
#' Modify the layout of a plotly visualization
#' @param p A plotly object.
#' @param ... Arguments to the layout object. For documentation,
#' see \url{}
#' @param data A data frame to associate with this layout (optional). If not 
#' provided, arguments are evaluated using the data frame in \code{\link{plot_ly}()}.
#' @author Carson Sievert
#' @export
layout <- function(p, ..., data = NULL) {

#' @export
layout.matrix <- function(p, ..., data = NULL) {
  # workaround for the popular graphics::layout() function
  graphics::layout(p, ...)

#' @export
layout.shiny.tag.list <- function(p, ..., data = NULL) {
  idx <- which(vapply(p, is.plotly, logical(1)))
  for (i in idx) {
    p[[i]] <- layout.plotly(p[[i]], ..., data = NULL)

#' @export
layout.plotly <- function(p, ..., data = NULL) {
  p <- add_data(p, data)
  attrs <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(attrs[["height"]]) || !is.null(attrs[["width"]])) {
    warning("Specifying width/height in layout() is now deprecated.\n", 
            "Please specify in ggplotly() or plot_ly()", call. = FALSE)
  # similar to add_trace()
  p$x$layoutAttrs <- c(
    p$x$layoutAttrs %||% list(), 
    setNames(list(attrs), p$x$cur_data)

#' Add a range slider to the x-axis
#' @param p plotly object.
#' @param ... these arguments are documented here 
#' \url{}
#' @export
#' @author Carson Sievert
#' @examples 
#' plot_ly(x = time(USAccDeaths), y = USAccDeaths) %>% 
#'   add_lines() %>%
#'   rangeslider()
rangeslider <- function(p, ...) {
  if (sum(grepl("^xaxis", names(p$x$layout))) > 1) {
    stop("Can only add a rangeslider to a plot with one x-axis", call. = FALSE)
  p$x$layout$xaxis$rangeslider <- list(visible = TRUE, ...)

#' Set the default configuration for plotly
#' @param p a plotly object
#' @param ... these arguments are documented at 
#' \url{}
#' @param collaborate include the collaborate mode bar button (unique to the R pkg)?
#' @param cloud include the send data to cloud button?
#' @author Carson Sievert
#' @export
#' @examples
#' config(plot_ly(), displaylogo = FALSE, collaborate = FALSE)

config <- function(p, ..., collaborate = TRUE, cloud = FALSE) {
  p$x$config <- modify_list(p$x$config, list(...))
  nms <- sapply(p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToAdd"]], "[[", "name")
  hasCollab <- sharingButton()[["name"]] %in% nms
  if (collaborate && !hasCollab) {
    nAdd <- length(p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToAdd"]])
    p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToAdd"]][[nAdd + 1]] <- sharingButton()
  if (!collaborate) {
    p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToAdd"]][nms %in% sharingButton()[["name"]]] <- NULL

  hasCloud <- !'sendDataToCloud' %in% p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]]
  if (!cloud) {
    p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]] <- c(
      p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]], 'sendDataToCloud'
  if (cloud) {
    b <- p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]]
    p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]] <- b[!b %in% 'sendDataToCloud']
  # ensure array
  if (length(p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]]) == 1) {
    p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]] <- list(p$x$config[["modeBarButtonsToRemove"]])

franciscorichter/dmea documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:54 p.m.