
Defines functions readCOR readRAD readRD37 .gprRD3

#--------------- read MALA files -------------------#

.gprRD3 <- function(x, fName = character(0), desc = character(0),
                    fPath = character(0), nbits = NULL, Vmax = NULL){  
  #====== HEADER DATA (FILE *.HD) ======#
  if(is.null(Vmax)) Vmax <- 50
  if(is.null(nbits)) Vmax <- 16
  pos_used <- integer(nrow(x$hd))
  # OK
  ttw  <- .getHD(x$hd,"TIMEWINDOW", position = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(ttw) &&  ttw[1] > 0){
    dz <- ttw[1] / nrow(x$data)
    pos_used[ttw[2]] <- 1L
    warning("time/depth resolution unknown! I take dz = 0.4 ns!\n")
    dz <- 0.4
    ttw  <- nrow(x$data) * dz
  sup_hd <- list()
  # OK
  startpos <- .getHD(x$hd, "START POSITION", position=TRUE)
    pos_used[startpos[2]] <- 1L
    startpos <- as.numeric(startpos[1])
    sup_hd[["startpos"]] <- startpos
    startpos <- 0
  # OK
  endpos <- .getHD(x$hd, "STOP POSITION", position=TRUE)
    pos_used[endpos[2]] <- 1L
    endpos <- as.numeric(endpos[1])
    sup_hd[["endpos"]]  <- endpos
    endpos <- dx[1]*ncol(x$data)
  # OK
  dx <- .getHD(x$hd, "DISTANCE INTERVAL", position=TRUE)
    if(dx[1] == 0){
      dx <- (endpos[1] - startpos[1])/ncol(x$data)
    pos_used[dx[2]] <- 1L
    dx <- 1
  # OK
  # s <- "GX450 HDR (v.1)=3" 
  X <- .getHD(x$hd, "ANTENNAS", position = TRUE, number = FALSE)
  # X2 <- strsplit(X[1], " ")
  # gsubwrap <- function(x, ...){
  #   grep('[0-9]{2,3}', x, value = TRUE)
  # }
  # antfreq <- as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]', '', sapply(X2, gsubwrap)))
  antfreq <- freqFromString(X[1])
  # freq <- as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]', '', freqS[1]))
  if(!is.null(antfreq) && !is.na(antfreq)){
    pos_used[X[2]] <- 1L
    antfreq <- 0
    message("Antenna frequency set to 0 MHz. Set it with 'antfreq(x) <- ... '")
  # OK
  antsep <- .getHD(x$hd, "ANTENNA SEPARATION", position=TRUE)
    pos_used[antsep[2]] <- 1L
    # antsep <- antSepFromAntFreq(antfreq)
    antsep <- 0
    message("Antenna separation set to 0 ", "m", 
            ". Set it with 'antsep(x) <- ... '")
  x$hd2 <- x$hd[!pos_used,]
    key <-  trimStr(x$hd2[,1])
    test <- key!=""
    key <- key[test]
    key2 <- gsub("[[:punct:]]",replacement="",key)
    key2 <- gsub(" ",replacement="_",key2)
    nameL <- trimStr(x$hd2[test,2])
    names(nameL) <- as.character(key2)
    sup_hd2 <- as.list(nameL)
    sup_hd <- c(sup_hd, sup_hd2)
      version     = "0.2",
      data        = bits2volt(Vmax = Vmax, nbits = nbits)*x$data,
      traces      = 1:ncol(x$data),
      fid         = rep("", ncol(x$data)),
      #coord = coord,
      coord       = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
      pos         = seq(0, by = dx[1], length.out = ncol(x$data)),
      depth       = seq(0, by = dz, length.out = nrow(x$data)),
      rec         = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
      trans       = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
      time0       = rep(0, ncol(x$data)),
      time        = numeric(0),
      proc        = character(0),
      vel         = list(v = 0.1),
      name        = fName,
      description = desc,
      filepath    = fPath,
      dz          = dz, 
      dx          = dx[1],
      depthunit   = "ns",
      posunit     = "m",
      freq        = antfreq[1], 
      antsep      = antsep[1], 
      surveymode  = "reflection",
      date        = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"),
      crs         = character(0),
      hd         = sup_hd

readRD37 <- function(dsn, ntr, npt, nbytes = 2, endian = .Platform$endian){
  dsn <- .openFileIfNot(dsn)
  # if(!inherits(dsn, "connection")){
  #   dsn <- file(dsn, 'rb')
  # }
  fileLength <- .flen(dsn)/nbytes
  if(ntr * npt != fileLength){
    tst_ntr <- fileLength %% ntr
    tst_npt <- fileLength %% npt
    if(tst_npt == 0L){
      ntr <- fileLength / npt
    }else if(tst_ntr == 0L){
      npt <- fileLength / ntr
    }else if(ntr * npt > fileLength){
      ii <- fileLength %% npt
      ntrnew <- (fileLength - ii)/npt
      warning("The number of traces and samples per traces does not correspond\n",
              "to the total number of samples in the file.\n",
              "I changed for you the number of traces: ",
              ntrnew, " instead of ", ntr, ".")
      ntr <- ntrnew
      warning("The number of traces and samples per traces does not correspond\n",
              "to the total number of samples in the file.")
  dataRD7 <- matrix(NA, nrow = npt, ncol = ntr)
  for(i in seq_len(ntr)){
    dataRD7[, i] <- readBin(dsn, what = integer(), n = npt, size = nbytes, endian = endian)

readRAD <- function(dsn){
  ##---- RAD file
  dsn <- .openFileIfNot(dsn)  # in case there is some binary stuff
  headRAD <- scan(dsn, what = character(), strip.white = TRUE,
                  quiet = TRUE, fill = TRUE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, 
                  flush = TRUE, sep = "\n", skipNul = TRUE)
  nRAD <- length(headRAD)
  hRAD <- data.frame( tag = character(), val = character(), 
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  for(i in seq_along(headRAD)){
    hdline <- strsplit(headRAD[i], ":")[[1]]
    hRAD[i,1:2] <-  as.character(sapply(hdline[1:2],trimStr))
  ntr <- .getHD(hRAD, "LAST TRACE")
  npt <- .getHD(hRAD, "SAMPLES")
  return(list(HD = hRAD, ntr = ntr, npt = npt))

#' @export
readCOR <- function(dsn, toUTM = FALSE){
  if(!inherits(dsn, "connection")){
    dsn <- file(dsn, 'rb')
  # hCOR <- read.table(dsn, sep = "\t", dec = ".", header = FALSE,
  #                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # colnames(hCOR) <- c("traces", "date", "time", "latitude", "longitude",
  #                 "height", "accuracy")
  content <- verboseF(readLines(dsn), verbose = FALSE)
  if(length(content) == 0){
  # hCOR <- read.table(textConnection(gsub(",", ";", content)), 
  #                    dec = ".", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  #                    sep = ";")
  hCOR <- read.table(textConnection(gsub(",", "\t", content)),
                     #colClasses = "character",
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                     sep = "")
  if(ncol(hCOR) == 9){
    unts <- gsub("[0-9.]", "", hCOR[,8])[1]
    hCOR[,8] <- as.numeric(gsub(unts, "", hCOR[,8]))
    colnames(hCOR) <- c("id", "date", "time", "y", 
                        "lat", "x",
                        "long", "z", "accuracy")
    colnames(hCOR) <- c("id", "date", "time", "y", 
                       "lat", "x",
                       "long", "z", "unit", "accuracy")
  if(grepl(":", hCOR["x"])){  # longitude
    z <- sapply((strsplit(hCOR[["x"]], ":")), as.numeric)
    hCOR[["x"]] <- z[1, ] + z[2, ]/60 + z[3, ]/3600
  if(grepl(":", hCOR["y"])){   # latitude
    z <- sapply((strsplit(hCOR[["y"]], ":")), as.numeric)
    hCOR[["y"]] <- z[1, ] + z[2, ]/60 + z[3, ]/3600
  hCOR_crs <- "EPSG:4326"
  if(toUTM == TRUE){
    topoUTM <-  llToUTM(lat = hCOR[["y"]], 
                        lon = hCOR[["x"]], 
                        zone = NULL, 
                        south = any(grepl("S", hCOR[["lat"]])),
                        west  = any(grepl("W", hCOR[["long"]])))
    hCOR[["x"]] <- topoUTM$xy[,1]
    hCOR[["y"]] <- topoUTM$xy[,2]
    hCOR_crs <- topoUTM$crs
  } # else{
  #   if(any(grepl("S", hCOR[["lat"]]))) hCOR[["y"]] <- -hCOR[["y"]]
  #   if(any(grepl("W", hCOR[["long"]]))) hCOR[["x"]] <- -hCOR[["x"]]
  # }
  return(list(mrk = hCOR[c("x", "y", "z", "id", "date", "time")], crs = hCOR_crs))
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 9:31 p.m.