
#' @title S4 class \code{a4aFitCatchDiagn}
#' @description The \code{a4aFitCatchDiagn} class extends \code{FLQuants} to store information to run diagnostics on aggregated catch estimated  by the a4a stock assessment fit.
#' @docType class
#' @name a4aFitCatchDiagn-class
#' @rdname a4aFitCatchDiagn-class
#' @aliases a4aFitCatchDiagn-class

setClass("a4aFitCatchDiagn", contain="FLQuants")

#' @rdname a4aFitCatchDiagn-class
#' @aliases a4aFitCatchDiagn a4aFitCatchDiagn-methods
#' @template bothargs
#' @param stock \code{FLStock} object used to fit the model
#' @param indices \code{FLIndices} object used to fit the model
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' data(ple4.index)
#' obj <- sca(stock=ple4, indices=FLIndices(ple4.index))
#' flqs <- residuals(obj, ple4, FLIndices(idx=ple4.index))
setGeneric("computeCatchDiagnostics", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("computeCatchDiagnostics"))

#' @rdname a4aFit-class
#' @aliases clock clock-methods
setMethod("computeCatchDiagnostics", signature(object="a4aFit"), function(object, stock, ...) {
	args <- list(...)
	it <- 500
	pred <- predict(object)
	if(dims(object)$iter==1) fits <- simulate(object, it) else it <- dims(object)$iter
	stk_new <- stock + object
	cth_est <- catch(stk_new)
	cth_obs <- catch(stock)
	# sim with observation error
	flqoe <- quantSums(rlnorm(it, log(catch.n(object)), pred$vmodel$catch)*catch.wt(stock))
	# sim with estimation error
	flqee <- catch(stock + fits)
	# both
	flqe <- quantSums(rlnorm(it, log(catch.n(object)), sqrt(pred$vmodel$catch^2 + iterVars(log(catch.n(fits)))))*catch.wt(stock))
	# standardized residuals
	resstd <- stdlogres(cth_obs, cth_est)
	# pearson residuals
	sdlog <- sqrt(iterVars(log(flqoe)))
	resprs <- stdlogres(cth_obs, cth_est, sdlog=sdlog)
	# deviances
	devs <- log(cth_obs/cth_est)
	# out
	flqs <- FLQuants(list(obs = cth_obs, est = cth_est, oe=flqoe, ee=flqee, oee=flqe, resstd=resstd, resprs=resprs, resraw=devs))
	new("a4aFitCatchDiagn", flqs)

#' @title Plot of standardized log residuals
#' @name plot of residuals
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
##' @aliases plot,a4aFitResiduals,missing-method
#' @description Method to produce scatterplots of standardized residuals
#' @param x an \code{a4aFitResiduals} object with the standardized residuals
#' @param y ignored
#' @param auxline a string defining the type of line to be added, by default uses 'smooth', a common alternative is to use 'r', a regression, or leave it empty ''
#' @param ... additional argument list that might never be used
#' @return a \code{plot} with stardardized log residuals
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' data(ple4.index)
#' obj <- sca(ple4, FLIndices(ple4.index))
#' flqs <- residuals(obj, ple4, FLIndices(idx=ple4.index))
#' plot(flqs)

setMethod("plot", c("a4aFitCatchDiagn", "missing"), function(x, y=missing, ...){
	args <- list()

	# lattice stores the code for the plot not the plot itself, which means
	# one has to have datasets for each plot and formulas must match

	# absolute catches
	# build datasets
	probs <- c(0.10, 0.50, 0.90)
	d1 <- as.data.frame(quantile(x$oe, probs))
	d2 <- as.data.frame(quantile(x$ee, probs))
	d3 <- as.data.frame(quantile(x$oee, probs))
	obs <- x$obs

	# these are absolute catches which should be in a similar scale
	# ylimits across catch plots
	v1 <- c(d1$data, d2$data, d3$data)
	mn1 <- min(v1)*.95
	mx1 <- max(v1)*1.05

	# arguments for xyplot
	pset <- list(regions=list(col="gray95"), axis.line = list(col = "gray75"))
	pfun <- function(x,y,subscripts,groups,...){
		panel.polygon(c(x[groups=="10%"],rev(x[groups=="90%"])), c(y[groups=="10%"],rev(y[groups=="90%"])), col="gray85", border=0)
		panel.xyplot(x[groups=="50%"], y[groups=="50%"], lty=2, col=1, lwd=1.5, ...)
		panel.xyplot(dimnames(obs)[[2]], c(obs), type="l", col=1, lwd=1.5)

	# oe
	p1 <- xyplot(data~year, groups=iter, data=d1, type="l", par.settings=pset, panel=pfun, xlab="", ylab="", main="Observation error", ylim=c(mn1, mx1)) 

	# ee
	p2 <- xyplot(data~year, groups=iter, data=d2, type="l", par.settings=pset, panel=pfun, xlab="", ylab="", main="Estimation error", ylim=c(mn1, mx1)) 

	# oee
	p3 <- xyplot(data~year, groups=iter, data=d3, type="l", par.settings=pset, panel=pfun, xlab="", ylab="", main="Prediction error", ylim=c(mn1, mx1)) 

	# catch residuals

	# these are residuals, which should be around a N(0,1) scale, and
	# have negative values
	# ylimits across residual plots
	v2 <- max(abs(unlist(x[c("resprs","resstd","resraw")])))*1.05
	mn2 <- -v2
	mx2 <- v2

	# build dataset
	y1 <- x1 <- x2 <- as.numeric(dimnames(x$obs)[[2]])
	y1[] <- 0
	df0 <- data.frame(x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, resprs=c(x$resprs), resstd=c(x$resstd), resraw=c(x$resraw))

	# arguments for xyplot
	args <- list(...)
	args$x = y1~x1
	args$data = df0
	args$ylim=c(mn2, mx2)
	args$par.settings=list(axis.line = list(col = "gray75"))

	# pearson
	args$panel=function(x1, y1, ...){
		panel.segments(df0$x1, df0$y1, df0$x2, df0$resprs, ...)
		panel.xyplot(df0$x1, df0$resprs, ...)
	args$main="Pearson residuals"
	p4 <- do.call("xyplot", args)

	# standardized
	args$panel=function(x1, y1, ...){
		panel.segments(df0$x1, df0$y1, df0$x2, df0$resstd, ...)
		panel.xyplot(df0$x1, df0$resstd, ...)
	args$main="Standardized residuals"
	p5 <- do.call("xyplot", args)

	# deviances
	args$panel=function(x1, y1, ...){
		panel.segments(df0$x1, df0$y1, df0$x2, df0$resraw, ...)
		panel.xyplot(df0$x1, df0$resraw, ...)
	args$main="Raw residuals (deviances)"
	p6 <- do.call("xyplot", args)
	# build plot
	grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, nrow = 3, as.table=FALSE, top=textGrob("Aggregated catch diagnostics \n", gp=gpar(fontface = "bold", cex=2)), bottom=textGrob("(shaded area = CI80%, dashed line = median, solid line = observed) \n", gp=gpar(cex=1.25)))

flr/FLa4a documentation built on June 4, 2023, 11:05 a.m.