
#' cost-based empirical variogram
#' All the arguments work as in \code{\link[geoR]{variog}}, except the
#' additional argument \code{dists.mat}, which takes a symmetric matrix of
#' distances between observation locations
#' @param dists.mat n x n symmetric matrix with cost-based distances between
#'   observations
#' @inheritParams geoR::variog
#' @examples
#'    ## geodata structure with transformed covariates
#'    data(noise)
#' if (require(sp)) {
#'    covarnames=sapply(1:3, function(x) paste("d2TV", x, sep=""))
#'    obs.df <- data.frame(Leq=obs$Leq,
#'                          1/(1+(as.data.frame(obs)[covarnames]/20)^2))
#'    obs.gd <- as.geodata(cbind(coordinates(obs), obs.df),
#'                         data.col="Leq",
#'                         covar.col=c('d2TV1','d2TV2','d2TV3'))
#'    ## compute euclidean and cost-based empirical variograms
#'    vg.std <- variog(obs.gd, trend=~d2TV1*(d2TV2+d2TV3))
#'    vg.dmat <- variog(obs.gd, trend=~d2TV1*(d2TV2+d2TV3), dists.mat=dd.distmat)
#'    ## plot and compare empirical variograms
#'    plot(vg.std, type = 'l', col = 'darkred',
#'         main = 'Euclidean (red) vs. cost-based (gray) empirical variograms')
#'    lines(vg.dmat, type = 'l', col = 'darkgray')
#' }
"variog" <-
  function(geodata, coords = geodata$coords, data = geodata$data,
       uvec = "default", breaks = "default",
       trend = "cte", lambda = 1,
       option = c("bin", "cloud", "smooth"),
       estimator.type = c("classical", "modulus"),
       nugget.tolerance, max.dist, pairs.min = 2,
       bin.cloud = FALSE, direction = "omnidirectional", tolerance = pi/8,
       unit.angle = c("radians","degrees"), angles = FALSE,
       dists.mat,       # new argument !!     (GUENMAP)
       messages, ...)
  if(missing(geodata)) geodata <- list(coords=coords, data = data)
  call.fc <- match.call()
    messages.screen <- as.logical(ifelse(is.null(getOption("geoR.messages")), TRUE, getOption("geoR.messages")))
  else messages.screen <- messages
  keep <- list(...)
  if(is.null(keep$keep.NA)) keep.NA <- FALSE
  else keep.NA <- keep$keep.NA
  ## Directional variogram - setting angles
  unit.angle <- match.arg(unit.angle)
  if(mode(direction) == "numeric"){
    if(length(direction) > 1) stop("only one direction is allowed")
    if(length(tolerance) > 1) stop("only one tolerance value is allowed")
    if(unit.angle == "degrees"){
      ang.deg <- direction
      ang.rad <- (ang.deg * pi)/180
      tol.deg <- tolerance
      tol.rad <- (tol.deg * pi)/180
      ang.rad <- direction
      ang.deg <- (ang.rad * 180)/pi
      tol.rad <- tolerance
      tol.deg <- (tol.rad * 180)/pi
    if(ang.rad > pi | ang.rad < 0)
      stop("direction must be an angle in the interval [0,pi[ radians")
    if(tol.rad > pi/2 | tol.rad < 0)
      stop("tolerance must be an angle in the interval [0,pi/2] radians")
    if(tol.deg >= 90){
      direction <- "omnidirectional"
      cat("variog: computing omnidirectional variogram\n")
        cat(paste("variog: computing variogram for direction = ", round(ang.deg, digits=3), " degrees (", round(ang.rad, digits=3), " radians)\n", sep=""))
        cat(paste("        tolerance angle = ", round(tol.deg, digits=3), " degrees (", round(tol.rad, digits=3), " radians)\n", sep=""))
  else if(messages.screen) cat("variog: computing omnidirectional variogram\n")
  coords <- as.matrix(coords)
  data <- as.matrix(data)
  if(nrow(coords) != nrow(data)) stop("coords and data have incompatible dimensions")
  data.var <- apply(data, 2, var)
  n.data <- nrow(coords)
  n.datasets <- ncol(data)
  data <- drop(data)

  ## new argument: dists.mat #######################                              #(GUENMAP)
  if(!missing(dists.mat)) {                                                       #(GUENMAP)
      if(!is.matrix(dists.mat)) stop("dists.mat must be a matrix")                #(GUENMAP)
      else if(!all(dim(dists.mat)==c(n.data,n.data)))                             #(GUENMAP)
              stop("dists.mat has dimension incompatible with the data")          #(GUENMAP)
  }                                                                               #(GUENMAP)
  ##################################################                              #(GUENMAP)

  ## variogram estimator
  option <- match.arg(option)
  estimator.type <- match.arg(estimator.type)
  ## transformation
  if (abs(lambda - 1) > 0.0001) {
    if (abs(lambda) < 0.0001) data <- log(data)
    else data <- ((data^lambda) - 1)/lambda
  ## trend removal
  xmat <- unclass(trend.spatial(trend = trend, geodata = geodata))
  if (nrow(xmat) != n.data)
    stop("coords and trend have incompatible sizes")
  if (trend != "cte") {
    if (is.vector(data)) {
      temp.fit <- lm(data ~ xmat + 0)
      beta.ols <- temp.fit$coeff
      data <- temp.fit$residuals
      temp.fit <- NULL
      names(data) <- NULL
    else {
      only.res <- function(y, x)
        lm(y ~ xmat + 0)$residuals
      data <- apply(data, 2, only.res, x = xmat)
      only.beta <- function(y, x)
        lm(y ~ xmat + 0)$coef
      beta.ols <- apply(data, 2, only.beta, x = xmat)
  else beta.ols <- colMeans(as.matrix(data))
  ## Defining bins

  if(!missing(dists.mat))                                                        #(GUENMAP)
      u <- dists.mat[lower.tri(dists.mat)]                                       #(GUENMAP)
  else                                                                           #(GUENMAP)
      u <- as.vector(dist(as.matrix(coords)))

  if(missing(nugget.tolerance) || nugget.tolerance < 1e-11){
    nugget.tolerance <- 1e-12
    nt.ind <- FALSE
    if(mode(nugget.tolerance) != "numeric") stop("nugget.tolerance must be numeric")
    nt.ind <- TRUE
  min.dist <- min(u)
  if(min.dist < nugget.tolerance) nt.ind <- TRUE
  ## directional
  if(direction != "omnidirectional" | angles){
    u.ang <- .C("tgangle",
                res = as.double(rep(0, length(u))),
                PACKAGE = "geoR")$res
      stop("NA returned in angle calculations maybe due to co-located data")
    u.ang <- atan(u.ang)
    u.ang[u.ang < 0] <- u.ang[u.ang < 0] + pi
  if (option == "bin" && bin.cloud == FALSE && direction == "omnidirectional") {
    if (missing(max.dist)) umax <- max(u)
    else umax <- max(u[u < max.dist])
    dbins <- .define.bins(max.dist = umax, uvec = uvec, breaks = breaks, nugget.tolerance = nugget.tolerance)
    uvec <- dbins$uvec ; bins.lim <- dbins$bins.lim
    nbins <- length(bins.lim) - 1
    if (missing(max.dist)) max.dist <- max(bins.lim)
    if(bins.lim[1] < 1e-16) bins.lim[1] <- -1

    # branch: if dists.mat provided use u vector, else proceed as before
    if(!missing(dists.mat)) {                                                             #(GUENMAP)
        # customized calculation: we assume that data is a row (only one dataset)         #(GUENMAP)
        bin.f <- function(data) {                                                         #(GUENMAP)
            cbin <- vbin <- sdbin <- rep(0, nbins)                                        #(GUENMAP)
            v <- as.vector(dist(data))  # valor abs. de diferencias entre pares           #(GUENMAP)
            if (estimator.type == "modulus")  v <- v^(0.5)                                #(GUENMAP)
            else v  <- (v^2)/2                                                            #(GUENMAP)
            v <- v[u <= max.dist,drop=FALSE]                                              #(GUENMAP)
            u <- u[u <= max.dist]                                                         #(GUENMAP)
            for (i in 1:nbins) {                                                          #(GUENMAP)
              ind <- (u > bins.lim[i]) & (u <= bins.lim[i+1])                             #(GUENMAP)
              vbin[i] <- mean(v[ind])                                                     #(GUENMAP)
              cbin[i] <- sum(ind)                                                         #(GUENMAP)
              if (estimator.type == "modulus")                                            #(GUENMAP)
                vbin[i] <- ((vbin[i])^4)/(0.914 + (0.988/cbin[i]))                        #(GUENMAP)
              if (cbin[i] > 0) sdbin[i] <- sqrt(var(v[ind]))                              #(GUENMAP)
              else sdbin[i] <- NA                                                         #(GUENMAP)
            }                                                                             #(GUENMAP)
            cbind(vbin, cbin, sdbin)                                                      #(GUENMAP)
        }                                                                                 #(GUENMAP)
    }                                                                                     #(GUENMAP)
    else {                                                                                #(GUENMAP)
        bin.f <- function(data) {
            cbin <- vbin <- sdbin <- rep(0, nbins)
            .C("binit", as.integer(n.data),
               as.double(as.vector(coords[, 1])),
               as.double(as.vector(coords[, 2])), as.double(as.vector(data)),
               as.integer(nbins), as.double(as.vector(bins.lim)),
               as.integer(estimator.type == "modulus"), as.double(max.dist),
               cbin = as.integer(cbin), vbin = as.double(vbin),
               as.integer(TRUE), sdbin = as.double(sdbin),
               PACKAGE = "geoR")[c("vbin", "cbin", "sdbin")]
    }                                                                                     #(GUENMAP)

    result <- array(unlist(lapply(as.data.frame(data), bin.f)),
                    dim = c(nbins, 3, n.datasets))
    indp <- (result[, 2, 1] >= pairs.min)
    result[!indp,1,] <- NA
    if(bins.lim[1] < 0) bins.lim[1] <- 0
      uvec <- uvec[-1]
      indp <- indp[-1]
      bins.lim <- bins.lim[-1]
      result <- result[-1,,,drop=FALSE]
      result <- list(u = uvec, v = result[, 1, ],
                     n = result[, 2, 1], sd = result[, 3, ],
                     bins.lim = bins.lim,
                     ind.bin = indp)
      result <- list(u = uvec[indp], v = result[indp, 1, ],
                     n = result[indp, 2, 1], sd = result[indp, 3, ],
                     bins.lim = bins.lim, ind.bin = indp)
  else {
    data <- as.matrix(data)
    v <- matrix(0, nrow = length(u), ncol = n.datasets)
    for (i in 1:n.datasets) {
      v[, i] <- as.vector(dist(data[, i]))
      if (estimator.type == "modulus")
        v[, i] <- v[, i,drop=FALSE]^(0.5)
      else v[, i] <- (v[, i,drop=FALSE]^2)/2
    if (!missing(max.dist)) {
      v <- v[u <= max.dist,,drop=FALSE]
      if(direction != "omnidirectional")
        u.ang <- u.ang[u <= max.dist]
      u <- u[u <= max.dist]
    if(direction != "omnidirectional"){
      ang.lower <- ang.rad - tol.rad
      ang.upper <- ang.rad + tol.rad
     if(ang.lower >= 0 & ang.upper < pi)
        ang.ind <- (!is.na(u.ang) & ((u.ang >= ang.lower) & (u.ang <= ang.upper)))
      if(ang.lower < 0)
        ang.ind <- (!is.na(u.ang) & ((u.ang < ang.upper) | (u.ang > (pi + ang.lower))))
      if(ang.upper >= pi)
        ang.ind <- (!is.na(u.ang) & ((u.ang > ang.lower) | (u.ang < (ang.upper - pi))))
      ##ang.ind <- ((u.ang >= ang.rad - tol.rad)&(u.ang <= ang.rad + tol.rad))
      v <- v[ang.ind,,drop=FALSE]
      u <- u[ang.ind]
    data <- drop(data)
    v <- drop(v)
    if (option == "cloud"){
      result <- list(u = u, v = v)
      if(angles) result$angles <- u.ang
    if (option == "bin") {
      if (missing(max.dist)) umax <- max(u)
      else umax <- max(u[u < max.dist])
      if(bin.cloud == 'diff') dd <- diffpairs(coords,data)$diff
      else dd <- 0
      result <- .rfm.bin(cloud = list(u = u, v = v, d = dd),
                        estimator.type = estimator.type,
                        uvec = uvec, breaks = breaks, nugget.tolerance = nugget.tolerance,
                        bin.cloud = bin.cloud, max.dist = umax, keep.NA = keep.NA)
        if (pairs.min > 0) {
          indp <- (result$n < pairs.min)
            for(i in 1:5) result[[i]] <- result[[i]][-1]
            indp <- indp[-1]
          if (is.matrix(result$v)) {
            result$v[indp, ] <- result$sd[indp, ] <- NA
          else {
            result$v[indp] <- result$sd[indp] <- NA
        result$ind.bin <- indp
        if (pairs.min > 0) {
#          indp <- (result$n >= pairs.min)
            for(i in 1:5) result[[i]] <- result[[i]][-1]
#            indp <- indp[-1]
          indp <- (result$n >= pairs.min)
          if (is.matrix(result$v)) {
            result$v <- result$v[indp, ]
            result$sd <- result$sd[indp, ]
          else {
            result$v <- result$v[indp]
            result$sd <- result$sd[indp]
          result$u <- result$u[indp]
          result$n <- result$n[indp]
        result$ind.bin <- indp
    if (option == "smooth") {
      if (is.matrix(v)) stop("smooth not yet available for more than one data-set")
      temp <- ksmooth(u, v, ...)
      result <- list(u = temp[[1]], v = temp[[2]])
    if(missing(max.dist)) max.dist <- max(u)
    if(!exists(".variog4.nomessage",where=1)) cat("variog: co-locatted data found, adding one bin at the origin\n")
    if(all(result$u[1:2] < 1e-11)) result$u[2] <- sum(result$bins.lim[2:3])/2
  result <- c(result, list(var.mark = data.var, beta.ols = beta.ols,
                           output.type = option, max.dist = max.dist,
                           estimator.type = estimator.type, n.data = n.data,
                           lambda = lambda, trend = trend, pairs.min = pairs.min))
  result$nugget.tolerance <- nugget.tolerance
  if(direction != "omnidirectional") result$direction <- ang.rad
  else result$direction <- "omnidirectional"
  if(direction != "omnidirectional") result$tolerance <- tol.rad
  else result$tolerance <- "none"
  result$uvec <- uvec
  result$call <- call.fc
  oldClass(result) <- "variogram"
famuvie/geoRcb documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:04 a.m.