
Defines functions shyoptree.select.leaves as.data.tree.shyoptleaves print.shyoptleaves predict.shyoptleaves splitlin_ setNodeRC shyoptleaves

Documented in as.data.tree.shyoptleaves

# shyoptleaves.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2018-9 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' \pkg{rtemis internal}: Low-level Stepwise Hybrid Tree procedure
#' Train an Stepwise Hybrid Tree for Classification & Regression
#' With `max.nodes = 0`, the model is logistic regression trained according to `lin.type`
#' (i.e. standard or regularized using glmnet, etc.)
#' Note that lambda is treated differently by `glmnet::glmnet` and `MASS::lm.ridge`
#' @inheritParams s_LINAD
#' @param x Data frame
#' @param max.leaves Integer: Total number of terminal nodes to reach. 1 is a special case where no split is performed and a linear
#' model is trained. Otherwise, this should be an even number as each split introduces two children nodes.
#' Note: this is total N of nodes in the tree, with the root uncounted, not the number of terminal nodes.
#' @param loss.fn Function with arguments y, Fval, weights. Allows you to define a custom loss function.
# Defaults to \code{log(1 + exp(-2 * y * Fval)) %*% weights}
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

# [[---F1---]] ----
shyoptleaves <- function(x, y,
                         x.valid = NULL, y.valid = NULL,
                         lookback = FALSE,
                         weights = NULL,
                         max.leaves = 5,
                         learning.rate = 1,
                         select.leaves.smooth = TRUE,
                         # splitline
                         gamma = .1,
                         n.quantiles = 20,
                         minobsinnode = round(.1 * length(y)),
                         minbucket = round(.05 * length(y)),
                         # --lincoef
                         lin.type = "glmnet",
                         alpha = 1,
                         lambda = .1,
                         lambda.seq = NULL,
                         cv.glmnet.nfolds = 5,
                         which.cv.glmnet.lambda = "lambda.min",
                         nbest = 1,
                         nvmax = 3,
                         # /--lincoef
                         # /splitline
                         .rho = TRUE,
                         rho.max = 1000,
                         loss.fn = if (is.factor(y)) class.loss else mse,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         plot.tuning = TRUE,
                         trace = 0,
                         n.cores = future::availableCores()) {
  # [ Arguments ] ----
  type <- if (is.factor(y)) "Classification" else "Regression"
  .class <- type == "Classification"
  if (.class) {
    ylevels <- levels(y)
    levels(y) <- c(1, -1)
    y <- as.numeric(as.character(y))
  } else {
    ylevels <- NULL
    .rho <- FALSE

  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, NROW(y))

  # Changed: Specify lookback directly
  # lookback <- if (!is.null(x.valid) & !is.null(y.valid)) TRUE else FALSE
  if (lookback && is.null(x.valid)) {
    stop("You have asked for early stopping without providing a validation set.")

  # [ Check y is not constant ] ----
  if (is_constant(y)) {
    coefs <- rep(0, NCOL(x) + 1)
    names(coefs) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(x))
    .mod <- list(
      type = type,
      init = mean(y),
      learning.rate = learning.rate,
      tree = NULL,
      n.nodes = 0,
      included = NULL,
      terminal = NULL,
      open = NULL,
      closed = NULL,
      nosplit = NULL,
      leaves = list(
        id = NULL,
        rules = "TRUE",
        coefs = coefs
      ylevels = ylevels
    class(.mod) <- c("shyoptleaves", "list")

  # [ Arguments ] ----
  if (NCOL(x) == 1) lin.type <- "glm"
  if (trace > 1) msg20("Using lin.type '", lin.type, "'")

  # [ GLOBAL ] ----
  g <- new.env()
  # ENH: do not save both x and xm
  g$x <- x
  g$xm <- cbind(1, model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = x))
  g$ncolxm <- NCOL(g$xm)
  g$featurenames <- colnames(x)
  g$y <- y
  g$x.valid <- x.valid
  g$y.valid <- y.valid
  g$weights <- weights
  g$learning.rate <- learning.rate
  g$tree <- list()
  g$n.nodes <- 0
  g$n.leaves <- 0
  g$nosplit <- integer()
  g$terminal <- integer()
  g$allrules <- character()
  g$include <- integer()
  g$error <- numeric()
  g$loss.fn <- loss.fn
  g$type <- type
  # g$min.update <- min.update
  g$.rho <- .rho
  g$rho.max <- rho.max

  # stepindex is a list with N elements = N iterations,
  # each element holds the index of all terminal nodes up to that step
  g$stepindex <- vector("list", max.leaves)
  names(g$stepindex) <- paste(seq(max.leaves))
  g$stepindex$`1` <- 1

  # { LOOP } step splitLine ----
  if (.class) {
    # vector: Initial probabilities
    probability <- weights / NROW(y) # n
    # '- Init ----
    # scalar: Initial node value
    g$init <- c(log(1 + probability %*% y) - log(1 - probability %*% y)) # 1
  } else {
    g$init <- mean(y) # 1

  # vector: Initial observations
  Fval <- rep(g$init, NROW(y)) # n

  # '- Gradient ----
  if (.class) {
    firstDer <- -2 * g$y / (1 + exp(2 * g$y * Fval)) # n
  } else {
    firstDer <- -(y - Fval)

  resid <- -firstDer # n

  # '- Lin1 ----
  if (verbose) {
    msg2("Training Stepwise Hybrid Tree ", type,
      " (max leaves = ", max.leaves, ")...",
      sep = ""
  if (trace > 0) msg2("Training first Linear Model...")

  coef <- lincoef(
    x = g$xm[, -1, drop = FALSE], y = resid,
    weights = weights,
    method = lin.type,
    nvmax = nvmax,
    alpha = alpha,
    lambda = lambda,
    lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
    cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds

  g$n.leaves <- 1 # ddlt
  linVal <- c(g$xm %*% coef) # n

  if (.class && .rho) {
    firstDer.rho <- t((-2 * linVal * y) / (1 + exp(2 * y * Fval))) %*% weights
    secDer.rho <- t((4 * linVal^2 * exp(2 * y * Fval)) / (1 + exp(2 * y * Fval))^2) %*% weights
    rho <- -firstDer.rho / secDer.rho
    rho <- c(sign(rho) * min(rho.max, rho, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    rho <- 1

  Fval <- Fval + learning.rate * rho * linVal # n

  # Special case: if max.leaves == 1 ----
  # return linear model
  if (max.leaves == 1) {
    leaves <- list(
      rules = data.frame(
        id = 0,
        rule = "TRUE",
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      coefs = t(data.frame(coef))
    .mod <- list(
      type = type,
      init = g$init,
      learning.rate = learning.rate,
      tree = NULL,
      n.nodes = 0,
      n.leaves = 1,
      included = NULL,
      terminal = NULL,
      open = NULL,
      closed = NULL,
      nosplit = NULL,
      leaves = leaves,
      all.step.leaves = leaves, # This is needed for predict()
      stepindex = g$stepindex,
      ylevels = ylevels
    class(.mod) <- c("shyoptleaves", "list")

  # '- Root ----
  root <- setNodeRC(
    g = g,
    id = 1,
    index = seq_len(NROW(y)),
    Fval = Fval,
    weights = weights,
    depth = 0,
    coef = coef,
    terminal = FALSE,
    type = NULL,
    condition = "TRUE",
    split.rule = NULL,
    rule = "TRUE"

  # '- Init nodes list ----
  g$tree[["1"]] <- root
  # open nodes are candidates for splitting
  g$open <- 1
  g$closed <- integer()

  # { Loop } ----
  stepid <- 1
  while (g$n.leaves < max.leaves && length(g$open) > 0) {
    if (trace > 1) msg2("g$closed is", g$closed)
    if (trace > 1) msg2("g$open is", g$open)
    if (trace > 1) msg2("g$include is", g$include)
    if (trace > 1) msg2("g$terminal is", g$terminal)
    if (trace > 1) msg2("g$n.leaves is", g$n.leaves)
    # Work on all candidate splits (open nodes)
    for (i in g$open) {
      if (is.null(g$tree[[paste(i)]]$split.rule)) {
        if (trace > 0) msg20("Working on node id #", i, "...")
        # if (trace > 1) msg20("Node #", i, ": split.rule = ", g$tree[[paste(i)]]$split.rule)
          g = g,
          type = type,
          node.index = i,
          gamma = gamma,
          n.quantiles = n.quantiles,
          minobsinnode = minobsinnode,
          minbucket = minbucket,
          # lincoef
          lin.type = lin.type,
          alpha = alpha,
          lambda = lambda,
          lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
          cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
          which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
          nbest = nbest,
          nvmax = nvmax,
          # /lincoef
          n.cores = n.cores,
          trace = trace
      } else {
        if (trace > 1) msg2("Node #", i, " already processed", sep = "")
    } # /for (i in g$open) splitLine

    if (length(g$tree) == 3) {
      if (trace > 1) msg2("Tree length is", length(g$tree))
      g$open <- c(2, 3)
      g$include <- c(1, 2, 3)
      g$closed <- 1
      g$terminal <- c(2, 3)
      # g$n.nodes <- 2
      g$n.leaves <- 2
      g$stepindex[["2"]] <- 2:3
      # g$steprules <- c(g$steprules, getStepRules(g, 2:3))
    } else {
      # Nodes that did not split are removed from open by splitLine
      if (trace > 1) msg2("+++ g$open is", g$open)
      if (trace > 1) msg2("+++ g$nosplit is", g$nosplit)

      # '- Loss ----
      # Find split with max loss reduction
      # 1.Error reduction for each open node
      open.loss.red <- data.frame(
        id = g$open,
        loss.red = plyr::ldply(g$open, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$loss)[, 1] -
          plyr::ldply(g$open, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$split.loss)[, 1]

      if (trace > 1) print(open.loss.red)
      # replace with either weighted version or total loss delta
      selected <- open.loss.red$id[which.max(open.loss.red$loss.red)]
      # Did selected reduce loss
      selected.loss <- open.loss.red$loss.red[open.loss.red$id == selected]
      selected.red <- length(selected) > 0 && !is.na(selected.loss) && selected.loss > 0
      toclose <- open.loss.red$id[which(is.na(open.loss.red$loss.red))]
      if (length(toclose) > 0) {
        for (i in toclose) {
          g$open <- setdiff(g$open, i)
          g$closed <- c(g$closed, i)
          if (trace > 1) msg20("Node id #", i, " had NA loss.red and was closed")

      if ((selected.red)) {
        if (trace > 1) msg2(">>> Selected node #", selected, sep = "")
        if (trace > 1) msg2("g$terminal is", g$terminal)
        # +tree: Remove selected from terminal
        if (trace > 1) msg2("Removing selected from terminal nodes")
        g$terminal <- setdiff(g$terminal, selected)
        # +tree: Add selected's childrens to terminal
        if (trace > 1) msg2("Adding selected's children to terminal nodes")
        g$terminal <- c(g$terminal, selected * 2, selected * 2 + 1)
        if (trace > 1) msg2("g$terminal is now", g$terminal)
        # +tree: Add selected to closed
        # Add selected to closed
        g$closed <- c(g$closed, selected)
        # Add selected's sibling to closed if it was a nosplit, otherwise it's still open
        # sibling <- if (selected %% 2 == 0) selected + 1 else selected - 1
        # if (sibling %in% g$nosplit) g$closed <- c(g$closed, sibling)

        # +tree: Remove selected from open
        # Remove selected from open
        g$open <- setdiff(g$open, selected)

        # +tree: Add selected's children to open
        # Add selected's children to open
        g$open <- c(g$open, selected * 2, selected * 2 + 1)
        if (trace > 1) msg2("g$open is now", g$open)

        # Nodes in tree are all closed nodes plus the terminals
        g$include <- union(union(g$closed, g$terminal), g$open)
        # -1 subtracts the root from the count
        g$n.nodes <- length(g$include) - 1
        if (trace > 1) msg2("g$n.nodes is", g$n.nodes)
        g$n.leaves <- length(g$terminal)
      } else {
        g$closed <- c(g$closed, selected)
        g$open <- setdiff(g$open, selected)
        if (trace > 1) msg20("Node id #", selected, " did not reduce loss and was closed")
    } # /if (length(g$tree) == 3)

    # Update stepindex
    if (trace > 1) msg2("Updating steprules...")
    stepid <- stepid + 1
    g$stepindex[[stepid]] <- g$terminal

    # Update ruleset
    # new.terminal.rules <- lapply(g$terminal)
    # g$allrules <- c(g$allrules, new.terminal.rules)
  } # /while (g$n.nodes <= max.nodes)

  # Add open and nosplit nodes to included

  # [ Purge ] ----
  if (verbose) msg20("Reached ", g$n.leaves, " leaves (", g$n.nodes, " nodes total)")
  if (g$n.nodes == 2) {
    g$tree[[paste(2)]]$terminal <- g$tree[[paste(3)]]$terminal <- TRUE
    g$closed <- c(1, 2, 3)
    g$terminal <- c(2, 3)
    included <- c(1, 2, 3)
  } else {
    if (trace > 1) msg2("Purging excluded nodes...")
    # old:
    # for (k in c(g$open, g$nosplit)) g$tree[[paste(k)]] <- NULL
    # new: remove !g$included
    included <- union(g$closed, g$terminal)
    for (k in setdiff(names(g$tree), included)) g$tree[[paste(k)]] <- NULL

  # dat <- plyr::llply(g$terminal, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]])

  # dat <- plyr::llply(g$terminal, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]])
  # meanValue = mean(plyr::laply(g$terminal, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$Fval))
  # Label <- sign(meanValue)
  # Label <- factor(Label, levels = c(1, -1))
  # levels(Label) <- ylevels

  # ENH: consider creating a special R6 class with active bindings for this,
  # but is it worth it? only if there's more useful bindings
  leaf.rules <- data.frame(
    id = plyr::laply(g$terminal, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$id),
    rule = plyr::laply(g$terminal, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$rule),
    N = plyr::laply(g$terminal, function(j) length(g$tree[[paste(j)]]$index)),
    # Value = meanValue,
    # Label = Label,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  leaf.coefs <- plyr::ldply(g$terminal, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$coef)
  rownames(leaf.coefs) <- leaf.rules$id

  if (trace > 1) msg2("Getting all.step.leaves...")
  all.step.leaves <- sort(unique(unlist(g$stepindex)))
  if (trace > 1) msg2("Getting all.step.rules...")
  all.step.rules <- data.frame(
    id = plyr::laply(all.step.leaves, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$id),
    rule = plyr::laply(all.step.leaves, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$rule),
    N = plyr::laply(all.step.leaves, function(j) length(g$tree[[paste(j)]]$index)),
    # Value = meanValue,
    # Label = Label,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if (trace > 1) print(all.step.leaves)
  if (trace > 1) msg2("Getting all.step.coefs...")
  all.step.coefs <- plyr::ldply(all.step.leaves, function(j) g$tree[[paste(j)]]$coef)
  rownames(all.step.coefs) <- all.step.rules$id

  # [ MOD ] ----
  # CHECK: should be equal to g$n.leaves
  # n.leaves <- max(sapply(g$stepindex, length))

  .mod <- list(
    type = g$type,
    init = g$init,
    learning.rate = learning.rate,
    tree = g$tree,
    n.nodes = g$n.nodes,
    included = included,
    terminal = g$terminal,
    open = g$open,
    closed = g$closed,
    nosplit = g$nosplit,
    leaves = list(
      rules = leaf.rules,
      coefs = leaf.coefs
    all.step.leaves = list(
      rules = all.step.rules,
      coefs = all.step.coefs
    stepindex = g$stepindex,
    ylevels = ylevels,
    n.leaves = g$n.leaves,
    # opt.n.leaves = g$n.leaves, #??
    lookback = lookback,
    valid.error.smooth = NULL
  class(.mod) <- c("shyoptleaves", "list")

  # change verbose
  if (lookback) {
    opt.leaves <- selectleaves(.mod,
      x = x, y = y,
      x.valid = x.valid, y.valid = y.valid,
      smooth = select.leaves.smooth,
      print.plot = plot.tuning
    .mod$n.leaves <- opt.leaves$n.leaves
    .mod$valid.error.smooth <- opt.leaves$valid.error.smooth

} # rtemis::shyoptleaves

# [[---F2---]]----
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
setNodeRC <- function(g,
                      terminal = TRUE,
                      type = "terminal",
                      rule) {
    id = id,
    index = index,
    Fval = Fval,
    weights = weights,
    depth = depth,
    coef = coef,
    terminal = terminal,
    type = type,
    rule = rule,
    split.rule = split.rule,
    loss = g$loss.fn(g$y, Fval),
    split.loss = NULL,
    split.loss.red = NULL
} # rtemis::setNodeRC

# [[---F3---]] ----
#' `rtemis` internal: Ridge and Stump
#' Edits environment 'g' in-place (no output)
#' @param node.index Open nodes to work on
#' Fit a linear model on (x, y) and split on the gradient
#' Input: environment holding tree and index of node
#' Output: None; Expands tree within environment g by splitting indexed node
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

splitlin_ <- function(g,
                      # lincoef
                      # /lincoef
                      trace) {
  # '- Node ----
  .class <- type == "Classification"
  node <- g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]
  if (.class) {
    firstDer <- -2 * g$y / (1 + exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval)) # n
    resid1 <- -firstDer
  } else {
    resid1 <- g$y - node$Fval

  weights <- node$weights

  # '- [ Split with splitline ] ----
  # if (trace > 0) msg2("splitLining node ", node.index, "...", sep = "")
  # dat <- data.frame(g$x, resid1)
  if (trace > 0) msg2("Running splitline...")
  part <- splitline(g$xm[, -1, drop = FALSE], resid1,
    caseweights = weights,
    gamma = gamma,
    n.quantiles = n.quantiles,
    minobsinnode = minobsinnode,
    minbucket = minbucket,
    # lincoef
    lin.type = lin.type,
    alpha = alpha,
    lambda = lambda,
    lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
    cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
    which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
    nbest = nbest,
    nvmax = nvmax,
    # /lincoef
    n.cores = n.cores,
    trace = trace

  if (is.na(part$featindex)) {
    # '-- Node did not split ----
    # TODO: work on g and exit
    if (trace > 1) msg20("Node #", node.index, " did not split")
    # g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$terminal <- TRUE # now true by setNodeClass
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$type <- "nosplit"
    g$nosplit <- c(g$nosplit, node.index)
    if (trace > 1) msg2("Moving nosplit nodes from open to closed list...")
    # +tree: Remove nosplit node from open
    g$open <- setdiff(g$open, g$nosplit)
    # +tree: Add nosplit node to closed
    g$closed <- c(g$closed, node.index)
    # check: cutFeat.category not used
    cutFeat.name <- cutFeat.point <- cutFeat.category <- NA
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$split.rule <- NA
    left.index <- right.index <- NA
    # split.rule.left <- split.rule.right <- FALSE # never used
    linVal.left <- linVal.right <- 0
    # linCoef.left <- linCoef.right <- rep(0, NCOL(g$xm) + 1)
    linCoef.left <- linCoef.right <- rep(0, g$ncolxm)
    # Weights remain unchanged
    weights.left <- weights.right <- weights
  } else {
    # '-- Node did split --' ----
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$type <- "split"
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$terminal <- FALSE
    cutFeat.index <- part[[1]]
    cutFeat.name <- g$featurenames[part[[1]]]
    cutFeat.point <- part[[2]]
    split.rule.left <- paste(cutFeat.name, "<", cutFeat.point)
    split.rule.right <- paste(cutFeat.name, ">=", cutFeat.point)
    left.index <- intersect(node$index, which(g$x[, cutFeat.index] < cutFeat.point))
    right.index <- intersect(node$index, seq_len(NROW(g$x))[-left.index])
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$split.rule <- split.rule.left
    # '- Update Weights -' ----
    weights.left <- weights.right <- weights
    weights.left[right.index] <- weights.left[right.index] * gamma
    weights.right[left.index] <- weights.right[left.index] * gamma

    # !! Lincoefs Left ----
    linCoef.left <- lincoef(
      x = g$xm[, -1, drop = FALSE], y = resid1,
      weights = weights.left,
      method = lin.type,
      nvmax = nvmax,
      alpha = alpha,
      lambda = lambda,
      lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
      cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds

    # linVal.left <- c(data.matrix(cbind(1, g$xm)) %*% linCoef.left)
    linVal.left <- c(g$xm %*% linCoef.left)

    # Lin Updates, Left ----
    if (.class && g$.rho) {
      firstDer.rho.left <- (t((-2 * linVal.left * g$y) / (1 + exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval))) %*% weights.left)[1]
      secDer.rho.left <- (t((4 * linVal.left^2 * exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval)) / (1 + exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval))^2) %*% weights.left)[1]
      rho.left <- -firstDer.rho.left / secDer.rho.left
      rho.left <- sign(rho.left) * min(g$rho.max, rho.left, na.rm = TRUE)[1]
    } else {
      rho.left <- 1

    # Fval.left <- node$Fval[left.index] + g$learning.rate * rho.left * linVal.left[left.index]
    coef.left <- node$coef + linCoef.left

    # !! LinCoefs Right ----
    linCoef.right <- lincoef(
      x = g$xm[, -1, drop = FALSE], y = resid1,
      weights = weights.right,
      method = lin.type,
      nvmax = nvmax,
      alpha = alpha,
      lambda = lambda,
      lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
      cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds

    # linVal.right <- (data.matrix(cbind(1, g$xm)) %*% linCoef.right)[, 1]
    linVal.right <- c(g$xm %*% linCoef.right)

    if (.class && g$.rho) {
      firstDer.rho.right <- (t((-2 * linVal.right * g$y) / (1 + exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval))) %*% weights.right)[1]
      secDer.rho.right <- (t((4 * linVal.right^2 * exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval)) / (1 + exp(2 * g$y * node$Fval))^2) %*% weights.right)[1]
      rho.right <- -firstDer.rho.right / secDer.rho.right
      rho.right <- sign(rho.right) * min(g$rho.max, rho.right, na.rm = TRUE)[1]
    } else {
      rho.right <- 1

    # Fval.right <- node$Fval[right.index] + g$learning.rate * rho.right * linVal.right[right.index] # n
    coef.right <- node$coef + linCoef.right

    # '- Side-effects -' ----

    # Check: should we keep this
    depth <- g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$depth + 1

    # Get combined error of children
    Fval <- node$Fval
    Fval[left.index] <- node$Fval[left.index] + g$learning.rate * rho.left * linVal.left[left.index]
    Fval[right.index] <- node$Fval[right.index] + g$learning.rate * rho.right * linVal.right[right.index] # n

    # Assign loss reduction to parent
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$split.loss <- g$loss.fn(g$y, Fval)
    g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$split.loss.red <- node$loss - g$tree[[paste(node.index)]]$split.loss

    # Set id numbers by preorder indexing
    # Left
    left.id <- node$id * 2
    g$tree[[paste(left.id)]] <- setNodeRC(
      g = g,
      id = left.id,
      index = left.index,
      Fval = Fval,
      weights = weights.left,
      depth = depth,
      coef = coef.left,
      terminal = TRUE,
      type = "terminal",
      condition = split.rule.left,
      split.rule = NULL,
      rule = crules(node$rule, split.rule.left)

    # Right
    right.id <- left.id + 1
    g$tree[[paste(right.id)]] <- setNodeRC(
      g = g,
      id = right.id,
      index = right.index,
      Fval = Fval,
      weights = weights.right,
      depth = depth,
      coef = coef.right,
      terminal = TRUE,
      type = "terminal",
      condition = split.rule.right,
      split.rule = NULL,
      rule = crules(node$rule, split.rule.right)
  } # /if (is.null(part$splits)) aka Node did split
} # rtemis::splitlin_

# [[---F4---]] ----
#' Predict method for `shyoptleaves` object
#' @method predict shyoptleaves
#' @param object `shytreeRaw`
#' @param newdata Data frame of predictors
#' @param n.feat (internal use) Integer: Use first `n.feat` columns of newdata to predict.
#' Defaults to all
#' @param fixed.cxr (internal use) Matrix: Cases by rules to use instead of matching cases to rules using
#' `newdata`
#' @param cxr.newdata (internal use) Data frame: Use these values to match cases by rules
#' @param cxr Logical: If TRUE, return list which includes cases-by-rules matrix along with predicted values
#' @param cxrcoef Logical: If TRUE, return cases-by-rules * coefficients matrix along with predicted values
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to console
#' @param trace Not used
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @author E.D. Gennatas

predict.shyoptleaves <- function(object, newdata,
                                 type = c("response", "probability", "all", "step"),
                                 n.leaves = NULL,
                                 n.feat = NCOL(newdata),
                                 fixed.cxr = NULL,
                                 cxr.newdata = NULL,
                                 cxr = FALSE,
                                 cxrcoef = FALSE,
                                 verbose = FALSE,
                                 trace = 0, ...) {
  init <- object$init
  type <- match.arg(type)
  .class <- object$type == "Classification"

  # '-- Newdata ----
  if (is.null(colnames(newdata))) colnames(newdata) <- paste0("V", seq_len(NCOL(newdata)))

  newdata <- newdata[, seq(n.feat), drop = FALSE]
  # Add column of ones for intercept and convert factors to dummies
  newdata <- cbind(1, model.matrix(~ . - 1, data = newdata))

  if (type != "step") {
    # '-- Rules ----
    if (is.null(n.leaves)) {
      n.leaves <- max(sapply(object$stepindex, length))

    if (n.leaves == 1) {
      yhat <- c(init + newdata %*% t(object$leaves$coefs))
    } else {
      rule.ids <- object$stepindex[[paste(n.leaves)]]
      rules <- sapply(rule.ids, function(j) object$all.step.leaves$rules$rule[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == j])
      # Could get rules from tree, same difference?
      # rules <- sapply(rule.ids, function(i) object$tree[[paste(i)]]$rule)
      # coefs <- data.matrix(plyr::ldply(rule.ids, function(j) object$all.step.leaves$coefs[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == j, ]))
      # ldply can't handle columns with duplicate names
      # sapply gives matrix of lists
      # coefs <- data.matrix(t(sapply(rule.ids, function(j) object$all.step.leaves$coefs[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == j, ])))
      coefs <- lapply(rule.ids, function(j) object$all.step.leaves$coefs[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == j, , drop = FALSE])
      coefs <- data.matrix(do.call(rbind, coefs))

      # '-- Cases x Rules ----
      if (is.null(fixed.cxr)) {
        cases <- if (is.null(cxr.newdata)) newdata else cxr.newdata
        .cxr <- matchCasesByRules(cases, rules, verbose = verbose)
      } else {
        .cxr <- fixed.cxr

      # each case must match one leaf and one leaf only
      # DIAG: all(apply(.cxr, 1, sum) == 1)

      .cxrcoef <- .cxr %*% coefs

      # '-- yhat ----
      # TODO: Update to do length(rules) matrix multiplications and add
      yhat <- init + sapply(seq_len(NROW(newdata)), function(n) {
        object$learning.rate * (newdata[n, ] %*% t(.cxrcoef[n, , drop = FALSE]))

    if (.class) {
      if (type == "response") {
        yhat <- sign(yhat)
        yhat <- factor(yhat, levels = c(1, -1))
        # Calculate probability using GBM paper equation 21.
        levels(yhat) <- object$ylevels
      } else if (type == "probability") {
        yhat <- exp(2 * yhat) / (1 + exp(2 * yhat))
      } else if (type == "all") {
        prob <- exp(2 * yhat) / (1 + exp(2 * yhat))
        estimate <- sign(yhat)
        estimate <- factor(estimate, levels = c(1, -1))
        levels(estimate) <- object$ylevels
        out <- list(estimate = estimate, probability = prob)
    } else {
      out <- yhat

    if (!cxrcoef && !cxr) {
      out <- yhat
    } else {
      out <- list(yhat = yhat)
      if (cxrcoef) out$cxrcoef <- .cxrcoef
      if (cxr) out$cxr <- .cxr

    # /type != "step"
  } else {
    # >>> type == "step": Get predictions at each step
    # rules <- vector("list", length(n.leaves))
    max.leaves <- max(sapply(object$stepindex, length))

    if (max.leaves == 1) {
      yhat.l <- list(c(init + newdata %*% t(object$leaves$coefs)))
    } else {
      if (verbose) msg2("Getting estimated values for each of", max.leaves, "steps...")

      rules.l <- plyr::llply(seq(max.leaves), function(j) {
        paste(sapply(object$stepindex[[paste(j)]], function(k) {
          c(object$all.step.leaves$rules$rule[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == k])

      cases <- if (is.null(cxr.newdata)) newdata else cxr.newdata
      cxr.l <- plyr::llply(seq(max.leaves), function(j) {
        matchCasesByRules(cases, rules.l[[j]], verbose = verbose)

      # get coefs for each leaf for each step in list
      coefs.l <- plyr::llply(seq(max.leaves), function(k) {
        object$all.step.leaves$coefs[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == k, ]

      # A list of length max.leaves, with a matrix of coefficients per rule
      coefs.l <- plyr::llply(seq(max.leaves), function(j) {
        data.matrix(plyr::ldply(object$stepindex[[paste(j)]], function(k) {
          object$all.step.leaves$coefs[object$all.step.leaves$rules$id == k, ]

      cxrcoef.l <- plyr::llply(seq(max.leaves), function(j) {
        cxr.l[[j]] %*% coefs.l[[j]]

      yhat.l <- plyr::llply(seq(max.leaves), function(j) {
        yhat <- sapply(seq_len(NROW(newdata)), function(n) {
          object$learning.rate * (newdata[n, ] %*% t(cxrcoef.l[[j]][n, , drop = FALSE]))
        if (.class) {
          yhat <- sign(yhat)
          yhat <- factor(yhat, levels = c(1, -1))
          levels(yhat) <- object$ylevels
} # rtemis:: predict.shyoptleaves

# [[---F5---]] ----
#' Print method for `shyoptleaves` object
#' @method print shyoptleaves
#' @param x `shyoptleaves` object
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

print.shyoptleaves <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\n  A Linear Optimized Additive Tree model with", x$n.leaves, "leaves\n\n")

#' Convert `shyoptleaves` to `data.tree` object
#' @param object `shyoptleaves` object

as.data.tree.shyoptleaves <- function(object) {
  as.Node.data.frame <- getFromNamespace("as.Node.data.frame", "data.tree")
  dat <- object$leaves$rules
  dat$rule <- gsub(" & ", "/", dat$rule)
  dat$rule <- gsub("TRUE", "All cases", dat$rule)
  as.Node.data.frame(dat, pathName = "rule")
} # rtemis::as.data.tree.shytreeLeaves

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
shyoptree.select.leaves <- function(object,
                                    x, y,
                                    x.valid, y.valid,
                                    smooth = TRUE,
                                    print.plot = FALSE,
                                    verbose = FALSE) {
  n.leaves <- object$n.leaves
  .class <- object$type == "Classification"

  # if (smooth) {
  # dat <- data.frame(n.trees = seq(n.trees), valid.error = object$valid.error)
  # dat <- complete.cases(dat)
  # }

  train.estimate.l <- predict.shyoptleaves(object,
    newdata = x,
    type = "step",
    verbose = verbose
  valid.estimate.l <- predict.shyoptleaves(object,
    newdata = x.valid,
    type = "step",
    verbose = verbose
  # valid.error.l <- plyr::llply(seq(valid.estimate.l), function(j)
  #   mod_error(y.valid, valid.estimate.l[[j]]))

  # TODO: change bacc and mse to arg fn
  if (.class) {
    train.error <- sapply(seq(train.estimate.l), function(j) {
      1 - bacc(y, train.estimate.l[[j]])
    valid.error <- sapply(seq(valid.estimate.l), function(j) {
      1 - bacc(y.valid, valid.estimate.l[[j]])
  } else {
    train.error <- sapply(seq(train.estimate.l), function(j) {
      mse(y, train.estimate.l[[j]])
    valid.error <- sapply(seq(valid.estimate.l), function(j) {
      mse(y.valid, valid.estimate.l[[j]])

  valid.error.smooth <- if (smooth) {
    valid.error.smooth <- supsmu(seq(n.leaves), valid.error)$y
  } else {
  valid.error <- if (smooth) valid.error.smooth else valid.error

  if (print.plot) {
    if (verbose) msg2("Are we plotting or what?", color = red)
    mplot3_xy(seq(n.leaves), list(
      Training = train.error,
      Validation = valid.error,
      `Smoothed Valid.` = valid.error.smooth
    type = "l", group.adj = .95, lty = c(1, 1, 2),
    line.col = c("#80ffff", "#FF99FF", "#453DCB"),
    vline = c(which.min(valid.error), which.min(valid.error.smooth)),
    vline.col = c("#FF99FF", "#453DCB"),
    xlab = "N leaves", ylab = ifelse(.class, "1 - Balanced Accuracy", "MSE")

    n.leaves = which.min(valid.error),
    valid.error.smooth = valid.error.smooth
} # rtemis::shyoptree.select.leaves
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.