
Defines functions determineSamplesFormat resolveCacheDir pathAsAbsoluteRedirected bamInfoOnlyBaseName qProjectBamInfo createReferenceSequenceIndices createQProject missingFilesMessage qAlign

Documented in qAlign

# bowtie alignments: --best --strata -m 1 (return one alignment, but only if it is a unique mapper)
# plus -q/-f [--phred33/64-quals] [-C] -S --quiet
# paired:
# valid values are NULL, "no", "fr", "rf", "ff"
# in case of NULL, QuasR determines the paired status automatically from the given sampleFile (2 columns:unpaired, 3 columns:paired).
# The orientation for paired end is set to "fr" by default. In case of bam input files, the user needs to specify manually the
# status ("no","fr","rf","ff")
# snpFile need four columns (chrom, pos, ref, alt) with no header
# geneAnnotation should be the path to either a gtf file or a TxDb sqlite file

#' Align reads
#' Create read alignments against reference genome and optional auxiliary
#' targets if not yet existing. If necessary, also build target indices for
#' the aligner.
#' Before generating new alignments, \code{qAlign} looks for previously
#' generated alignments as well as for an aligner index. If no aligner
#' index exists, it will be automatically created and stored in the same
#' directory as the provided fasta file, or as an R package in the case
#' of a BSgenome reference. The name of this R package will be the same
#' as the BSgenome package name, with an additional suffix from the
#' aligner (e.g. \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.Rbowtie}). The
#' generated bam files contain both aligned und unaligned reads. For
#' paired-end samples, by default no alignments will be reported for
#' read pairs where only one of the reads could be aligned.
#' \code{sampleFile} is a tab-delimited text file listing all the input
#' sequences to be included in a given analysis. The file has either two
#' (single-end) or three columns (paired-end). The first row contains the
#' column names, and additional rows contain relative or absolute path
#' and name of input sequence file(s), as well as the according sample
#' name. Three input file formats are supported (fastq, fasta and bam).
#' All input files in one \code{sampleFile} need to be in the same
#' format, and are recognized by their extension (.fq, .fastq, .fa,
#' .fasta, .fna, .bam), in raw or compressed form (e.g. .fastq.gz). If
#' bam files are provided, then no alignments are generated by
#' \code{qAlign}, and the alignments contained in the bam files will be
#' used instead.
#' The column names in \code{sampleFile} have to match to the ones in the
#' examples below, for a single-read experiment:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   FileName        \tab SampleName \cr
#'   chip_1_1.fq.bz2 \tab Sample1    \cr
#'   chip_2_1.fq.bz2 \tab Sample2
#' }
#' and for a paired-end experiment:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   FileName1      \tab FileName2      \tab SampleName \cr
#'   rna_1_1.fq.bz2 \tab rna_1_2.fq.bz2 \tab Sample1    \cr
#'   rna_2_1.fq.bz2 \tab rna_2_2.fq.bz2 \tab Sample2
#' }
#' The \dQuote{SampleName} column is the human-readable name for each
#' sample that will be used as sample labels. Multiple sequence files may
#' be associated to the same sample name, which instructs \code{QuasR} to
#' combine those files.
#' \code{auxiliaryFile} is a tab-delimited text file listing one or
#' several additional target sequence files in fasta format. Reads that
#' do not map against the reference genome will be aligned against each
#' of these target sequence files. The first row contains the column
#' names which have to match to the ones in the example below:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   FileName       \tab AuxName \cr
#'   NC_001422.1.fa \tab phiX174
#' }
#' \code{snpFile} is a tab-delimited text file without a header and
#' contains four columns with chromosome name, position, reference allele
#' and alternative allele, as in the example below:
#' \tabular{llll}{
#'   chr1 \tab  8596 \tab G \tab A \cr
#'   chr1 \tab 18443 \tab G \tab A \cr
#'   chr1 \tab 18981 \tab C \tab T \cr
#'   chr1 \tab 19341 \tab G \tab A
#' }
#' The reference and alternative alleles will be injected into the
#' reference genome, resulting in two separate genomes. All reads will be
#' aligned separately to both of these genomes, and the alignments will
#' be combined, only retaining the best alignment for each read. In the
#' final alignment, each read will be marked with a tag that classifies
#' it into reference (\code{R}), alternative (\code{A}) or unknown
#' (\code{U}), if the reads maps equally well to both genomes.
#' If \code{bisulfite} is set to \dQuote{dir} or \dQuote{undir}, reads
#' will be C-to-T converted and aligned to a similarly converted genome.
#' If \code{alignmentParameter} is \code{NULL} (recommended),
#' \code{qAlign} will select default parameters that are suitable for the
#' experiment type. Please note that for bisulfite or allele-specific
#' experiments, each read is aligned multiple times, and resulting
#' alignments need to be combined. This requires special settings for the
#' alignment parameters that are not recommended to be changed. For
#' \sQuote{simple} experiments (neither bisulfite, allele-specific, nor
#' spliced), alignments are generated using the parameters \code{-m
#' maxHits --best --strata}. This will align reads with up to
#' \dQuote{maxHits} best hits in the genome and selects one of them randomly.
#' @param  sampleFile The name of a text file listing input sequence files
#'   and sample names (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param genome The reference genome for primary alignments, one of:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item a string referring to a \dQuote{BSgenome} package
#'   (e.g. \dQuote{"BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"}), which will be
#'   downloaded automatically from Bioconductor if not present
#'   \item the name of a fasta sequence file containing one or
#'   several sequences (chromosomes) to be used as a reference. The aligner
#'   index will be created when necessary and stored in a default
#'   location (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' }
#' @param auxiliaryFile The name of a text file listing sequences to be
#'   used as additional targets for alignment of reads not mapping to the
#'   reference genome (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param aligner selects the aligner program to be used for aligning the
#'   reads. Currently, only \dQuote{Rbowtie} and \dQuote{Rhisat2} are supported,
#'   which are R wrapper packages for \sQuote{bowtie} / \sQuote{SpliceMap} and
#'   \sQuote{hisat2}, respectively (see \code{\link[Rbowtie]{Rbowtie-package}} and
#'   \code{\link[Rhisat2]{Rhisat2-package}} packages).
#' @param maxHits sets the maximal number of allowed mapping positions
#'   per read (default: 1). If a read produces more than \code{maxHits}
#'   alignments, no alignments will be reported for it. In case of a
#'   multi-mapping read, a single alignment is randomly selected.
#' @param paired defines the type of paired-end library and can be set to
#'   one of \code{no} (single read experiment, default), \code{fr} (fw/rev),
#'   \code{ff} (fw/fw) or \code{rf} (rev/fw).
#' @param splicedAlignment If \code{TRUE}, reads will be aligned using a
#'   spliced aligner, depending on the value of \code{aligner} described above:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{aligner="Rhisat2"}}{: This is the recommended setting
#'     for spliced alignments and will use hisat2 from the
#'     \code{\link[Rhisat2]{Rhisat2-package}}. See also the \code{geneAnnotation}
#'     argument below for providing known exon-exon junctions.}
#'     \item{\code{aligner="Rbowtie"}}{: This is not recommended and only
#'     available for legacy reasons. It will use SpliceMap to produce spliced
#'     alignments (without using a database of known exon-exon junctions).
#'     Compared to the alternative alignment modes (non-spliced or spliced using
#'     \code{Rhisat2} as aligner), this alignment mode is about ten-fold slower
#'     and also less sensitive. Furthermore, SpliceMap can only be used for
#'     reads with a minimal length of 50nt; SpliceMap ignores reads that are
#'     shorter, and these reads will not be contained in the BAM file,
#'     neither as mapped or unmapped reads.}
#'   }
#' @param snpFile The name of a text file listing single nucleotide
#'   polymorphisms to be used for allele-specific alignment and
#'   quantification (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param bisulfite For bisulfite-converted samples (Bis-seq), the type
#'   of bisulfite library (\dQuote{dir} for directional libraries,
#'   \dQuote{undir} for undirectional libraries).
#' @param alignmentParameter An optional string containing command line
#'   parameters to be used for the aligner, to overrule the default
#'   alignment parameters used by \code{QuasR}. Please use with caution;
#'   some alignment parameters may break assumptions made by
#'   \code{QuasR}. Default parameters are listed in \sQuote{Details}.
#' @param projectName An optional name for the alignment project.
#' @param alignmentsDir The directory to be used for storing alignments
#'   (bam files). If set to \code{NULL} (default), bam files will be
#'   generated at the location of the input sequence files.
#' @param lib.loc can be used to change the default library path of
#'   R. The library path is used by \code{QuasR} to store aligner index
#'   packages created from \code{BSgenome} reference genomes.
#' @param cacheDir specifies the location to store (potentially huge)
#'   temporary files. If set to \code{NULL} (default), the temporary
#'   directory of the current R session as returned by \code{tempdir()}
#'   will be used.
#' @param clObj A cluster object, created by the package \pkg{parallel}, to
#'   enable parallel processing and speed up the alignment process.
#' @param checkOnly If \code{TRUE}, prevents the automatic creation of
#'   alignments or aligner indices. This allows to quickly check for missing
#'   alignment files without starting the potentially long process of
#'   their creation. In the case of missing alignments or indices, an
#'   exception is thrown.
#' @param geneAnnotation Only used if \code{aligner} is \code{"Rhisat2"}.
#'   The path to either a gtf file or a sqlite database generated by exporting
#'   a \code{TxDb} object. This file is used to generate a splice site file
#'   for \code{Rhisat2}, that will be used to guide the spliced alignment.
#'   Please note that if using an sqlite database file, do not use the one
#'   contained in the installed package folder of a \code{TxDb} package.
#'   \code{QuasR} (through \code{Rhisat2}) creates additional files in the
#'   folder which would interfere with the loading of the TxDb package.
#' @export
#' @return A \code{\link[=qProject-class]{qProject}} object.
#' @author Anita Lerch, Dimos Gaidatzis, Charlotte Soneson and Michael Stadler
#' @keywords utilities misc
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[=qProject-class]{qProject}},
#' \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} from package \pkg{parallel},
#' \code{\link[Rbowtie]{Rbowtie-package}} package,
#' \code{\link[Rhisat2]{Rhisat2-package}} package
#' @name qAlign
#' @aliases qAlign
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # see qCount, qMeth and qProfile manual pages for examples
#' example(qCount)
#' example(qMeth)
#' example(qProfile)
#' }
qAlign <- function(sampleFile, genome, auxiliaryFile = NULL, aligner = "Rbowtie",
                   maxHits = 1, paired = NULL, splicedAlignment = FALSE,
                   snpFile = NULL, bisulfite = "no", alignmentParameter = NULL,
                   projectName = "qProject", alignmentsDir = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
                   cacheDir = NULL, clObj = NULL, checkOnly = FALSE,
                   geneAnnotation = NULL) {

    # check if the user provided a samplefile and a genome
    if (missing(sampleFile)) {
        stop("Missing 'sampleFile' parameter.")
    if (missing(genome)) {
        stop("Missing 'genome' parameter.")

    # create a qProject, perform various tests, check for installed
    # BSgenome and load aligner packages
    # create fasta indices (.fai) files for all the reference sequences
    # (genome & aux) as well as all md5 sum files
    proj <- createQProject(sampleFile, genome, auxiliaryFile, aligner,
                           maxHits, paired, splicedAlignment, snpFile,
                           bisulfite, alignmentParameter, projectName,
                           alignmentsDir, lib.loc, cacheDir, geneAnnotation)

    # display the status of the project. in case of checkOnly=TRUE,
    # throw an exception if there are alignment files missing
    missingFilesMessage(proj, checkOnly)

    # check if there are any genomic alignment files missing. if so,
    # create index and align
    if (any(is.na(proj@alignments$FileName))) {
        # build genome index
        if (is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
            if (proj@genomeFormat == "file") {
                buildIndex(proj@genome, paste(proj@genome, proj@alnModeID, sep = "."),
                           proj@alnModeID, resolveCacheDir(proj@cacheDir))
            } else if (proj@genomeFormat == "BSgenome") {
                buildIndexPackage(proj@genome, proj@aligner, proj@alnModeID,
                                  resolveCacheDir(proj@cacheDir), proj@lib.loc)
            } else {
                stop("Fatal error 45906")
        } else {
            # create indices for the two secondary genomes specified by snps
            buildIndexSNP(proj@snpFile, paste(proj@snpFile, proj@alnModeID, sep = "."),
                          proj@genome, proj@genomeFormat, proj@alnModeID,

        # Rhisat2, generate splice site file
        if (proj@aligner == "Rhisat2" && !is.na(proj@geneAnnotation)) {
            buildSpliceSiteFile(proj@geneAnnotation, proj@geneAnnotationFormat)

        # align to the genome (qProject gets updated with the alignment file names)
        proj <- createGenomicAlignments(proj, clObj)


    # create indices for the auxiliary files if necessary
    # (if there are any alignment files missing)
    if (any(is.na(proj@auxAlignments))) {
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(proj@aux))) {
                       paste(proj@aux$FileName[i], proj@alnModeID, sep = "."),
                       proj@alnModeID, resolveCacheDir(proj@cacheDir),
                       checkMD5 = TRUE)

        proj <- createAuxAlignments(proj, clObj)

# inspect the qProject and give an overview of all the files that need to be computed
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamHeader
#' @importFrom utils flush.console installed.packages
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
missingFilesMessage <- function(proj, checkOnly) {

    genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated <- FALSE
    spliceSiteFileNeedsToBeCreated <- FALSE
    genomicAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated <- sum(is.na(proj@alignments$FileName))
    auxAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated <- sum(is.na(proj@auxAlignments))

    if (any(is.na(proj@alignments$FileName))) {
        if (is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
            if (proj@genomeFormat == "file") {
                indexPath <- paste(proj@genome, proj@alnModeID, sep = ".")
                if (file.exists(indexPath)) {
                    if (!("ref_md5Sum.txt" %in% dir(indexPath))) {
                        genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated <- TRUE
                } else {
                    genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated <- TRUE
            } else if (proj@genomeFormat == "BSgenome") {
                indexPackageName <- paste(proj@genome, proj@alnModeID, sep = ".")
                if (!(indexPackageName %in% utils::installed.packages()[, 'Package'])) {
                    genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated <- TRUE
            } else {
                stop("'genomeFormat' must be 'file' or 'BSgenome'")
        } else {
            indexPathR <- paste(proj@snpFile, basename(proj@genome),
                                "R", "fa", proj@alnModeID, sep = ".")
            indexPathA <- paste(proj@snpFile, basename(proj@genome),
                                "A", "fa", proj@alnModeID, sep = ".")

            if (file.exists(indexPathR) & file.exists(indexPathA)) {
                if (!("ref_md5Sum.txt" %in% dir(indexPathR)) |
                    !("ref_md5Sum.txt" %in% dir(indexPathA))) {
                    genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated <- TRUE
            } else {
                genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated <- TRUE

        ## Splice site file
        if (!is.null(proj@geneAnnotation) && !is.na(proj@geneAnnotation)) {
            if (!file.exists(paste0(proj@geneAnnotation, ".SpliceSites.txt"))) {
                spliceSiteFileNeedsToBeCreated <- TRUE

    ## for non-bam projects, check if sequence names and lengths in pre-existing
    ## bam files are consistent with BSgenome reference
    if (proj@samplesFormat != "bam" && any(!is.na(proj@alignments$FileName)) &&
        proj@genomeFormat == "BSgenome") {
        refchrs <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(get(proj@genome))
        refchrs <- refchrs[order(names(refchrs))]
        bamchrsL <- lapply(Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(
            function(bh) {
                x <- bh$targets
        ok <- unlist(lapply(bamchrsL, function(x) identical(x, refchrs)))
        if (!all(ok)) {
            warnfiles <- stats::na.omit(proj@alignments$FileName)[!ok]
            warning("The genome in ", proj@genome,
                    " has changed since some bam files\n",
                    "in this project were generated.\n",
                    "The following pre-existing bam files were generated for a\n",
                    "genome that is inconsistent with the current verion of ",
                    proj@genome, ":\n  ",
                    paste(warnfiles, collapse = "\n  "))

    if (!genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated & !spliceSiteFileNeedsToBeCreated &
        genomicAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated == 0 & auxAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated == 0) {
        message("all necessary alignment files found")
    } else {
        message("alignment files missing - need to:")
        if (genomeIndexNeedsToBeCreated) {
            message("    create alignment index for the genome")
        if (spliceSiteFileNeedsToBeCreated) {
            message("    create splice site file for gene annotation")
        if (genomicAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated > 0) {
            message("    create ", genomicAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated,
                    " genomic alignment(s)")
        if (auxAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated > 0) {
            message("    create ", auxAlignmentsNeedToBeCreated,
                    " auxiliary alignment(s)")

        if (checkOnly) {
            stop("alignment or index files are missing and checkOnly=TRUE. ",
                 "Aborting execution", call. = FALSE)

        if (interactive()) {
            message("will start in ", appendLF = FALSE); utils::flush.console()
            for (i in 9:1) {
                message("..", i, "s", appendLF = FALSE); utils::flush.console()

# read all the input information, perform various checks and compile the data into a qProject object
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tools file_path_as_absolute file_ext file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom BSgenome available.genomes
#' @importFrom ShortRead FastqStreamer yield
#' @importFrom Biostrings quality
#' @importFrom Biobase testBioCConnection
#' @importFrom methods new is
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages read.delim
createQProject <- function(sampleFile, genome, auxiliaryFile, aligner,
                           maxHits, paired, splicedAlignment,
                           snpFile, bisulfite, alignmentParameter,
                           projectName, alignmentsDir,
                           lib.loc, cacheDir, geneAnnotation) {

    # instantiate a qProject
    proj <- methods::new("qProject")


    if (length(genome) != 1) {
        stop("The genome parameter should contain only a single entry", call. = FALSE)

    # if there exists a / or \\ at the end of the genome string, remove it.
    # this is required for the consistent behavior of file.exists on windows
    # systems. file.exists("dir/") != file.exists("dir").
    genome <- sub("(\\\\|/)$", "", genome)

    if (file.exists(genome)) {
        # genome is a directory or a file
        if (!(file.info(genome)$isdir)) {
            # genome is a file, check if it is a fasta file
            if (consolidateFileExtensions(genome) == "fasta") {
                proj@genome <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(genome)
                proj@genomeFormat <- "file"
            } else {
                stop("The specified genome ", genome,
                     " does not have the extension of a fasta file (fa,fasta,fna)",
                     call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            # genome is a directory
            stop("The specified genome has to be a file and not a directory: ",
                 genome, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        # check if the genome is a BSgenome.
        if (genome %in% utils::installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc)[, 'Package']) {
            # BSgenome is already installed, load it
            if (!require(genome, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE,
                         lib.loc = c(lib.loc, .libPaths()))) {
                stop("The BSgenome ", genome,
                     " is installed but cannot be loaded. ",
                     "The version of the BSgenome might be outdated ",
                     "(verify using BiocManager::valid()).",
                     call. = FALSE)

            proj@genome <- genome
            proj@genomeFormat <- "BSgenome"
        } else {
            message("The specified genome is not a fasta file or an installed BSgenome.")
            message("Connecting to Bioconductor to check for available genomes ",
                    "(internet connection required)...", appendLF = FALSE)

            if (Biobase::testBioCConnection()) {
                # Connection to Bioconductor OK
                if (genome %in% BSgenome::available.genomes()) {
                    # The genome is available in Bioconductor,
                    # request installation
                    message(genome, " is available from Bioconductor.")
                    stop("Please install ", genome, " using:\n",
                         "   BiocManager::install(\"", genome, "\")\n",
                         "before calling qAlign.", call. = FALSE)

                } else {
                    # The genome is not available in Bioconductor
                         " is not available from Bioconductor. ",
                         "Use BSgenome::available.genomes() for a complete list.",
                         call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                # No connection to Bioconductor
                stop("Could not check if ", genome,
                     " is available from Bioconductor.\n",
                     "Use BSgenome::available.genomes() for a complete list,\n",
                     "and install ", genome, " using:\n",
                     "   BiocManager::install(\"", genome, "\")\n",
                     "before calling qAlign.", call. = FALSE)


    # --------------------------------- PROCESS THE GENOME ANNOTATION ---------------------------------
    if (!is.null(geneAnnotation)) {
        if (methods::is(geneAnnotation, "character") && length(geneAnnotation) == 1 &&
            file.exists(geneAnnotation) &&
            tools::file_ext(geneAnnotation) %in% c("gtf", "gff", "gff3", "sqlite")) {
            if (tools::file_ext(geneAnnotation) == "sqlite") {
                proj@geneAnnotationFormat <- "TxDb"
            } else {
                proj@geneAnnotationFormat <- "gtf"
        } else {
            stop("'geneAnnotation' must be a path to an existing sqlite, gtf or gff file.")
        proj@geneAnnotation <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(geneAnnotation)
    } else {
        proj@geneAnnotation <- NA_character_
        proj@geneAnnotationFormat <- NA_character_

    # ---------------------------------------- PARSE THE PAIRED PARAMETER ---------------------------------
    if (!is.null(paired)) {
        if (!(paired %in% c("no", "fr", "rf", "ff"))) {
            stop("The parameter paired supports only NULL, 'no', 'fr', 'rf' and 'ff'",
                 call. = FALSE)

    # ---------------------------------------- PARSE THE SAMPLE FILE -------------------------------------
    if (!file.exists(sampleFile)) {
        stop("Cannot open ", sampleFile, call. = FALSE)
    samples <- utils::read.delim(sampleFile, header = TRUE, colClasses = "character")

    if (nrow(samples) == 0) {
        stop(sampleFile," is either empty or there is a header missing", call. = FALSE)

    # get absolute path of the sample.txt file
    sampleFileAbsolutePath <- dirname(tools::file_path_as_absolute(sampleFile))

    # Check if the reads are single end
    if (ncol(samples) == 2) {
        if (all(colnames(samples) == c("FileName", "SampleName"))) {
            # this is a valid single end samples file. check if listed files exist
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(samples))) {
                pathRet <- pathAsAbsoluteRedirected(samples$FileName[i],
                if (!is.null(pathRet)) {
                    if (samples$SampleName[i] == "") {
                        stop(samples$FileName[i], " listed in ", sampleFile,
                             " has no sample name", call. = FALSE)
                    samples$FileName[i] <- pathRet
                } else {
                    stop(samples$FileName[i], " listed in ", sampleFile,
                         " does not exist", call. = FALSE)
            # determine format of the files (fa,fasta,fna)
            proj@samplesFormat <- determineSamplesFormat(samples$FileName)

            if (proj@samplesFormat == "bam") {
                # samples are provided as bam files
                if (is.null(paired)) {
                    stop("Paired status of the provided bam files cannot be ",
                         "determined automatically, please set the paired parameter",
                         call. = FALSE)

                if (length(unique(samples$FileName)) != nrow(samples)) {
                    stop("There are duplicate files in sampleFile. ",
                         "This is not allowed.", call. = FALSE)

                if (paired == "no") {
                    proj@reads <- samples
                    proj@reads$FileName <- NA_character_
                } else {
                    proj@reads <- data.frame(FileName1 = NA_character_,
                                             FileName2 = NA_character_,
                                             SampleName = samples$SampleName,
                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                proj@paired <- paired
                proj@alignments <- samples
            } else {
                # samples are provided as reads
                if (!is.null(paired)) {
                    if (paired != "no") {
                             " contains 2 columns which represents unpaired end data.",
                             " Please reset the paired parameter",
                             call. = FALSE)
                if (length(unique(samples$FileName)) != nrow(samples)) {
                    stop("There are duplicate files in sampleFile. ",
                         "This is not allowed as it would result in ",
                         "non-unique alignment file names",
                         call. = FALSE)

                proj@paired <- "no"
                proj@reads <- samples
                proj@alignments <- samples
                proj@alignments$FileName <- NA_character_
        } else {
            # incorrect format
                 " should contain column names FileName,SampleName (single end data)",
                 call. = FALSE)
        # Check if the reads are paired data
    } else if (ncol(samples) == 3) {
        if (all(colnames(samples) == c("FileName1", "FileName2", "SampleName"))) {
            # this is a valid paired end samples file. check if listed files exist
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(samples))) {
                pathRet <- pathAsAbsoluteRedirected(samples$FileName1[i],
                if (!is.null(pathRet)) {
                    if (samples$SampleName[i] == "") {
                        stop(samples$FileName1[i], " listed in ",
                             sampleFile, " has no sample name", call. = FALSE)
                    samples$FileName1[i] <- pathRet
                } else {
                    stop(samples$FileName1[i], " listed in ", sampleFile,
                         " does not exist", call. = FALSE)
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(samples))) {
                pathRet <- pathAsAbsoluteRedirected(samples$FileName2[i],
                if (!is.null(pathRet)) {
                    if (samples$SampleName[i] == "") {
                        stop(samples$FileName2[i], " listed in ",
                             sampleFile, " has no sample name", call. = FALSE)

                    samples$FileName2[i] <- pathRet
                } else {
                    stop(samples$FileName2[i], " listed in ",
                         sampleFile, " does not exist", call. = FALSE)
            # determine format of the files (fa,fasta,fna)
            proj@samplesFormat <- determineSamplesFormat(c(samples$FileName1,

            if (proj@samplesFormat == "bam") {
                stop("Bam files need to be listed in a two column file: ",
                     sampleFile, call. = FALSE)
            if (!is.null(paired)) {
                if (paired == "no") {
                         " contains 3 columns which represents paired end data. ",
                         "Please reset the paired parameter",
                         call. = FALSE)
            if (length(unique(c(samples$FileName1, samples$FileName2))) !=
                (2 * nrow(samples))) {
                stop("There are duplicate files in sampleFile. ",
                     "This is not allowed as it would result in ",
                     "non-unique alignment file names",
                     call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(paired)) {
                proj@paired <- "fr"
            } else {
                proj@paired <- paired

            proj@reads <- samples
            proj@alignments <- data.frame(FileName = NA_character_,
                                          SampleName = samples$SampleName,
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        } else {
            # incorrect format
                 " should contain the column names FileName1,FileName2,SampleName (paired end data)",
                 call. = FALSE)
        # The format of the file is not supported
    } else {
             " should be a tab delimited file with either 2 or 3 columns",
             call. = FALSE)

    # --------------- FOR FASTQ FILES, READ A SMALL CHUNK TO GUESS THE QUALITY FORMAT (phred33 or phred64) -------
    if (proj@samplesFormat == "fastq") {
        # add an additional quality column to the reads table
        proj@reads <- data.frame(proj@reads, phred = NA_character_,
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # switch off omp parallelization in ShortRead::FastqStreamer
        nthreads <- .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, 1L)
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(proj@reads))) {
            # take only first column even for paired end data
            fastq_fs <- ShortRead::FastqStreamer(proj@reads[i, 1], n = 2000,
                                                 readerBlockSize = 5e5)

                fastq_sq <- ShortRead::yield(fastq_fs)
            }, error = function(ex) {
                stop("Incorrect format for the fastq file: ",
                     proj@reads[i, 1], call. = FALSE)
            # determine the format of the quality values
            if (inherits(Biostrings::quality(fastq_sq), "FastqQuality")) {
                proj@reads$phred[i] <- "33"
            } else if (inherits(Biostrings::quality(fastq_sq), "SFastqQuality")) {
                proj@reads$phred[i] <- "64"
            } else {
                stop("The quality values of the provided sequences files are not interpretable: ",
                     proj@reads[i, 1], call. = FALSE)
        # switch back on omp parallelization in ShortRead::FastqStreamer
        .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, nthreads)

    # -------------------- CALCULATE MD5 SUB SUMS FOR ALL READ FILES ----------------------------------------
    if (proj@samplesFormat != "bam") {
        if (proj@paired == "no") {
            proj@reads_md5subsum <- data.frame(
                md5subsum = md5subsum(proj@reads$FileName),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        } else {
            proj@reads_md5subsum <- data.frame(
                md5subsum1 = md5subsum(proj@reads$FileName1),
                md5subsum2 = md5subsum(proj@reads$FileName2),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
        if (proj@paired == "no") {
            proj@reads_md5subsum <- as.data.frame(
                matrix(NA_character_, nrow = nrow(proj@reads), ncol = 1),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            colnames(proj@reads_md5subsum) <- "md5subsum"
        } else {
            proj@reads_md5subsum <- as.data.frame(
                matrix(NA_character_, nrow = nrow(proj@reads), ncol = 2),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            colnames(proj@reads_md5subsum) <- c("md5subsum1", "md5subsum2")

    # ----------------------------------- PARSE THE SNP FILE ------------------------------------

    if (!is.null(snpFile)) {
        if (!file.exists(snpFile)) {
            stop("Cannot open ", snpFile, call. = FALSE)
        proj@snpFile <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(snpFile)
    } else {
        proj@snpFile <- NA_character_

    # ---------------------------------------- PARSE THE AUXILIARY FILE -------------------------------------
    if (!is.null(auxiliaryFile)) {
        if (proj@samplesFormat == "bam") {
            stop("The option 'auxiliaryFile' is not supported for bam input files",
                 call. = FALSE)
        if (!is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
            stop("The option 'auxiliaryFile' is not supported in allelic mode",
                 call. = FALSE)
        if (!file.exists(auxiliaryFile)) {
            stop("Cannot open ", auxiliaryFile, call. = FALSE)
        auxiliaries <- utils::read.delim(auxiliaryFile, header = TRUE,
                                         colClasses = "character")

        if (nrow(auxiliaries) == 0) {
            stop(auxiliaryFile, " is either empty or there is a header missing",
                 call. = FALSE)

        # get absolute path of the auxiliary.txt file
        auxFileAbsolutePath <- dirname(tools::file_path_as_absolute(auxiliaryFile))

        if (ncol(auxiliaries) == 2) {
            if (all(colnames(auxiliaries) == c("FileName", "AuxName"))) {
                # this is a valid auxiliaries file. check if listed files exist
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(auxiliaries))) {
                    pathRet <- pathAsAbsoluteRedirected(auxiliaries$FileName[i],
                    if (!is.null(pathRet)) {
                        if (auxiliaries$AuxName[i] == "") {
                            stop(auxiliaries$FileName[i], " listed in ",
                                 auxiliaryFile, " has no name", call. = FALSE)
                        auxiliaries$FileName[i] <- pathRet
                    } else {
                        stop(auxiliaries$FileName[i], " listed in ",
                             auxiliaryFile, " does not exist", call. = FALSE)
                # test the file extensions
                allAuxFileExts <- unique(consolidateFileExtensions(auxiliaries$FileName))
                if (!all(consolidateFileExtensions(auxiliaries$FileName) == "fasta")) {
                    stop("All auxiliary files need to have a fasta extension (fa,fasta,fna)", call. = FALSE)

                if (length(unique(auxiliaries$AuxName)) != nrow(auxiliaries)) {
                    stop("All auxiliary files need to have a unique AuxName",
                         call. = FALSE)

                # store the auxiliary files
                proj@aux <- auxiliaries
            } else {
                # incorrect format
                     " should contain column names FileName,AuxName",
                     call. = FALSE)
        } else {
                 " should be a tab delimited file with 2 columns", call. = FALSE)

        # Fill data into auxAlignments
        auxAlignments <- data.frame(
            matrix(NA_character_, nrow = nrow(auxiliaries), ncol = nrow(proj@reads)),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        rownames(auxAlignments) <- auxiliaries$AuxName
        colnames(auxAlignments) <- proj@reads$SampleName
        proj@auxAlignments <- auxAlignments


    # ----------------------------------- PARSE BISULFITE PARAMETER -----------------------------------

    if (bisulfite %in% c("no", "dir", "undir")) {
        proj@bisulfite <- bisulfite
        if (bisulfite != "no" && !(proj@paired %in% c("no", "fr"))) {
            stop("Bisulfite paired-end mode only supports pair orientation 'fr'",
                 call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        stop("Bisulfite mode only supports 'no', 'dir' and 'undir'", call. = FALSE)

    # ----------------------------------- PARSE MAXHITS PARAMETER --------------------------------------
    proj@maxHits <- maxHits

    #------------------------------------ PARSE THE PROJECT NAME ----------------------------------
    if (is.null(projectName)) {
        proj@projectName <- NA_character_
    } else {
        if (length(projectName) == 1) {
            proj@projectName <- projectName
        } else {
            stop("The projectName should contain only a single entry",
                 call. = FALSE)

    # ---------------------------------- PARSE THE BAMFILE DIRECTORY --------------------------
    if (is.null(alignmentsDir)) {
        proj@alignmentsDir <- NA_character_
    } else {
        alignmentsDir <- sub("(\\\\|/)$", "", alignmentsDir)  # for windows systems
        if (file.exists(alignmentsDir)) {
            # it's a directory or a file
            if (file.info(alignmentsDir)$isdir) {
                proj@alignmentsDir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(alignmentsDir)
            } else {
                stop("alignmentsDir ", alignmentsDir,
                     " is not a directory", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("alignmentsDir ", alignmentsDir, " does not exist", call. = FALSE)

    # ---------------------------------- PARSE THE LIB.LOC DIRECTORY --------------------------
    if (is.null(lib.loc)) {
        proj@lib.loc <- NA_character_
    } else {
        lib.loc <- sub("(\\\\|/)$", "", lib.loc)  # for windows systems
        if (file.exists(lib.loc)) {
            # it's a directory or a file
            if (file.info(lib.loc)$isdir) {
                proj@lib.loc <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(lib.loc)
            } else {
                stop("lib.loc ", lib.loc, " is not a directory", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("lib.loc ", lib.loc, " does not exist", call. = FALSE)

    # ---------------------------------- PARSE THE CACHE DIRECTORY --------------------------

    if (is.null(cacheDir)) {
        proj@cacheDir <- NA_character_
    } else {
        cacheDir <- sub("(\\\\|/)$", "", cacheDir)  # for windows systems
        if (file.exists(cacheDir)) {
            # it's a directory or a file
            if (file.info(cacheDir)$isdir) {
                # if not already present, create a subdirectory in the cacheDir,
                # this prevent collisions
                # when the the same cacheDir is being used by multiple users
                proj@cacheDir <- file.path(tools::file_path_as_absolute(cacheDir),

                if (!file.exists(proj@cacheDir)) {
                    if (!dir.create(path = proj@cacheDir, showWarnings = FALSE)) {
                        stop("No permissions to write in the cacheDir: ",
                             proj@cacheDir, call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("cacheDir ", cacheDir, " is not a directory", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            stop("cacheDir ", cacheDir, " does not exist", call. = FALSE)

    # --------------- SET THE ALIGNERMODE ID AND LOAD THE ALIGNER PACKAGE IF REQUIRED --------------------

    supportedAligners <- c("Rbowtie", "Rhisat2")
    if (aligner %in% supportedAligners) {
        proj@aligner <- aligner
    } else {
        stop("The specified aligner is unknown, please select one of the following: ",
             paste(supportedAligners, collapse = ","), call. = FALSE)

    if ((proj@samplesFormat %in% c("fasta", "fastq")) & (proj@bisulfite == "no")) {
        alnModeID <- proj@aligner
    } else if ((proj@samplesFormat %in% c("fasta", "fastq")) &
               (proj@bisulfite != "no")) {
        if (aligner == "Rhisat2") {
            stop("Bisulfite alignment mode is not available for Rhisat2")
        alnModeID <- paste(proj@aligner, "CtoT", sep = "")
    } else if ((proj@samplesFormat %in% c("csfasta", "csfastq")) &
               proj@bisulfite == "no") {
        if (aligner == "Rhisat2") {
            stop("Color space alignment mode is not available for Rhisat2")
        alnModeID <- paste(proj@aligner, "Cs", sep = "")
    } else if ((proj@samplesFormat %in% c("csfasta","csfastq")) &
               proj@bisulfite != "no") {
        stop("Bisulfite alignment mode is not available for color space reads")
    } else if (proj@samplesFormat == "bam") {
        alnModeID <- NA_character_
        proj@aligner <- NA_character_
    } else {
        stop("Fatal error 2340923")

    proj@alnModeID <- alnModeID

    # load the aligner package in the case where there are missing
    # alignments (genomic or aux)
    if (any(is.na(proj@alignments$FileName)) | any(is.na(proj@auxAlignments))) {

        pkgname <- aligner

        if (!requireNamespace(pkgname, quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("The ", pkgname, " package is required for alignments, but not ",
                 "installed.\nInstall it using BiocManager::install(\"", pkgname, "\")",
                 call. = FALSE)
        # these test are not needed while Rbowtie is in "Depends"
        #if(!(pkgname %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])){stop(pkgname, " package is required for the alignments but not installed on this system",call.=FALSE)}
        #if(!require(pkgname, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)){stop("Fatal error 340954")}
        #pkg_version <- as.character(packageVersion(pkgname))
        #QuasR_suggests <- unlist(strsplit(installed.packages()['QuasR','Suggests'], ","))
        #QuasR_suggests_pkg <- grep(pkgname, QuasR_suggests, value=T)

    #------------------------------------ PARSE SPLICED ALIGNMENT PARAMETER ---------------------------
    proj@splicedAlignment <- splicedAlignment
    if (proj@splicedAlignment & (proj@bisulfite != "no")) {
        stop("The spliced alignment mode is not supported for bisulfite samples")
    if (!is.na(proj@aligner) && proj@aligner == "Rbowtie" && proj@splicedAlignment &&
        !(proj@paired %in% c("no", "fr"))) {
        stop("The spliced alignment mode with Rbowtie only supports the pair orientation 'fr'")

    #------------------------------------ PARSE THE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS ----------------------------------
    if (is.na(proj@aligner)) {
        proj@alignmentParameter <- ""
    } else {
        if (is.null(alignmentParameter)) {
            if (!proj@splicedAlignment) {
                if (proj@aligner == "Rbowtie") {  # bowtie
                    # Test for the case where no merge reorder is going to be
                    # executed later on. In that case maxhits needs to
                    # to be reinforced by bowtie.
                    if ((proj@bisulfite == "no") && (is.na(proj@snpFile))) {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste("-m", proj@maxHits, "--best --strata")
                    } else {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste("-k", proj@maxHits + 1, "--best --strata")
                    # For the allelic case, ignore qualities. Anyways the
                    # assignment to the R or A genome is based on sequence.
                    if ((proj@samplesFormat == "fasta") || !is.null(snpFile)) {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste(proj@alignmentParameter, "-v 2")
                    if (proj@paired != "no") {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste(proj@alignmentParameter, "--maxins 500")
                } else {  # hisat2
                    if (is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste("-k", proj@maxHits + 1)
                    } else {
                        # XV tag is not added to singly aligned reads and
                        # will make qCount fail
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste("-k", proj@maxHits + 1, "--no-mixed --no-discordant")
            } else {
                if (proj@aligner == "Rbowtie") {  # spliced, bowtie
                    if (is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            "-max_intron 400000 -min_intron 20000 -max_multi_hit 10 -selectSingleHit TRUE -seed_mismatch 1 -read_mismatch 2 -try_hard yes"
                    } else {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            "-max_intron 400000 -min_intron 20000 -max_multi_hit 10 -selectSingleHit FALSE -seed_mismatch 1 -read_mismatch 2 -try_hard yes"
                } else {  # spliced, hisat2
                    if (!is.na(proj@geneAnnotation)) {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste("-k", proj@maxHits + 1,
                                  paste0(proj@geneAnnotation, ".SpliceSites.txt"))
                    } else {
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste("-k", proj@maxHits + 1)
                    if (!is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
                        # XV tag is not added to singly aligned reads and
                        # will make qCount fail
                        proj@alignmentParameter <-
                            paste(proj@alignmentParameter, "--no-mixed --no-discordant")
        } else {
            if (length(alignmentParameter) == 1) {
                proj@alignmentParameter <- alignmentParameter
            } else {
                stop("The alignmentParameter should contain only a ",
                     "single character string",
                     call. = FALSE)

    # ---------------------------------- CREATE .fai AND .md5 FILES --------------------------

    # create fasta indices (.fai) files for all the reference sequences (genome & aux)
    # create all the .md5 files necessary to identify preexisting bam files

    # --------------------- SEARCH FOR BAM FILES THAT HAVE BEEN CREATED PREVIOUSLY ----------------------

    # search for genomic alignments
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(proj@reads))) {
        if (is.na(proj@alignments$FileName[i])) {
            projBamInfo <- bamInfoOnlyBaseName(qProjectBamInfo(proj, i))

            if (is.na(proj@alignmentsDir)) {
                bamDir <- dirname(proj@reads[i, 1])
            } else {
                bamDir <- proj@alignmentsDir
            samplePrefix <- basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(proj@reads[i, 1],
                                                               compression = TRUE))
            filesInBamDir <- list.files(bamDir, pattern = ".bam$")
            bamFilesToInspect <- filesInBamDir[sub("\\_[^\\_]+.bam$", "",
                                                   filesInBamDir) == samplePrefix]
            bamTxtFilesToInspect <- paste(file.path(bamDir, bamFilesToInspect),
                                          "txt", sep = ".")
            bamTxtFilesToInspectExist <-
            bamFilesToInspectWithTxt <-
                file.path(bamDir, bamFilesToInspect[file.exists(bamTxtFilesToInspect)])

            compatibleBamFileInd <- NULL
            if (length(bamTxtFilesToInspectExist) > 0) {
                for (m in seq_len(length(bamTxtFilesToInspectExist))) {
                    bamInfoT_DF <- utils::read.delim(bamTxtFilesToInspectExist[m],
                                                     header = FALSE, row.names = 1,
                                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                    bamInfoT <- bamInfoT_DF[, 1]
                    names(bamInfoT) <- rownames(bamInfoT_DF)
                    bamInfoT <- bamInfoOnlyBaseName(bamInfoT)

                    # compare the actual parameters to the one from the bam file on disk
                    ## Exclude slots related to the geneAnnotation if the aligner is Rbowtie
                    if (proj@aligner == "Rbowtie") {
                        projBamInfo <-
                            projBamInfo[!(names(projBamInfo) %in%
                        bamInfoT <-
                            bamInfoT[!(names(bamInfoT) %in%
                    if (identical(projBamInfo, bamInfoT)) {
                        compatibleBamFileInd[length(compatibleBamFileInd) + 1] <- m
                if (length(compatibleBamFileInd) > 1) {
                    for (k in seq_len(length(compatibleBamFileInd))) {
                    stop("Multiple bam files exist with same alignment parameters (see above list). QuasR is unable to decide which one to use. Please delete manually the respective bam files", call. = FALSE)
                if (length(compatibleBamFileInd) == 1) {
                    proj@alignments$FileName[i] <-

    # search for aux alignments
    if (nrow(proj@auxAlignments) > 0) {
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(proj@auxAlignments))) {
            for (j in seq_len(nrow(proj@auxAlignments))) {
                projBamInfo <- bamInfoOnlyBaseName(qProjectBamInfo(proj, i, j))

                if (is.na(proj@auxAlignments[j, i])) {
                    if (is.na(proj@alignmentsDir)) {
                        bamDir <- dirname(proj@reads[i, 1])
                    } else {
                        bamDir <- proj@alignmentsDir
                    samplePrefix <- basename(
                        tools::file_path_sans_ext(proj@reads[i, 1], compression = TRUE))
                    filesInBamDir <- list.files(bamDir, pattern = ".bam$")
                    bamFilesToInspect <- filesInBamDir[sub("\\_[^\\_]+.bam$", "",
                                                           filesInBamDir) == samplePrefix]
                    bamTxtFilesToInspect <- paste(file.path(bamDir, bamFilesToInspect),
                                                  "txt", sep = ".")
                    bamTxtFilesToInspectExist <-
                    bamFilesToInspectWithTxt <-

                    compatibleBamFileInd <- NULL
                    if (length(bamTxtFilesToInspectExist) > 0) {
                        for (m in seq_len(length(bamTxtFilesToInspectExist))) {
                            bamInfoT_DF <- utils::read.delim(bamTxtFilesToInspectExist[m],
                                                             header = FALSE, row.names = 1,
                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            bamInfoT <- bamInfoT_DF[, 1]
                            names(bamInfoT) <- rownames(bamInfoT_DF)
                            bamInfoT <- bamInfoOnlyBaseName(bamInfoT)

                            # compare the actual parameters to the one from the bam file on disk
                            if (proj@aligner == "Rbowtie") {
                                projBamInfo <-
                                    projBamInfo[!(names(projBamInfo) %in%
                                bamInfoT <-
                                    bamInfoT[!(names(bamInfoT) %in%
                            if (identical(projBamInfo, bamInfoT)) {
                                compatibleBamFileInd[length(compatibleBamFileInd) + 1] <- m
                        if (length(compatibleBamFileInd) > 1) {
                            for (k in seq_len(length(compatibleBamFileInd))) {
                            stop("Multiple bam files exist with same alignment parameters (see above list). QuasR is unable to decide which one to use. Please delete manually the respective bam files", call. = FALSE)
                        if (length(compatibleBamFileInd) == 1) {
                            proj@auxAlignments[j, i] <-


# create search index (.fai) files for all the reference sequences that are
# going to be used for the alignments (genome & aux)
# do nothing if the fai files exist already
# create an .md5 file that contains the md5sum of the referece sequences
# if snp file exists, calculate md5 and store it in a (.md5) file
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom Biostrings fasta.seqlengths
#' @importFrom Rsamtools indexFa scanFaIndex
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @importFrom utils write.table
createReferenceSequenceIndices <- function(proj) {
    # create fasta index for the genome if it is not a BSgenome and if the .fai file is not present
    if (proj@genomeFormat == "file") {
        if (!file.exists(paste(proj@genome, "fai", sep = "."))) {
            # test if the sequence file is a valid fasta file using the
            # fasta.seqlengths() function from Biostrings
            # this is necessary because indexFa() from Rsamtools would
            # crash R if it is passed an invalid fasta file
            message(paste("Creating .fai file for:", proj@genome))
            result <- try(Biostrings::fasta.seqlengths(proj@genome))
            if (is(result, "try-error")) {
                stop("The fasta file ", proj@genome,
                     " is not a valid fasta file", call. = FALSE)
            # remove everything after the white space after the id
            # (not done by fasta.seqlengths)
            faInfoNames <- sub("\\s+.+", "", names(result), perl = TRUE)
            if (length(unique(faInfoNames)) != length(faInfoNames)) {
                stop("Sequence names in the file: ", proj@genome,
                     " are not unique", call. = FALSE)
            if (is(try(Rsamtools::indexFa(proj@genome)), "try-error")) {
                stop("Cannot write into the directory where ", proj@genome,
                     " is located. Make sure you have the right permissions",
                     call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            faiSeqNames <- as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(
            if (length(unique(faiSeqNames)) != length(faiSeqNames)) {
                stop("Sequence names in the file: ", proj@genome,
                     " are not unique (information extracted from the .fai file",
                     call. = FALSE)
        # create md5 sum file
        if (!file.exists(paste(proj@genome, "md5", sep = "."))) {
                               paste(proj@genome, "md5", sep = "."),
                               sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
                               row.names = FALSE)
    # create fasta index for the auxilliaries if not present already
    if (nrow(proj@aux) > 0) {
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(proj@aux))) {
            if (!file.exists(paste(proj@aux$FileName[i], "fai", sep = "."))) {
                # test if the sequence file is a valid fasta file using the
                # fasta.seqlengths() function from Biostrings
                # this is necessary because indexFa() from Rsamtools would
                # crash R if it is passed an invalid fasta file (R version 2.14.1)
                result <- try(Biostrings::fasta.seqlengths(proj@aux$FileName[i]))
                if (is(result, "try-error")) {
                    stop("The fasta file ", proj@aux$FileName[i],
                         " is not a valid fasta file", call. = FALSE)
                # remove everything after the white space after the id
                # (not done by fasta.seqlengths)
                faInfoNames <- sub("\\s+.+", "", names(result), perl = TRUE)
                if (length(unique(faInfoNames)) != length(faInfoNames)) {
                    stop("Sequence names in the file: ", proj@aux$FileName[i],
                         " are not unique", call. = FALSE)
                if (is(try(Rsamtools::indexFa(proj@aux$FileName[i])),
                       "try-error")) {
                    stop("Cannot write into the directory where ",
                         " is located. Make sure you have the right permissions",
                         call. = FALSE)

            if (!file.exists(paste(proj@aux$FileName[i], "md5", sep = "."))) {
                # create md5 sum file
                                   paste(proj@aux$FileName[i], "md5", sep = "."),
                                   sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
                                   col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

    #create md5 sum file for the snp file
    if (!is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
        if (!file.exists(paste(proj@snpFile, "md5", sep = "."))) {
                               paste(proj@snpFile, "md5", sep = "."),
                               sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
                               col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

    # create md5 sum file for the geneAnnotation
    if (!is.na(proj@geneAnnotation)) {
        if (!file.exists(paste0(proj@geneAnnotation, ".md5"))) {
                               paste0(proj@geneAnnotation, ".md5"),
                               sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
                               col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

# returns information for one bam file in qProject
# sampleNr specifies the sample for which the information is compiled
# if auxNr is not NULL, it returns information about aux bam file
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion read.delim
qProjectBamInfo <- function(proj, sampleNr, auxNr = NULL) {

    if (sampleNr > nrow(proj@reads)) {
        stop("project has no sample ", sampleNr)
    if (!is.null(auxNr)) {
        if (auxNr > nrow(proj@aux)) {
            stop("project has no aux ",auxNr)

    alnInfo <- NULL
    if (proj@paired == "no") {
        alnInfo["reads.FileName1"] <- proj@reads$FileName[sampleNr]
        alnInfo["reads.FileName2"] <- NA
        alnInfo["reads.md5subsum1"] <- proj@reads_md5subsum$md5subsum[sampleNr]
        alnInfo["reads.md5subsum2"] <- NA
    } else {
        alnInfo["reads.FileName1"] <- proj@reads$FileName1[sampleNr]
        alnInfo["reads.FileName2"] <- proj@reads$FileName2[sampleNr]
        alnInfo["reads.md5subsum1"] <- proj@reads_md5subsum$md5subsum1[sampleNr]
        alnInfo["reads.md5subsum2"] <- proj@reads_md5subsum$md5subsum2[sampleNr]

    alnInfo["samplesFormat"] <- proj@samplesFormat
    alnInfo["genome"] <- proj@genome
    if (proj@genomeFormat == "file") {
        alnInfo["genome.md5"] <- as.character(
            utils::read.delim(paste(proj@genome, "md5",
                                    sep = "."),
                              header = FALSE,
                              colClasses = "character")[1, 1])
    } else {
        alnInfo["genome.md5"] <- NA
    alnInfo["genomeFormat"] <- proj@genomeFormat
    alnInfo["aux"] <- NA
    alnInfo["aux.md5"] <- NA
    alnInfo["aligner"] <- proj@aligner
    if (!is.na(proj@aligner)) {
        alnInfo["aligner.version"] <- as.character(utils::packageVersion(proj@aligner))
    } else {
        alnInfo["aligner.version"] <- NA
    alnInfo["maxHits"] <- proj@maxHits
    alnInfo["paired"] <- proj@paired
    alnInfo["splicedAlignment"] <- proj@splicedAlignment
    alnInfo["snpFile"] <- proj@snpFile
    alnInfo["snpFile.md5"] <- NA
    alnInfo["bisulfite"] <- proj@bisulfite
    alnInfo["alignmentParameter"] <- proj@alignmentParameter
    alnInfo["geneAnnotation"] <- proj@geneAnnotation
    alnInfo["geneAnnotationFormat"] <- proj@geneAnnotationFormat
    alnInfo["geneAnnotation.md5"] <- NA
    alnInfo["QuasR.version"] <- as.character(utils::packageVersion('QuasR'))

    if (!is.null(auxNr)) {
        alnInfo["aux"] <- proj@aux$FileName[auxNr]
        alnInfo["aux.md5"] <- as.character(
            utils::read.delim(paste(proj@aux$FileName[auxNr], "md5", sep = "."),
                              header = FALSE, colClasses = "character")[1, 1])

    if (!is.na(proj@snpFile)) {
        alnInfo["snpFile.md5"] <- as.character(
            utils::read.delim(paste(proj@snpFile, "md5", sep = "."),
                              header = FALSE, colClasses = "character")[1, 1])
    if (!is.na(proj@geneAnnotation)) {
        alnInfo["geneAnnotation.md5"] <- as.character(
            utils::read.delim(paste0(proj@geneAnnotation, ".md5"),
                              header = FALSE, colClasses = "character")[1, 1])


# replace full file paths in bamInfo by base name
# remove the aligner and QuasR version. this allows using bam files generated with an older QuasR version
#' @keywords internal
bamInfoOnlyBaseName <- function(bamInfo) {
    bamInfo["reads.FileName1"] <- basename(bamInfo["reads.FileName1"])
    bamInfo["reads.FileName2"] <- basename(bamInfo["reads.FileName2"])
    bamInfo["genome"] <- basename(bamInfo["genome"])
    bamInfo["aux"] <- basename(bamInfo["aux"])
    bamInfo["snpFile"] <- basename(bamInfo["snpFile"])
    bamInfo["geneAnnotation"] <- basename(bamInfo["geneAnnotation"])

    if ("aligner.version" %in% names(bamInfo)) {
        bamInfo <- bamInfo[!(names(bamInfo) %in% "aligner.version")]

    if ("QuasR.version" %in% names(bamInfo)) {
        bamInfo <- bamInfo[!(names(bamInfo) %in% "QuasR.version")]


# helper function that converts filepaths to absolute filepaths in the case where the working
# directory needs to be temporarily redirected. This is needed if e.g. the samples.txt file
# is not located in the working directory.
# returns the absolute path if the file exists
# returns NULL if the file does not exist
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tools file_path_as_absolute
pathAsAbsoluteRedirected <- function(fileName, redirectPath) {
    curwd <- getwd() # store the original working directory required to jump back
    on.exit(setwd(curwd)) # make sure that it will jump back in a case of error or not

    setwd(redirectPath) # jump to the redirected position
    if (file.exists(fileName)) {
    } else {

# helper function that returns the temporary directory given the cacheDir (from qProject)
# if the user specified cacheDir, then it returns it. but if the user did not specify a cacheDir
# it returns the R temporary directory (which can be different for different machines)
#' @keywords internal
resolveCacheDir <- function(cacheDir) {
    if (is.na(cacheDir))

# given a vector of filenames, the function determines the final format
# taking into account all the different types of extensions for
# sequence files. Throughs an error if one ore more samples do not contain
# a valid file extension
#' @keywords internal
determineSamplesFormat <- function(filename) {
    fileExtension <- consolidateFileExtensions(filename, compressed = TRUE)

    validExtsSel <- fileExtension %in%
        c("fasta", "fastq", "bam", "csfasta", "csfastq")

    if (all(validExtsSel)) {
        if (length(unique(fileExtension)) == 1) {
        } else {
            stop("Mixed sample file formats are not allowed: ",
                 paste(unique(fileExtension), collapse = ","),
                 call. = FALSE)
    } else {
             " does not have a valid file extension ",
             call. = FALSE)
fmicompbio/QuasR documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 1:11 a.m.