
Defines functions setExtension updateAspectClasses getAspectClasses aspectClass2Name aspectName2Class countElements.MetaDataAspect countElements.CyVisualPropertiesAspect countElements.RCX countElements.default countElements maxId.RCX maxId.default maxId

Documented in aspectClass2Name aspectName2Class countElements countElements.CyVisualPropertiesAspect countElements.default countElements.MetaDataAspect countElements.RCX getAspectClasses maxId maxId.default maxId.RCX setExtension updateAspectClasses

## Authors:
##   Florian Auer [florian.auer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
## Description:
##   helping function to determine the dependencies between the aspects.

## hasIds
## hasIds.default     ==> FALSE
## hasIds.NodesAspect ==> TRUE

#' IDs of an aspect
#' This function checks, if an aspect has IDs that may be referenced by other aspects.
#' By default aspects don't have IDs, so only the implemented classes have IDs.
#' Aspects with IDs will be considered in the meta-data aspect to determine properties like:
#' *idCounter* and *elementCount*.
#' Uses method dispatch, so the default return is *FALSE* and only aspect classes with IDs are
#' implemented. This way it is easier to extend the data model.
#' @param aspect an object of one of the aspect classes (e.g. `r .CLS$nodes`, `r .CLS$edges`, etc.)
#' @return logical
#' @seealso [idProperty()], [refersTo()], [referredBy()], [maxId()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' edges = createEdges(source = c(0,0), target = c(1,2))
#' hasIds(edges)
hasIds = function (aspect) {
  UseMethod("hasIds", aspect)

#' @rdname hasIds
#' @export
hasIds.default = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname hasIds
#' @export
hasIds.NodesAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname hasIds
#' @export
hasIds.EdgesAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname hasIds
#' @export
hasIds.CyGroupsAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname hasIds
#' @export
hasIds.CySubNetworksAspect = function (aspect) {

## idProperty
## idProperty.default     ==> NULL
## idProperty.NodesAspect ==> "id"

#' Name of the property of an aspect that is an ID
#' This function returns the name of the property, if an aspect uses IDs for its elements.
#' As example, the aspect *NodesAspect* has the property *id* that represents the IDs of
#' the aspect. 
#' By default aspects don't have IDs, so only the implemented classes have IDs.
#' Aspects with IDs will be considered in the meta-data aspect to determine properties like:
#' *idCounter* and *elementCount*.
#' Uses method dispatch, so the default return is *NULL* and only aspect classes with IDs are
#' implemented. This way it is easier to extend the data model.
#' @param aspect an object of one of the aspect classes (e.g. `r .CLS$nodes`, `r .CLS$edges`, etc.)
#' @return character; Name of the ID property or *NULL*
#' @seealso [hasIds()], [refersTo()], [referredBy()], [maxId()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' edges = createEdges(source = c(0,0), target = c(1,2))
#' idProperty(edges)
idProperty = function (aspect) {
  UseMethod("idProperty", aspect)

#' @rdname idProperty
#' @export
idProperty.default = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname idProperty
#' @export
idProperty.NodesAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname idProperty
#' @export
idProperty.EdgesAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname idProperty
#' @export
idProperty.CyGroupsAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @rdname idProperty
#' @export
idProperty.CySubNetworksAspect = function (aspect) {

## refersTo
## refersTo.default ==> NULL
## refersTo.EdgesAspect ==> c(source="NodesAspect", target="NodesAspect")

#' Name of the property of an aspect that is an ID
#' This function returns the name of the property and the aspect class it refers to.
#' As example, the aspect *EdgesAspect* has the property *source* that refers to the *ids* of
#' the *NodesAspect* aspect.
#' Uses method dispatch, so the default return is *NULL* and only aspect classes that refer to other
#' aspects are implemented. This way it is easier to extend the data model.
#' @param aspect an object of one of the aspect classes (e.g. `r .CLS$nodes`, `r .CLS$edges`, etc.)
#' @return named list; Name of the refering property and aspect class name.
#' @seealso [hasIds()], [idProperty()], [referredBy()], [maxId()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' edges = createEdges(source = c(0,0), target = c(1,2))
#' refersTo(edges)
refersTo = function (aspect) {
  UseMethod("refersTo", aspect)

#' @describeIn refersTo of default returns *NULL*
#' @export
refersTo.default = function (aspect) {

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$edges` refers to `r .IDProp$nodes` by *source* and *target*
#' @export
refersTo.EdgesAspect = function (aspect) {

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$nodeAttributes` refers to `r .IDProp$nodes` by *propertyOf* and to `r .IDProp$cySubNetworks` by *subnetworkId*
#' @export
refersTo.NodeAttributesAspect = function (aspect) {
  result = c(propertyOf=.CLS$nodes)
  if(!is.null(aspect$subnetworkId)) result["subnetworkId"]=.CLS$cySubNetworks

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$edgeAttributes` refers to `r .IDProp$edges` by *propertyOf* and to `r .IDProp$cySubNetworks` by *subnetworkId*
#' @export
refersTo.EdgeAttributesAspect = function (aspect) {
  result = c(propertyOf=.CLS$edges)
  if(!is.null(aspect$subnetworkId)) result["subnetworkId"]=.CLS$cySubNetworks

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$cartesianLayout` refers to `r .IDProp$nodes` by *node* and to `r .IDProp$cySubNetworks` by *view*
#' @export
refersTo.CartesianLayoutAspect = function (aspect) {
  result = c(node=.CLS$nodes)
  if(!is.null(aspect$view)) result["view"]=.CLS$cySubNetworks

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$cyGroups` refers to `r .IDProp$nodes` by *nodes* and to `r .IDProp$edges` by *externalEdges* and *internalEdges*
#' @export
refersTo.CyGroupsAspect = function (aspect) {
  result = c()
  if(!is.null(aspect$nodes)) result["nodes"]=.CLS$nodes
  if(!is.null(aspect$externalEdges)) result["externalEdges"]=.CLS$edges
  if(!is.null(aspect$internalEdges)) result["internalEdges"]=.CLS$edges

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$cyVisualProperties` refers to id by *appliesTo* of the sub-aspects
#' @export
refersTo.CyVisualPropertiesAspect = function (aspect) {
  result = c()
  for(po in names(aspect)) {
    if(any(!is.na(aspect[[po]]$appliesTo))) result[po] = .CLS[[.VPref[[po]]]]

#' @describeIn refersTo of `r .CLS$cySubnetworks` refers to `r .IDProp$nodes` by *nodes* and to `r .IDProp$edges` by *edges*
#' @export
refersTo.CySubNetworksAspect = function (aspect) {
  result = c()
  if(!is.null(aspect$nodes)) result["nodes"]=.CLS$nodes
  if(!is.null(aspect$edges)) result["edges"]=.CLS$edges

## referredBy
## referredBy.default ==> NULL
## referredBy.RCX ==> list(NodesAspect=c("EdgesAspect", "NodeAttributesAspect"),
##                        EdgesAspect=c("EdgeAttributesAspect"))     
##                   # only show present aspects

#' List the aspects that are refered by an other aspect
#' This function returns a list of all aspects with all present aspects, that refer to it.
#' As example, the aspect *NodesAspect* is refered by the property *source* and *target* of 
#' the *EdgesAspect* aspect.
#' @note Uses [hasIds()] and [refersTo()] to determine the referring aspects.
#' @param rcx an object of one of the aspect classes (e.g. `r .CLS$nodes`, `r .CLS$edges`, etc.)
#' @param aspectClasses named character; accession names and aspect classes [aspectClasses]
#' @return named list; Aspect class names with names of aspect classes, that refer to them.
#' @seealso [hasIds()], [idProperty()], [refersTo()], [maxId()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nodes = createNodes(name = c("ĆDK1","CDK2","CDK3"))
#' edges = createEdges(source = c(0,0), target = c(1,2))
#' rcx = createRCX(nodes = nodes, edges = edges)
#' referredBy(rcx)
referredBy = function (rcx, aspectClasses=getAspectClasses()) {
  if(missing(rcx)) .stop("paramMissingRCX")
  .checkClass(rcx, .CLS$rcx, .formatO("rcx",fname))
  result = list()
  for(aspect in rcx){
    ref = refersTo(aspect)
      cls = .aspectClass(aspect)
      if(any(class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses)){
        cls = class(aspect)[class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses]
    if(! is.na(cls)){
      ## e.g. refersTo(edges):
      ##  source="NodesAspect" 
      ##  target="NodesAspect" 
      for (r in names(ref)) {
        if(is.null(result[[ref[r]]])) result[[ref[r]]]=c()
        result[[ref[r]]]=unique(c(result[[ref[r]]], cls))

## maxId
## maxId.default ==> integer or NULL
## maxId.RCX ==> list(NodesAspect=<integer>,
##                    EdgesAspect=<integer>)     
##               # only show present aspects

#' Highest ID of an aspect
#' This function returns the highest id used in an aspect, that has ids.
#' As example, the aspect *NodesAspect* has the property *id* that must be a unique positive integer.
#' Uses method dispatch, so the default return is *NULL* and only aspect classes that have ids
#' are implemented. This way it is easier to extend the data model. 
#' @param x an object of one of the aspect classes (e.g. `r .CLS$nodes`, `r .CLS$edges`, etc.) or [RCX][RCX-object] class.
#' @return integer; Highest id. For [RCX][RCX-object] objects all highest ids are returned in the vector named by the aspect class.
#' @seealso [hasIds()], [idProperty()], [refersTo()], [referredBy()], [maxId()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nodes = createNodes(name = c("ĆDK1","CDK2","CDK3"))
#' maxId(nodes)
maxId = function(x){
  UseMethod("maxId", x)

#' @rdname maxId
#' @export
maxId.default = function(x){
  aspect = x

#' @rdname maxId
#' @export
maxId.RCX = function(x){
  rcx = x
  result = c()
  for(aspect in names(rcx)){
    mId = maxId(rcx[[aspect]])
    if(!is.null(mId)) result[.aspectClass(rcx[[aspect]])]=mId

## countElements
## countElements.default ==> integer
## countElements.MetaDataAspect ==> NA
## countElements.RCX ==> c(NodesAspect=<integer>,
##                         EdgesAspect=<integer>)     
##                       # only show present aspects

#' Number of elements in aspect
#' This function returns the number of elements in an aspect.
#' Uses method dispatch, so the default methods already returns the correct number for the most aspect classes.
#' This way it is easier to extend the data model. 
#' There are only two exceptions in the core and Cytoscape aspects: \code{\link{Meta-data}} and \code{\link{CyVisualProperties}}.
#' \code{\link{Meta-data}} is a meta-aspect and therefore not included in \code{\link{Meta-data}}, and so its return is `NA`.
#' \code{\link{CyVisualProperties}} is the only aspect with a complex data structure beneath. 
#' Therefore its number of elements is just the number of how many of the following properties are set:
#' `network`, `nodes`, `edges`, `defaultNodes` or `defaultEdges`. 
#' @param x an object of one of the aspect classes (e.g. \code{\link{Nodes}}) or [RCX][RCX-object] class.
#' @return integer; number of elements. For RCX objects all counts are returned in the vector named by the aspect class.
#' @seealso [hasIds()], [idProperty()], [refersTo()], [referredBy()], [maxId()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nodes = createNodes(name = c("ĆDK1","CDK2","CDK3"))
#' edges = createEdges(source = c(0,0), target = c(1,2))
#' rcx = createRCX(nodes = nodes, edges = edges)
#' countElements(nodes)
#' countElements(rcx)
countElements = function(x){
  UseMethod("countElements", x)

#' @rdname countElements
#' @export
countElements.default = function(x){
  aspect = x

#' @rdname countElements
#' @export
countElements.RCX = function(x){
  rcx = x
  result = c()
  for(aspect in names(rcx)){
    count = countElements(rcx[[aspect]])
    if(!is.null(count)) result[.aspectClass(rcx[[aspect]])]=count

#' @rdname countElements
#' @export
countElements.CyVisualPropertiesAspect = function(x){

#' @rdname countElements
#' @export
countElements.MetaDataAspect = function(x){

## Conversion between RCX accession name and class name

#' Convert aspect class name to RCX accession
#' The aspects in an RCX object are accessed by a `name` and return the aspect as an object of `cls`.
#' To simplify the conversion between those, these functions return the corresponding name.
#' @details 
#' The following accessions/classes are available within the standard RCX implementation:
#' **accession name <=> class name**
#' `r paste0("```",paste(names(.CLS)," <=> ", .CLS, collapse="\n"),"```")`
#' @param name character; name of the RCX accession of the Aspect
#' @param cls character; name of the aspect class 
#' @return accession or class name
#' @name Convert-Names-and-Classes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aspectName2Class("nodes")
#' ##[1] "NodesAspect"
#' aspectClass2Name("NodesAspect")
#' ##[1] "nodes"
#' aspectClasses
#' subAspectClasses
aspectName2Class = function(name){
  result = NA
  n = names(aspectClasses)
  if(name %in% n){
    result = aspectClasses[n==name]

#' @rdname Convert-Names-and-Classes
#' @export
aspectClass2Name = function(cls){
  result = NA
  n = names(aspectClasses)
  if(cls %in% aspectClasses){
    result = n[aspectClasses==cls]

#' aspectClasses and subAspectClasses
#' To get the aspect classes it is advised to always use the `getAspectClasses()` function to ensure the correct functionality.
#' `aspectClasses` and `subAspectClasses` contain the default [RCX][RCX-object] accession name and the classes of the corresponding (sub)aspect.
#' The `getAspectClasses()` function standardizes access to the accession names and classes, 
#' and also allows to include installed extensions of the [RCX][RCX-object] data model.
#' Only installed and loaded extensions are included in the result:
#' New extensions should register on load using the [setExtension] function to be added to `options()$RCX.options$extensions`, 
#' and therefore to `getAspectClasses()`.
#' `updateAspectClasses` sets the default aspect classes in `options()$RCX.options`, either from `aspectClasses` or manually provided options.
#' @param aspectClasses named character; accession names and aspect classes 
#' @param extensions logical; whether to include aspect classes from extensions
#' @return named character; accession names and aspect classes
#' @export
#' @seealso [setExtension]
#' @examples
#' ## default aspect classes
#' aspectClasses
#' ## get set aspect classes from options()
#' aspectClasses = getAspectClasses()
#' ## get aspect classes without extensions
#' aspectClasses = getAspectClasses(extensions=FALSE)
#' ## set default updateClasses
#' updateAspectClasses(
#'   aspectClasses = aspectClasses
#' )
#' ## default sub aspect classes
#' subAspectClasses
aspectClasses = c(rcx = "RCX",
                  metaData = "MetaDataAspect",
                  nodes = "NodesAspect",
                  edges = "EdgesAspect",
                  nodeAttributes = "NodeAttributesAspect",
                  edgeAttributes = "EdgeAttributesAspect",
                  networkAttributes = "NetworkAttributesAspect",
                  cartesianLayout = "CartesianLayoutAspect",
                  cyGroups = "CyGroupsAspect",
                  cyVisualProperties = "CyVisualPropertiesAspect",
                  cyHiddenAttributes = "CyHiddenAttributesAspect",
                  cyNetworkRelations = "CyNetworkRelationsAspect",
                  cySubNetworks = "CySubNetworksAspect",
                  cyTableColumn = "CyTableColumnAspect")

#' @rdname aspectClasses
#' @export
getAspectClasses = function(extensions=TRUE){
  RCX.options = options()$RCX.options
    RCX.options = updateAspectClasses()
  if(extensions && !is.null(RCX.options$extensions)){
    for(extension in names(RCX.options$extensions)) {
      ## only include if extension package is loaded!
      if(extension %in% .packages()){
        RCX.options$aspectClasses = append(RCX.options$aspectClasses, RCX.options$extensions[[extension]])

#' @rdname aspectClasses
#' @export
subAspectClasses = c(property = "CyVisualProperty",
                     properties = "CyVisualPropertyProperties",
                     dependencies = "CyVisualPropertyDependencies",
                     mappings = "CyVisualPropertyMappings")

#' @rdname aspectClasses
#' @export
updateAspectClasses = function(aspectClasses=aspectClasses){
  RCX.options = options()$RCX.options
    RCX.options = list(aspectClasses=aspectClasses, extensions=list())
  options(RCX.options = RCX.options)

#' Set or register an RCX extension
#' To simplify the usage of extension of the [RCX][RCX-object] data model new extensions can easily registered on load with this function.
#' Registered extension then automatically are used for the conversion of CX data containing aspects of these extensions.
#' The accession names and classes then are also added to [getAspectClasses][aspectClasses].
#' @param package character; name of the extension package
#' @param accession character; accession name used in [RCX][RCX-object] (e.g. `rcx$accessionName`)
#' @param className character; class name of the aspect (e.g. `is(rcx$accessionName, "AccessionNameAspect")`)
#' @return `options()$RCX.options$extensions`
#' @export
#' @seealso [aspectClasses]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setExtension("RCXMyRcxExtension", "myRcxExtension", "MyRcxExtensionAspect")
#' }
setExtension = function(package, accession, className){
  RCX.options = options()$RCX.options
    RCX.options = updateAspectClasses()
  extension = c()
  extension[accession] = className
  RCX.options$extensions[[package]] = extension
  options(RCX.options = RCX.options)
frankkramer-lab/RCX documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 5:12 p.m.