
#' Allow for multiple, superimposed QTL plotting in mice.
#' Borrowed gratefully from Kevin Ushey and modified slightly.
#' Arguments:
#' @export

manhattan_plot = function (pval, bp, chr, groups = NULL, cutoff = NULL, xlab = "Chromosome (base-pair position)",
          ylab = expression(paste(-log[10](italic(p)))), transform = TRUE,
          cex = 0.5, ...)
        lu <- function(...) length(unique(...))
        if (is.character(chr)) {
                chr <- as.integer(swap(chr, c("x", "X", "y", "Y", "M"),
                                       c(23, 23, 24, 24, 25)))
        dat <- data.frame(P = pval, BP = bp, CHR = chr)
        if (!is.null(groups)) {
                dat$GROUP <- factor_(groups)
        if (any(!complete.cases(dat))) {
                warning("There are NAs in your data; these points are removed for the plot")
                dat <- dat[complete.cases(dat), ]
        dat <- dat[order(dat$CHR), ]
        reptimes <- counts(dat$CHR)
        maxes <- with(dat, tapply(BP, CHR, max))
        maxes.cumsum <- cumsum(as.numeric(maxes))
        tmp <- c(0, maxes.cumsum)
        diffs <- rep(0, length(maxes.cumsum))
        for (i in 1:(length(tmp) - 1)) {
                diffs[i] <- (tmp[i + 1] - tmp[i])/2 + tmp[i]
        nCHR <- lu(dat$CHR)
        adj <- rep(c(0, maxes.cumsum[-nCHR]), times = reptimes)
        dat$relBP <- dat$BP + adj
        ##### GAMMA        == BLUE   (#1F78B4 (.122, .471, .706),  #419fde (.255, .624, .871)) #####
        ##### HZE          == RED    (#DB2B3D (.859, .169, .239),  #e66c79 (.902, .424, .475)) #####
        ##### ALL.IRR      == PURPLE (#663399 (.4, .2, .6),        #8c53c6 (.549, .325, .776)) #####
        ##### UNIRRADIATED == GREEN  (#33A02C (.2, .627, .173),    #53ce4b (.325, .808 ,.294)) #####
        cols <- c("#000000", "#8c53c6", "#000000", "#419fde", "#000000",
                  "#000000", "#000000", "#e66c79", "#000000", "#53ce4b")
        cols <- cols[c(1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12)]
        if (is.null(groups)) {
                cols <- c("grey50", "grey15")
        else {
                #EFE - changed cols[seq(1, length.out... 1 -> 2
                cols <- c(cols[seq(2, length.out = lu(dat$GROUP), by = 2)],
                          cols[seq(2, length.out = lu(dat$GROUP), by = 2)])
        dat$COL_GROUP <- paste(dat$CHR%%2 == 0, dat$GROUP, sep = "_")
        dat$COL <- swap(dat$COL_GROUP, unique(dat$COL_GROUP), cols)
        axis_tick_labels <- 1:nCHR
        axis_tick_labels[axis_tick_labels > 12 & axis_tick_labels%%2 ==
                                 1] <- ""
        if (is.null(groups)) {
                myKey <- NULL
        else {
                myKey <- list(text = list(as.character(unique(dat$GROUP))),
                              points = list(col = cols[1:lu(dat$GROUP)], pch = 40),
                              points = list(col = cols[(lu(dat$GROUP) + 1):(2 *
                                                                                    lu(dat$GROUP))], pch = 40))
        if (transform) {
                dat$P <- -log10(dat$P)
        print(with(dat, xyplot(P ~ relBP, pch = 20, col = COL, cex = cex,
                               scales = list(x = list(relation = "same", tck = c(1,0),
                                                      at = diffs, labels = axis_tick_labels)),
                               panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                                                                                         panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
                                                                                         panel.abline(h = cutoff, col = c("black", "grey50"),
                                                                                                      lty = 1)
                                                                                         #for (i in maxes.cumsum) {
                                                                                         #        panel.segments(i, 0, i, 1000, col = "grey85",
                                                                                         #                       lty = "dashed")
                                                                                 }, key = myKey, xlim = c(0, max(dat$relBP)), ylim = c(0, max(dat$P) * 1.1), origin = 0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
elijahedmondson/HZE documentation built on May 16, 2019, 3 a.m.