
Defines functions geta4aSRmodel isPresenta4aSRmodel a4aSRmodelDefinitions none geomean hockey ricker bevholtSV bevholt check_cv dropMatrixIter flqFromRange par2mat mvrEmpT write.t.sparse write.t make.df list2df quant2mat check.executable .onAttach

# internal functions

# startup message
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname)
  ## TODO find out sep char for environment vars on macs
  sep <- if (os.type("linux") | os.type("osx")) ":" else if (os.type("windows")) ";" else ","
  path <- paste0(a4a.dir(), sep, Sys.getenv("PATH"))

  ## message with version number
  tbl <- library(help = FLa4a)$info[[1]]
  version <- gsub(" |[a-zA-z]|:", "", tbl[grep("Version:",tbl)])
  msg <- paste0("This is FLa4a ", version,". For overview type \'help(package=\"FLa4a\")\'\n")

  # check 64 bit platform in windows
  if(os.type("windows") && grepl("x86", sessionInfo()$running))
    stop("a4a executable in this package has been compiled for a 64 bit OS,
      please get the i386 version on the FLa4a release page at

# returns the location on the file system of the ADMB executable
a4a.dir <- function () 
  if (os.type("linux")) {
    fnm <- system.file("bin/linux", package = "FLa4a")
  else if (os.type("osx")) {
    fnm <- system.file("bin/osx", package = "FLa4a")
  else if (os.type("windows")) {
    fnm <- system.file("bin/windows", package = "FLa4a")
  else {
    stop("Unknown OS")
  if (file.exists(fnm)) {
  else {
    stop(paste("FLa4a installation error; no such file", fnm))

# returns TRUE if correct operating system is passed as an argument
#os.type <- function (type = c("linux", "mac", "windows", "else")) 
os.type <- function (type = c("linux", "windows", "osx", "else")) 
  type = match.arg(type)
  if (type == "windows") {
    return(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
#  else if (type == "mac") {
#   result = (file.info("/Library")$isdir && file.info("/Applications")$isdir)
#    if (is.na(result)) {
#      result = FALSE
#    }
#    return(result)
#  }
  else if (type == "osx") {
    return(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin")
  else if (type == "linux") {
#    return((.Platform$OS.type == "unix") && !os.type("mac"))
    return(.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Darwin")
  else if (type == "else") {
  else {
    stop("This shouldn't happen.")

# finds the size of the operating system addresses
os.32or64bit <- function () 
  return(ifelse(.Machine$sizeof.pointer == 4, "32", "64"))

# Checks that the executable can be run by the user
check.executable <- function() {
 if (os.type("linux")) {
   is.x <- file.access(paste0(a4a.dir(), "/a4a"), 1)[[1]]

   if (is.x != 0) {
       "Something has gone wrong!\n",
       "the a4a executable has the wrong permissions:\n\t",
     "\nPlease change permissions (in a terminal) to a+x using\n",
       "\tchmod a+x ", a4a.dir(), "/a4a\n",
       "if you installed under sudo you will have to run:\n",
       "\tsudo chmod a+x ", a4a.dir(), "/a4a"))
 } else { # windows

# utility to convert to a 2d array

quant2mat <- function(x) {
	out <- x[drop=TRUE]
	dim(out) <- dim(x)[1:2]
	dimnames(out) <- dimnames(x)[1:2]
	if (nrow(out) == 1 && dimnames(out)[[1]] == "all") dimnames(out)[[1]] <- NA_character_  # "all" denotes a biomass survey

# convert to dataframe
list2df <- function(fleet, list.obs, list.var, center.log) {
	x <- list.obs[[fleet]]
	v <- as.vector(list.var[[fleet]])
	year <- as.numeric(colnames(x)[col(x)])
	age <- as.numeric(rownames(x)[row(x)])
	obs <- log(as.vector(x)) - center.log[fleet]
	if (all(is.na(v))) {
		wts <- 1
	} else { # use inverse variance weighting
		wts <-  1 / v # inverse variance weigting
	ret <- data.frame(fleet = fleet, year = year, age = age, obs = obs, weights = wts)
	ret <- ret[!is.na(ret $ obs), ]
	if (any(is.na(ret[,5])) || any(ret[,5] <= 0)) {
		ret[,5] <- 1
		warning("*** NA and/or non-positive variances found in: ", names(list.obs)[fleet], " - all variances set to 1", call. = FALSE)

# build a full data frame first (we will use this for the variance model so it is not a waste)
make.df <- function(fleet, stock, indices) {
	thing <- if (fleet == 1) stock else indices[[fleet - 1]]
	expand.grid(age = if (is(thing, 'FLIndexBiomass') ) NA else range(thing)["min"]:range(thing)["max"], 
				year = range(thing)["minyear"]:range(thing)["maxyear"])[2:1]

# local utility
write.t <- function(x, file, ...) write.table(x, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = '\t', file = file, append = TRUE)

write.t.sparse <- function(x, file, ...) {
	x <- as(x, "symmetricMatrix")
	cat("\n# i\n", x @ i, "\n# p\n", x @ p, "\n# x\n", x @ x, file = file, append = TRUE)  

# simulate mvnorm with empirical T (fixes bug in mvrnorm)

mvrEmpT <- function(n, mu, Sigma, tol = 1e-6, empirical=TRUE){
			mm <- mvrnorm(n, mu, Sigma, tol=tol, empirical=T)
		} else {
			mm <- mvrnorm(length(mu)+1, mu, Sigma, tol=tol, empirical=T)
			mm <- mm[1:n,]	
	} else {
			mm <- mvrnorm(n, mu, Sigma, tol=tol, empirical=FALSE)
	# output with right dims for FLPar
	if(is(mm, "matrix")) t(mm) else (t(t(mm)))


# if FLPar param is of dim 1 coerce to matrix and name "intercept"
par2mat <- function(object){
	p0 <- object@coefficients
	dims <- dim(p0)
		m0 <- t(t(p0[drop=TRUE]))
		dimnames(m0)[[2]] <- dimnames(p0)[[1]]
	} else {
		m0 <- t(p0[drop=T])

flqFromRange <- function(object) {
  range <- range(object)
#  if (all(is.na(range[c("min", "max")]))) {
  if (all(is.na(range[c("min", "max")])) | isTRUE(attr(object, "FLIndexBiomass"))) {
    # fix for biomass indices or any quant that has "all" for the first dim
        nrow = 1,
        ncol = range["maxyear"] - range["minyear"] + 1),
        dimnames = list(age = "all",
                        year = range["minyear"]:range["maxyear"]
  } else {
    # the normal case
        nrow = range["max"] - range["min"] + 1,
        ncol = range["maxyear"] - range["minyear"] + 1),
        dimnames = list(age = range["min"]:range["max"],
                        year = range["minyear"]:range["maxyear"]

dropMatrixIter <- function(object, iter = 1) {
  dims <- dim(object)
  if (!inherits(object, "array") || length(dims) != 3) stop("object must be an array")
  out <- object[,, iter]
  dim(out) <- dim(object)[1:2]
  dimnames(out) <- dimnames(object)[1:2]

# these are left over from when you could set linear models for SR params 
  #bevholt <- function(a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1, CV = 0.5) {
  #  if (CV <= 0) stop ("CV in stock recruit relationship cannot be less than zero")
  #  list(srr = "bevholt", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 1)
  #bevholtSV <- function(h = ~ 1, v = ~ 1, SPR0 = 1, CV = 0.5) {
  #  if (CV <= 0) stop ("CV in stock recruit relationship cannot be less than zero")
  #  list(srr = "bevholtSV", a = h, b = v, SPR0 = SPR0, srrCV = CV, ID = 5)
  #ricker <- function(a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1, CV = 0.5) {
  #  if (CV <= 0) stop ("CV in stock recruit relationship cannot be less than zero")
  #  list(srr = "ricker", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 2)
  #hockey <- function(a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1, CV = 0.5) {
  #  if (CV <= 0) stop ("CV in stock recruit relationship cannot be less than zero")
  #  list(srr = "hockey", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 3)
  #geomean <- function(a = ~ 1, CV = 0.5) {
  #  if (CV <= 0) stop ("CV in stock recruit relationship cannot be less than zero")
  #  list(srr = "geomean", a = a, b = ~ 1, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 4)
  #none <- function() list(srr = "geomean", a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1, srrCV = -1, ID = 4)

# ----------------------------------------------
#  bevholt, ricker, geomean share definitions with FLSR
#  the others need to be defined by the FLa4a package
#  It is the responsibility of FLa4a to maintain the defninition of
#  these SR functoions in the tpl file to match the definition in FLCore
# ----------------------------------------------

check_cv <- function(CV) {
  if (!is.numeric(CV))
    stop("CV must be a numeric value not: ", capture.output(print(CV)))
  if (CV <= 0)
    stop ("CV in stock recruit relationship cannot be less than zero")

bevholt <- function(CV = 0.5, a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1) {
  list(srr = "bevholt", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 1)

bevholtSV <- function(CV = 0.5, SPR0 = 1, a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1) {
  list(srr = "bevholtSV", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = SPR0, srrCV = CV, ID = 5)

ricker <- function(CV = 0.5, a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1) {
  list(srr = "ricker", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 2)

hockey <- function(CV = 0.5, a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1) {
  list(srr = "hockey", a = a, b = b, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 3)

geomean <- function(CV = 0.5, a = ~ 1, ...) {
  list(srr = "geomean", a = a, b = ~ 1, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = CV, ID = 4)

none <- function(...) {
  list(srr = "geomean", a = ~ 1, b = ~ 1, SPR0 = 1, srrCV = -1, ID = 4)

a4aSRmodelList <- c("bevholt", "bevholtSV", "ricker", "hockey", "geomean")
flcSRmodelList <- c("bevholt", "ricker", "geomean")

a4aSRmodelDefinitions <- function(srmodel) {
  srmodelName <- gsub("\\([^()]*\\)", "", srmodel)
  if (srmodelName %in% flcSRmodelList) {
    # get FLSR definition
    eval(parse(text=paste0("FLCore::", srmodelName, "()")))$model[[3]]
  } else {
    # use a4a definition
      bevholtSV = (~ (6*h*b*ssb) / (spr0* (((a/(1+a)*0.8 + 0.2) + 1)*b + (5*(a/(1+a)*0.8 + 0.2) - 1)*ssb) ))[[2]], # spr0 is provided by user,
      hockey = (~ a * (ssb + sqrt(b^2 + 0.0025) - sqrt((ssb - b)^2 + 0.0025)))[[2]],
      stop("unknown SR model")

isPresenta4aSRmodel <- function(srMod) {
  facs <- strsplit(as.character(srMod)[length(srMod)], "[+]")[[1]]
  facs <- gsub("(^ )|( $)", "", facs) # remove leading and trailing spaces
  grepl(paste("(^",a4aSRmodelList,"[(])", collapse = "|", sep = ""), facs)

geta4aSRmodel <- function(srMod) {
  facs <- strsplit(as.character(srMod)[length(srMod)], "[+]")[[1]]
  facs <- gsub("(^ )|( $)", "", facs) # remove leading and trailing spaces
  a4as <- grepl(paste("(^",a4aSRmodelList,"[(])", collapse = "|", sep = ""), facs)
  if (sum(a4as) > 1) stop("you can only specify one type of stock recruit relationship.")
  if (sum(a4as) == 0) "none()" else facs[a4as]
flr/FLa4a documentation built on June 4, 2023, 11:05 a.m.