
Defines functions .checkAllNumericOrInDict .listAllNumericOrInDict .checkAllNumeric .listAllNumeric .checkRefPresent .checkRefs .checkBContainsAllA .elementsBContainsAllA .elementsInDict .checkUniqueDF .elementsUniqueDF .checkUnique .elementsUnique .checkAnyNotNull .paramAnyNotNull .checkSameLength .paramIsOptionalId .checkIsId .checkIsUniqueId .checkNoNa .paramNoNa .checkNonNeg .paramNonNeg .checkNamedList .checkNamedLogical .checkNamedNumeric .checkNamedCharacter .checkNamed .paramNamed .checkList .checkLogical .checkNumeric .checkCharacter .checkClassOneOf .checkAllClass .checkClass .paramClass

Documented in .checkAllClass .checkAllNumeric .checkAllNumericOrInDict .checkAnyNotNull .checkBContainsAllA .checkCharacter .checkClass .checkClassOneOf .checkIsId .checkIsUniqueId .checkList .checkLogical .checkNamed .checkNamedCharacter .checkNamedList .checkNamedLogical .checkNamedNumeric .checkNoNa .checkNonNeg .checkNumeric .checkRefPresent .checkRefs .checkSameLength .checkUnique .checkUniqueDF .elementsBContainsAllA .elementsInDict .elementsUnique .elementsUniqueDF .listAllNumeric .listAllNumericOrInDict .paramAnyNotNull .paramClass .paramIsOptionalId .paramNamed .paramNoNa .paramNonNeg

## Authors:
##   Florian Auer
## Description:
##    Helper functions: Checks for parameters, ids, elements and lists

#' Checks
#' Different functions to check parameters, ids, elements and lists
#' @details 
#' The `.check*` functions perform a test and stop with a custom error on fail. 
#' All other functions perform a test and return the result.
#' The used **.DICT:** looks as follows:
#' @eval paste0("@details", paste0(" * ", names(.DICT), ": ", vapply(names(.DICT), function(x){.pasteC(.DICT[[x]])},character(1)), collapse="\n"))
#' @note Internal function only for convenience
#' @keywords internal
#' @param param some parameter.
#' @param A,B vectors.
#' @param L list.
#' @param DF data.frame.
#' @param cls character; class name.
#' @param clss character vector; list of class names.
#' @param cols column names.
#' @param key name of the dictionary entry in `.DICT`.
#' @param ... list of some vectors.
#' @param name character; for logging the used name for the parameter.
#' @param cname character; for logging the name of the calling function.
#' @return logical
#' @examples
#' @name checks

#' @describeIn checks checks if the object `param` is of class `cls`.
.paramClass = function(param, cls){
    pass = cls %in% class(param)

#' @describeIn checks checks if the object `param` is of class `cls`.
.checkClass = function(param, cls, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .paramClass(param, cls)
    if(!pass) .stop("wrongClass",c(.formatLog(name, cname), cls))

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of the list `L` are of class `cls`.
.checkAllClass = function(L, cls, name, cname=c()){
    L[is.na(L)] = NULL
    test = vapply(L,function(x){.paramClass(x, cls)}, logical(1))
    pass = all(test)
    if(!pass) .stop("wrongClass",c(.formatLog(name, cname), cls))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is any class of `clss`.
.checkClassOneOf = function(param, clss, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .aspectClass(param) %in% clss
    if(!pass) .stop("wrongClassOf",c(.formatLog(name, cname), .formatParams(clss, "or")))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is character.
.checkCharacter = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = is.character(param)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNotChar",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is numeric.
.checkNumeric = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = is.numeric(param)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNotNum",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is logical.
.checkLogical = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = is.logical(param)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNotLog",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is a list.
.checkList = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = is.list(param)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNotList",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` has names.
.paramNamed = function(param){
    pass = !is.null(names(param))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` has names.
.checkNamed = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .paramNamed(param)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNotNamed",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` has names and is character.
.checkNamedCharacter = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    .checkCharacter(param, name, cname)
    .checkNamed(param, name, cname)

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` has names and is numeric.
.checkNamedNumeric = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    .checkNumeric(param, name, cname)
    .checkNamed(param, name, cname)

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` has names and is logical.
.checkNamedLogical = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    .checkLogical(param, name, cname)
    .checkNamed(param, name, cname)

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` has names and is a list.
.checkNamedList = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    .checkList(param, name, cname)
    .checkNamed(param, name, cname)

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is greater than 0 if not NA.
.paramNonNeg = function(param){
    param = param[!is.na(param)]
    pass = all(param>=0)

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is greater than 0 if not NA.
.checkNonNeg = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .paramNonNeg(param)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNonNed",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is not NA.
.paramNoNa = function(param){
    pass = all(! is.na(param))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is not NA.
.checkNoNa = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    pass = all(! is.na(param))
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNa",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is an unique id.
.checkIsUniqueId = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    .checkIsId(param, name, cname)
    .checkUnique(param, name, cname)

#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is an id.
.checkIsId = function(param, name, cname=c()){
    .checkNumeric(param, name, cname)
    .checkNonNeg(param, name, cname)
    .checkNoNa(param, name, cname)

#TODO: needed? Would be checkIsOptionalId()
#' @describeIn checks checks if `param` is an optional id.
.paramIsOptionalId = function(param, name){
    if(! .paramNonNeg(param)) .stop('idNonNeg', name)
    if(! is.numeric(param)) .stop("idNotNum", name)

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements in `...` have the same number of elements.
.checkSameLength = function(cname, ...){
    if(missing(cname) || is.null(cname)) stop("name of the calling funtion has to be set!")
    params = list(...)
    names(params) = lapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], deparse)
    paramsPrintLength = vapply(params, function(x){ifelse(is.null(x),"<ignored>",as.character(length(x)))}, character(1))
    ## ignore NULL element (i.e. parameter not set)
    params[vapply(params, is.null, logical(1))] = NULL
    paramsLength = vapply(params, length, integer(1))

    test = length(unique(paramsLength))==1
    if(!test) .stop("paramDifferentLength",
                               paste(names(params), paramsLength, 
                                     sep=":", collapse = ", ")

#' @describeIn checks checks if any element in `...` is not NULL.
.paramAnyNotNull = function(name, ...){
    if(missing(name) || is.null(name)) stop("name of the calling funtion has to be set!")
    params = list(...)

    pass = any(!vapply(params, is.null, logical(1)))

#' @describeIn checks checks if any element in `...` is not NULL.
.checkAnyNotNull = function(name, cname=c(), ...){
    if(missing(name) || is.null(name)) .stop("paramMissing", "name")
    params = list(...)
    pass = .paramAnyNotNull(name, ...)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramAllNull", .formatLog(.formatParams(name, "or"), cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if the elements in `A` are unique.
.elementsUnique = function(A){
    pass = length(A)==length(unique(A))

#' @describeIn checks checks if the elements in `A` are unique.
.checkUnique = function(A, name, cname=c()){
    if(!.elementsUnique(A)) .stop("paramNotUnique",.formatLog(name, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if the elements in the columns `cols` of `DF` are unique.
.elementsUniqueDF = function(DF, cols){
    pass = !any(unlist(plyr::dlply(DF, cols,function(x){nrow(x)>1})))

#' @describeIn checks checks if the elements in the columns `cols` of `DF` are unique.
.checkUniqueDF = function(DF, cols, cname=c()){
    pass = .elementsUniqueDF(DF, cols)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramNotUnique", .formatLog(cols, cname))

#' @describeIn checks checks if the elements of `A` are in `.DICT[[key]]`.
.elementsInDict = function(A, key){
    pass = all(A %in% .DICT[[key]])

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of `A` are present in `B`.
.elementsBContainsAllA = function(A, B){
    pass = all(A %in% B)

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of `A` are present in `B`.
.checkBContainsAllA = function(A, B, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .elementsBContainsAllA(A, B)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramWrongValue", c(.formatLog(name, cname),.formatParams(B, con="or")))

#' @describeIn checks checks if `B` contains all elements of `A`, aka. references.
.checkRefs = function(A, B, name, cname=c()){
        pass = TRUE
        pass = .elementsBContainsAllA(A, B)
    if(!pass) .stop("idRefNotFound", c(.formatLog(name[1], cname), .formatQuote(name[2])))

#' @describeIn checks checks if a referred aspect of class `cls` is accessible by `key` in `A`.
.checkRefPresent = function(A, key, cls, name, cname=c()){
    pass = key %in% names(A)
    if(!pass) .stop("idRefNotPresent", c(.formatQuote(cls), .formatLog(name, cname)))
    .checkClass(A[[key]], cls, name, cname)

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of a list `L` are numeric.
.listAllNumeric = function(L){
    pass = all(vapply(L, function(x){is.numeric(x)||is.na(x)||is.null(x)}, logical(1)))

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of a list `L` are numeric.
.checkAllNumeric = function(L, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .listAllNumeric(L)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramListAllWrongClass", c(.formatLog(name, cname),.formatQuote("numeric")))

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of a list `L` are numeric or in `.DICT[[key]]`.
.listAllNumericOrInDict = function(L, key){
    pass = all(vapply(L, function(x){is.numeric(x)||is.na(x)||is.null(x)||(x %in% .DICT[[key]])}, logical(1)))

#' @describeIn checks checks if all elements of a list `L` are numeric or in `.DICT[[key]]`.
.checkAllNumericOrInDict = function(L, key, name, cname=c()){
    pass = .listAllNumericOrInDict(L, key)
    if(!pass) .stop("paramListAllWrongClass",c(.formatLog(name, cname),"numeric"))
frankkramer-lab/RCX documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 5:12 p.m.