
Defines functions .check_HDF5_dump_file .check_HDF5_dump_name setHDF5DumpFile getHDF5DumpFile lsHDF5DumpFile .get_auto_inc_ID .set_HDF5_dump_name_to_next_auto_inc_ID setHDF5DumpName getHDF5DumpName hGroup.exists get.well.slot get.group.paths get.well.cases

.check_HDF5_dump_file <- function(file)
    if (!S4Vectors::isSingleString(file))
        stop(S4Vectors::wmsg("'file' must be a single string specifying the path ",
                             "to an existing HDF5 file or to a new file"))
    if (file.exists(file))
    rhdf5::h5createFile(file)    # will create a file with the provided name

.check_HDF5_dump_name <- function(name)
    if (!S4Vectors::isSingleString(name))
        stop(S4Vectors::wmsg("'name' must be a single string specifying the name ",
                             "of the HDF5 dataset to write"))
    if (name == "")
        stop(S4Vectors::wmsg("'name' cannot be the empty string"))

HDF5_dump_settings_envir <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

### Called by .onLoad() hook (see zzz.R file).
setHDF5DumpFile <- function(file=paste0(tempfile(), ".h5"))
    file_content <- .check_HDF5_dump_file(file)
    assign("file", file, envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir)
    if (is.null(file_content))

#' Get dump HDF5 file
#' @keywords internal
getHDF5DumpFile <- function()
    get("file", envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir)

### A convenience wrapper.
lsHDF5DumpFile <- function() h5ls(getHDF5DumpFile())

assign("auto_inc_ID", 0L, envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir)

.get_auto_inc_ID <- function()
    get("auto_inc_ID", envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir)

.set_HDF5_dump_name_to_next_auto_inc_ID <- function()
    suppressWarnings(rm(list="name", envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir))
    auto_inc_ID <- .get_auto_inc_ID() + 1L
    assign("auto_inc_ID", auto_inc_ID, envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir)

setHDF5DumpName <- function(name)
    if (missing(name))
    assign("name", name, envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir)

#' Get the temp name for HDF5 file
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @keywords internal
getHDF5DumpName <- function()
    name <- try(get("name", envir=HDF5_dump_settings_envir), silent=TRUE)
    if (is(name, "try-error")) {
        auto_inc_ID <- .get_auto_inc_ID()
        name <- sprintf("/HDF5ArrayAUTO%05d", auto_inc_ID)

#' Check if a HDF5 specific group exists already in the file
#' @param    hFile    a full path to a HDF5 file
#' @param    hGroup   any group
#' @return   TRUE if group already exists
#'           FALSE if group has not been created yet
#' @keywords internal
hGroup.exists <- function(hFile, hGroup) {
    # we have to add the `/` to the group, otherwise the search of the group is ignored
    hGroup <- ifelse(!grepl("^/", hGroup),    # if hGroup does not start with `/`
                     paste0("/", hGroup),     # then add the `/` to the beginning
                     hGroup)                  # otherwise, just leave it alone

    groups <- get.group.paths(hFile)          # get a vector of group paths

    if (hGroup %in% groups)                   # if the group is in return TRUE

#' Add a record to HDF5 file of well inputs and outputs
#' @param    hFile      HDF5 file, full path
#' @param    fieldName  the field name
#' @param    wellName   the well name
#' @param verbose FALSE to prevent printing messages
#' @return   a string with /field/well/datetime if creation successful
#'           otherwise, NULL
# #' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls h5createGroup H5close H5Fcreate
#' @import rhdf5
#' @include hdf5.R settings.R
#' @export
get.well.slot <- function(hFile, fieldName, wellName, verbose = FALSE) {
    fid <- NULL
    if (!dir.exists(dirname(hFile))) {
        hFile <- getHDF5DumpFile()
        warning("\n ./data folder does not exist. Creating a temporary file\n")
        warning("Creating a local ./data folder is advised\n")
    # stopifnot(file.exists(hFile))
    saveToProjectEnv("data.file.hdf5", hFile)       # save hdf5 to prj-env

    # check if hFile exists otherwise create a new hdf5 file
    if (!file.exists(hFile))
        fid <- H5Fcreate(hFile)

    .fieldName <- paste0("/", fieldName)                  # add / to fieldName
    field.well <- paste(.fieldName, wellName, sep = "/")  # build the /field/well path

    group.paths <- get.group.paths(hFile)                 # get a vector of unique group paths

    # check if /field/well group exists
    if (!field.well %in% group.paths) {
        if (verbose) {
            cat(hFile, fid, "\n")
            cat("\nGroup: ", field.well, " DOES NOT exist \n")  # if it doesn't, say it
        if (!hGroup.exists(hFile, fieldName)) {             # if /field does not exist
            h5createGroup(hFile, fieldName)                 # create /field
            if (verbose) cat("Group: ", fieldName, "just created\n")
        } else {                                            # otherwise say already exists
            if (verbose) cat("\t but group ", fieldName, " already exists\n")
        # now that we know that /field group is ready we can add  a /well to it
        h5createGroup(hFile, field.well)                    # if /field exists, then
        if (verbose) cat("\t", wellName, "well just added")              # we create /field/well group
    } else  {
        # /field/well group already exists
        if (verbose) cat("\n Group", field.well," already exists. Ready to add observation ...") # just say it
    # add datetime group to /field/well/
    stamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S")            # get datetime up to seconds
    wellObservation <- paste(field.well, stamp, sep = "/")  # join /field/well with /datetime
    hG <- h5createGroup(hFile, wellObservation)             # add  /datetime  /field/well
    H5close()                                               # close file
    return(ifelse(hG, wellObservation, NULL))               # return /field/well/datetime if hG TRUE

#' Get a vector of unique groups in HDF5 file
#' @param   hFile    a HDF5 file to inspect
#' @return  a vector with unique full path groups
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls H5close
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter %>% mutate distinct
#' @keywords internal
get.group.paths <- function(hFile) {
    # declare variable names of HDF5 dataset before being read
    dclass <- otype <- group <- name <- paths <- casePaths <- NULL
    if (!file.exists(hFile)) stop("\nHDF5 file does not exist. Provide a valid file name")

    df <- h5ls(hFile, recursive = 3)              # create a dataframe of three levels down

    df2 <- df %>%
        filter(otype == "H5I_GROUP") %>%           # get only group items
        select(-c(dclass, dim)) %>%                # exclude columns
        mutate(paths = ifelse(nchar(group) == 1,   # do not add / if group is root
                              paste0(group, name), #
                              paste(group, name, sep = "/"))) %>%     # join group and name
        mutate(casePaths = gsub("(.*)/[0-9]{4}.*",   # after the slash reject all digits bu {4-1}
                                "\\1", paths)) %>%
        select(-c(otype, name)) %>%                 # exclude columns
        distinct(casePaths, .keep_all = TRUE)       # only unique groups for all variables

    H5close()                                       # close HDF5
    return(df2$casePaths)                           # get column vector of filtered dataframe


#' Get well observations. dataframe and count per /field/well
#' @param hFile name of the HDF5 file
#' @param fieldName field name
#' @param wellName well name
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter %>%
#' @export
get.well.cases <- function(hFile, fieldName, wellName) {
    group <- name <- NULL                         # variables from HDF5 dataset
    df <- h5ls(hFile, recursive = 3)

    .fieldName <- paste0("/", fieldName)                  # add / to fieldName
    field.well <- paste(.fieldName, wellName, sep = "/")  # build the /field/well path

    df2 <- df %>%
        select(group, name) %>%
        filter(group == field.well)

    out <- list(df = df2,
                count = nrow(df2)

f0nzie/rNodal documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:14 a.m.