRpredicted = function(which.repeat = 1,
                               main = "PR Testing", ...) {
      if (!is.null(self$predicted.prob.aggr[[which.repeat]])) {
          main = main, ...
      } else {
        msg2("Estimated probabilities are not available")

# rtMeta R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Meta Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Meta Models
#' @docType class
#' @name rtMeta-class
#' @field grid Grid of algorithm names and resamples IDs
#' @field base.resample.params List of resampling parameters for base learner training
#' @field base.mod.names Character vector: names of base learner algorithms
#' @field base.params Named list of lists with base model parameters
#' @field base.res.y.test Base resamples' testing set outcomes
#' @field base.res.predicted Base resamples' predicted valuess
#' @field base.mods Base learners
#' @field base.mods.error.train Base learners' training error
#' @field base.mods.error.test Base learners' testing error
#' @field meta.mod.name Name of meta algorithm
#' @field meta.params List of meta model parameters
#' @field meta.mod Meta model
#' @field sessionInfo R session info at training time
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rtMeta <- R6::R6Class("rtMeta",
  inherit = rtMod,
  public = list(
    grid = NULL,
    base.resample.params = NULL,
    base.mod.names = NULL,
    base.params = NULL,
    base.res.y.test = NULL,
    base.res.predicted = NULL,
    base.mods = NULL,
    base.mods.error.train = NULL,
    base.mods.error.test = NULL,
    meta.mod.name = NULL,
    meta.params = NULL,
    meta.mod = NULL,
    sessionInfo = NULL,
    # Initialize rtMeta ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtMeta` object
    #' @param mod.name Character: Algorithm name
    #' @param y.train Training set output
    #' @param y.test Testing set output
    #' @param x.name Character: Feature set name
    #' @param y.name Character: Output name
    #' @param xnames Character vector: Feature names
    #' @param grid Data frame with combinations of algorithm
    #' names and resample IDs
    #' @param base.resample.params List with resampling
    #' parameters for base learners
    #' @param base.mod.names Base learner algorithm names
    #' @param base.params Named list of lists with base model parameters
    #' @param base.res.y.test Base learners' predicted values
    #' @param base.res.predicted Base resamples' predicted valuess
    #' @param base.res.mods Base learner fitted models
    #' @param base.mods Base learners
    #' @param base.mods.error.train Base learners' training error
    #' @param base.mods.error.test Base learners' testing error
    #' @param meta.mod.name Meta model algorithm name
    #' @param meta.params Meta model hyperparameters
    #' @param meta.mod Trained meta model
    #' @param type Character: Type of model (Regression, Classification, Survival)
    #' @param fitted Fitted values (training set predictions)
    #' @param se.fit Standard error of fitted values
    #' @param error.train Training set error
    #' @param predicted Predicted values (Testing set predictions)
    #' @param se.prediction Standard error of predicted values
    #' @param error.test Testing set error
    #' @param question Question the model is trying to answer
    #' @param extra List of extra model info
    #' @param sessionInfo R session info at time of training
    initialize = function(mod.name = character(),
                          # call = call("NULL"),
                          y.train = numeric(),
                          y.test = numeric(),
                          x.name = character(),
                          y.name = character(),
                          xnames = character(),
                          grid = data.frame(),
                          base.resample.params = list(),
                          base.mod.names = character(),
                          base.params = list(),
                          base.res.y.test = numeric(),
                          base.res.predicted = numeric(),
                          base.mods = list(),
                          base.mods.error.train = list(),
                          base.mods.error.test = list(),
                          meta.mod.name = character(),
                          meta.params = list(),
                          meta.mod = list(),
                          type = character(),
                          fitted = numeric(),
                          se.fit = numeric(),
                          error.train = list(),
                          predicted = numeric(),
                          se.prediction = numeric(),
                          error.test = list(),
                          question = character(),
                          extra = list()) {
      self$mod.name <- mod.name
      self$y.train <- y.train
      self$y.test <- y.test
      self$x.name <- x.name
      self$y.name <- y.name
      self$xnames <- xnames
      self$grid <- grid
      self$base.resample.params <- base.resample.params
      self$base.mod.names <- base.mod.names
      self$base.params <- base.params
      self$base.res.y.test <- base.res.y.test
      self$base.res.predicted <- base.res.predicted
      self$base.mods <- base.mods
      self$base.mods.error.train <- base.mods.error.train
      self$base.mods.error.test <- base.mods.error.test
      self$meta.mod.name <- meta.mod.name
      self$meta.params <- meta.params
      self$meta.mod <- meta.mod
      self$type <- type
      self$fitted <- fitted
      self$se.fit <- se.fit
      self$error.train <- error.train
      self$predicted <- predicted
      self$se.prediction <- se.prediction
      self$error.test <- error.test
      self$question <- question
      self$extra <- extra
      self$sessionInfo <- sessionInfo()
    ### Methods
    # Print rtMeta ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot method for `rtMeta` objects
    print = function() {
      "R6 show / print method for rtMeta"
      objcat("Meta Model")
      cat("   Base: ", hilite(paste(self$base.mod.names, collapse = ", ")), "\n")
      cat("   Meta: ", hilite(self$meta.mod.name), "\n")
      boxcat("Training Error")
      if (length(self$error.test) > 0) {
        boxcat("Testing Error")

# rtMeta S3 methods ####
#' rtMeta S3 methods
#' S3 methods for `rtMeta` class that differ from those of the `rtMod` superclass
#' @name rtMeta-methods

#' `predict` method for `rtMeta` object
#' @method predict rtMeta
#' @param object `rtMeta` object
#' @param newdata Testing set features
#' @param fn Function to average predictions
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `predict(object)`
#' @rdname rtMeta-methods
#' @export
predict.rtMeta <- function(object,
                           fn = median, ...) {
  if (missing(newdata)) {
    predicted <- object$predicted
  } else {
    base.predicted <- as.data.frame(
      sapply(object$base.mods, function(mod) {
        predict(mod, newdata = newdata, ...)
    predicted <- predict(object$meta.mod, newdata = base.predicted)

  if (object$type == "Regression") {
    predicted <- as.numeric(predicted)
  } else {
    predicted <- levels(object$y.train)[predicted]
} # rtemis::predict.rtMeta

# rtModLite R6 ----
#' \pkg{rtemis} Lite Supervised Model Class
#' R6 Class for \pkg{rtemis} Lite Supervised Models
#' Note on terminology for all models:
#' The training set is used to build a model. The testing set is a separate set never touched during
#' training and only used to a. create predictions using the trained model and
#' b. estimate error metrics.
#' This reflects generalizability of the model and is the error we care the most about.
#' It is saved in rtemis models
#' as `error.test`.
#' The validation set is used during model tuning. Within rtemis, validation sets are created and
#' used automatically by [resample] when appropriate, they are not generally input by the user
#' (with few exceptions).
#' @docType class
#' @name rtModLite-class
#' @field mod.name Algorithm name
#' @field mod Trained model
#' @field fitted Vector of fitted values
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rtModLite <- R6::R6Class("rtModLite",
  public = list(
    ### Attributes
    mod.name = NULL,
    mod = NULL,
    fitted = NULL,
    # Initialize rtModLite ----
    #' @description
    #' Initialize `rtModLite` object
    #' @param mod Trained model
    #' @param mod.name Algorithm name
    #' @param fitted Vector of fitted values
    initialize = function(mod = list(),
                          mod.name = character(),
                          fitted = numeric()) {
      self$mod.name <- mod.name
      self$mod <- mod
      self$fitted <- fitted
    ### Methods
    # Print rtModLite ----
    #' @description
    #' Plot method for `rtModLite` object
    print = function() {
      "show / print method for rtModLite"
      objcat("Lite Supervised Model")
      cat(self$mod.name, " (", select_learn(self$mod.name, desc = TRUE),
        sep = ""
) # /rtModLite

# rtModLite S3 methods ----
#' rtModLite S3 methods
#' S3 methods for `rtModLite` class.
#' @name rtModLite-methods

#' `print.rtModLite`: `print` method for `rtModLite` object
#' @method print rtModLite
#' @param x `rtModLite` object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @rdname rtModLite-methods
#' @export
print.rtModLite <- function(x, ...) {
} # rtemis::print.rtModLite

#' `predict.rtModLite`: `predict` method for `rtModLite` object
#' @method predict rtModLite
#' @param object `rtModLite` object
#' @param newdata Testing set features
#' @param ... Additional argument passed to `predict(object)`
#' @rdname rtMod-methods
#' @export

predict.rtModLite <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
  extraArgs <- list(...)

  if (missing(newdata)) {
    estimated <- object$fitted
  } else {
    if (object$mod.name == "ADDT") {
      if (is.null(extraArgs$learning.rate)) stop("Please provide learning.rate")
      if (is.null(extraArgs$n.feat)) stop("Please provide n.feat")
      estimated <- predict(object$mod,
        newdata = newdata,
        learning.rate = extraArgs$learning.rate,
        n.feat = extraArgs$n.feat, ...
    } else if (object$mod.name == "BRUTO") {
      # BRUTO: newdata must be matrix
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = as.matrix(newdata))
    } else if (object$mod.name == "GBM") {
      # GBM: must supply n.trees
      if (is.null(extraArgs$n.trees)) stop("Please provide n.trees")
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, n.trees = extraArgs$n.trees, ...)
    } else if (object$mod.name %in% c("XGBoost", "XGBLIN", "XGBDART")) {
      # XGB: must convert newdata to xgb.DMatrix
      if (any(sapply(newdata, is.factor))) {
        newdata <- preprocess(newdata, oneHot = TRUE)
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(as.matrix(newdata)))
    } else if (object$mod.name == "MXFFN") {
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, data.matrix(newdata), array.layout = "rowmajor")
    } else {
      estimated <- predict(object$mod, newdata = newdata, ...)

  if (object$type == "Regression" || object$type == "Survival") {
    estimated <- as.numeric(estimated)

} # rtemis::predict.rtModLite

# rtMod.out ----
# for all s. learners
# Print plots / save plots and mods to outdir
#' rtMod.out
#' @param rt rtemid object
#' @param print.plot Logical: If TRUE, print plot
#' @param plot.fitted Logical: If TRUE, print fitted values plot
#' @param plot.predicted Logical: If TRUE, print predicted values plot
#' @param y.test Test set predictions
#' @param mod.name Character: name of algorithm used to train model
#' @param outdir Character: Path to directory to save model
#' @param save.mod Logical: if TRUE, save trained model to `outdir`,
#' otherwise save only log, summary, and plots
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages in console
#' @param theme rtemis theme to use
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `plot(rt)`
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

rtMod.out <- function(rt,
                      theme, ...) {
  if (!is.null(outdir)) {
    filename.train <- paste0(outdir, "s_", mod.name, "_Fitted.vs.True.pdf")
    if (!is.null(y.test)) {
      filename.test <- paste0(outdir, "s_", mod.name, "_Predicted.vs.True.pdf")
  } else {
    filename.train <- filename.test <- NULL

  if (print.plot || !is.null(outdir)) {
    if (plot.fitted || !is.null(outdir)) {
        estimate = "fitted",
        print.plot = plot.fitted,
        filename = filename.train,
        theme = theme, ...
    if (!is.null(y.test) && (plot.predicted || !is.null(outdir))) {
        estimate = "predicted",
        print.plot = plot.predicted,
        filename = filename.test,
        theme = theme, ...
  if (save.mod) rt_save(rt, outdir, verbose = verbose)
} # rtemis::rtMod.out

#' Describe generic
#' @param object object to describe
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `describe`
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export
describe <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("describe")
egenn/rtemis documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 4:13 p.m.