cube.root <- function(x) x^(1/3)
cube.root_trans <- function(){
scales::trans_new("cube.root", function(x) x^(1/3), function(x)x^3,
domain = c(0, Inf))
combine_plot_temp <- function(family, which.plt = c("mse","w2", "deriv","w1r2","w2r2","w2r2deriv"),
height = 5, width = 7, breaks = NULL, trans = NULL, rm.layer = NULL,
limits = list(NULL),
# rel.heights = NULL,
# mean = c("mse","w2", "deriv","w1r2","w2r2"),
posterior = NULL,
sep.posterior = FALSE,
labels = NULL, pal = NULL) {
remove_geom <- function(ggplot2_object, geom_type) {
# Delete layers that match the requested type.
layers <- lapply(ggplot2_object$layers, function(x) {
if (class(x$geom)[1] == geom_type) {
} else {
# Delete the unwanted layers.
layers <- layers[!sapply(layers, is.null)]
ggplot2_object$layers <- layers
penalty <- ""
pf <- "none"
method <- "exact"
# corr <- c("Corr_0", "Corr_0.5", "Corr_0.9")
neighb <- c("single")
which.plt <- match.arg(which.plt, several.ok = TRUE)
if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- list(NULL)
if(is.null(trans)) trans <- list(NULL)
# plts <- lapply(neighb, function(nn) vector("list",2))
# names(plts) <- neighb
plts <- list()
for(cur_neighb in neighb) {
# tempplts <-vector("list", length(corr))
# names(tempplts) <- corr
# for(cur_corr in corr){
plt1 <- plt2 <- NULL
if(any(which.plt %in% c("mse","w2", "deriv"))) {
fn1 <- file.path("inst", "figure","rawplots", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb,family,penalty , pf ,method, "w2plot"), collapse="_"), ".rds"))
plt1 <- readRDS(fn1)
if (any(which.plt %in% c("w1r2","w2r2", "w2r2deriv"))) {
fn2 <- file.path("inst", "figure","rawplots", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb, family,penalty , pf ,method, "wpr2plot"), collapse="_"), ".rds"))
plt2 <- readRDS(fn2)
plts <- c(plt1,
plt2 )
plts <- plts[which.plt]
if(!is.null(posterior)) {
stopifnot(posterior %in% which.plt)
runPosterior <- TRUE
} else {
runPosterior <- FALSE
# }
# plts[[cur_neighb]] <-"rbind", )
outfile <- file.path("inst", "figure","simulation", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb, family, penalty, pf, method, which.plt), collapse="_"), ".pdf"))
# if(!is.null(posterior)) outfile <- file.path("inst", "figure","simulation", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb, family, penalty, pf, method, which.plt, "posterior"), collapse="_"), ".pdf"))
if(sep.posterior) {
outfile.mean <- file.path("inst", "figure","simulation", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb, family, penalty, pf, method, which.plt), collapse="_"), "_mean.pdf")) <- file.path("inst", "figure","simulation", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb, family, penalty, pf, method, which.plt), collapse="_"), "_post.pdf"))
print.p.list <- vector("list", length(plts))
names(print.p.list) <- names(plts)
# browser()
for(i in names(plts)) {
pp <- list()
if(i %in% posterior) {
idx <- c("mean","posterior")
} else {
idx <- "mean"
if(i == "deriv") idx <- idx[2:1]
for (j in idx) {
express <- if( j == "posterior" &
runPosterior & !is.null(plts[[i]][[j]]) &
i != "deriv") {
ylab(expression(W[2](beta, theta)))
} else if (i == "deriv" & j != "posterior" & !is.null(plts[[i]][[j]])) {
ylab(expression(W[2](nabla[x]~mu, nabla[x]~nu)))
} else {
ylab(expression(W[2](mu, nu)))
pp[[j]] <- if( (i == "deriv" & j == "mean") | i == "w2") {
plts[[i]][[j]] + express
# } else if (i != "w2r2" & i != "w1r2") {
# plts[[i]][[j]]
# } else if (i %in% posterior) {
} else {
if(!is.null(trans[[i]][[j]]) & !isFALSE(trans[[i]][[j]])) {
if(isTRUE(trans[[i]][[j]])) trans[[i]][[j]] <- "sqrt"
if(is.null(breaks[[i]][[j]])) breaks[[i]][[j]] <- waiver()
pp[[j]] <- pp[[j]] + scale_y_continuous(trans = trans[[i]][[j]],
expand = c(0.01,0.05),
breaks = breaks[[i]][[j]],
limits = limits[[i]][[j]]) +
expand_limits(y = 0)
if(!is.null(rm.layer)) pp[[j]] <- remove_geoms(pp[[j]], rm.layer, FALSE)
if(!is.null(labels) & !is.null(pal)) {
pp[[j]] <- pp[[j]] +
scale_color_manual(name = "Method:",
breaks = levels(pp[[j]]$data$groups), #c("L1", "L2", "LInf"),
labels = labels,
values = pal) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "Method:",
breaks = levels(pp[[j]]$data$groups), #c("L1", "L2", "LInf"),
labels = labels,
values = pal) +
scale_size_manual(name = "Method:",
breaks = levels(pp[[i]][[j]]$data$groups), #c("L1", "L2", "LInf"),
labels = labels,
values = pal)
print.p.list[[i]] <- pp
# browser()
print.p <- list()
print.p$mean <- unlist(print.p.list, recursive = FALSE)
if(sep.posterior) {
temp <- unlist(print.p.list[names(plts) %in% posterior], recursive = FALSE)
print.p$post <- temp[grepl("posterior", names(temp))]
print.p$mean <- print.p$mean[!grepl("posterior", names(print.p$mean))]
plot.legend <- get_legend(print.p$mean[[1]] + ggplot2::theme(legend.position="bottom"))
for(j in names(print.p)) {
for(i in seq_along(print.p[[j]])) {
if(i == 1 & j == "mean") {
rho0 <- data.frame(groups = "L1",
nactive = 0.5,
hi = 0.0,
low = 0.5,
dist = 0.05,
# .group = 1,
lab = "'Correlation:'~rho~'='~0.0"
rho05 <- data.frame(groups = "L1",
nactive = 0.5,
hi = 0.0,
low = 0.5,
dist = 0.05,
# .group = 2,
lab = "rho~'='~0.5"
rho09 <- data.frame(groups = "L1",
nactive = 0.5,
hi = 0.0,
low = 0.5,
dist = 0.05,
# .group = 3,
lab = "rho~'='~0.9"
print.p[[j]][[i]] <- print.p[[j]][[i]] + geom_text(data = rho0,
aes(label = lab), parse = TRUE,
color = "black",
hjust=0) +
geom_text(data = rho05,
aes(label = lab), parse = TRUE,
color = "black",
hjust=0) +
geom_text(data = rho09,
aes(label = lab), parse = TRUE,
color = "black",
# print.p[[i]] <-
# print.p[[i]] + geom_text(aes(label="rho~'='~0.0", x=5, y=0.05), parse = TRUE)
print.p[[j]][[i]] <- print.p[[j]][[i]] + xlab("") + theme(panel.spacing.x = unit(4, "mm")) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none") +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0.5))
if(i != length(print.p[[j]])) {
print.p[[j]][[i]] <- print.p[[j]][[i]] +
# plot.length <- length(print.p)
# if(is.null(rel.heights)) rel.heights <- rep(3, plot.length)
if(sep.posterior) {
pred <- arrangeGrob("rbind", lapply(print.p$mean, ggplotGrob)),
bottom = grid::textGrob("Number of active coefficients",
vjust = -1.8, hjust=0.4))
post <- arrangeGrob("rbind", lapply(print.p$post, ggplotGrob)),
bottom = grid::textGrob("Number of active coefficients",
vjust = -1.8, hjust=0.4))
pdf(outfile.mean, width = width, height = height)
plot.legend, nrow = 2, heights = c(10,.5)))
pdf(, width = width, height = height)
plot.legend, nrow = 2, heights = c(10,.5)))
} else {
sim.plots <- arrangeGrob("rbind", lapply(print.p$mean, ggplotGrob)),
bottom = grid::textGrob("Number of active coefficients",
vjust = -1.8, hjust=0.4))
pdf(outfile, width = width, height = height)
plot.legend, nrow = 2, heights = c(10,.5)))
# sim.plots <- arrangeGrob(grobs = print.p,
# nrow = plot.length, ncol = 1,
# heights = rel.heights,
# bottom = grid::textGrob("Number of active coefficients",
# vjust = -2, hjust=0.4))
# file.path("inst", "figure","simulations", paste0(paste0(c(cur_neighb,family,penalty , pf ,method, cur_corr, "w2plot"), collapse="_"), ".rds"))
# debugonce(combine_plot_temp)
combine_plot_temp("binomial", which.plt = c("deriv","w2r2deriv"), height = 6, width = 7.5,
trans = list(deriv = list(mean = "sqrt", posterior = "sqrt")),
breaks = list(deriv = list(mean = c(0, 0.25, 1, 4),
posterior = c(0,0.25, 1,4))),
# rel.heights = c(3,5),
limits = list(deriv = list(mean = NULL,
posterior = c(0,4))),
labels = expression(W[1], W[2], W[infinity]),
pal = ggsci::pal_jama()(5)[3:5], posterior = c("deriv"))
combine_plot_temp("gaussian", c("mse","w2","w2r2"), height = 6, width = 7.5,
breaks = list(mse = list(mean = c(0, 1, 8, 27, 64),
posterior = c(0, 1, 4, 16, 36, 64, 100)),
w2 = list(mean = c(0, 0.25, 1),
posterior = c(0, 0.25, 1, 2))),
rm.layer = "GeomRibbon",
trans = list(mse = list(mean = "cube.root",
posterior = "sqrt"),
w2 = list(mean= "sqrt",
posterior = "sqrt")),
labels = expression("B.P.", "Relaxed B.P.", W[1], W[2],
W[infinity]), pal = ggsci::pal_jama()(5),
posterior = c("mse","w2","w2r2"),
sep.posterior = TRUE)
# combine_plot_temp("gaussian", "w2", height = 2, width = 7.5, posterior = TRUE, rm.layer = "GeomRibbon",
# breaks = list(mse = c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3),
# w2 = c(0:3)),
# labels = expression("B.P.", "Relaxed B.P.", W[1], W[2], W[infinity]), pal = ggsci::pal_jama()(5))
# combine_plot_temp("binomial", "wpr2", height = 2, width = 7.5, rm.layer = "GeomRibbon",
# labels = expression(W[1], W[2], W[infinity]), pal = ggsci::pal_jama()(5)[3:5])
# combine_plot_temp("gaussian", "wpr2", height = 2, width = 7.5, rm.layer = "GeomRibbon",
# labels = expression("B.P.", "Relaxed B.P.", W[1], W[2], W[infinity]), pal = ggsci::pal_jama()(5))
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