
Defines functions apl apl_topGO apl_score apl_coords

Documented in apl apl_coords apl_score apl_topGO

#' @include constructor.R

#' Calculate Association Plot coordinates
#' @description
#' Calculates the Association Plot coordinates for either the rows, columns or both (default).
#' @details
#' Coordinates (x,y) of row vector \eqn{\vec{r}} are defined as
#' \deqn{x(\vec{r}) := \left|\vec{r}\right|\cos(\phi(\vec{r}))}
#' \deqn{y(\vec{r}) := \left|\vec{r}\right|\sin(\phi(\vec{r}))}
#' The x-direction is determined by calculating the centroid of the columns selected with the indices in "group".
#' @return
#' Returns input "cacomp" object and adds components "apl_rows" and/or "apl_cols" for row and column coordinates.
#' In "group" the indices of the columns used to calculate the centroid are saved.
#' @param caobj A "cacomp" object with principal row coordinates and standardized column coordinates calculated.
#' @param group Numeric/Character. Vector of indices or column names of the columns to calculate centroid/x-axis direction.
#' @param calc_rows TRUE/FALSE. Whether apl row coordinates should be calculated. Default TRUE.
#' @param calc_cols TRUE/FALSE. Whether apl column coordinates should be calculated. Default TRUE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate scRNAseq data
#' cnts <- data.frame(cell_1 = rpois(10, 5),
#'                    cell_2 = rpois(10, 10),
#'                    cell_3 = rpois(10, 20),
#'                    cell_4 = rpois(10, 20))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:10)
#' cnts <- as.matrix(cnts)
#' # Run correspondence analysis
#' ca <- cacomp(obj = cnts, princ_coords = 3)
#' # Calculate APL coordinates
#' ca <- apl_coords(ca, group = 3:4)
apl_coords <- function(caobj, group, calc_rows = TRUE, calc_cols = TRUE){

  stopifnot(is(caobj, "cacomp"))

  rows <- t(caobj@prin_coords_rows)
  cols <- t(caobj@std_coords_cols)
  cent <- cols

  if (is(group, "numeric")){
    subgroup <- cent[,group]
  } else if (is(group, "character")){
    idx <- match(group, colnames(cent))
    idx <- na.omit(idx)
    subgroup <- cent[,idx]

    if (anyNA(idx)){
      warning("Not all names in 'group' are contained in the column names. Non-matching values were ignored.")
  } else {
    stop("Parameter group has to be either of type 'numeric' or 'character'.")

  if (length(group) == 1){
    avg_group_coords <- subgroup # single sample
  } else {
    avg_group_coords <- rowMeans(subgroup) # centroid vector.
  length_vector_group <- sqrt(drop(avg_group_coords %*% avg_group_coords))
  length_vector_rows <- sqrt(colSums(rows^2))
  length_vector_cols <- sqrt(colSums(cols^2))

  if (calc_rows == TRUE){
    # message("Calculating APL row coordinates ...")
    # r⋅X = |r|*|X|*cosθ
    # x(r) = (r⋅X)/|X| = |r|*cosθ
    rowx <- drop(t(rows) %*% avg_group_coords)/length_vector_group
    # pythagoras, y(r)=b²=c²-a²
    rowy <- sqrt(length_vector_rows^2 - rowx^2)

    rowx[is.na(rowx)] <- 0
    rowy[is.na(rowy)] <- 0
    # rowx[is.infinite(rowx)] <- 0
    # rowy[is.infinite(rowy)] <- 0

    caobj@apl_rows <- cbind("x"=rowx, "y"=rowy)

  if (calc_cols == TRUE){
    # message("Calculating APL column coordinates ...")

    colx <- drop(t(cols) %*% avg_group_coords)/length_vector_group
    coly <- sqrt(length_vector_cols^2 - colx^2)

    colx[is.na(colx)] <- 0
    coly[is.na(coly)] <- 0
    # colx[is.infinite(colx)] <- 0
    # coly[is.infinite(coly)] <- 0

    caobj@apl_cols <- cbind("x"=colx, "y"=coly)

  if (is(group, "numeric")){
    caobj@group <- group
  } else if (is(group, "character")){
    idx <- match(group, colnames(cols))
    idx <- na.omit(idx)
    caobj@group <- idx


#' Find rows most highly associated with a condition
#' @description
#' Ranks rows by a calculated score which balances the association of the row with the condition and how associated it is with other conditions.
#' @details
#' The score is calculated by permuting the values of each row to determine the cutoff angle of the 99% quantile.
#' \deqn{S_{alpha}(x,y)=x-\frac{y}{\tan\alpha}}
#' By default the permutation is repeated 10 times, but for very large matrices this can be reduced.
#' If store_perm is TRUE the permuted data is stored in the cacomp object and can be used for future scoring.
#' @return
#' Returns the input "cacomp" object with "APL_score" component added.
#' APL_score contains a data frame with ranked rows, their score and their original row number.
#' @param caobj A "cacomp" object with principal row coordinates and standardized column coordinates calculated.
#' @param mat A numeric matrix. For sequencing a count matrix, gene expression values with genes in rows and samples/cells in columns.
#' Should contain row and column names.
#' @param dims Integer. Number of CA dimensions to retain. Needs to be the same as in caobj!
#' @param group Vector of indices of the columns to calculate centroid/x-axis direction.
#' @param reps Integer. Number of permutations to perform. Default = 10.
#' @param quant Numeric. Single number between 0 and 1 indicating the quantile used to calculate the cutoff. Default 0.99.
#' @param python A logical value indicating whether to use singular-value decomposition from the python package torch.
#' @param store_perm Logical. Whether permuted data should be stored in the CA object.
#' This implementation dramatically speeds up computation compared to `svd()` in R.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)}, x = sample(1:20, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' # Run correspondence analysis.
#' ca <- cacomp(obj = cnts, princ_coords = 3)
#' # Calculate APL coordinates:
#' ca <- apl_coords(ca, group = 1:10)
#' # Rank genes by S-alpha score
#' ca <- apl_score(ca, mat = cnts)
apl_score <- function(caobj, mat, dims = caobj@dims, group = caobj@group, reps=10, quant = 0.99, python = TRUE, store_perm = TRUE){

  if (!is(caobj,"cacomp")){
    stop("Not a CA object. Please run cacomp() and apl_coords() first!")

  if (is.empty(caobj@apl_rows)){
    stop("Please run apl_coords() first!")

  names <- colnames(mat)
  row_num <- nrow(caobj@apl_rows)
  margin <- 1
  pc <- 1
  cc <- FALSE
  cr <- TRUE

  if (is(group, "character")){
    idx <- match(group, names)
    idx <- na.omit(idx)
    group <- idx

  if (caobj@dims == 1 && !is.empty(caobj@dims)){
    row_num <- 1

  apl_perm <- data.frame("x" = rep(0, row_num*reps), "y" = rep(0, row_num*reps)) #init. data frame
  saved_ca <- list()
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = reps, style = 3)

  for (k in seq(reps)){
    # message("\nRunning permutation ", k, " out of ", reps, " to calculate row/column scores ...")

    #permute rows and rerun cacomp

    if(isTRUE(store_perm) & identical(reps, attr(caobj@permuted_data,'reps'))){
      calist <- caobj@permuted_data[[k]][seq_len(3)]
      mat <- caobj@permuted_data[[k]]$mat
      caobjp <- recompute(calist, mat)

    } else {
      mat_perm <- t(apply(mat, margin, FUN=sample))
      colnames(mat_perm) <- colnames(mat)

      suppressWarnings(caobjp <- cacomp(obj = mat_perm,
                                         python = python,
                                         coords = TRUE,
                                         princ_coords = pc,
                                         dims = dims,
                                         top = caobj@top_rows,
                                         inertia = FALSE))

        x <- list("std_coords_cols" = caobjp@std_coords_cols,
                  "std_coords_rows" = caobjp@std_coords_rows,
                  "D" = caobjp@D,
                  "mat" = mat_perm)
        # x <- recompute(x, mat_perm)

        # saved_ca[[k]] <- caobjp
        saved_ca[[k]] <- x


    caobjp <- apl_coords(caobj = caobjp, group = group, calc_cols = cc, calc_rows = cr)
    idx <- ((seq_len(row_num)+((k-1)*row_num)))

    apl_perm[idx,] <- caobjp@apl_rows

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)



  apl_perm[,3] <- apl_perm[,1]/apl_perm[,2] # cotan between row and x axis
  apl_perm[,3][is.na(apl_perm[,3])] <- 0

  # cutoff from original code from Ela
  # angles_vector <- sort(apl_perm[,3], decreasing = TRUE)
  # cutoff_cotan <- angles_vector[ceiling(0.01 * length(angles_vector))]

  # With 99% quantile, gives different results though!
  cutoff_cotan <- quantile(apl_perm[,3], quant)

  score <- caobj@apl_rows[,1] - (caobj@apl_rows[,2] * cutoff_cotan)
  ranking <- data.frame("Rowname" = rownames(caobj@apl_rows),
                        "Score" = score,
                        "Row_num" = seq_len(nrow(caobj@apl_rows)))

  ranking <- ranking[order(ranking$Score, decreasing = TRUE),]
  ranking$Rank <- seq_len(nrow(ranking))

  caobj@APL_score <- ranking

  if(isTRUE(store_perm) & !identical(reps, attr(caobj@permuted_data,'reps'))){
    caobj@permuted_data <- saved_ca
    attr(caobj@permuted_data,'cutoff') <- cutoff_cotan
    attr(caobj@permuted_data,'reps') <- reps



#' Run Gene overrepresentation analysis with topGO
#' @description
#' This function uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as implemented by the package topGO to test for overrepresentation in Gene Ontology gene sets.
#' @details
#' For a chosen group of cells/samples,
#' the top 'ngenes' group specific genes are used for gene overrepresentation analysis.
#' The genes are ranked either by the precomputed APL score, or, if
#' not available by their APL x-coordinates.
#' @return
#' A data.frame containing the gene sets with the highest overrepresentation.
#' @param caobj A "cacomp" object with principal row coordinates and standardized column coordinates calculated.
#' @param ontology Character string. Chooses GO sets for 'BP' (biological processes), 'CC' (cell compartment) or 'MF' (molecular function).
#' @param organism Character string. Either 'hs' (homo sapiens), 'mm' (mus musculus) or the name of the organism package such as 'org.*.eg.db'.
#' @param ngenes Numeric. Number of top ranked genes to test for overrepresentation.
#' @param score_cutoff numeric. S-alpha score cutoff. Only genes with a score larger will be tested.
#' @param use_coords Logical. Whether the x-coordinates of the row APL coordinates should be used for ranking.
#' Only recommended when no S-alpha score (see apl_score()) can be calculated.
#' @param return_plot Logical. Whether a plot of significant gene sets should be additionally returned.
#' @param top_res Numeric. Number of top scoring genes to plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(Seurat)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' cnts <- GetAssayData(pbmc_small, slot = "counts")
#' cnts <- as.matrix(cnts)
#' # Run CA on example from Seurat
#' ca <- cacomp(pbmc_small,
#'              princ_coords = 3,
#'              return_input = FALSE,
#'              assay = "RNA",
#'              slot = "counts")
#' grp <- which(Idents(pbmc_small) == 2)
#' ca <- apl_coords(ca, group = grp)
#' ca <- apl_score(ca,
#'                 mat = cnts)
#' enr <- apl_topGO(ca,
#'                  ontology = "BP",
#'                  organism = "hs")
#' plot_enrichment(enr)
apl_topGO <- function(caobj,
                      ngenes = 1000,
                      score_cutoff = 0,
                      use_coords = FALSE,
                      return_plot = FALSE,
                      top_res = 15){


  if(!is.empty(caobj@APL_score) & !isTRUE(use_coords)){

    Score_ord <- caobj@APL_score[order(caobj@APL_score$Score, decreasing=TRUE),]
    sel <- which(!Score_ord$Score >= score_cutoff)[1]
    sel <- sel-1
    ranked_genes <- seq_len(nrow(Score_ord))
    names(ranked_genes) <- Score_ord$Rowname

  } else if (isTRUE(use_coords) & is.empty(caobj@APL_score)) {

      stop("No APL coordinates found for rows. Please first run apl_coords.\n")
    if (ngenes > nrow(caobj@apl_rows)){
      stop("ngenes is larger than the total number of genes.\n")
    } else if (ngenes == nrow(caobj@apl_rows)){
      warning("You have selected all available genes.\n")
    ranked_genes <- seq_len(nrow(caobj@apl_rows))
    names(ranked_genes) <- rownames(caobj@apl_rows)[order(caobj@apl_rows[,1], decreasing = TRUE)]
    sel <- ngenes
  } else {
    stop("APL scores not present but use_coords set to FALSE.\n")

  if (organism == "hs"){
    organism <- "org.Hs.eg.db"
  } else if (organism == "mm"){
    organism <- "org.Mm.eg.db"
  } else {
    warning("Custom organism chosen.\n")
    organism <- organism

  if (!ontology %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF")){
    stop("Please choose one of the following ontologies: 'BP', 'CC' or 'MF'.\n")

  gene_sets <- topGO::annFUN.org(whichOnto=ontology,

  GOdata <- new("topGOdata",
                ontology = ontology,
                allGenes = ranked_genes,
                annot = topGO::annFUN.GO2genes,
                GO2genes = gene_sets,
                geneSelectionFun = function(x) x<sel,

  results_test <- topGO::runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "fisher")

  # results_test <- topGO::runTest(GOdata, algorithm="classic", statistic="ks")

  # goEnrichment <- topGO::GenTable(GOdata, KS=results_test, orderBy="KS", topNodes = top_res)
  goEnrichment <- topGO::GenTable(GOdata,
                                  raw.p.value = results_test,
                                  topNodes = length(results_test@score)) #, numChar = 1200
  if (isTRUE(return_plot)){

    if(top_res > length(results_test@score)){
      warning("More top nodes selected via top_res than available. Returning max. number of nodes instead.\n")
      top_res <- min(top_res, length(results_test@score))
    showSigOfNodes(GOdata, score(results_test), firstSigNodes = top_res, useInfo = 'def')



#' Association Plot
#' @description
#' Plot an Association Plot for the chosen columns.
#' @details
#' For an interactive plot type="plotly" can be chosen, otherwise a static plot will be returned.
#' The row and column coordinates have to be already calculated by `apl_coords()`.
#' @return
#' Either a ggplot or plotly object.
#' @param caobj  An object of class "cacomp" and "APL" with apl coordinates calculated.
#' @param type "ggplot"/"plotly". For a static plot a string "ggplot", for an interactive plot "plotly". Default "ggplot".
#' @param rows_idx numeric/character vector. Indices or names of the rows that should be labelled. Default NULL.
#' @param cols_idx numeric/character vector. Indices or names of the columns that should be labelled. 
#' Default is only to label columns making up the centroid: caobj@group.
#' @param row_labs Logical. Whether labels for rows indicated by rows_idx should be labeled with text. Default TRUE.
#' @param col_labs Logical. Whether labels for columns indicated by cols_idx shouls be labeled with text. Default FALSE.
#' @param show_score Logical. Whether the S-alpha score should be shown in the plot.
#' @param show_cols Logical. Whether column points should be plotted.
#' @param show_rows Logical. Whether row points should be plotted.
#' @param score_cutoff Numeric. Rows (genes) with a score >= score_cutoff will be colored according to their score if show_score = TRUE.
#' @param score_color Either "rainbow" or "viridis".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#'                x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' # Run correspondence analysis
#' ca <- cacomp(obj = cnts, princ_coords = 3)
#' # Calculate APL coordinates for arbitrary group
#' ca <- apl_coords(ca, group = 1:10)
#' # plot results
#' # Note:
#' # Due to random gene expression & group, no highly
#' # associated genes are visible.
#' apl(ca, type = "ggplot")
apl <- function(caobj,
                rows_idx = NULL,
                cols_idx = caobj@group,
                row_labs = FALSE,
                col_labs = FALSE,
                show_score = FALSE,
                show_cols = TRUE,
                show_rows = TRUE,
                score_cutoff = 0,
                score_color = "rainbow"){

  if (!is(caobj,"cacomp")){
    stop("Not a CA object. Please run cacomp() and apl_coords() first!")

  if (is.empty(caobj@apl_rows) || is.empty(caobj@apl_cols)){
    stop("Please run apl_coords() first!")

  if (is(rows_idx, "character")){
    names <- rownames(caobj@apl_rows)
    idx <- match(rows_idx, names)
    idx <- na.omit(idx)
    rows_idx <- idx

  if (is(cols_idx, "character")){
    names <- rownames(caobj@apl_cols)
    idx <- match(cols_idx, names)
    idx <- na.omit(idx)
    cols_idx <- idx

  if (is.numeric(cols_idx)){
  group_cols <- data.frame(rownms = rownames(caobj@apl_cols)[cols_idx],
                           x = caobj@apl_cols[cols_idx,"x"],
                           y = caobj@apl_cols[cols_idx,"y"],
                           row.names = NULL)
  group_rows <- data.frame(rownms = rownames(caobj@apl_rows)[rows_idx],
                           x = caobj@apl_rows[rows_idx,"x"],
                           y = caobj@apl_rows[rows_idx,"y"],
                           row.names = NULL)

  if (row_labs == FALSE){
    rlabs <- 'markers'
    rowfont <- NULL
  } else {
    rlabs <- 'markers+text'
    rowfont <- list(color='#FF0000')


  if (col_labs == FALSE){
    clabs <- 'markers'
    colfont <- NULL
  } else {
    clabs <- 'markers+text'
    colfont <- list(color='#000000')


  apl_rows.tmp <- data.frame(rownms = rownames(caobj@apl_rows),
  apl_cols.tmp <- data.frame(rownms = rownames(caobj@apl_cols),

  if (isTRUE(show_score)) {
    apl_scores <- caobj@APL_score$Score[order(caobj@APL_score$Row_num)]
    apl_rows.tmp$Score <- apl_scores
    idx <- which(apl_scores >= score_cutoff)

    if (is.empty(idx)) {
      show_score <- FALSE
      warning(paste0("No rows with a Score >= score_cutoff of ",
                     score_cutoff, ". Choose lower cutoff."))
    } else {
      apl_scored.tmp <- apl_rows.tmp[idx,]
      apl_rows.tmp <- apl_rows.tmp[-idx,]


  if (type == "ggplot"){

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot()

    if (isTRUE(show_rows)){
      p <- p +
                            ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y),
                            color = "#0066FF",
                            alpha = 0.7,
                            shape = 1) #16 point, 1 circle.

      if (isTRUE(show_score)){
        p <- p +
                              ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, color = Score),
                              alpha = 0.7,
                              shape = 19)
        if (score_color == "rainbow"){
          hex <- c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")
          p <- p +
            ggplot2::scale_colour_gradientn(colours = hex)
        } else if (score_color == "viridis"){
          p <- p +
            ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(option = "D")


      if (is.numeric(rows_idx)){
        p <- p +
                              ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y),
                              shape = 19)

          p <- p +
            ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = group_rows,
                                     ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, label=rownms),
                                     color = "#FF0000",
                                     max.overlaps = Inf)

    if (isTRUE(show_cols)){
      p <- p +
                            ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y),
                            color = "#006400",
                            shape = 4) +
                            ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y),
                            color = "#990000",
                            shape = 4)
      if(col_labs == TRUE & is.numeric(cols_idx)){
        p <- p +
                                   ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, label=rownms),
                                   color = "#990000")

    rm(apl_rows.tmp, apl_cols.tmp)

    p <- p +
        ggplot2::labs(title="Association Plot") +


  } else if (type == "plotly"){

    p <- plotly::plot_ly()


      color_fix <- '#0066FF'
      colors_fun <- NULL
      color_bar <- NULL
      sym <- "circle-open"

      p <- p %>%
        plotly::add_trace(data = apl_rows.tmp,
                          x = ~x,
                          y = ~y,
                          mode = 'markers',
                          text = apl_rows.tmp$rownms,
                          opacity = 0.7,
                          textposition = "left",
                          marker = list(color = color_fix, # '#0066FF'
                                        colorscale = colors_fun,
                                        symbol = sym,
                                        colorbar = color_bar,
                                        size = 5),
                          name = 'genes',
                          hoverinfo = 'text',
                          type = 'scatter')

      if (isTRUE(show_score)){

        if (score_color == "rainbow"){
          # color <- c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")
          # colors_fun <- NULL
          colors_fun <- "Jet"
        } else if (score_color == "viridis"){
          colors_fun <- 'Viridis'
        color_fix <- as.formula("~Score")
        color_bar <- list(title = "Score", len=0.5)
        sym <- "circle"

        p <- p %>%
          plotly::add_trace(data = apl_scored.tmp,
                            x = ~x,
                            y = ~y,
                            mode = 'markers',
                            text = apl_scored.tmp$rownms,
                            opacity = 0.7,
                            textposition = "left",
                            marker = list(color = color_fix,
                                          colorscale = colors_fun,
                                          symbol = sym,
                                          colorbar = color_bar,
                                          size = 5),
                            name = 'genes',
                            hoverinfo = 'text',
                            type = 'scatter')


      if (is.numeric(rows_idx)){

        p <- p %>%
          plotly::add_trace(data = group_rows,
                           x = ~x,
                           y = ~y,
                           mode = rlabs,
                           text = group_rows$rownms,
                           textposition = "left",
                           marker = list(symbol = 'circle',
                                         color = '#FF0000',
                                         size = 5),
                           name = 'marked genes',
                           hoverinfo = 'text',
                           type = 'scatter')

      p <- p %>%
                          x = ~x,
                          y =  ~y,
                          mode = 'markers',
                          text = apl_cols.tmp$rownms,
                          textposition = "left",
                          marker = list(color = '#124429',
                                        symbol = 'x',
                                        size = 5),
                          name = 'samples',
                          hoverinfo = 'text',
                          type = 'scatter')

      if (is.numeric(cols_idx)){
        p <- p %>% plotly::add_trace(data = group_cols,
                                     x = ~x,
                                     y = ~y,
                                     mode = clabs,
                                     text = group_cols$rownms,
                                     textposition = "left",
                                     marker = list(symbol = 'x',
                                                   color = '#990000',
                                                   size = 5),
                                     name = 'marked samples',
                                     hoverinfo = 'text',
                                     type = 'scatter')

    p <- p %>% plotly::layout(title = paste('Association Plot \n', ncol(caobj@U), ' first dimensions, ', length(caobj@group),' samples.\n'),
             xaxis = list(title = 'Distance from origin (x)', rangemode = "tozero"),
             yaxis = list(title = 'Distance from gene to sample line (y)', rangemode = "tozero"), showlegend = TRUE)

    rm(apl_rows.tmp, apl_cols.tmp)

  } else {
    stop("Please specify plot = \"ggplot\" or \"plotly\". Other options are not accepted.")


#' Compute and plot Association Plot
#' @description
#' Computes singular value decomposition and coordinates for the Association Plot.
#' @details
#' The function is a wrapper that calls `cacomp()`, `apl_coords()`, `apl_score()` and finally `apl()` for ease of use.
#' The chosen defaults are most useful for genomics experiments, but for more fine grained control the functions
#' can be also run individually for the same results.
#' If score = FALSE, nrow and reps are ignored. If mark_rows is not NULL score is treated as if FALSE.
#' @return
#' Association Plot (plotly object).
#' @param obj A numeric matrix, Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object. For sequencing a count matrix, gene expression values with genes in rows and samples/cells in columns.
#' Should contain row and column names.
#' @param caobj A "cacomp" object as outputted from `cacomp()`. If not supplied will be calculated. Default NULL.
#' @param dims Integer. Number of dimensions to keep. Default NULL (keeps all dimensions).
#' @param group Numeric/Character. Vector of indices or column names of the columns to calculate centroid/x-axis direction.
#' @param nrow Integer. The top nrow scored row labels will be added to the plot if score = TRUE. Default 10.
#' @param top Integer. Number of most variable rows to retain. Default 5000.
#' @param score Logical. Whether rows should be scored and ranked. Ignored when a vector is supplied to mark_rows. Default TRUE.
#' @param mark_rows Character vector. Names of rows that should be highlighted in the plot. If not NULL, score is ignored. Default NULL.
#' @param mark_cols Character vector. Names of cols that should be highlighted in the plot.
#' @param reps Integer. Number of permutations during scoring. Default 3.
#' @param python A logical value indicating whether to use singular value decomposition from the python package torch.
#' This implementation dramatically speeds up computation compared to `svd()` in R.
#' @param row_labs Logical. Whether labels for rows indicated by rows_idx should be labeled with text. Default TRUE.
#' @param col_labs Logical. Whether labels for columns indicated by cols_idx shouls be labeled with text. Default TRUE.
#' @param type "ggplot"/"plotly". For a static plot a string "ggplot", for an interactive plot "plotly". Default "plotly".
#' @param show_cols Logical. Whether column points should be plotted.
#' @param show_rows Logical. Whether row points should be plotted.
#' @param score_cutoff Numeric. Rows (genes) with a score >= score_cutoff
#' will be colored according to their score if show_score = TRUE.
#' @param score_color Either "rainbow" or "viridis".
#' @param ... Arguments forwarded to methods.
#' @export
setGeneric("runAPL", function(obj,
                              caobj = NULL,
                              dims = NULL,
                              nrow = 10,
                              top = 5000,
                              score = TRUE,
                              mark_rows = NULL,
                              mark_cols = caobj@group,
                              reps = 3,
                              python = FALSE,
                              row_labs = TRUE,
                              col_labs = TRUE,
                              type = "plotly",
                              show_cols = TRUE,
                              show_rows = TRUE,
                              score_cutoff = 0,
                              score_color = "rainbow",
                              ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname runAPL
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#'                x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' # (nonsensical) APL
#' runAPL(obj = cnts,
#'        group = 1:10,
#'        dims = 10,
#'        top = 500,
#'        score = TRUE,
#'        show_cols = TRUE,
#'        type = "ggplot")
setMethod(f = "runAPL",
                   caobj = NULL,
                   dims = NULL,
                   nrow = 10,
                   top = 5000,
                   score = TRUE,
                   mark_rows = NULL,
                   mark_cols = NULL,
                   reps = 3,
                   python = FALSE,
                   row_labs = TRUE,
                   col_labs = TRUE,
                   type = "plotly",
                   show_cols = TRUE,
                   show_rows = TRUE,
                   score_cutoff = 0,
                   score_color = "rainbow",

  if (!is(obj, "matrix")){
    obj <- as.matrix(obj)
  stopifnot(is(obj, "matrix"))

  if (is.null(caobj)){
    caobj <- cacomp(obj = obj,
                    coords = TRUE,
                    top = top,
                    princ_coords = 3,
                    dims = dims,
                    python = python)

  } else {
    if(!is.empty(caobj@dims) && is.null(dims)){
      dims <- caobj@dims
    } else if (!is.empty(caobj@dims) && !is.null(dims)) {
        # warning("The caobj was previously already subsetted to ", caobj@dims, " dimensions. Subsetting again!")
      if (dims < caobj@dims){
        # caobj <- ca_coords(caobj = caobj, dims = dims, princ_only = FALSE, princ_coords = 1)
        caobj <- subset_dims(caobj, dims = dims)
      } else if(dims > length(caobj@D)){
        warning("dims is larger than the number of available dimensions. Argument ignored")

    if (is.empty(caobj@prin_coords_rows) && !is.empty(caobj@std_coords_rows)){
      caobj <- ca_coords(caobj = caobj, dims = dims, princ_only = TRUE, princ_coords = 1)
    } else if (is.empty(caobj@prin_coords_rows) || is.empty(caobj@std_coords_cols)){
      caobj <- ca_coords(caobj = caobj, dims = dims, princ_only = FALSE, princ_coords = 1)

  if (is.empty(caobj@apl_rows) || is.empty(caobj@apl_cols)){
    caobj <- apl_coords(caobj = caobj, group = group)

  if (is.null(mark_rows)){
    if (score == TRUE){
      caobj <- apl_score(caobj = caobj,
                         mat = obj,
                         dims = caobj@dims,
                         group = caobj@group,
                         reps= reps,
                         python = python)

      mark_rows <- head(caobj@APL_score$Row_num, nrow)

      if (is(mark_cols, "character")){
        mark_cols <- match(mark_cols, rownames(caobj@apl_cols))
        mark_cols <- na.omit(mark_cols)
        if (anyNA(mark_cols)){
          warning("Not all names in 'mark_cols' are contained in the row names. Maybe they were filtered out?\n Non-matching values were ignored.")
  } else{
    if (is(mark_rows, "character")){
      mark_rows <- match(mark_rows, rownames(caobj@apl_rows))
      mark_rows <- na.omit(mark_rows)
      if (anyNA(mark_rows)){
        warning("Not all names in 'mark_rows' are contained in the row names. Maybe they were filtered out?\n Non-matching values were ignored.")

    if (is(mark_cols, "character")){
      mark_cols <- match(mark_cols, rownames(caobj@apl_cols))
      mark_cols <- na.omit(mark_cols)
      if (anyNA(mark_cols)){
        warning("Not all names in 'mark_cols' are contained in the row names. Maybe they were filtered out?\n Non-matching values were ignored.")

  if(isTRUE(col_labs) & is.empty(mark_cols)){
    mark_cols <- caobj@group

  p <- apl(caobj = caobj,
           type = type,
           rows_idx = mark_rows,
           cols_idx = mark_cols,
           row_labs = row_labs,
           col_labs = col_labs,
           show_score = score,
           show_cols = show_cols,
           show_rows = show_rows,
           score_cutoff = score_cutoff,
           score_color = score_color)


#' @description
#' runAPL.SingleCellExperiment: Computes singular value decomposition and coordinates for the Association Plot from SingleCellExperiment objects with reducedDim(obj, "CA") slot (optional).
#' @param assay Character. The assay from which extract the count matrix for SVD, e.g. "RNA" for Seurat objects or "counts"/"logcounts" for SingleCellExperiments.
#' @rdname runAPL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ########################
#' # SingleCellExperiment #
#' ########################
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#'                x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts=cnts))
#' # (nonsensical) APL
#' runAPL(obj = sce,
#'        group = 1:10,
#'        dims = 10,
#'        top = 500,
#'        score = TRUE,
#'        show_cols = TRUE,
#'        type = "ggplot",
#'        assay = "counts")
setMethod(f = "runAPL",
                   caobj = NULL,
                   dims = NULL,
                   nrow = 10,
                   top = 5000,
                   score = TRUE,
                   mark_rows = NULL,
                   mark_cols = NULL,
                   reps = 3,
                   python = FALSE,
                   row_labs = TRUE,
                   col_labs = TRUE,
                   type = "plotly",
                   show_cols = TRUE,
                   show_rows = TRUE,
                   score_cutoff = 0,
                   score_color = "rainbow",
                   assay = "counts"){

  stopifnot("obj doesn't belong to class 'SingleCellExperiment'" = is(obj, "SingleCellExperiment"))

  mat <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(obj, assay)

  if ("CA" %in% SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(obj)){
    caobj <- as.cacomp(obj, assay = assay)

  runAPL(obj = mat,
        caobj = caobj,
        dims = dims,
        group = group,
        mark_rows = mark_rows,
        mark_cols = mark_cols,
        nrow = nrow,
        top = top,
        score = score,
        reps = reps,
        python = python,
        row_labs = row_labs,
        col_labs = col_labs,
        type = type,
        show_cols = show_cols,
        show_rows = show_rows,
        score_cutoff = score_cutoff,
        score_color = score_color)


#' @description
#' runAPL.Seurat: Computes singular value decomposition and coordinates for the Association Plot from Seurat objects, optionally with a DimReduc Object in the "CA" slot.
#' @param assay Character. The assay from which extract the count matrix for SVD, e.g. "RNA" for Seurat objects or "counts"/"logcounts" for SingleCellExperiments.
#' @param slot character. The Seurat assay slot from which to extract the count matrix.
#' @rdname runAPL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###########
#' # Seurat  #
#' ###########
#' library(Seurat)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' # Simulate counts
#' cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
#'                x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
#' colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))
#' seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = cnts)
#' # (nonsensical) APL
#' runAPL(obj = seu,
#'        group = 1:10,
#'        dims = 10,
#'        top = 500,
#'        score = TRUE,
#'        show_cols = TRUE,
#'        type = "ggplot",
#'        assay = "RNA",
#'        slot = "counts")
setMethod(f = "runAPL",
                   caobj = NULL,
                   dims = NULL,
                   nrow = 10,
                   top = 5000,
                   score = TRUE,
                   mark_rows = NULL,
                   mark_cols = NULL,
                   reps = 3,
                   python = FALSE,
                   row_labs = TRUE,
                   col_labs = TRUE,
                   type = "plotly",
                   show_cols = TRUE,
                   show_rows = TRUE,
                   score_cutoff = 0,
                   score_color = "rainbow",
                   assay = Seurat::DefaultAssay(obj),
                   slot = "counts"){

  stopifnot("obj doesn't belong to class 'Seurat'" = is(obj, "Seurat"))

  seu <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object = obj, assay = assay, slot = slot)
  seu <- as.matrix(seu)

  if ("CA" %in% Seurat::Reductions(obj)){
    caobj <- as.cacomp(obj, assay = assay)
  } else {
    caobj <- NULL

  runAPL(obj = seu,
        caobj = caobj,
        top = top,
        dims= dims,
        group = group,
        score = score,
        reps = reps,
        python = python,
        mark_rows = mark_rows,
        mark_cols = mark_cols,
        nrow = nrow,
        row_labs = row_labs,
        col_labs = col_labs,
        type = type,
        show_cols = show_cols,
        show_rows = show_rows,
        score_cutoff = score_cutoff,
        score_color = score_color)
elagralinska/APLpackage documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 4:15 a.m.