
Defines functions calc_infusion calc_pull calc_push derivative deriv_haldane apply_haldane

## this is our entry point from pilr on file upload
apply_haldane <- function(data, params, ...) {
  if (length(data$calrq$Time) == 0)
    stop("No data sent, check tags and period!")
  # Trim extra uploads
  #trimarr <- min(which(unparsed$calrq$Time == max(unparsed$calrq$Time)))
  #data$calrq <- unparsed$calrq[1:trimarr, ]
  #data$event_tags <- unparsed$event_tags
  # Trim extra uploads
  trimarr <- min(which(data$calrq$Time == max(data$calrq$Time)))
  data$calrq <- data$calrq[1:trimarr, ]
  message('Trimming Data')
  params$type <- "haldane"
  haldane <- apply_null_offset(data, params) %>%
    apply_slope_offset(params) %>%
  # Save processing time
  tm <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
  haldane$haldane$Processed <- strftime(tm , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
  # Add Activity column from raw calrq data
  cal_seconds <-
    median(diff(as.POSIXlt(data$calrq$Time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")))
  units(cal_seconds) <- "secs"
  cal_seconds <- as.numeric(cal_seconds)
  # Add Activity
  if (!is.null(data$calrq$Activity)) {
    haldane$haldane$Activity <- data$calrq$Activity
    haldane$haldane$Activity_Rate <-
      data$calrq$Activity / cal_seconds
  } else {
    haldane$haldane$Activity <- integer(length(haldane$haldane$Time))
  # try only saving cols we need
  keep <-
  # Save output datasets and files in list
  ret <-
    list(datasets = list(haldane = haldane$haldane[colnames(haldane$haldane) %in% keep]),
         files = list())

deriv_haldane <- function(data, params, ...) {
  haldane <- data$sloped
  # aldane$Time <- as.POSIXlt(haldane$Time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
  # stop(haldane$Time)
  haldane <- haldane[order(haldane$Time), ]
  event_tags <- data$event_tags
  ## change to consistent names for this workunit
  haldane$nulled_outflow_o2 <- haldane$nulled_OutflowO2
  haldane$nulled_outflow_co2 <- haldane$nulled_OutflowCO2
  haldane$nulled_inflow_o2 <- haldane$nulled_InflowO2
  haldane$nulled_inflow_co2 <- haldane$nulled_InflowCO2
  haldane$nulled_inflow_n2 <-
    100 - haldane$nulled_inflow_o2 - haldane$nulled_inflow_co2
  haldane$nulled_outflow_n2 <-
    100 - haldane$nulled_outflow_o2 - haldane$nulled_outflow_co2
  ## make sure all are non-missing (NA, NaN)
  ## per convo with erica, check that these are all non NA
  if (length(haldane$InflowRate)) {
    haldane$inflow_rate <- haldane$InflowRate
  } else {
    haldane$inflow_rate <- 0
  if (length(haldane$OutflowRate)) {
    haldane$outflow_rate <- haldane$OutflowRate
  } else {
    haldane$outflow_rate <- 0
  config <- pilr.utils.r::get_setting("configuration",
  cal_volume <- pilr.utils.r::get_setting("volume",
                                          params$settings) %>%
  cal_diffarr <- diff(as.POSIXlt(haldane$time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
  #cal_diff <- unique(diff(as.POSIXlt(data$haldane$datasets$haldane$time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")))
  cal_seconds <-
    median(cal_diffarr[cal_diffarr > 0])
  units(cal_seconds) <- "secs"
  cal_seconds <- as.numeric(cal_seconds)
  deriv_window <-
    pilr.utils.r::get_setting("deriv_window", params$settings,
                              required = FALSE) %>%
  deriv_window <- ifelse(is.na(deriv_window), 8, deriv_window)
  ## calc derivatives and haldane
  haldane$do2 <- derivative(
    data_interval = cal_seconds,
    derivative_window = deriv_window
  haldane$dco2 <- derivative(haldane$nulled_outflow_co2,
                             data_interval = cal_seconds,
                            derivative_window = deriv_window
  haldane$dn2 = -haldane$do2 - haldane$dco2
  ## stop(paste(capture.output(summary(haldane)), collapse = "\n"))
  ## Create data frame of N2 values and date_time
  if (pilr.utils.r::has_setting("multiple_n2", params$settings)) {
    if (!(length(fromJSON(params$settings$multiple_n2$value)$fields[[1]])==0))
      ## Interpret N2 array variable JSON
      from_json <- fromJSON(params$settings$multiple_n2$value[[1]])
      n2_df <- data.frame(date = c(),
                          time = c(),
                          value = c())
      default_N2 <- FALSE
      avg_N2 <- TRUE
      if (!(pilr.utils.r::has_setting("urine_nitrogen_start_time", params$settings))) {
        # (is.null(params$settings$urine_nitrogen_start_time$value[[1]])) {
        # use avging method if start time is present
        avg_N2 <- FALSE
      # Check if N2 values are empty
      if (is.na(as.data.frame(from_json[1, 1])[[2, 5]])) {
        # no value set for n2
        default_N2 <- TRUE
        n2_df <-
            datetime = as.POSIXct("2012-01-01 01:00:00", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            value = 0
        message('No value set for N2, using 0')
      } else {
        # Build array of N2 values
        for (i in 1:nrow(from_json)) {
          temp <- as.data.frame(from_json[i, 1])
          if (avg_N2) {
            # Use start value for first iteration
            if (i == 1) {
              t1 <-
                  pilr.utils.r::get_setting("urine_nitrogen_start_time", params$settings),
                  format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
              # as.POSIXct(params$settings$urine_nitrogen_start_time$value[[1]],
              #            format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            } else{
              t1 <-
                  as.Date(from_json[i - 1, 1][[1]]$value[[2]]),
                  from_json[i -
                              1, 1][[1]]$value[[3]]
                ), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            t2 <-
              as.POSIXct(paste(as.Date(temp$value[[2]]), temp$value[[3]]), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            d_time = as.numeric(difftime(t2, t1, units = "mins"))
            if (d_time < 0) {
              stop('negative delta T for urinary N2, check dates: ',
                   ' to ',
            # Convert static value to average by minutes
            n2_avg <- temp$value[[1]] / d_time
            n2_df <-
                      datetime = as.POSIXct(paste(
                      ), format =
                        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                      value = n2_avg
          } else {
            n2_df <-
                      datetime = as.POSIXct(paste(
                      ), format =
                        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                      value = temp$value[[1]]
    } else if (pilr.utils.r::has_setting("urine_nitrogen", params$settings)) {
      n2_val <-
        pilr.utils.r::get_setting("urine_nitrogen", params$settings)
      n2_df <-
          datetime = as.POSIXct("2012-01-01 01:00:00", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
          value = n2_val
    } else {
      n2_df <- -1
  } else {
    n2_df <- -1
  # Convert from 24h to minutely
  # n2_df$value <- n2_df$value / (60*24)
  if (grepl("infusion", params$type, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    message("using config: infusion")
    ret <-
      calc_infusion(haldane, params$settings, cal_seconds, n2_df = n2_df)
  } else {
  if (grepl("push", config, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    message("using config: push")
    ret <-
      calc_push(haldane, cal_volume, cal_seconds, n2_df = n2_df)
  } else {
    message("using config: pull")
    ret <-
      calc_pull(haldane, cal_volume, cal_seconds, n2_df = n2_df)
  list(haldane = ret, event_tags = event_tags)

derivative <- function(x,
                       derivative_window = 8,
                       average_points = 1) {
  # Calculate derivative using linear interpolation
  # Initialize
  dVector <- rep(0, length(x))
  derivative_window_parsed = derivative_window * (60/data_interval)
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    # Set d/dt to zero if there are not enough points
    if (i > derivative_window_parsed / 2 &
        i < length(x) - (derivative_window_parsed / 2) & !all(is.na(x)))
      # Make fit array
      fitdata <-
        list(data = x[(i - derivative_window_parsed / 2):(i + derivative_window_parsed / 2)],
             time = (1:(derivative_window_parsed + 1)) * (data_interval / 60))
      # Calculate fit
      dVector[i] = lm(formula = data ~ time, fitdata, na.action = na.exclude)$coefficients[2]
    } else
      # Not enough points -> set to zero
      dVector[i] <- 0
  # Convert to time series to match old implementation
  dVector <- as.ts(dVector)
  dVector[is.na(dVector)] <- 0

vo2_constant <- 3.941
vco2_constant <- 1.104
nitrogen_constant <- -2.17

calc_push <- function(data, volume, cal_seconds, n2_df) {
  if (!length(data$InflowRate)) {
    stop("InflowRate not present, is calorimeter configuration setting correct?")
  ## Add nitrogen column; datetime is start datetime for each collection
  if (n2_df == -1) {
    data$nitrogen <- 0
  else if (!length(n2_df)) {
    stop("N2 Values not set in participant variables")
  else {
    data$nitrogen <- n2_df$value[1]
    if (length(n2_df) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:nrow(n2_df)) {
        data$nitrogen[as.POSIXct(data$timestamp, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") >= n2_df$datetime[i]] <-
  data$haldane_outflow <-
    (data$InflowRate * (data$nulled_inflow_n2 / 100) - (data$dn2 / 100) * volume) / (data$nulled_outflow_n2 /
  ## calc VO2 and VCO2 in ml/min
  data$recalc_vo2 <-
    10 / 1000 * (
      data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$haldane_outflow * data$nulled_outflow_o2 - data$do2 * volume
  data$recalc_vco2 <-
    -10 / 1000 * (
      data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$haldane_outflow * data$nulled_outflow_co2 - data$dco2 * volume
  data$recalc_ee <- ((
    vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2 +
      vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2
  )) +
    (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
  data$recalc_rq <- data$recalc_vco2 / data$recalc_vo2
  ## add these in so they are available for short circuit infusions
  ## they are the same calculations for recalc_vo2 and recalc_vco2,
  ## except for the term involving volume
  data$haldane_outflow_0vol <-
    (data$InflowRate * (data$nulled_inflow_n2 / 100)) / (data$nulled_outflow_n2 /
  data$recalc_vo2_0vol <-
    10 / 1000 * (
      data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$haldane_outflow_0vol * data$nulled_outflow_o2
  data$recalc_vco2_0vol <-
    -10 / 1000 * (
      data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$haldane_outflow_0vol * data$nulled_outflow_co2
  data$recalc_ee_0vol <- ((
    vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2_0vol +
      vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2_0vol
  )) +
    (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
  data$recalc_rq_0vol <-
    data$recalc_vco2_0vol / data$recalc_vo2_0vol
  ## Minute by minute npRQ calculation
  data$np_rq <-
    (data$recalc_vco2 - (4.97 * data$nitrogen)) / (data$recalc_vo2 - (5.95 * data$nitrogen))
  ## Minute by minute ProOx calculation
  data$protein_ox <- (data$nitrogen * 6.26) / 0.966
  ## Minute by minute ChoOx/FatOx calculation
  data$cho_ox <-
    (4.113 * data$recalc_vco2) - (2.907 * data$recalc_vo2) -
    (0.375 * data$protein_ox)
  data$fat_ox <-
    (1.689 * data$recalc_vo2) - (1.689 * data$recalc_vco2) -
    (0.324 * data$protein_ox)

calc_pull <- function(data, volume, cal_seconds, n2_df) {
  if (!length(data$OutflowRate)) {
    stop("OutflowRate not present, is calorimeter configuration setting correct?")
  ## Add nitrogen column; datetime is start datetime for each collection
  if (!length(n2_df)) {
    stop("N2 Values not set in participant variables")
  } else {
    data$nitrogen <- n2_df$value[1]
    if (length(n2_df) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:nrow(n2_df)) {
        data$nitrogen[data$timestamp >= n2_df$datetime[i]] <- n2_df$value[i]
  data$haldane_inflow <-
    (data$OutflowRate * (data$nulled_outflow_n2 / 100) + (data$dn2 / 100) * volume) / (data$nulled_inflow_n2 /
  data$recalc_vo2 <-
    10 / 1000 * (
      data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_o2 - data$do2 * volume
  data$recalc_vco2 <-
    -10 / 1000 * (
      data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_co2 - data$dco2 * volume
  ## calc VO2 and VCO2 in ml/min
  # Old version of equations
  #data$recalc_vo2 <- (data$OutflowRate * (data$nulled_inflow_o2 * data$haldane -
  #                                          data$nulled_outflow_o2) -
  #                      volume * data$do2) / 100
  #data$recalc_vco2 <- (data$OutflowRate *
  #                       (-1 * data$nulled_inflow_co2 * data$haldane +
  #                          data$nulled_outflow_co2) +
  #                       volume * data$dco2) / 100
  ## already divided by 1000
  data$recalc_ee <- ((
    vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2 +
      vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2
  )) +
    (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
  data$recalc_rq <- data$recalc_vco2 / data$recalc_vo2
  ## add these in so they are available for short circuit infusions
  ## they are the same calculations for recalc_vo2 and recalc_vco2,
  ## except for the term involving volume
  data$recalc_vo2 <-
    10 * (
      data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_o2
  data$recalc_vco2 <-
    -10 * (
      data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_co2
  ## already divided by 1000
  data$recalc_ee_0vol <- ((
    vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2_0vol +
      vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2_0vol
  )) +
    (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
  data$recalc_rq_0vol <-
    data$recalc_vco2_0vol / data$recalc_vo2_0vol

calc_infusion <- function(data, settings, cal_seconds, n2_df) {
  ## Add nitrogen column; datetime is start datetime for each collection
  if (n2_df == -1) {
    data$nitrogen <- 0
  else if (!length(n2_df)) {
    stop("N2 Values not set in participant variables")
  else {
    data$nitrogen <- n2_df$value[1]
    if (length(n2_df) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:nrow(n2_df)) {
        data$nitrogen[as.POSIXct(data$timestamp, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") >= n2_df$datetime[i]] <-
  vo2_exp <- 3.941
  vco2_exp <- 1.104
  vo2_constant <- 3.941
  vco2_constant <- 1.104
  nitrogen_constant <- -2.17
  # Create array of mean MFC values
  mfcarray <- c(mean(as.numeric(data$MFCFlow_1)),
  # If CO2 MFC is not set, set to second largest flow
  if (as.character(pilr.utils.r::get_setting("CO2_MFC",settings)) == "list()"){
    # settings$CO2_MFC$value <- paste('MFC',order(mfcarray,decreasing=T)[2])
    # message("Auto-detected CO2 MFC")
    stop("CO2 MFC not set: check participant settings")
  # If N2 MFC is not set, set to largest flow
  if (as.character(pilr.utils.r::get_setting("N2_MFC",settings)) == "list()"){
    # settings$N2_MFC$value <- paste('MFC',order(mfcarray,decreasing=T)[1])
    # message("Auto-detected N2 MFC")
    stop("N2 MFC not set: check participant settings")
  mfc <- get_mfc_data(data, pilr.utils.r::get_setting("CO2_MFC", settings) %>%
                      pilr.utils.r::get_setting("N2_MFC", settings) %>%
  config <- pilr.utils.r::get_setting("configuration",
  volume <- pilr.utils.r::get_setting("volume",
  if (pilr.utils.r::has_setting("expected",
    expected <- pilr.utils.r::get_setting("expected",
  } else if (config == 'Push - Absolute' | config == 'Push - Differential') {
    expected <- "Push - Convert to Pull"
    message("No equation configuration found - using Push -> Pull conversion method")
  } else {
    expected <- "Pull - Normal"
    message("No equation configuration found - using Pull method")
  # Determine form of equations/expected and execute
  if(grepl("Push - Corrected Derivative", expected, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    if(grepl("push", config, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      message("using config: push, using expected: corrected derivative")
      # Push Method
      data$VO2_exp <- ((data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_o2 * mfc$N2)/(mfc$N2 * 100 + data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_n2)) * 1000
      data$VCO2_exp <- ((data$InflowRate * (data$nulled_inflow_co2 * mfc$N2 - mfc$CO2 * data$nulled_inflow_n2)) / (-mfc$N2 * 100 - data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_n2)) * 1000
      # Derivative correction
      d_corr <- (data$InflowRate - data$VO2_exp/1000 + data$VCO2_exp/1000) / (data$InflowRate + mfc$N2 + mfc$CO2)
      # Recalc VO2 VCO2
      data$haldane_outflow <- ( data$InflowRate * (data$nulled_inflow_n2/100) - (data$dn2/100) * volume * d_corr) / (data$nulled_outflow_n2/100)
      data$haldane_outflow_0vol <- ( data$InflowRate * (data$nulled_inflow_n2/100) ) / (data$nulled_outflow_n2/100)
      data$recalc_vo2 <- 10/1000 * (data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$haldane_outflow * data$nulled_outflow_o2 - data$do2 * volume * d_corr)
      data$recalc_vco2 <- -10/1000 * (data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$haldane_outflow * data$nulled_outflow_co2 - data$dco2 * volume * d_corr)
      data$recalc_ee <- ((vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2 +
                         vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2)) +
       (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
      data$recalc_rq <- data$recalc_vco2 / data$recalc_vo2
      # 0 vol eqns
      data$recalc_vo2_0vol <- 10/1000 * (data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$haldane_outflow_0vol * data$nulled_outflow_o2)
      data$recalc_vco2_0vol <- -10/1000 * (data$InflowRate * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$haldane_outflow_0vol * data$nulled_outflow_co2)
      data$recalc_ee_0vol <- ((vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2_0vol +
                                 vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2_0vol)) +
        (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
      data$recalc_rq_0vol <- data$recalc_vco2_0vol / data$recalc_vo2_0vol
    } else {
      stop("wrong expected equations for pull calorimeter")
  } else if(grepl("Push - Convert to Pull", expected, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    if(grepl("push", config, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      message("using config: push, using expected: converted to pull")
      # Calculate 'Outflow Rate'
      data$OutflowRate = data$InflowRate + mfc$N2 + mfc$CO2
      # Pull Method
      data$VO2_exp <- ((data$nulled_inflow_o2 * mfc$N2)/data$nulled_inflow_n2) * 1000
      data$VCO2_exp <- ((mfc$CO2 * data$nulled_inflow_n2 - mfc$N2 * data$nulled_inflow_co2) / data$nulled_inflow_n2) * 1000
      # Recalc VO2 VCO2
      data$haldane_inflow <- ( data$OutflowRate * (data$nulled_outflow_n2/100) + (data$dn2/100) * volume) / (data$nulled_inflow_n2/100)
      data$haldane_inflow_0vol <- ( data$OutflowRate * (data$nulled_outflow_n2/100) ) / (data$nulled_inflow_n2/100)
      data$recalc_vo2 <- 10/1000 * (data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_o2 - data$do2 * volume)
      data$recalc_vco2 <- -10/1000 * (data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_co2 - data$dco2 * volume)
      data$recalc_ee <- ((vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2 +
                            vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2)) +
        (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
      data$recalc_rq <- data$recalc_vco2 / data$recalc_vo2
      # 0 vol eqns
      data$recalc_vo2_0vol <- 10/1000 *(data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_o2)
      data$recalc_vco2_0vol <- -10/1000 * (data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_co2)
      data$recalc_ee_0vol <- ((vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2_0vol +
                                 vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2_0vol)) +
        (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
      data$recalc_rq_0vol <- data$recalc_vco2_0vol / data$recalc_vo2_0vol
    } else {
      stop("wrong expected equations for pull calorimeter")
  } else if(grepl("Pull - Normal", expected, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    if(grepl("pull", config, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      message("using config: pull, using expected: pull normal")
      # Pull Method
      data$VO2_exp <- ((data$nulled_inflow_o2 * mfc$N2)/data$nulled_inflow_n2) * 1000
      data$VCO2_exp <- ((mfc$CO2 * data$nulled_inflow_n2 - mfc$N2 * data$nulled_inflow_co2) / data$nulled_inflow_n2) * 1000
      # Recalc VO2 VCO2
      data$haldane_inflow <- ( data$OutflowRate * (data$nulled_outflow_n2/100) + (data$dn2/100) * volume) / (data$nulled_inflow_n2/100)
      data$haldane_inflow_0vol <- ( data$OutflowRate * (data$nulled_outflow_n2/100) ) / (data$nulled_inflow_n2/100)
      data$recalc_vo2 <- 10/1000 * (data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_o2 - data$do2 * volume)
      data$recalc_vco2 <- -10/1000 * (data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_co2 - data$dco2 * volume)
      data$recalc_ee <- ((vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2 +
                            vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2)) +
        (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
      data$recalc_rq <- data$recalc_vco2 / data$recalc_vo2
      # 0 vol eqns
      data$recalc_vo2_0vol <- 10/1000 *(data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_o2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_o2)
      data$recalc_vco2_0vol <- -10/1000 * (data$haldane_inflow * data$nulled_inflow_co2 - data$OutflowRate * data$nulled_outflow_co2)
      data$recalc_ee_0vol <- ((vo2_constant * data$recalc_vo2_0vol +
                                 vco2_constant * data$recalc_vco2_0vol)) +
        (nitrogen_constant * data$nitrogen / 1440)
      data$recalc_rq_0vol <- data$recalc_vco2_0vol / data$recalc_vo2_0vol
    } else {
      stop("wrong expected equations for push calorimeter")
  } else {
    message("using approximate equations, please update settings")
    # Use old eqns
    # Expected values
    data$VO2_exp <- (( data$nulled_inflow_o2 * (mfc$CO2 + mfc$N2)) / 100) * 1000
    data$VCO2_exp <- (mfc$CO2) * 1000
eruud/test.calorimeter.r documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 9:19 a.m.