
Defines functions summarize_ggs_hubgenes ggs_backbone ggs_graph

Documented in ggs_backbone ggs_graph summarize_ggs_hubgenes

#' Construct a gene-geneset-graph
#' Construct a gene-geneset-graph from the results of a functional enrichment
#' analysis
#' @param res_enrich A `data.frame` object, storing the result of the functional
#' enrichment analysis. See more in the main function, [GeneTonic()], to check the
#' formatting requirements (a minimal set of columns should be present).
#' @param res_de A `DESeqResults` object.
#' @param annotation_obj A `data.frame` object with the feature annotation
#' information, with at least two columns, `gene_id` and `gene_name`.
#' @param gtl A `GeneTonic`-list object, containing in its slots the arguments
#' specified above: `dds`, `res_de`, `res_enrich`, and `annotation_obj` - the names
#' of the list _must_ be specified following the content they are expecting
#' @param n_gs Integer value, corresponding to the maximal number of gene sets to
#' be included
#' @param gs_ids Character vector, containing a subset of `gs_id` as they are
#' available in `res_enrich`. Lists the gene sets to be included in addition to
#' the top ones (via `n_gs`)
#' @param prettify Logical, controlling the aspect of the returned graph object.
#' If TRUE (default value), different shapes of the nodes are returned, based on
#' the node type
#' @param geneset_graph_color Character value, specifying which color should be
#' used for the fill of the shapes related to the gene sets.
#' @param genes_graph_colpal A vector of colors, also provided with their hex
#' string, to be used as a palette for coloring the gene nodes. If unspecified,
#' defaults to a color ramp palette interpolating from blue through yellow to red.
#' @return An `igraph` object to be further manipulated or processed/plotted (e.g.
#' via [igraph::plot.igraph()] or
#' [visNetwork::visIgraph()][visNetwork::visNetwork-igraph])
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("macrophage")
#' library("DESeq2")
#' library("org.Hs.eg.db")
#' library("AnnotationDbi")
#' # dds object
#' data("gse", package = "macrophage")
#' dds_macrophage <- DESeqDataSet(gse, design = ~ line + condition)
#' rownames(dds_macrophage) <- substr(rownames(dds_macrophage), 1, 15)
#' dds_macrophage <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_macrophage)
#' # annotation object
#' anno_df <- data.frame(
#'   gene_id = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#'   gene_name = mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db,
#'     keys = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#'     column = "SYMBOL",
#'     keytype = "ENSEMBL"
#'   ),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#'   row.names = rownames(dds_macrophage)
#' )
#' # res object
#' data(res_de_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_de <- res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
#' # res_enrich object
#' data(res_enrich_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_enrich <- shake_topGOtableResult(topgoDE_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
#' res_enrich <- get_aggrscores(res_enrich, res_de, anno_df)
#' ggs <- ggs_graph(
#'   res_enrich,
#'   res_de,
#'   anno_df
#' )
#' ggs
#' #' # could be viewed interactively with
#' # library(visNetwork)
#' # library(magrittr)
#' # ggs %>%
#' #   visIgraph() %>%
#' #   visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = TRUE,
#' #                                      degree = 1,
#' #                                      hover = TRUE),
#' #             nodesIdSelection = TRUE)
ggs_graph <- function(res_enrich,
                      annotation_obj = NULL,
                      gtl = NULL,
                      n_gs = 15,
                      gs_ids = NULL,
                      prettify = TRUE,
                      geneset_graph_color = "gold",
                      genes_graph_colpal = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(gtl)) {
    dds <- gtl$dds
    res_de <- gtl$res_de
    res_enrich <- gtl$res_enrich
    annotation_obj <- gtl$annotation_obj


  if (!is.null(genes_graph_colpal)) {
    if (!is(genes_graph_colpal, "character")) {
        "Please check that you are correctly providing the color palette, ",
        "it should be encoded as a vector of colors specified as characters ",
        "(textual or hex codes)"

    if (!all(check_colors(genes_graph_colpal))) {
        "You are providing your color palette in a format which ",
        "\ncan not be handled by `grDevices::col2rgb`. \n\n",
        "Try running `check_colors` on the palette object."

  n_gs <- min(n_gs, nrow(res_enrich))

  enriched_gsids <- res_enrich[["gs_id"]]
  enriched_gsnames <- res_enrich[["gs_description"]]
  enriched_gsdescs <- vapply(
    function(arg) {
        error = function(e) "--- GO Term not found ---"

  gs_to_use <- unique(
      res_enrich$gs_id[seq_len(n_gs)], # the ones from the top
      gs_ids[gs_ids %in% res_enrich$gs_id] # the ones specified from the custom list

  enrich2list <- lapply(gs_to_use, function(gs) {
    go_genes <- res_enrich[gs, "gs_genes"]
    go_genes <- unlist(strsplit(go_genes, ","))
  names(enrich2list) <- res_enrich[gs_to_use, "gs_description"]

  list2df <- lapply(seq_along(enrich2list), function(gs) {
      gsid = rep(names(enrich2list[gs]), length(enrich2list[[gs]])),
      gene = enrich2list[[gs]]
  list2df <- do.call("rbind", list2df)

  g <- graph_from_data_frame(list2df, directed = FALSE)

  nodeIDs_gs <- which(names(V(g)) %in% enriched_gsnames)
  nodeIDs_genes <- which(!(names(V(g)) %in% enriched_gsnames))

  V(g)$nodetype <- NA
  V(g)$nodetype[nodeIDs_gs] <- "GeneSet"
  V(g)$nodetype[nodeIDs_genes] <- "Feature"

  if (prettify) {
    # different shapes based on the node type

    # this does not work with visNetwork?
    # V(g)$value <- 15 # size? size2? or does this not work with the shapes I selected?
    # V(g)$value[nodeIDs_gs] <- 45

    # this one is handled correctly by visNetwork
    V(g)$shape <- c("box", "ellipse")[factor(V(g)$nodetype, levels = c("GeneSet", "Feature"))]

    # different colors for the gene nodes in function of their logFC
    fcs_genes <- res_de[annotation_obj$gene_id[match((V(g)$name[nodeIDs_genes]), annotation_obj$gene_name)], ]$log2FoldChange

    if (!is.null(genes_graph_colpal)) {
      mypal <- genes_graph_colpal
    } else {
      mypal <- rev(scales::alpha(
        colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.4

    V(g)$color[nodeIDs_genes] <- mosdef::map_to_color(fcs_genes, mypal, limits = c(-4, 4))
    V(g)$color[nodeIDs_gs] <- geneset_graph_color

    # title for tooltips
    V(g)$title <- NA
    V(g)$title[nodeIDs_gs] <- paste0(
      sprintf('<a href="http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', enriched_gsids[nodeIDs_gs], enriched_gsids[nodeIDs_gs]), "</h4><br>",
      V(g)$name[nodeIDs_gs], "<br><br>",
      paste0(strwrap(enriched_gsdescs[nodeIDs_gs], 50), collapse = "<br>")
    V(g)$title[nodeIDs_genes] <- paste0(
      "<h4>", V(g)$name[nodeIDs_genes], "</h4><br>",
      "logFC = ", format(round(fcs_genes, 2), nsmall = 2)
  } else {
    V(g)$color[nodeIDs_genes] <- "#B3B3B3"
    V(g)$color[nodeIDs_gs] <- "#E5C494"

  # re-sorting the vertices alphabetically
  rank_gs <- rank(V(g)$name[V(g)$nodetype == "GeneSet"])
  rank_feats <- rank(V(g)$name[V(g)$nodetype == "Feature"]) +
    length(rank_gs) # to keep the GeneSets first
  g <- permute(g, c(rank_gs, rank_feats))


#' Extract the backbone for the gene-geneset graph
#' Extract the backbone for the gene-geneset graph, either for the genes or for the
#' genesets
#' @param res_enrich A `data.frame` object, storing the result of the functional
#' enrichment analysis. See more in the main function, [GeneTonic()], to check the
#' formatting requirements (a minimal set of columns should be present).
#' @param res_de A `DESeqResults` object.
#' @param annotation_obj A `data.frame` object with the feature annotation
#' information, with at least two columns, `gene_id` and `gene_name`.
#' @param gtl A `GeneTonic`-list object, containing in its slots the arguments
#' specified above: `dds`, `res_de`, `res_enrich`, and `annotation_obj` - the names
#' of the list _must_ be specified following the content they are expecting
#' @param n_gs Integer value, corresponding to the maximal number of gene sets to
#' be included
#' @param gs_ids Character vector, containing a subset of `gs_id` as they are
#' available in `res_enrich`. Lists the gene sets to be included in addition to
#' the top ones (via `n_gs`)
#' @param bb_on A character string, either "genesets" or "features", to specify which
#' entity should be based the backbone graph on.
#' @param bb_method A character string, referring to the function to be called (
#' from the `backbone` package) for computing the backbone of the specified
#' bipartite graph. Defaults to "sdsm", as recommended in the `backbone` package.
#' @param bb_extract_alpha A numeric value, specifying the significance level to
#' use when detecting the backbone of the network
#' @param bb_extract_fwer A character string, defaulting to "none", specifying
#' which method to use for the multiple testing correction for controlling the
#' family-wise error rate
#' @param bb_fullinfo Logical value, determining what will be returned as output:
#' either a simple `ìgraph` object with the graph backbone (if set to `FALSE`),
#' or a list object containing also the `backbone` object, and the gene-geneset
#' graph used for the computation (if `TRUE`)
#' @param bb_remove_singletons Logical value, defines whether to remove or leave
#' in the returned graph the nodes that are not connected to other vertices
#' @param color_graph Logical value, specifies whether to use information about
#' genesets or features to colorize the nodes, e.g. for this info to be used in
#' interactive versions of the graph
#' @param color_by_geneset Character string, corresponding to the column in
#' `res_enrich` to be used for coloring the nodes if `bb_on` is set to "genesets".
#' Defaults to the "z_score", which can be obtained via `get_aggrscores()`
#' @param color_by_feature Character string, corresponding to the column in
#' `res_de` to be used for coloring the nodes if `bb_on` is set to "features".
#' Defaults to the "log2FoldChange", which should be normally included in a
#' DESeqResults object.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed internally
#' @return According to the `bb_fullinfo`, either a simple `ìgraph` object with
#' the graph backbone, or a named list object containing:
#' - the `igraph` of the extracted backbone
#' - the `backbone` object itself
#' - the gene-geneset graph used for the computation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("macrophage")
#' library("DESeq2")
#' library("org.Hs.eg.db")
#' library("AnnotationDbi")
#' # dds object
#' data("gse", package = "macrophage")
#' dds_macrophage <- DESeqDataSet(gse, design = ~ line + condition)
#' rownames(dds_macrophage) <- substr(rownames(dds_macrophage), 1, 15)
#' dds_macrophage <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_macrophage)
#' # annotation object
#' anno_df <- data.frame(
#'   gene_id = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#'   gene_name = mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db,
#'     keys = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#'     column = "SYMBOL",
#'     keytype = "ENSEMBL"
#'   ),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#'   row.names = rownames(dds_macrophage)
#' )
#' # res object
#' data(res_de_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_de <- res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
#' # res_enrich object
#' data(res_enrich_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_enrich <- shake_topGOtableResult(topgoDE_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
#' res_enrich <- get_aggrscores(res_enrich, res_de, anno_df)
#' ggs_bbg <- ggs_backbone(res_enrich,
#'   res_de,
#'   anno_df,
#'   n_gs = 50,
#'   bb_on = "genesets",
#'   color_graph = TRUE,
#'   color_by_geneset = "z_score"
#' )
#' plot(ggs_bbg)
#' # if desired, one can also plot the interactive version
#' visNetwork::visIgraph(ggs_bbg)
ggs_backbone <- function(res_enrich,
                         annotation_obj = NULL,
                         gtl = NULL,
                         n_gs = 15,
                         gs_ids = NULL,
                         bb_on = c("genesets", "features"),
                         bb_method = c("sdsm", "fdsm", "fixedrow"),
                         bb_extract_alpha = 0.05,
                         bb_extract_fwer = c("none", "bonferroni", "holm"),
                         bb_fullinfo = FALSE,
                         bb_remove_singletons = TRUE,
                         color_graph = TRUE,
                         color_by_geneset = "z_score",
                         color_by_feature = "log2FoldChange",
                         ...) {
  if (!is.null(gtl)) {
    dds <- gtl$dds
    res_de <- gtl$res_de
    res_enrich <- gtl$res_enrich
    annotation_obj <- gtl$annotation_obj


  bb_method <- match.arg(bb_method, c("sdsm", "fdsm", "fixedrow"))
  bb_extract_fwer <- match.arg(bb_extract_fwer, c("none", "bonferroni", "holm"))
  bb_on <- match.arg(bb_on, c("genesets", "features"))

  # check that columns to encode the colors are present
  if (color_graph) {
    if (bb_on == "genesets") {
      if (!color_by_geneset %in% colnames(res_enrich)) {
          "Your res_enrich object does not contain the ",
          " column.\n",
          "Compute this first or select another column to use for the color."
    } else if (bb_on == "features") {
      if (!color_by_feature %in% colnames(res_de)) {
          "Your res_de object does not contain the ",
          " column.\n",
          "Compute this first or select another column to use for the color."

  # first, compute the ggs graph object
  ggs <- ggs_graph(
    res_enrich = res_enrich,
    res_de = res_de,
    annotation_obj = annotation_obj,
    gtl = gtl,
    n_gs = n_gs,
    gs_ids = gs_ids

  # for making this a formal bipartite graph
  V(ggs)$type <- V(ggs)$nodetype == "GeneSet"

  bpm <- igraph::as_biadjacency_matrix(ggs)

  if (bb_on == "features") {
    bpm_for_backbone <- bpm
  } else if (bb_on == "genesets") {
    bpm_for_backbone <- t(bpm)

  if (bb_method == "sdsm") {
    bbobj <- backbone::sdsm(bpm_for_backbone, alpha = NULL)
  } else if (bb_method == "fdsm") {
    bbobj <- backbone::fdsm(bpm_for_backbone, trials = 1000, alpha = NULL)
  } else if (bb_method == "fixedrow") {
    bbobj <- backbone::fixedrow(bpm_for_backbone, alpha = NULL)

  bbextracted <- backbone::backbone.extract(bbobj,
    alpha = bb_extract_alpha,
    mtc = bb_extract_fwer

  bbgraph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(bbextracted, mode = "undirected")

  if (bb_remove_singletons) {
    bbgraph <- igraph::delete_vertices(bbgraph, !(igraph::degree(bbgraph) >= 1))

  if (igraph::vcount(bbgraph) != 0) {
    if (color_graph) {
      if (bb_on == "genesets") {
        # will use the summarized Z-score
        color_by <- color_by_geneset
        idx <- match(V(bbgraph)$name, res_enrich$gs_description)
        col_var <- res_enrich[idx, color_by]

        mypal <- rev(scales::alpha(
          colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.8
        mypal_hover <- rev(scales::alpha(
          colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.5
        mypal_select <- rev(scales::alpha(
          colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 1

        V(bbgraph)$color.background <- mosdef::map_to_color(col_var, mypal, symmetric = TRUE,
                                                 limits = range(na.omit(col_var)))
        V(bbgraph)$color.highlight <- mosdef::map_to_color(col_var, mypal_select, symmetric = TRUE,
                                                limits = range(na.omit(col_var)))
        V(bbgraph)$color.hover <- mosdef::map_to_color(col_var, mypal_hover, symmetric = TRUE,
                                            limits = range(na.omit(col_var)))
        V(bbgraph)$color.background[is.na(V(bbgraph)$color.background)] <- "lightgrey"
        V(bbgraph)$color.highlight[is.na(V(bbgraph)$color.highlight)] <- "lightgrey"
        V(bbgraph)$color.hover[is.na(V(bbgraph)$color.hover)] <- "lightgrey"

        V(bbgraph)$color.border <- "black"

        # additional specification of edge colors
        E(bbgraph)$color <- "lightgrey"
      } else if (bb_on == "features") {
        # will use the logFoldChange
        color_by <- color_by_feature
        idx <- annotation_obj$gene_id[match(V(bbgraph)$name, annotation_obj$gene_name)]
        col_var <- res_de[idx, color_by]

        mypal <- rev(scales::alpha(
          colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.8
        mypal_hover <- rev(scales::alpha(
          colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 0.5
        mypal_select <- rev(scales::alpha(
          colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", 11))(50), 1

        V(bbgraph)$color.background <- mosdef::map_to_color(col_var, mypal, 
                                                 limits = range(na.omit(col_var)))
        V(bbgraph)$color.highlight <- mosdef::map_to_color(col_var, mypal_select, 
                                                limits = range(na.omit(col_var)))
        V(bbgraph)$color.hover <- mosdef::map_to_color(col_var, mypal_hover, 
                                            limits = range(na.omit(col_var)))

        V(bbgraph)$color.background[is.na(V(bbgraph)$color.background)] <- "lightgrey"
        V(bbgraph)$color.highlight[is.na(V(bbgraph)$color.highlight)] <- "lightgrey"
        V(bbgraph)$color.hover[is.na(V(bbgraph)$color.hover)] <- "lightgrey"
        V(bbgraph)$color.border <- "black"

        # additional specification of edge colors
        E(bbgraph)$color <- "lightgrey"

  if (bb_fullinfo) {
        bbgraph = bbgraph,
        bbobj = bbobj,
        ggs = ggs
  } else {

#' Summarize information on the hub genes
#' Summarize information on the hub genes in the Gene-Geneset graph
#' @param g An `igraph` object, as generated by the `ggs_graph()` function
#' @return A data.frame object, formatted for use in `DT::datatable()`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("macrophage")
#' library("DESeq2")
#' library("org.Hs.eg.db")
#' library("AnnotationDbi")
#' # dds object
#' data("gse", package = "macrophage")
#' dds_macrophage <- DESeqDataSet(gse, design = ~ line + condition)
#' rownames(dds_macrophage) <- substr(rownames(dds_macrophage), 1, 15)
#' dds_macrophage <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_macrophage)
#' # annotation object
#' anno_df <- data.frame(
#'   gene_id = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#'   gene_name = mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db,
#'     keys = rownames(dds_macrophage),
#'     column = "SYMBOL",
#'     keytype = "ENSEMBL"
#'   ),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#'   row.names = rownames(dds_macrophage)
#' )
#' # res object
#' data(res_de_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_de <- res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive
#' # res_enrich object
#' data(res_enrich_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_enrich <- shake_topGOtableResult(topgoDE_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
#' res_enrich <- get_aggrscores(res_enrich, res_de, anno_df)
#' ggs <- ggs_graph(
#'   res_enrich,
#'   res_de,
#'   anno_df
#' )
#' dt_df <- summarize_ggs_hubgenes(ggs)
#' DT::datatable(dt_df, escape = FALSE)
summarize_ggs_hubgenes <- function(g) {
  df_nodes <- data.frame(
    node_name = V(g)$name,
    node_type = V(g)$nodetype,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Select nodes belonging to genes from graph
  genes <- subset(df_nodes, df_nodes$node_type == "Feature")
  genes <- genes$node_name

  # Get degree of gene nodes in the graph
  node_degrees <- sapply(genes, function(x) degree(g, x))
  buttons <- sapply(genes, generate_buttons_hubgenes)
  # print(buttons)

  node_degrees_df <- data.frame(
    gene = genes,
    degree = node_degrees,
    buttons = buttons

  # Sort in descending degree order
  rownames(node_degrees_df) <- NULL
  node_degrees_df <- arrange(node_degrees_df, desc(.data$degree))
  colnames(node_degrees_df) <- c("Gene", "Degree", "See more")
federicomarini/GeneTonic documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 8:49 p.m.