
Defines functions wtreg

Documented in wtreg

#' Weighted regression for dissolved oxygen time series
#' Use weighted regression to reduce effects of tidal advection on dissolved oxygen time series
#' @param dat_in input data frame
#' @param DO_obs name of dissolved oxygen column
#' @param depth_val name of tidal height column
#' @param wins list of half-window widths to use in the order specified by \code{\link{wtfun}} (i.e., days, hours, tide height).
#' @param tz chr string specifying timezone of location, e.g., 'America/Jamaica' for EST, no daylight savings, must match the time zone in \code{dat_in$DateTimeStamp}
#' @param lat numeric for latitude of location
#' @param long numeric for longitude of location (negative west of prime meridian)
#' @param progress logical if progress saved to a txt file names 'log.txt' in the working directory
#' @param parallel logical if regression is run in parallel to reduce processing time, requires a parallel backend outside of the function
#' @param sine logical if a sinusoidal curve is used in the regression
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{met_day_fun}}, particularly timezone, lat, and long information.
#' @export
#' @import plyr
#' @details See the supplied dataset for required input data. The \code{\link{wtreg}} function only requires date/time, dissolved oxygen, and tidal height columns.
#' Timezone specifications can be found here: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones}
#' @return The original data frame with additional columns describing the metabolic day, decimal time, the slope estimate for DO relative to tidal height for each window (\code{Beta2}), predicted DO from weighted regression (\code{DO_prd}) and detided (normalized) DO from weighted regression (\code{DO_nrm}).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(SAPDC)
#' tz <- 'America/Jamaica'
#' lat <- 31.39
#' long <- -81.28
#' res <- wtreg(SAPDC, tz = tz, lat = lat, long = long)
#' }
wtreg <- function(dat_in, DO_obs = 'DO_obs', depth_val = 'Tide', wins = list(4, 12, NULL), tz, lat,
  long, progress = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, sine = F, ...){

  # sanity check
  chk <- sum(is.na(dat_in[, depth_val]))
  if(chk > 0)
    stop('Remove ', chk,  ' missing obervations in ', depth_val)

  # sanity check
  chktz <- attr(dat_in$DateTimeStamp, 'tzone')
  if(tz != chktz)
    stop('dat_in timezone differs from tz argument')

  # check for duplicated rows
  chk <- duplicated(dat_in)
    stop('Duplicated observations found, check rows: ', paste(which(chk), collapse = ', '))

  # check for duplicated timestamps
  chk <- duplicated(dat_in$DateTimeStamp)
    stop('Duplicated time entries for DateTimeStamp found, check rows: ', paste(which(chk), collapse = ', '))

  # check time stamps in ascending order
  chk <- sign(diff(dat_in$DateTimeStamp)) == -1
    stop('Time entries in DateTimeStamp not in ascending order')

  # rename DO_obs if other value provided
  names(dat_in)[names(dat_in) %in% DO_obs] <- 'DO_obs'

  # sanity check
  nmchk <- c('DateTimeStamp', 'DO_obs', 'Tide')
  chk <- nmchk  %in% names(dat_in)
    stop('The following columns are missing from dat_in: ', paste(nmchk[!chk], collapse = ', '))

  # get mean tidal height from empirical data
  names(dat_in)[names(dat_in) %in% depth_val] <- 'Tide'
  mean_tide <- mean(dat_in$Tide, na.rm = TRUE)

  # get decimal time based on metabolic days
  dat_in <- met_day_fun(dat_in, tz = tz, long = long, lat = lat)
  dat_in$dec_time <- 365 * (lubridate::decimal_date(dat_in$DateTimeStamp) - max(lubridate::year(dat_in$DateTimeStamp)))

  # add hour column
  dat_in$hour <- as.numeric(format(dat_in$DateTimeStamp, '%H')) +
    as.numeric(format(dat_in$DateTimeStamp, '%M'))/60

  #for counter
  strt <- Sys.time()

  # setup five percent intervals for log
    counts <- round(seq(1, nrow(dat_in), length = 10))

  out <- ddply(dat_in,
    .variables = 'DateTimeStamp',
    .parallel = parallel,
    .paropts = list(.packages = 'WtRegDO'),
    .fun = function(row){

      # row for prediction
      ref_in <- row
      ref_in <- ref_in[rep(1, 2),]
      ref_in$Tide <- c(unique(ref_in$Tide), mean_tide)

      # progress
        prog <- which(row$DateTimeStamp == dat_in$DateTimeStamp)
        perc <- 10 * which(prog == counts)
        if(length(perc) != 0){
          cat('Log entry time', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n')
          cat(prog, ' of ', nrow(dat_in), '\n')
          print(Sys.time() - strt)

      # get wts
      ref_wts <- wtfun(ref_in, dat_in, wins = wins, slice = TRUE,
        subs_only = TRUE, wt_vars = c('dec_time', 'hour', 'Tide'))

      # OLS wtd model, predicted and detided
      prds <- lapply(1:length(ref_wts),

          # subset data for weights > 0
          dat_proc <- dat_in[as.numeric(names(ref_wts[[x]])),]

          # if no DO values after subset, return NA
          # or if observed DO for the row is NA, return NA
          chk <- sum(is.na(dat_proc$DO_obs)) == nrow(dat_proc) | any(is.na((ref_in$DO_obs)))

          prd <- rep(NA_real_, 2)

          # wtreg if sufficient data

            # subset weigths > 0, rescale weights average
            ref_wts <- ref_wts[[x]]/mean(ref_wts[[x]])

            # get model
              mod_md <- lm(
                DO_obs ~ dec_time + Tide,
                weights = ref_wts,
                data = dat_proc

            # get model
              mod_md <- lm(
                DO_obs ~ dec_time + Tide + sin(2*pi*dec_time) + cos(2*pi*dec_time),
                weights = ref_wts,
                data = dat_proc

            # get prediction from model
            Tide <- ref_in$Tide[x]
            DO_pred <- predict(
              newdata = data.frame(dec_time = ref_in$dec_time[x], Tide = Tide)

            # get beta from model
            beta2 <- try(mod_md$coefficients['Tide'])

            # output
            prd <- c(beta2, DO_pred)




      prds <- unlist(prds)
      prds <- prds[c(1, 2, 4)]
      names(prds) <- c('Beta2', 'DO_prd', 'DO_nrm')



  out$DateTimeStamp <- NULL
  out <- cbind(dat_in, out)


fawda123/WtRegDO documentation built on March 18, 2024, 9:04 p.m.