knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, 
                      # tidy = TRUE, 
                      tidy.opts = list(comment = FALSE, width.cutoff = 60))
# options(width = 40)
# knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = '~/Downloads/surf_vignette')
# knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = "figures/")
## parse events from genome annotation (GTF)
## /path/to/genome/annotation/file
anno_file <- "data/gencode.vM23.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf"
anno_mm <- import(anno_file)
gene_id <- anno_mm[seqnames(anno_mm) == "chr14" &
                     anno_mm$gene_type == "protein_coding" &
                     anno_mm$type == "gene"]$gene_id
gene_id_sampled <- sample(unique(gene_id), 50)
anno_mm_select <- anno_mm[anno_mm$gene_id %in% gene_id_sampled]

## Mus musculus
export(anno_mm_select, "data/gencode.vM23.primary.example.gtf")
## parse events from genome annotation (GTF)
## /path/to/genome/annotation/file
anno_file <- "data/gencode.v32.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf"
anno_hs <- import(anno_file)
gene_id <- anno_hs[seqnames(anno_hs) == "chr16" &
                     anno_hs$gene_type == "protein_coding" &
                     anno_hs$type == "gene"]$gene_id
gene_id_sampled <- sample(unique(gene_id), 24)
anno_hs_select <- anno_hs[anno_hs$gene_id %in% gene_id_sampled]

## Homo sapiens
export(anno_hs_select, "data/gencode.v32.primary.example.gtf")

## export gene ranges 
genes <- reduce(anno_hs_select)
strand(genes) <- "*"
genes <- resize(genes, width(genes) + 300, fix = "center")
export(genes, "data/gencode.v32.primary.regSURFon.bed")


This document provides an example of using SURF (Version r packageVersion("surf")) to integrate CLIP-seq and RNA-seq data for predicting RNA-binding protein (RBP) functions in alternative transcriptional regulation (ATR). SURF is versatile in and can handle four different tasks centering ATR events:

| | Data | Format | Task | | :---: | ------------- | :-------------: | ------------- | | 1 | genome annotation | any (gtf, gff, ...) | parse ATR events | | 2 | + RNA-seq | alignment (bam) | detect differential ATR events | | 3 | + CLIP-seq | alignment (bam) | detect functional association | | 4 | + external RNA-seq | summarized table | differential transcriptional activity |

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To reproduce the results in this vignette, download the demo data from Zenodo and put them into a "data" folder under the working directory.

Quick start

One task at a call

The four tasks in the SURF pipeline should be streamlined. Once you have the data in hand (see the next subsection for how to tell SURF about your data), each step can be performed with a single function call:


event <- parseEvent(anno_file)                                  # step 1
event <- drseq(event, rna_seq_sample)                           # step 2
event <- faseq(event, clip_seq_sample)                          # step 3
event <- daseq(event, getRankings(exprMat), ext_sample)         # step 4

Here, anno_file (a charactor(1)), rna_seq_sample (a data.frame), clip_seq_sample (a data.frame), and ext_sample (a data.frame) describe your data files, and exprMat (a data.frame) is a summary table of some external transcriptome quantification (e.g., TCGA, GTEx, etc).

Tell SURF about your data

Describing your data is straightforward.

For task 1, a character(1) containing the file path will do.

anno_file <- "data/gencode.v32.primary.example.gtf"

For task 2, SURF needs to know where the aligned RNA-seq reads (bam files) are and the experimental condition for differential analysis (e.g., "knock-down" or "wild-type").

rna_seq_sample <- data.frame(
  row.names = c('sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample4'),
  bam = paste0("data/",c("KD1", "KD2", "WT1", "WT2"),".bam"),
  condition = c('knockdown', 'knockdown', 'wildtype', 'wildtype'),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

Similarly for task 3, SURF requires where the alignment files (bam) are and the experimental condition (e.g., "IP" and the size-match input "SMI").

clip_seq_sample <- data.frame(
  row.names = c('sample5', 'sample6', 'sample7'),
  bam = paste0('data/', c("IP1", "IP2", "SMI"), '.bam'),
  condition = c('IP', 'IP', 'SMI'),
  stringsAsFactors = F

Finally, for task 4, SURF assumes that you have transcriptome quantification summarized in a table (exprMat). Each row of the table corresponds to a genomic feature (e.g., genes, transcripts, etc) and each column corresponds to a sample. You can use any your favorite measure (e.g. TPM, RPKM, etc). In addition, it requires a table describing the sample group (condition).

exprMat <- readRDS('data/TcgaTargetGtex_rsem_isoform_tpm_laml_blood_10each.rds')
ext_sample <- data.frame(
  condition = rep(c('TCGA', 'GTEx'), each = 10),
  row.names = colnames(exprMat)

The complete SURF workflow

Step 1: Parse ATR events from genome annotation.

The first step is to parse genome annotation for alternative transcriptional regulation (ATR) events. An ATR event is the exonic region that excluded consecutively in a specific transcript (and is included in some other transcript isoforms from the same gene). There are eight different ATR event types (Figure \@ref(fig:atr)). To parse ATR events, SURF provides the parseEvent() function. The function compares each transcript to the gene model and extracts the absent exonic regions. These regions are mutually disjoint within the transcript thus can be annotated into specific ATR event types, according to their relative positions within the transcript.


The simplest use of parseEvent() is to provide the file path of genome annotation. Various types of genome annotation formats are acceptable, such as GTF or GFF.

event <- parseEvent("data/gencode.v32.primary.example.gtf")
# saveRDS(event, "results/intermediate1.rds")
event <- readRDS("results/intermediate1.rds")

The function allows several options. For example,


This step outputs a universal surf object, which is an extension of DataFrame (S4 object). Each ATR event is assigned a unique event identifier (event_id) in the form of <transcript_id>@<event_number>. The first component, transcript_id, is because ATR events are specific to individual transcripts and are mutually disjointed within each transcript. <event_number> is numbered from 5' to 3' end of the transcript.


Using the mcols() function, we can inspect the description of each column. In particular, the 4th column contains the genomic data of the ATR event (GenomicRangesList). The reason that SURF uses GenomicRangesList instead of GenomicRanges is because some ATR events, namely AFE, IAP, and SE if consecutive, may consist of multiple exons. If location.feature=TRUE, then parseEvent() also outputs the 5th column (also a GenomicRangesList) containing the location features.


The output surf object also comes with a genePartsList slot, for gene parts list. genePartsList is a DataFrame of 5 columns. Use genePartsList() to retrieve the object and mcols() to inspect the descriptions of its columns. In particular, the 3rd column (segment) contains the smallest pieces (exonic or intronic) in the gene. The 4th column (label) indicates whether each segment is exonic or intronic. The 5th column (layout) indicates whether each exonic segment is included by individual transcripts of the gene. SURF defines the absent exonic regions for each transcript based on these information.

pl <- genePartsList(event)

Several overlapping operations have been implemented for surf object (see Section \@ref(overlap) for details).

Step 2: Detect differential regulation (DR) of ATR events

```{bash prepare RNA-seq bam files, include=F, eval=F}

shRNA-seq, target: CPSF6



module load python/miniconda conda activate /workspace/fanchen/conda2 samtools view -b $KD1.sorted.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $KD1.chr16.bam samtools view -b $KD2.sorted.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $KD2.chr16.bam samtools view -b $WT1.sorted.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $WT1.chr16.bam samtools view -b $WT2.sorted.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $WT2.chr16.bam conda deactivate

To detect the differential regulation of ATR events, use `drseq()`. The function requires a table input that specifies the sample information of RNA-seq. The sample data should at least contain a `condition` column indicating the experimental conditions and a `bam` column giving the file directory for the aligned RNA-seq reads. Currently, **SURF** supports "bam" format. If you have read alignments in the "sam" format, we recommend using [samtools]( (the "view" command) for conversion. 
rna_seq_sample <- data.frame(
  row.names = c('sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample4'),
  bam = paste0("data/",c("KD1", "KD2", "WT1", "WT2"),".bam"),
  condition = c('knockdown', 'knockdown', 'wildtype', 'wildtype'),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
event <- drseq(event, rna_seq_sample)
# saveRDS(event, "results/intermediate2.rds")
event <- readRDS("results/intermediate2.rds")

The output of drseq() (still a surf object) contains 6 additional columns (the 7-12th) to the existing output from Step 1. Use mcols() to check column descriptions.


In addition to the main DataFrame, the output also contains a drseqResults slot, which can be simply accessed by the drseqResults() function. The descriptions of columns can be fetched with the mcols() function. In the DrSeq results, the two most useful columns are padj and logFoldChange. padj is the p-value of differential event/exon usage (DEU), after multiplicity adjustment with the BH procedure. logFoldChange is the fold change of "knockdown" versus "wildtype", after the logarithmic transformation with base 2. For example, if logFoldChange>0, it means the EU under the knock-down condition is higher than that under the wild-type condition. For the visualizations of DrSeq results, see Section \@ref(visdrseq).

drr <- drseqResults(event)

Step 3: Test the functional association between RBP binding and DR events.

```{bash prepare CLIP-seq bam files, include=F, eval=F}

eCLIP-seq, target: CPSF6



module load python/miniconda conda activate /workspace/fanchen/conda2 samtools sort $IP1.bam -o $IP1.sort.bam samtools index $IP1.sort.bam samtools view -b $IP1.sort.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $IP1.chr16.bam samtools sort $IP2.bam -o $IP2.sort.bam samtools index $IP2.sort.bam samtools view -b $IP2.sort.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $IP2.chr16.bam samtools sort $SMI.bam -o $SMI.sort.bam samtools index $SMI.sort.bam samtools view -b $SMI.sort.bam chr16 -h chr16 > $SMI.chr16.bam conda deactivate

To detect the differential regulation of ATR events, use `faseq()`. The function requires a `sampleData` table that specifies the sample information of CLIP-seq data. In particular, a `condition` column indicates the experimental conditions is required, as well as a `bam` column giving the file directory of CLIP-seq alignments. Several parameters are available: 

* `min.size` specifies the minimal sample size in order for a functional association test. The default is 100. We recommend to set this parameter greater than 50 for sufficient statistical power. 
* `fdr.cutoff` is the cutoff of adjusted p-values (FDR). The default is 0.05. This parameter is used for inferring functional location features. 
* `signal.cutoff` is the cut-off of CLIP-seq signals. The CLIP-seq signal is normalized CLIP-seq read coverage on location features. The default is 20. This parameter is used for inferring location features. 
clip_seq_sample = data.frame(
  row.names = c('sample5', 'sample6', 'sample7'),
  bam = paste0("data/",c("IP1", "IP2", "SMI"),".bam"),
  condition = c('IP', 'IP', 'SMI'),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
event <- faseq(event, clip_seq_sample, 
               min.size = 3, fdr.cutoff = 0.3, signal.cutoff = 2)
# saveRDS(event, "results/intermediate3.rds")
event <- readRDS("results/intermediate3.rds")

The output of faseq() (still a surf object) adds two additional columns (the 13th and 14th) to the existing output from Step 2.


Again, use mcols() to inspect the description of each column.


In addition to the main output, the output also contains a faseqResults slot (a DataFrame object) which can be accessed by the faseqResults() function. For column descriptions, use the mcols() function.

far <- faseqResults(event)

Each (ATR event, location feature) combination is tested twice for its inclusion and exclusion functions if the usable sample size is greater than min.size. Each row of output corresponds to the result of one test, including test statistic, p-value, etc. In particular, the 2nd column (feature) indicates one of the eight possible the location features. The names of features each maps to one of the eight Greek letters in Figure \@ref(fig:feature) as follows.

| feature name | up3 | up2 | up1 | bd1 | bd2 | dn1 | dn2 | dn3 | :---: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :-------------: | | location feature | $\alpha$ | $\beta$ | $\gamma$ | $\delta$ | $\varepsilon$ | $\zeta$ | $\eta$ | $\theta$ |

A useful piece of FASeq results is the inferred location features. The SURF-inferred location features are those genomic regions significantly associated with either inclusion or exclusion of the ATR events and abundantly bound by the RBP (in wild-type condition). inferredFeature() retrieves these genomic regions and outputs them in a GenomicRanges object. The function essentially filters by adjusted p-values (FDR) and CLIP-seq read coverage. These genomic regions are ATR event-specific (thus transcript- and gene-specific), each of which is assigned a unique name in the <event_id>-<feature_name> form.


For example, the first SURF-inferred location feature in the output is for the $\delta$ location (feature_name column) of a TAP event (event_name column). The binding of the RBP here is associated with the exclusion (functional column) of the ATR event body (in wild-type condition).

For visualizations of FASeq results, see Section \@ref(visfaseq).

Step 4: RBP-related discovery using external transcriptome data

daseq() performs RBP-related discovery. Specifically, it uses a re-sampling based method to detect differential activity of a set of RBP targets between two experimental conditions. Currently, daseq() supports two types of RBP targets---either genes or transcripts. From Step 3 (FASeq), daseq() extracts the RBP target sets automatically (although the function also allows users to specify their own RBP target sets of interest). Besides the output from faseq(), daseq() requires two additional inputs: (1) a summary table of external transcriptome quantification. Each row represents a genomic feature (gene or transcript), and each column corresponds to one sample. (2) A data.table that describes sample information. In particular, the table must contain a column called condition, indicating the experimental conditions. Other controlling parameters include:

exprMat <- readRDS('data/TcgaTargetGtex_rsem_isoform_tpm_laml_blood_10each.rds')
ext_sample <- data.frame(
  condition = rep(c('TCGA', 'GTEx'), each = 10),
  row.names = colnames(exprMat)
event <- daseq(event, getRankings(exprMat), ext_sample, 
               cores = 1, target.type = "transcript")
# saveRDS(event, "results/intermediate4.rds")
event <- readRDS("results/intermediate4.rds")

The output of daseq() is still a surf object. It contains a daseqResults slot, which can be accessed by the daseqResults() function. For column descriptions, use mcols().

dar <- daseqResults(event)

Each row of output table summarizes the DA testing of one RBP target set. In particular, the 9th column (stat) is the test statistic, and the 11th column (padj) is the p-value after the multiplicity adjustment with the BH procedure.


Visualize DrSeq results {#visdrseq}

For both surf and drseqResults objects, two visualization methods are available: (1) plotDispFunc() which plots the fitted dispersion functions for each ATR event type (Figure \@ref(fig:dispersion)), and (2) volcano.plot() which plots the volcano plot for each ATR events stratified by different event types (Figure \@ref(fig:volcano)).


Visualize FASeq results {#visfaseq}

Two visualization methods are available. In particular, fa.plot() generates the functional association (FA) plots. This includes box plots (upper panels) of feature signals and the adjusted p-values resulted from the functional association test (lower panels). For example, we generate the FA plots for four ATR events: AFE, A5U, IAP, and TAP. Since we used a very small subset of genes/transcripts in the example, the statistical power is lower than what they are usually like. Despite this, it can still be seen that the binding of the RBP may result in the exclusion of TAP site by binding at either $\gamma$ or $\delta$ location features.

fa.plot(event, plot.event = c("AFE", "A5U", "IAP", "TAP"))


Overlap operations {#overlap}

The methods subsetByOverlaps() and findOverlaps() have been implemented for the SURF object.

gr0 <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle("chr16"), 
               IRanges(89710000, width = 10000))
findOverlaps(event, subject = gr0)

Subsetting by overlaps is also implemented (subsetByOverlaps).

subsetByOverlaps(event, ranges = gr0)

Version information


fchen365/surf documentation built on June 18, 2021, 12:02 p.m.