bvsmod <- function (X, resp, prep = TRUE, logT = FALSE, fixed_cols = NULL,
eff_size = 0.5, family = c("logistic", "survival"), hselect = TRUE,
nlptype = "piMOM", r = 1, tau = 0.25, niter = 30, mod_prior = c("unif",
"beta"), inseed = NULL, cplng = FALSE, ncpu = 4, parallel.MPI = FALSE)
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
if (!class(X) == "data.frame")
stop("input X should be a data frame!")
ol <- BVSNLP:::matprep(X, fixed_cols, prep, logT)
X <- ol$fulmat
gnames <- ol$gnames
nf <- ol$nf
if (family == "logistic") {
y <- as.numeric(resp)
dx <- dim(X)
n <- dx[1]
p <- dx[2]
X <- cbind(rep(1, n), X)
gnames <- c("Intercept", gnames)
cons <- 0
prp <- p/n
ar <- 2^n
if (prp > 4 && ar < Inf) {
ac <- 0
cons <- 0
while (ar > ac) {
cons <- cons + 1
ac <- choose(p, cons)
else {
cons <- ceiling(log(p))
cons <- min(cons, ceiling(log(p)))
if (mod_prior == "beta") {
a <- cons
b <- p - a
if (mod_prior == "unif") {
a <- 1
b <- 1
if (hselect) {
hyper <- BVSNLP:::HyperSelect(X, y, eff_size, nlptype, 20000,
mod_prior, family)
tau <- hyper$tau
r <- 1
initProb <- cons/p
exmat <- cbind(y, X)
if (nlptype == "piMOM")
nlptype_int <- 0
if (nlptype == "pMOM")
nlptype_int <- 1
if (!cplng) {
schain <- p
while (schain > cons || schain == 0) {
chain1 <- rbinom(p - nf, 1, initProb)
schain <- sum(chain1)
chain1 <- as.numeric(c(rep(1, nf + 1), chain1))
chain2 <- chain1
Lregout <- BVSNLP:::logreg_bvs(exmat, chain1, nf, tau, r,
nlptype_int, a, b, cons, niter, cplng, chain2)
Hash_Key <- Lregout$hash_key
all_probs <- Lregout$hash_prob
VisCovs <- Lregout$vis_covs
inds <- which(all_probs != 0)
Hash_Key <- Hash_Key[inds]
all_probs <- all_probs[inds]
VisCovs <- VisCovs[inds]
nvm <- length(unique(Hash_Key))
uinds <- which(!duplicated(Hash_Key))
all_probs <- all_probs[uinds]
list_vis_covs <- VisCovs[uinds]
outnum <- min(nvm, 1000)
sout <- sort(all_probs, decreasing = T, index.return = T)
MaxMargs <- sout$x[1:outnum]
minds <- sout$ix[1:outnum]
max_marg <- MaxMargs[1]
indmax <- minds[1]
sel_model <- list_vis_covs[[indmax]]
gnames2 <- gnames[sel_model + 1]
beta_hat <- Lregout$beta_hat
names(beta_hat) <- gnames2
gnames <- gnames[-1]
sel_model <- sel_model[-1]
MaxModels <- list(NULL)
for (i in 1:outnum) {
MaxModels[[i]] <- list_vis_covs[[minds[i]]][-1]
inc_probs <- inc_prob_calc(all_probs, list_vis_covs,
p + 1)
inc_probs <- inc_probs[-1]
median_model <- which(inc_probs >= 0.5)
return(list(max_prob = max_marg, HPM = sel_model,
beta_hat = beta_hat, MPM = median_model, inc_probs = inc_probs,
max_prob_vec = MaxMargs, max_models = MaxModels,
num_vis_models = nvm, nlptype = nlptype, des_mat = X,
gene_names = gnames, r = r, tau = tau))
else {
comb <- function(x, ...) {
lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) c(x[[i]], lapply(list(...),
function(y) y[[i]])))
if (parallel.MPI) {
if (!requireNamespace("doMPI", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package doMPI needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
else {
cl <- doMPI::startMPIcluster(count = ncpu)
parout <- foreach::foreach(j = 1:ncpu, .combine = "comb",
.multicombine = TRUE, .init = list(list(),
list(), list(), list()), .packages = "BVSNLP",
.options.mpi = list(seed = inseed)) %dopar%
schain <- p
while (schain > cons || schain == 0) {
chain1 <- rbinom(p - nf, 1, initProb)
schain <- sum(chain1)
chain1 <- as.numeric(c(rep(1, nf + 1),
schain <- p
while (schain > cons || schain == 0) {
chain2 <- rbinom(p - nf, 1, initProb)
schain <- sum(chain2)
chain2 <- as.numeric(c(rep(1, nf + 1),
Lregout <- BVSNLP:::logreg_bvs(exmat, chain1, nf,
tau, r, nlptype_int, a, b, cons, niter,
cplng, chain2)
maxChain <- as.logical(Lregout$max_chain)
maxMarg <- Lregout$max_prob
cflag <- Lregout$cplng_flag
bhat <- numeric(p + 1)
bhat[maxChain] <- Lregout$beta_hat
list(maxChain, maxMarg, cflag, bhat)
else {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpu)
opts <- list(preschedule = TRUE)
if (!is.null(inseed)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, inseed)
ParOut <- foreach::foreach(j = 1:ncpu, .combine = "comb",
.multicombine = TRUE, .init = list(list(),
list(), list(), list()), .packages = "BVSNLP",
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
schain <- p
while (schain > cons || schain == 0) {
chain1 <- rbinom(p - nf, 1, initProb)
schain <- sum(chain1)
chain1 <- as.numeric(c(rep(1, nf + 1), chain1))
schain <- p
while (schain > cons || schain == 0) {
chain2 <- rbinom(p - nf, 1, initProb)
schain <- sum(chain2)
chain2 <- as.numeric(c(rep(1, nf + 1), chain2))
Lregout <- BVSNLP:::logreg_bvs(exmat, chain1, nf, tau,
r, nlptype_int, a, b, cons, niter, cplng,
maxChain <- as.logical(Lregout$max_chain)
maxMarg <- Lregout$max_prob
cflag <- Lregout$cplng_flag
bhat <- numeric(p + 1)
bhat[maxChain] <- Lregout$beta_hat
list(maxChain, maxMarg, cflag, bhat)
MaxChain <- matrix(unlist(ParOut[[1]]), ncol = (p +
1), byrow = T)
MaxMarg <- unlist(ParOut[[2]])
cpl_flag <- unlist(ParOut[[3]])
bhat <- matrix(unlist(ParOut[[4]]), ncol = (p + 1),
byrow = T)
cpl_percent <- sum(cpl_flag)/ncpu
Final_Marg <- MaxMarg
Final_Chains <- MaxChain
D <-, Final_Marg))
Counts <- rep(1, length(Final_Marg))
A <- aggregate(Counts, by = as.list(D), FUN = sum)
Freq <- A[, p + 3]
Probs <- A[, p + 2]
UniqModels <- apply(A[, 1:(p + 1)], 1, function(x) which(x >
return(list(cpl_percent = cpl_percent, margin_probs = Final_Marg,
chains = Final_Chains, cpl_flags = cpl_flag,
beta_hat = bhat, freq = Freq, probs = Probs,
uniq_models = UniqModels, nlptype = nlptype,
gene_names = gnames, r = r, tau = tau))
if (family == "survival") {
TS <- resp
time <- TS[, 1]
status <- TS[, 2]
sfidx <- nf + 1
dx <- dim(X)
n <- dx[1]
p <- dx[2]
exmat <- cbind(time, status, X)
if (nlptype == "piMOM")
nlptype_int <- 0
if (nlptype == "pMOM")
nlptype_int <- 1
cons <- 1 + nf
if (mod_prior == "beta") {
a <- cons
b <- p - a
if (mod_prior == "unif") {
a <- 1
b <- 1
if (hselect) {
hyper <- BVSNLP:::HyperSelect(X, TS, eff_size, nlptype, 5000,
mod_prior, family)
tau <- hyper$tau
r <- 1
ntimes <- 10
d <- 2 * ceiling(log(p))
temps <- seq(3, 1, length.out = ntimes)
L <- ntimes
J <- niter
comb <- function(x, ...) {
lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) c(x[[i]], lapply(list(...),
function(y) y[[i]])))
if (parallel.MPI) {
if (!requireNamespace("doMPI", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package doMPI needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
else {
cl <- doMPI::startMPIcluster(count = ncpu)
parout <- foreach(j = 1:ncpu, .combine = "comb",
.multicombine = TRUE, .init = list(list(),
list(), list(), list(), list(), list()),
.packages = "BVSNLP", .options.mpi = list(seed = inseed)) %dopar%
cur_model <- sample(sfidx:p, floor(p/100))
if (nf > 0)
cur_model <- c(1:nf, cur_model)
coxout <- BVSNLP:::cox_bvs(exmat, cur_model, nf, tau,
r, nlptype_int, a, b, d, L, J, temps)
maxmod <- coxout$max_model
maxprob <- coxout$max_prob
hashkey <- coxout$hash_key
allprobs <- coxout$all_probs
viscovs <- coxout$vis_covs_list
list(maxmod, maxprob, hashkey, allprobs,
cur_model, viscovs)
else {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpu)
opts <- list(preschedule = TRUE)
if (!is.null(inseed)) {
parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, inseed)
parout <- foreach::foreach(j = 1:ncpu, .combine = "comb",
.multicombine = TRUE, .init = list(list(), list(),
list(), list(), list(), list()), .packages = "BVSNLP",
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
cur_model <- sample(sfidx:p, floor(p/100))
if (nf > 0)
cur_model <- c(1:nf, cur_model)
coxout <- BVSNLP:::cox_bvs(exmat, cur_model, nf, tau,
r, nlptype_int, a, b, d, L, J, temps)
maxmod <- coxout$max_model
maxprob <- coxout$max_prob
hashkey <- coxout$hash_key
allprobs <- coxout$all_probs
viscovs <- coxout$vis_covs_list
list(maxmod, maxprob, hashkey, allprobs, cur_model,
Hash_Key <- unlist(parout[[3]])
All_Probs <- unlist(parout[[4]])
CurModel <- matrix(unlist(parout[[5]]), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
VisCovs <- NULL
for (i in 1:ncpu) {
VisCovs <- c(VisCovs, parout[[6]][[i]])
num_vis_models <- length(unique(Hash_Key))
uinds <- which(!duplicated(Hash_Key))
all_probs <- All_Probs[uinds]
list_vis_covs <- VisCovs[uinds]
outnum <- min(num_vis_models, 1000)
sout <- sort(all_probs, decreasing = T, index.return = T)
MaxMargs <- sout$x[1:outnum]
minds <- sout$ix[1:outnum]
max_marg <- MaxMargs[1]
indmax <- minds[1]
sel_model <- list_vis_covs[[indmax]] + 1
MaxModels <- list(NULL)
for (i in 1:outnum) {
MaxModels[[i]] <- list_vis_covs[[minds[i]]] + 1
inc_probs <- BVSNLP:::inc_prob_calc(all_probs, list_vis_covs,
median_model <- which(inc_probs >= 0.5)
beta_hat <- BVSNLP:::CoefEst(X, TS, sel_model, nlptype, tau, r,
return(list(num_vis_models = num_vis_models, max_prob = max_marg,
HPM = sel_model, MPM = median_model, beta_hat = beta_hat,
max_prob_vec = MaxMargs, max_models = MaxModels,
inc_probs = inc_probs, nlptype = nlptype, des_mat = X,
start_models = CurModel, r = r, tau = tau, gene_names = gnames,
all_probs = all_probs, vis_mod = list_vis_covs,
Hash_Key = Hash_Key[uinds]))
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