
Defines functions synth_multimodal

Documented in synth_multimodal

# synth_multimodal.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2019 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' Create "Multimodal" Synthetic Data
#' Create "Multimodal" Synthetic Data using squares and arctangents
#' There are no checks yet for compatibility among inputs and certain combinations may not work.
#' @param n.cases Integer: Number of cases to create. Default = 10000
#' @param init.fn Character: "runifmat" or "rnormmat". Use the respective functions to
#' generate features as random uniform and random normal variables, respectively.
#' Default = "runifmat"
#' @param init.fn.params Named list with arguments "min", "max" for "runifmat" and
#' "mean", "sd" for "rnormmat". Default = `list(min = -10, max = 10)`
#' @param n.groups Integer: Number of feature groups / modalities to create. Default = 4
#' @param n.feat.per.group Integer, vector, length `n.groups`: Number of features per group to create.
#' Default = `c(50, 100, 200, 300)`
#' @param contrib.p Float (0, 1]: Ratio of features contributing to outcome per group. Default = .33, i.e.
#' a third of the features in each group will be used to produce the outcome y
#' @param linear.p Float \[0, 1\]: Ratio of contributing features to be included linearly. Default = .1, i.e. .1 of .33 of
#' features in each group will be included
#' @param square.p Float \[0, 1\]: Ratio of contributing features to be squared. Default = .1, i.e. .1 of .33 of features
#' in each group will be squared
#' @param atan.p Float \[0, 1\]: Ratio of contributing features whose `atan` will be used. These will be selected
#' from the features that were NOT sampled for squaring. Default = .1,
#' i.e. .1 of .33 of features in each group will be transformed using `atan`, but given these features were not
#' already picked to be squared (see `square.p`)
#' @param pair.multiply.p Float \[0, 1\] Ratio of features will be divided into pairs and multiplied. Default = .05
#' @param pair.square.p Float \[0, 1\] Ratio of features which will be divided into pairs, multiplied and squared.
#' @param pair.atan.p Float \[0, 1\] Ratio of features which will be divided into pairs, multiplied and transformed using
#' `atan`.
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to console.
#' @param seed Integer: If set, pass to `set.seed` for reproducibility
#' @param filename Character: Path to file to save output.
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export
#' @return List with elements x, y, index.square, index.atan, index.pair.square
#' @examples
#' xmm <- synth_multimodal(
#'   n.cases = 10000,
#'   init.fn = "runifmat",
#'   init.fn.params = list(min = -10, max = 10),
#'   n.groups = 5,
#'   n.feat.per.group = c(20, 50, 100, 200, 300),
#'   contrib.p = .33,
#'   linear.p = .66,
#'   square.p = .1,
#'   atan.p = .1,
#'   pair.multiply.p = .1,
#'   pair.square.p = .1,
#'   pair.atan.p = .1,
#'   seed = 2019
#' )
synth_multimodal <- function(n.cases = 10000,
                            init.fn = "runifmat",
                            init.fn.params = list(min = -10, max = 10),
                            n.groups = 4,
                            n.feat.per.group = round(seq(10, 300, length.out = n.groups)),
                            contrib.p = .33,
                            linear.p = .66,
                            square.p = .1,
                            atan.p = .1,
                            pair.multiply.p = .05,
                            pair.square.p = .05,
                            pair.atan.p = .05,
                            verbose = TRUE,
                            seed = NULL,
                            filename = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  # Synth features ----
  x <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
          nrow = n.cases,
          ncol = n.feat.per.group[i],
          return.df = FALSE
  names(x) <- paste0("Group_", seq(x))

  # Indexes ----
  # '- contrib ----
  # index.contrib: The variables from each group contributing to the group's outcome
  index.contrib <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    sort(sample(seq(n.feat.per.group[i]), contrib.p * n.feat.per.group[i]))
  names(index.contrib) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.contrib\n")

  # '- linear ----
  # index.linear: The features within index.contrib that will be included linearly
  index.linear <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    sort(sample(index.contrib[[i]], linear.p * length(index.contrib[[i]])))
  names(index.linear) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.square\n")

  # '- square ----
  # index.square: The features within index.contrib that will be squared
  index.square <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    sort(sample(index.contrib[[i]], square.p * length(index.contrib[[i]])))
  names(index.square) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.square\n")

  # '- atan ----
  # index.atan: The features within index.contrib that will be arctanned
  index.atan <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    index.open <- index.contrib[[i]][!index.contrib[[i]] %in% index.square[[i]]]
    sort(sample(index.open, atan.p * length(index.contrib[[i]])))
  names(index.atan) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.atan\n")

  # '- pair.multiply ----
  # index.pair.multiply
  index.pair.multiply <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    n.pairs <- 2 * round(pair.multiply.p * length(index.contrib[[i]]) / 2)
    if (n.pairs == 0) {
    } else {
      index <- sample(index.contrib[[i]], n.pairs * 2)
      t(apply(matrix(index, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), 1, sort))
  names(index.pair.multiply) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.pair.multiply\n")

  # '- pair.square ----
  # index.pair.square
  index.pair.square <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    n.pairs <- 2 * round(pair.square.p * length(index.contrib[[i]]) / 2)
    if (n.pairs == 0) {
    } else {
      index <- sample(index.contrib[[i]], n.pairs * 2)
      t(apply(matrix(index, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), 1, sort))
  names(index.pair.square) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.pair.square\n")

  # index.pair.atan ----
  index.pair.atan <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    n.pairs <- 2 * round(pair.atan.p * length(index.contrib[[i]]) / 2)
    if (n.pairs == 0) {
    } else {
      index <- sample(index.contrib[[i]], n.pairs * 2)
      t(apply(matrix(index, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), 1, sort))
  if (verbose) cat("  Got index.pair.atan\n")

  # Outcome ----
  # '- linear, squares & atans ----
  if (verbose) cat("  Adding linear, square and atan terms...")
  y1 <- lapply(seq(n.groups), function(i) {
    matrixStats::rowSums2(rnorm(1) * x[[i]][, index.linear[[i]], drop = FALSE]) +
      matrixStats::rowSums2(rnorm(1) * x[[i]][, index.square[[i]], drop = FALSE]^2) +
      matrixStats::rowSums2(rnorm(1) * atan(x[[i]][, index.atan[[i]], drop = FALSE]))
  names(y1) <- names(x)
  if (verbose) cat(" Done\n")

  # '- pair.multiply ----
  if (verbose) cat("  Getting pair products...")
  y2 <- vector("list", n.groups)
  names(y2) <- names(x)
  for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
    y2[[i]] <- if (!is.null(index.pair.multiply[[i]])) {
      matrixStats::rowSums2(sapply(seq_len(NROW(index.pair.multiply[[i]])), function(k) {
        matrixStats::rowProds(rnorm(1) * x[[i]][, index.pair.multiply[[i]][k, ]])^2
    } else {
      rep(0, n.cases)
  if (verbose) cat(" Done\n")

  # '- pair.square ----
  if (verbose) cat("  Squaring pair products...")
  y3 <- vector("list", n.groups)
  names(y3) <- names(x)
  for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
    y3[[i]] <- if (!is.null(index.pair.square[[i]])) {
      matrixStats::rowSums2(sapply(seq_len(NROW(index.pair.square[[i]])), function(k) {
        matrixStats::rowProds(rnorm(1) * x[[i]][, index.pair.square[[i]][k, ]])^2
    } else {
      rep(0, n.cases)
  if (verbose) cat(" Done\n")

  # '- pair.atan ----
  if (verbose) cat("  Atan of pair products...")
  y4 <- vector("list", n.groups)
  names(y4) <- names(x)
  for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
    y4[[i]] <- if (!is.null(index.pair.atan[[i]])) {
      matrixStats::rowSums2(sapply(seq_len(NROW(index.pair.atan[[i]])), function(k) {
        matrixStats::rowProds(rnorm(1) * x[[i]][, index.pair.atan[[i]][k, ]])^2
    } else {
      rep(0, n.cases)
  if (verbose) cat(" Done\n")

  y <- lapply(seq_len(n.groups), function(i) y1[[i]] + y2[[i]] + y3[[i]] + y4[[i]])
  names(y) <- names(x)

  out <- list(
    x = x,
    y = y,
    index.linear = index.linear,
    index.square = index.square,
    index.atan = index.atan,
    index.pair.multiply = index.pair.multiply,
    index.pair.square = index.pair.square,
    index.pair.atan = index.pair.atan

  # Save RDS ----
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    if (verbose) cat("Saving data to file...\n")
    filename <- paste0(gsub(".rds", "", filename), ".rds")
    saveRDS(out, filename)
    if (verbose) msg2("Saved", filename)

} # rtemis::synth_multimodal
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.