chr_counts_ggplot: Creates a barplot of the count data by chr

View source: R/fct_02_pre_process.R

chr_counts_ggplotR Documentation

Creates a barplot of the count data by chr


This function takes in either raw count or processed data and creates a formatted barplot as a ggplot object that shows the number of genes mapped to each sample in millions. This function is only used for read counts data.


chr_counts_ggplot(counts_data, sample_info, type = "", all_gene_info)



Matrix of raw counts from gene expression data


Matrix of experiment design information for grouping samples


String designating the type of data to be used in the title. Commonly either "Raw" or "Transformed"


Gene info, including chr., gene type etc.


A barplot as a ggplot object

See Also

Other preprocess functions: chr_normalized_ggplot(), eda_boxplot(), eda_density(), eda_scatter(), gene_counts_ggplot(), individual_plots(), mean_sd_plot(), pre_process(), rRNA_counts_ggplot(), total_counts_ggplot()

Other plots: PCA_plot(), chr_normalized_ggplot(), cor_plot(), draw_sample_tree(), eda_boxplot(), eda_density(), eda_scatter(), gene_counts_ggplot(), individual_plots(), k_means_elbow(), mean_sd_plot(), rRNA_counts_ggplot(), sd_density(), t_SNE_plot(), total_counts_ggplot()

espors/idepGolem documentation built on June 24, 2024, 4:49 p.m.