
if (!exists("FDS")) FDS <- FacileData::exampleFacileDataSet()
if (!exists("ssamples")) ssamples <- FacileData::some_samples(sparse = TRUE)
if (!exists("fsamples")) fsamples <- FacileData::some_samples(sparse = FALSE)

test_that("flm_def supports simple t-test specification", {
  mdef <- FDS |>
    filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
    flm_def(covariate = "sample_type",
            numer = "tumor", denom = "normal",
            batch = "sex")
  expect_is(mdef, "FacileTtestModelDefinition")
  expect_equal(mdef$contrast, c(normal = -1, tumor = 1, sexf = 0))

  # Flip numerator and denominator
  mdef <- FDS |>
    filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
    flm_def(covariate = "sample_type",
            numer = "normal", denom = "tumor",
            batch = "sex")
  expect_is(mdef, "FacileTtestModelDefinition")
  expect_equal(mdef$contrast, c(normal = 1, tumor = -1, sexf = 0))

test_that("redo-ing flm_def on reduced sample space is clean", {
  # confirm that a subset of samples exist without scrnaseq assay data
  has_assay <- filter_by_assay_support(ssamples, "scrnaseq")
  no_assay <- samples(has_assay, dropped = TRUE)
  expect_lt(nrow(has_assay), nrow(ssamples))
  expect_gt(nrow(no_assay), 0)
  expect_equal(nrow(has_assay) + nrow(no_assay), nrow(ssamples))
  # we define a model over a set of samples, some of which do not have data
  # from the scrnaseq assay
  flm.all <- ssamples |> 
    flm_def(covariate = "cond", numer = "AKI", denom = "DKD", batch = "sex")
  expect_equal(nrow(samples(flm.all)), nrow(ssamples))
  expect_equal(nrow(design(flm.all)), nrow(ssamples))
  # now redefine the same model over only the samples that have the assay
  flm.less <- redo(flm.all, samples = has_assay)
  expect_equal(formula(flm.less), formula(flm.all))
  expect_equal(nrow(samples(flm.less)), nrow(has_assay))
  expect_equal(nrow(design(flm.less)), nrow(has_assay))
  # the samples from the reduced model bring their "dropped siblings" with them
  expect_equal(samples(flm.less, dropped = TRUE), no_assay)

test_that("Partial t-test spec is not allowed (no numer or denom)", {
  mdef <- FDS |>
    filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
    flm_def(covariate = "sample_type",
            numer = "normal", denom = NULL,
            batch = "sex")
  expect_is(mdef, "FacileFailedModelDefinition")
  expect_true(length(mdef$errors) == 1L)

test_that("flm_def supports ANOVA specification", {
  mdef <- FDS |>
    filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
    flm_def(covariate = "stage", batch = "sex")
  expect_is(mdef, "FacileAnovaModelDefinition")
  expect_equal(colnames(mdef$design)[1], "(Intercept)")
  expect_equal(mdef$coef, match(c("II", "III", "IV"), colnames(mdef$design)))

test_that("flm_def removes samples with NA in covariates", {
  # Test for differences in "subtype_molecular" samples in all BLCA vs BLCA
  # tumor samples. These two should produce the same stuff, but the former
  # should have a warning about removing samples since the normal samples
  # aren't classified with a subtype.

  # No warnings: BLCA,tumor samples should all have stage information.
  stumor <- filter_samples(FDS, indication == "BLCA", sample_type == "tumor")
  mod.tumor <- flm_def(stumor, covariate = "subtype_molecular",
                       numer = "luminal", denom = "basal",
                       batch = "sex")

  # This will emit a warning since numor samples don't have stage covariates
  sall <- filter_samples(FDS, indication == "BLCA")
  sall <- with_sample_covariates(sall, "subtype_molecular")
  n.na <- sum(is.na(sall$subtype_molecular))
  warn.regex <- paste(n.na, "samples with NA")

  mod.all <- expect_warning({
    flm_def(sall, covariate = "subtype_molecular",
            numer = "luminal", denom = "basal",
            batch = "sex")
  }, warn.regex)
  in.warnings <- sapply(mod.all$warnings, function(w) grepl(warn.regex, w))
  expect_logical(in.warnings, min.len = 1L,
                 info = "warning stored in result$warnings")

  # FacileDGEModel spec is the same after NA samples are removed
  covs.all <- mod.all$covariates
  covs.tumor <- mod.tumor$covariates
  expect_setequal(colnames(covs.all), colnames(covs.tumor))
    select(covs.tumor, colnames(covs.all)),
    check.attributes = FALSE)
  expect_equal(mod.all$design, mod.tumor$design)
  expect_is(mod.all, "FacileTtestModelDefinition")
  expect_is(mod.tumor, "FacileTtestModelDefinition")

test_that("flm_def supports retrieving test covaraites on the fly", {
  # sample descriptor with all required covariates for model building
  ff0 <- FDS |>
    filter_samples(indication == "BLCA", sample_type == "tumor") |>
    with_sample_covariates(c("stage", "sex"))
  mref <- flm_def(ff0, covariate = "stage", batch = "sex")

  # sample descriptor without covariates under test
  ff1 <- mutate(ff0, sex = NULL)
  mtest <- flm_def(ff1, covariate = "stage", batch = "sex")

  expect_is(mref, "FacileAnovaModelDefinition")
  expect_is(mtest, "FacileAnovaModelDefinition")

  expect_equal(mtest$design, mref$design)

  expect_equal(mtest$coef, mref$coef)

test_that("Errors gracefully with duplicate entries in numer and denom", {
  samples <- filter_samples(FDS, indication == "CRC")
  good.model <- expect_warning({
    samples |>
      flm_def(covariate = "subtype_crc_cms",
              numer = c("CMS1", "CMS2"),
              denom = c("CMS3", "CMS4"))
  }, "NA")

  bad1 <- expect_warning({
    samples |>
      flm_def(covariate = "subtype_crc_cms",
              numer = "CMS1",
              denom = c("CMS1", "CMS2", "CMS3"))
  }, "NA.*required covariates")

  bad1 <- expect_warning({
    samples |>
      flm_def(covariate = "subtype_crc_cms",
              numer = "CMS1", denom = "CMS1")
  }, "NA.*required covariates")

test_that("flm_def errors on non-fullrank matrices", {
  samples <- filter_samples(FDS, indication == "CRC")

  good.model <- expect_warning({
    samples |>
      flm_def(covariate = "subtype_crc_cms",
              numer = c("CMS1", "CMS2"),
              denom = c("CMS3", "CMS4"))
  }, "NA")
  expect_class(good.model, "FacileTtestModelDefinition")

  # adding `batch = "sex"` makes this not full rank
  bad.model <- expect_warning({
    samples |>
      flm_def(covariate = "subtype_crc_cms",
              numer = c("CMS1", "CMS2"),
              denom = c("CMS3", "CMS4"),
              batch = "sex")
  }, "NA")
  expect_class(bad.model, "FacileFailedModelDefinition")
  expect_string(bad.model$errors, pattern = "full rank")
  expect_string(bad.model$errors, pattern = "removing.*model:.*sex$")

test_that("invalid R variable named covariate levels are safe", {
  samples <- filter_samples(FDS, indication == "CRC")
  model <- expect_warning({
    flm_def(samples, covariate = "subtype_microsatellite_instability")
  }, "NA.*required covariates")
facilebio/FacileAnalysis documentation built on May 11, 2024, 12:02 a.m.